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synced 2025-03-16 11:10:05 +01:00
remove o266player, no new commits than one year
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@ -58,24 +58,22 @@ echo 2. Decode
echo 3. Help
echo 4. Exit
echo 5. Install/Test path environment
echo 6. Install VLC Media Player (o266player, Windows x64)
echo 7. Install quickly through Anaconda for ffmpeg (Windows)
echo 8. Install/Update VVdec Web Player
echo 9. Decompress WindowsVVC.7z (Before you use new VVCEasy version!!!)
echo 10. Install vvDecPlayer from BitMovin
echo 11. Install VLC VTM Plugins (Windows x64 of VLC, plugins by Inter Digital Inc)
echo 6. Install quickly through Anaconda (Python distribution) for ffmpeg (Windows)
echo 7. Install/Update VVdec Web Player
echo 8. Decompress WindowsVVC.7z (Before you use new VVCEasy version!!!)
echo 9. Install vvDecPlayer from BitMovin
echo 10. Install VLC VTM Plugins (Windows x64 of VLC, plugins by Inter Digital Inc)
set /p VVCSTART=Number:
if %VVCSTART% == 1 goto encodestart
if %VVCSTART% == 2 goto decodestart
if %VVCSTART% == 3 goto help
if %VVCSTART% == 4 goto exit
if %VVCSTART% == 5 goto test
if %VVCSTART% == 6 goto vlc
if %VVCSTART% == 7 goto conda
if %VVCSTART% == 8 goto installvvdecweb
if %VVCSTART% == 9 goto decompresswin7z
if %VVCSTART% == 10 goto installbitmovin
if %VVCSTART% == 11 goto vlcvtmplugininstall
if %VVCSTART% == 6 goto conda
if %VVCSTART% == 7 goto installvvdecweb
if %VVCSTART% == 8 goto decompresswin7z
if %VVCSTART% == 9 goto installbitmovin
if %VVCSTART% == 10 goto vlcvtmplugininstall
title Encode to VVC
@ -281,72 +279,16 @@ echo Have a wonderful day! Thank you for using VVCEasy. :)
for /f "delims=: tokens=*" %%A in ('findstr /b ::: "%~f0"') do @echo(%%A
echo Copyright 2021-2022 Martin Eesmaa
echo Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Martin Eesmaa
echo ------------END----------------
echo ------------ END OF THE PROGRAM ----------------
timeout 5 /nobreak
color 6F
title VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
echo Hello, would you like to install VLC Media Player (v3.0.11.1 Vetinari, custom build of o266player) on your computer?
echo Before you install for VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
echo The VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) works only on Windows 7 / Windows Server 2012 or earlier versions.
echo Windows Vista and older versions will not work, including Windows 8.0 won't work too, because it could be terminal error or/and cannot decode VVC format.
echo You need 64-bit / x64 to run VLC custom build. On 32-bit / x86, it will not work to run.
echo Note: Some operating system work VLC custom build on Virtualbox and VMware. Real machines can all almost run Windows versions, like Windows Server 2016.
echo Reminder: I'm not kinda sure about this, I hope should you're running on real machine, that means it needs to be working to load VVC video format.
echo Install? Y/N?
set /p vlcinstall=Answer:
if %vlcinstall% == Y goto vlcinstaller
if %vlcinstall% == N goto start
if %vlcinstall% == y goto vlcinstaller
if %vlcinstall% == n goto start
title Downloading VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/hs7yoa9hkxa6ugd/vlc-
mkdir VLC
copy 7-Zip VLC
move vlc- VLC
cd VLC
7z x vlc-
del /q "7z.exe" "7z.dll" "readme.txt" "license.txt" "History.txt" "vlc-"
cd ../
color 6E
title Successful of VLC Media Player (o266player) installation.
echo SUCCESSFUL! Now, would you like to download test sample VVC file test it out to VLC custom build of o266player?
echo If yes, wget will download the example of VVC file and run to VLC a few seconds.
echo If No, you will be prompted go back to menu.
echo TIP: Run VLC.exe on your own VVC file for example, if your input frame rate is 30 and you encoded to VVC same frame rate input file.
echo Example to run correctly frame rate on your VVC of VLC command: vlc.exe yourownfile.266 --no-drop-late-frames --avformat-fps=30
set /p vlccompleted=Answer:
if %vlccompleted% == Y goto sample266
if %vlccompleted% == N goto start
if %vlccompleted% == y goto sample266
if %vlccompleted% == n goto start
color 07
title Moving from VVCEasy.266 to VLC folder...
move VVCEasy.266 VLC
cd VLC
title Running on VLC Media Player (o266player)...
echo Note, if VLC modified version is not starting, try to run VLC Verified and Modified Version on your computer or wait a few minutes...
vlc.exe VVCEasy.266 --no-drop-late-frames --avformat-fps=24
cd ../
title Successfully runned on VLC Media Player (o266player)...
echo OK! Test completed successfully!
timeout 5
goto start
echo Welcome to Anaconda Quick Install. This will only one task for ffmpeg. Would you like to install? Y/N?
echo Welcome to Anaconda (Python Distribution) Quick Install. This will do only one task to download ffmpeg. Would you like to install? Y/N?
set /p anacondaman=Answer:
if %anacondaman% == Y goto condainstall
if %anacondaman% == N goto start
@ -437,7 +379,7 @@ certutil -hashfile vvenclibtest.exe SHA512
rename SHA512SUMS SHA512SUMS.txt
echo Now please make sure double check that needs to be same hash. If it is matches hash same as .exe of SHA512SUMS.txt and CertUtil. That means good.
echo If the hashes are not matched correctly, please contact Martin Eesmaa for problem.
echo If the hashes are not matched correctly, please contact and create issue to Martin Eesmaa/VVCEasy on GitHub for your own problem.
echo Thank you for decompressing WindowsVVC.7z... Now back to menu.
timeout 3
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