echo off cls title Martin Eesmaa / VVCEasy echo MARTIN EESMAA / VVCEasy echo Welcome to VVCEasy. pause goto start :start cls echo What do you like to do for encode/decode VVC? echo 1. Encode (construction) echo 2. Decode (construction) echo 3. Help (construction) echo 4. Exit echo 5. Test benchmark (construction) echo 6. Install VLC Media Player (o266player, Windows x64) set /p VVCSTART=Number: if %VVCSTART% == 1 goto encodestart if %VVCSTART% == 2 goto decodestart if %VVCSTART% == 3 goto help if %VVCSTART% == 4 goto exit if %VVCSTART% == 5 goto test if %VVCSTART% == 6 goto vlc :encodestart cls echo Welcome to VVC encoder. echo What do you like to make VVC encode? echo 1. Default settings echo 2. Best settings echo 3. Go back to menu set /p goodvvcenc= if %goodvvcenc% == 1 goto defaultvvcenc1 if %goodvvcenc% == 2 goto bestvvcenc1 if %goodvvcenc% == 3 goto start :defaultvvcenc1 echo Okay, did you encode to YUV/Y4M? echo 1. Yes (YUV) echo 2. Yes (Y4M) echo 3. No set /p encoderyu4m= if %encoderyu4m% == 1 goto YUVdefaultsetting if %encoderyu4m% == 2 goto Y4Mdefaultsetting if %encoderyu4m% == 3 goto nextoptionsetting :test cls title TEST BENCHMARK echo Martin Eesmaa is testing your benchmark for two settings between default and best settings. echo Are you ready to test? (Y/N) set /p readytestbefore= if %readytestbefore% == Y goto nowtestingtime if %readytestbefore% == N goto start if %readytestbefore% == y goto nowtestingtime if %readytestbefore% == n goto start :nowtestingtime cd /d "%~dp0" cd 7Zip :exit cls title Have a nice day! echo Have a nice day :) echo Copyright 2021 Martin Eesmaa echo ------------END---------------- pause exit :vlc cls color 6F title VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) echo Hello, would you like to install VLC Media Player (v3.0.11.1 Vetinari, custom build of o266player) on your computer? echo Before you install... echo The VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) works only on Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows Server 2022, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server 2016. echo Windows XP and older won't work. echo You need must run 64-bit. On 32-bit, it won't work. echo Install? Y/N? set /p vlcinstall= if %vlcinstall% == Y goto vlcinstaller if %vlcinstall% == N goto start if %vlcinstall% == y goto vlcinstaller if %vlcinstall% == n goto start :vlcinstaller wget