echo off pushd "%~dp0" echo. echo :: Checking For Administrator Elevation... echo. timeout /t 1 /nobreak > NUL openfiles > NUL 2>&1 if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo Elevation found! Proceeding... ) else ( echo :: You are NOT running as Administrator echo. echo Right-click and select ^'Run as Administrator^' and try again. echo Press any key to exit... pause > NUL exit ) goto welcomenow :welcomenow cls title Martin Eesmaa / VVCEasy echo MARTIN EESMAA / VVCEasy echo Welcome to VVCEasy. (Alpha version, v.0.0.1) pause goto start :start title Martin Eesmaa / VVCEasy color 07 cls echo What would you like to do for encode/decode of VVC? echo 1. Encode (partial construction) echo 2. Decode (little construction) echo 3. Help echo 4. Exit echo 5. Test path environment echo 6. Install VLC Media Player (o266player, Windows x64) echo 7. Install quickly through Anaconda for ffmpeg (Windows) echo 8. Install VVdec Web Player echo 9. Decompress WindowsVVC.7z (Before you use VVCEasy!!!) set /p VVCSTART=Number: if %VVCSTART% == 1 goto encodestart if %VVCSTART% == 2 goto decodestart if %VVCSTART% == 3 goto help if %VVCSTART% == 4 goto exit if %VVCSTART% == 5 goto test if %VVCSTART% == 6 goto vlc if %VVCSTART% == 7 goto conda if %VVCSTART% == 8 goto installvvdecweb if %VVCSTART% == 9 goto decompresswin7z :encodestart title Encode to VVC cls echo Welcome to VVC encoder. echo What do you like encode to VVC? echo Before we move to settings quality, is your video lossy or lossless? echo 1. Lossy (example YouTube videos, Web videos, lossy compressed videos, and other webs) echo 2. Lossless (example XIPH Media, Camera uncompressed (MOV/MP4/AVI), Apple ProRes and others uncompressed files) echo 3. Go back to menu set /p vvencquestion1=Number: if %vvencquestion1% == 1 goto losslessvvenc1 if %vvencquestion1% == 2 goto lossyvvenc1 if %vvencquestion1% == 3 goto start :losslessvvenc1 title Lossless (uncompressed) cls echo Okay, you chose Lossless (uncompressed). echo Now for settings quality. Choose settings. echo It is recommended to use Lossless settings. Others are not recommended, will lose your video quality. echo 1. Lossless/Best settings (Recommended) echo 2. Lossy settings (Not recommended) echo 3. Default settings (Not recommended) echo 4. Go back from previous echo 5. Go back from menu set /p vvencquestion2=Number: if %vvencquestion2% == 1 goto losslessvvenc2 if %vvencquestion2% == 2 goto lossyvvenc2 if %vvencquestion2% == 3 goto defaultvvenc2 if %vvencquestion2% == 4 goto encodestart if %vvencquestion2% == 5 goto start :losslessvvenc2 title Lossless settings with Lossless uncompressed (VVC Encoder) cls echo Do you have Y4M? echo If you have Y4M already, move your Y4M file into C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\ echo If you do not have Y4M, your instruction will go to next... echo 1. I have Y4M already (I am ready) echo 2. I do not have Y4M set /p doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3=Number: if %doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3% == 1 goto startlosslessvvenc2 if %doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3% == 2 goto nextmoviefilestypeoflosslessvvenc2 :startlosslessvvenc2 cls title Sorry... echo SORRY! CONSTRUCTION MODE! Sorry for long code. This command will go back to menu... timeout 3 goto start :decodestart explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\WindowsVVC" cls title Decode from VVC to YUV/Y4M echo Do you want to transcode back from VVC to YUV or Y4M? Which did you choose settings? Choosing settings will transcode back. echo You need copy from your VVC file to C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\WindowsVVC\. Windows Explorer will open automatically. echo After copying your VVC file into VVCEasy folder, you need rename to VVC.vvc. It will transcode from your VVC file to YUV/Y4M. echo After transcoding, your transcoded file should be: C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback echo 1. YUV (lossy video VVC) echo 2. Y4M (lossless video VVC) set /p decodestart1=Number: if %decodestart1% == 1 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV if %decodestart1% == 2 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M :DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV cls title STARTING TRANSCODING BACK FROM VVC TO YUV... mkdir transcodedback cd WindowsVVC vvdecapp -b VVC.vvc -o VVCTOYUV.yuv move VVCTOYUV.yuv ../ move VVCTOYUV.yuv transcodedback explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback" echo FINISHED. Going back to menu... timeout 3 goto start :DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M cls title STARTING TRANSCODING BACK FROM VVC TO Y4M... mkdir transcodedback cd WindowsVVC vvdecapp -b VVC.vvc --y4m -o VVCTOYUV.y4m move VVCTOYUV.y4m ../ move VVCTOYUV.y4m transcodedback explorer "C:\Program Files\VVCEasy\transcodedback" echo FINISHED. Going back to menu... timeout 3 goto start :test cls title TEST PATH ENVIRONMENT echo Martin Eesmaa is testing your paths, that you installed programs in PATH. Not sure, what is path? echo You can go here: echo Also you can search "What is PATH in Windows?" in DuckDuckGo or SearX. echo Are you ready to test? (Y/N) set /p readytestbefore=Answer: if %readytestbefore% == Y goto nowtestingtime if %readytestbefore% == N goto start if %readytestbefore% == y goto nowtestingtime if %readytestbefore% == n goto start :nowtestingtime title Testing time... 7z ffmpeg ffplay wget git echo You need exit in Python typing "exit()". py echo Did that work in your PATH? Y/N? set /p testdidworkq=Answer: if %testdidworkq% == Y goto youdidworktest if %testdidworkq% == N goto ahhdidnotwork if %testdidworkq% == y goto youdidworktest if %testdidworkq% == n goto ahhdidnotwork :youdidworktest title Great! echo Great, your PATHS working now. Now back to menu... timeout 3 goto start :ahhdidnotwork title Sorry... echo Sorry, your path environment did not work. Make sure follow that needs to be add it on paths installation like Python. echo Still not working? You can ask question in Stack Overflow pause goto start :exit cls title Have a wonderful day! echo Have a wonderful day! Thanks for using VVCEasy. :) ::: _ _ _ ::: | | | | | | ::: | |_| |__ __ _ _ __ | | ___ _ ___ _ _ ::: | __| '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / | | |/ _ \| | | | ::: | |_| | | | (_| | | | | <| |_| | (_) | |_| | ::: \__|_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\\__, |\___/ \__,_| ::: __/ | ::: |___/ ::: __ ____ _______ ______ ::: \ \ / /\ \ / / ____| ____| ::: \ \ / / \ \ / / | | |__ __ _ ___ _ _ ::: \ \/ / \ \/ /| | | __| / _` / __| | | | ::: \ / \ / | |____| |___| (_| \__ \ |_| | ::: \/ \/ \_____|______\__,_|___/\__, | ::: __/ | ::: |___/ ::: __ __ _ _ ______ ::: | \/ | | | (_) | ____| ::: | \ / | __ _ _ __| |_ _ _ __ | |__ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __ _ __ _ ::: | |\/| |/ _` | '__| __| | '_ \ | __| / _ \/ __| '_ ` _ \ / _` |/ _` | ::: | | | | (_| | | | |_| | | | | | |___| __/\__ \ | | | | | (_| | (_| | ::: |_| |_|\__,_|_| \__|_|_| |_| |______\___||___/_| |_| |_|\__,_|\__,_| for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ::: "%~f0"') do @echo(%%A echo Copyright 2021 Martin Eesmaa echo ------------END---------------- timeout 5 /nobreak exit :vlc color 6F title VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) cls echo Hello, would you like to install VLC Media Player (v3.0.11.1 Vetinari, custom build of o266player) on your computer? echo Before you install... echo The VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) works only on Windows 7 / Windows Server 2012 or earlier versions. echo Windows Vista and older versions will not work, because it could be terminal error or/and cannot decode VVC format. echo You need 64-bit / x64 to run VLC custom build. On 32-bit / x86, it will not work to run. echo Install? Y/N? set /p vlcinstall=Answer: if %vlcinstall% == Y goto vlcinstaller if %vlcinstall% == N goto start if %vlcinstall% == y goto vlcinstaller if %vlcinstall% == n goto start :vlcinstaller wget mkdir VLC copy 7-Zip VLC move vlc- VLC cd VLC del /q readme.txt del /q license.txt del /q History.txt 7z x vlc- del /q 7z.dll del /q 7z.exe del /q vlc- cd ../ color 6E cls echo SUCCESSFUL! Now, would you like to download test sample VVC file test it out to VLC custom build of o266player? echo If yes, wget will download the example of VVC file