# FFmpeg VVC En/decoder & xHE-AAC installation (Windows, Mac OS and Linux)

Windows, Mac and Linux (Preview of VVC video in FFplay):


# Play video file

You can play VVC video codec with .h266, .vvc, .266 and anything or .mp4 mixed with VVC codec:

ffplay_vvceasy versatile.266

Or if you have xHE-AAC audio codec:

ffplay_vvceasy -codec:a libfdk_aac -i versatile.m4a

# Limitations of FFmpeg VVC encoder

Before encode to VVC video codec, see the limitations below.

libvvenc (FFmpeg vvc version) works for:

- Pixel format ⚠️ (only pixel format 10 bit)
- Video size (auto detects, but it doesn't detect for SAR and DAR anamorphic is glitch and corrupts the video) ⚠️ (Better way to use vvencapp without FFmpeg)
- Frame rate ✅ (auto detects)
- MP4/TS Mux ✅ (only works for stable if it's encoded VVC with MP4 or TS on FFmpeg and mp4box for muxing still works)
- Mux MP4/TS container from raw bitstream on FFmpeg ⚠️ (the first frame freezes may just print error messages for libvvdec when muxed and seeking in FFmpeg, use mp4box for recommendation)
- Matroska mux ⚠️ (Only matroska mux has an experimental, causing problem of the video sync delay with audio and others for FFmpeg libvvdec. It is unofficial support)
- Demux ✅
- Audio with encode VVC ✅
- Broadcasting ✅ (MPEG-TS)
- Streaming ✅ (MPEG-DASH)
- Bitrates ✅
- Passes ⚠️ (you may need get passes using vvenc params on FFmpeg VVCEasy or use vvencapp)
- Presets ✅
- QP ✅
- HDR ✅

Built in libvvenc for FFmpeg command:

ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -c:v libvvenc -qp 37 -preset slow example.266

For more options for libvvenc in FFmpeg VVCEasy version, type `ffmpeg_vvceasy -h encoder=libvvenc` for available commands.

Additional command: You can convert to VVC video without taking a much space for vvencapp, example:

ffmpeg -i example.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p -f yuv4mpegpipe - | vvencapp --y4m -i - --preset medium --qp 35 -o converted.266

Converting xHE-AAC to AAC audio:

ffmpeg -c:a libfdk_aac -i mymusic.m4a -c:a aac -b:a 128k mymusic.aac

Replace video size for `-s` and frame rate for `-r`.

### Update 21th May 2022 of FFmpeg vvdec support

Good news, you can play .mp4 file after .h266 and audio format were merged into mp4 playable of VVC.

About [xHE-AAC](https://www.iis.fraunhofer.de/en/ff/amm/broadcast-streaming/xheaac.html), now it's available decode support xHE-AAC of FFmpeg. [Exhale](https://gitlab.com/ecodis/exhale) (encoder) is free to use and open source, but if you want Fraunhofer IIS xHE-AAC, you can download [EZ CD Audio Converter](https://www.poikosoft.com/music-converter) for Windows only. You can also merge your encoded xHE-AAC audio into mp4 too.

To make playable mp4 with audio and video together, you need VVC video encoded, audio file and [GPAC Nightly build](https://gpac.wp.imt.fr/downloads/gpac-nightly-builds/). Code for mp4box/gpac to merge VVC video encoded and audio file:
mp4box -add video.266 -add audio.m4a -new convertedvvc.mp4

Containers are also acceptable video containers of .mkv, .mp4, .mov and more.

For Linux and Mac OS users: Replace **mp4box** by **gpac**

# FFmpeg Downloads (xHE-AAC & VVC en/decoder plugin compiled by Martin Eesmaa)

[Windows x64](https://mega.nz/file/2p9UmAJQ#ruJqmmFqCbwgIEeYaVjTF9_VzU5iZ8jIVuunUMsf3Cc)

[Mac OS x86_64](https://mega.nz/file/f08UFTbA#TCQ1KKGaa_kX0MFHOdoJ9hJbL3DZKpo3KLbopzLSVjc)

[Linux x64](https://mega.nz/file/D9dglQpL#YWY_WhHXPj0bZF4NR4sQEUNqx5FxUGl2zuQ8N1Mhkj0) (Only FFplay static won't work)

[FFmpeg-FixVVC archived old source code](https://mega.nz/file/G81QyT5S#jcbE1sYPEy1OMIDPCF8BPeAK-3KAGF50u23MVJzmBgw) (old)

### Note about downloads

I use always Windows to compile FFmpeg, so I forgot to compile every time for Mac OS and Linux. Also, please check changelog before you download the new version.