and run to VLC a few seconds. echo If No, you will be prompted go back to menu. echo TIP: Run VLC.exe on your own VVC file for example, if your input frame rate is 30 and you encoded to VVC same frame rate input file. echo Example to run correctly frame rate on your VVC of VLC command: vlc.exe yourownfile.266 --no-drop-late-frames --avformat-fps=30 set /p vlccompleted=Answer: if %vlccompleted% == Y goto sample266 if %vlccompleted% == N goto start if %vlccompleted% == y goto sample266 if %vlccompleted% == n goto start :sample266 color 07 wget move VVCEasy.266 VLC cd VLC echo Note, if VLC modified version is not starting, try to run VLC Verified and Modified Version on your computer? vlc.exe VVCEasy.266 --no-drop-late-frames --avformat-fps=24 cd ../ echo OK! Test completed successfully! timeout 5 goto start :conda cls title ANACONDA echo Welcome to Anaconda Quick Install. This will only one task for ffmpeg. Would you like to install? Y/N? set /p anacondaman=Answer: if %anacondaman% == Y goto condainstall if %anacondaman% == N goto start if %anacondaman% == y goto condainstall if %anacondaman% == n goto start :condainstall conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg echo SUCCESS, going to back menu... pause goto start :help cls echo Welcome to VVCEasy help instructions! echo Here is tutorial... How to use VVCEasy? pause echo Step 1: Run on VVCEasy.bat. When you see the screen of Welcome to VVCEasy. You can press any key continue to main menu. echo Step 2: Here are the list of main menus, that you need type any number will go to direction like (goto) command. echo Step 3: Follow the command instructions and that is easy. pause echo If you have any problems that you do not understand of VVCEasy. Please contact to Martin Eesmaa by creating issues for questions or/and problems. echo Do you want to start over help instructions? If yes, then it will go back from beginning. If No, going to back menu. Y/N? set /p helper=Answer: if %helper% == Y goto help if %helper% == N goto start if %helper% == y goto help if %helper% == n goto start :installvvdecweb cls title VVdec Web Player. echo Welcome to VVDEC Web Player. echo By installing, you will have to agree to download VVDec Web Player from Fraunhoferhhi GitHub. echo See the code of VVDEC Web Player: echo When you agree to install, it will clone of VVDec Web Player repository using git. After git, we will copy from VVDECWEBINSTALL files into vvdecWebPlayer/bin folder. echo After all of that, we will run Python to start web server of your localhost port 8000. echo Would you like to install of VVDEC Web Player? set /p okletsdoit=Answer: if %okletsdoit% == Y goto installnowplayer if %okletsdoit% == N goto start if %okletsdoit% == y goto installnowplayer if %okletsdoit% == n goto start :installnowplayer cls title INSTALLING VVDEC WEB PLAYER... git clone copy vvdecapp.js ../vvdecWebPlayer/bin copy vvdecapp.worker.js ../vvdecWebPlayer/bin copy vvdecapp.wasm ../vvdecWebPlayer/bin cd vvdecWebPlayer wget rename VVCEasy.266 dummy_raw_bitstream.266 echo Note: If you want to go back to menu, press CTRL + C on your keyboard in Windows Terminal/CMD and type "Y" to terminate server and this will go back to main menu options. echo The python file is porting 8000 on your localhost computer. py cd ../ echo Thanks for trying out of VVDEC Web Player. If you want to run on your VVDEC Web Player Server, go to folder of vvdecWebPlayer and run one click echo Press any key to go back menu. timeout 10 goto start :decompresswin7z cls title WindowsVVC.7z (decompressing) echo Decompressing........ cd WindowsVVC 7z x WindowsVVC.7z certutil -hashfile vvencapp.exe SHA512 certutil -hashfile vvdecapp.exe SHA512 certutil -hashfile vvencFFapp.exe SHA512 certutil -hashfile vvencinterfacetest.exe SHA512 certutil -hashfile vvenclibtest.exe SHA512 rename SHA512SUMS SHA512SUMS.txt SHA512SUMS.txt echo Now please make sure double check that needs to be same hash. If it is matches hash same as .exe of SHA512SUMS.txt and CertUtil. That means good. echo If the hashes are not matched correctly, please contact Martin Eesmaa for problem. pause echo Thank you for decompressing WindowsVVC.7z... Now back to menu. timeout 3 goto start