### Changelog
12/11/2023: New FFmpeg 6.1+ latest VVCEasy build with updated vvenc, vvdec and others. Released new Mac OS x86_64 build.
10/10/2023: Updated FFmpeg features with vvenc and vvdec on Windows build.
21/09/2023: Added zimg and soxr features build configuration on Windows FFmpeg.
20/09/2023: Update vvenc & libraries on FFmpeg.
16/09/2023: Update libraries.
11/08/2023: Update vvdec.
07/08/2023: Added Ittiam Systems MPEG-H 3D Audio encoder and others were updated.
30/07/2023: Updated external features, including vvenc & vvdec. Added XPSNR filter support.
22/06/2023: Updated Linux FFmpeg by FFmpeg commits and other libraries. (still does not work for FFplay static only, others working fine)
21/06/2023: Updated vvenc and FFmpeg commits.
17/06/2023: Updated of vvenc, vvdec, dav1d, FFmpeg commits and others.
01/05/2023: Added missing libvmaf feature in FFmpeg VVCEasy only.
19/04/2023: Updated of vvenc, vvdec, FFmpeg commits and others.
03/04/2023: New FFmpeg master latest VVCEasy builds with updated vvenc, vvdec and added libvmaf & libjxl. Removed AC4 for compilation/decoder errors for new AC4 audio files.
03/02/2023: Updated vvenc library on Windows FFmpeg VVCEasy build.
02/02/2023: Updated vvenc library and others on Windows FFmpeg VVCEasy build.
29/01/2023: Updated vvenc, vvdec and other libraries on Windows FFmpeg VVCEasy build.
10/01/2023: Updated vvenc latest and others.
05/01/2023: Update Linux FFmpeg static builds (still does not work for FFplay static only, others working fine)
30/12/2022: Improved vvenc codes of FFmpeg VVCEasy, thanks Thomas Siedel from Spin Digital! TIP: Type "ffmpeg_vvceasy -h encoder=libvvenc" for FFmpeg vvenc available. See the new vvenc patch: https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/project/ffmpeg/list/?series=7922
23/12/2022: Update all libraries, fix MP4-ALS mono audio & added libcodec2 to FFmpeg.
07/12/2022: Update vvenc, vvdec and others. Fixed Windows N version. (#22)
20/10/2022: Add Linux static binaries of FFmpeg, but only FFplay does not work only.
11/10/2022: Removed libvorbis + updated SDL2 latest.
10/10/2022: Revert from flt to s16 for two decoders of libvorbis & libspeex.
10/10/2022: Removed libvmaf (reason: not working), added libvorbis + libspeex improve decode quality. 
30/09/2022: Improved vmaf (float, built models to FFmpeg) & updated sdl2. Update: Fixed libvmaf models
24/09/2022: Improved libvmaf up to date of FFmpeg code + update dav1d & vvenc.
07/09/2022: Added Dolby AC4 decoder + updated vvenc/vvdec.
01/09/2022: Added libopus with latest version for improve decode quality, libdav1d and libvmaf (optional if they want calculate score by vvc video and original video).
29/08/2022: Brought back vvenc.

# Mac OS downloaders (Important note)

Please note, this is not a malware of my compiled build, see the three screenshots to make run FFmpeg tools customized version

You need to allow the app on your Mac OS for chmod write access & Security & Privacy:

Step 1: Click cancel button, do not move to bin.

![Kuvatõmmis 2022-06-18 103427](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88035011/174431074-10a867d3-787a-47aa-9910-53fcef89e30e.png)

Step 2: Go to Security & Privacy on Mac OS Settings app, then check App Store & identified developers or anywhere is on. Click "Allow anyway" to unblock an application.

![Kuvatõmmis 2022-06-18 103518](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88035011/174431083-1d1d9b2b-5b45-425e-86d1-015e44588b4e.png)

Step 3: Click "Open" button, this does not hurt your computer.

![Kuvatõmmis 2022-06-18 103557](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/88035011/174431086-9eb0df35-2fde-4ca7-99d4-2efa45a0a946.png)

### Build Mac OS for FFmpeg VVC build






Code to build FFmpeg VVC version:

brew install libxml2 ffmpeg fdk-aac nasm
git clone https://github.com/fraunhoferhhi/vvenc
git clone https://github.com/fraunhoferhhi/vvdec
cd vvenc && mkdir build && cd build
sudo cmake --build . --target install -j $nproc
cd ../../
cd vvdec && mkdir build && cd build
sudo cmake --build . --target install -j $nproc
cd ../../
git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/FFmpeg-FixVVC
cd FFmpeg-FixVVC
./configure --enable-libfdk-aac --enable-libvvenc --enable-libvvdec --enable-static --enable-pic --enable-libxml2 --pkg-config-flags="--static" --enable-sdl2
make -j

# Linux builders (Important for FFplay)

You can build using [Linux script](libvvdecffmpeg.sh).

If you want actually play VVC file with FFplay on your local distro, you need to remove command `--extra-ldexeflags="-static"`, otherwise it might give result segmentation fault for FFplay static only.

If compiling is success and finished, you can install FFmpeg VVC for using the code:

mv ffmpeg ffmpeg_vvceasy
mv ffplay ffplay_vvceasy
mv ffprobe ffprobe_vvceasy
sudo cp ffmpeg_vvceasy ffplay_vvceasy ffprobe_vvceasy /usr/local/bin

# Special thanks

VVC programmers of FFmpeg:

Original author: [@FFmpeg](https://github.com/FFmpeg) Repository: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg

[@lehmann-c](https://github.com/lehmann-c) (Christian Lehmann) Repository: https://github.com/lehmann-c/FFmpeg

[@tbiat](https://github.com/tbiat) (Thibaud Biatek) Repository: https://github.com/tbiat/FFmpeg

VVC encoder programmer to FFmpeg: [@IsaMorphic](https://github.com/IsaMorphic) (Isabelle Santin) Repository: https://github.com/IsaMorphic/FFmpeg-VVC

[@MartinEesmaa](https://github.com/MartinEesmaa) (Martin Eesmaa) Repository: https://github.com/MartinEesmaa/FFmpeg-VVC

[@NuoMi](https://github.com/nuomi2021) of some codes and [Thomas Siedel](https://patchwork.ffmpeg.org/project/ffmpeg/list/?series=8577) of new external VVC encoder & decoder.

AC4 decoder programmer to FFmpeg: [@richardpl](https://github.com/richardpl) (Paul B Mahol) Repository: https://github.com/richardpl/FFmpeg/tree/ac4

AC4 support in mp4 container: [@AUGxhub](https://github.com/AUGxhub) Repository: https://github.com/AUGxhub/FFmpeg/tree/patch-1

-   Martin Eesmaa