mirror of
synced 2025-03-24 07:30:13 +01:00
Fix spaces input error and set VVCSTART else valid
This commit is contained in:
@ -72,20 +72,24 @@ echo 10. Install/Update VLC VTM Plugins (Windows/Linux x64 of VLC plugins by Int
echo 11. Install FFmpeg VVDec support.
echo 12. Install MPV Windows/Android (libvvdec plugin)
echo 13. Tests of VVC videos
set /p VVCSTART=Number:
if %VVCSTART% == 1 goto encodestart
if %VVCSTART% == 2 goto decodestart
if %VVCSTART% == 3 goto help
if %VVCSTART% == 4 goto exit
if %VVCSTART% == 5 goto test
if %VVCSTART% == 6 goto conda
if %VVCSTART% == 7 goto installvvdecweb
if %VVCSTART% == 8 goto decompresswin7z
if %VVCSTART% == 9 goto installbitmovin
if %VVCSTART% == 10 goto vlcvtmplugininstall
if %VVCSTART% == 11 goto ffmpegvvdec
if %VVCSTART% == 12 goto mpvandroidvvc
if %VVCSTART% == 13 goto testsofvideo
set /p VVCSTART=Number:
if "%VVCSTART%" == "1" goto encodestart
if "%VVCSTART%" == "2" goto decodestart
if "%VVCSTART%" == "3" goto help
if "%VVCSTART%" == "4" goto exit
if "%VVCSTART%" == "5" goto test
if "%VVCSTART%" == "6" goto conda
if "%VVCSTART%" == "7" goto installvvdecweb
if "%VVCSTART%" == "8" goto decompresswin7z
if "%VVCSTART%" == "9" goto installbitmovin
if "%VVCSTART%" == "10" goto vlcvtmplugininstall
if "%VVCSTART%" == "11" goto ffmpegvvdec
if "%VVCSTART%" == "12" goto mpvandroidvvc
if "%VVCSTART%" == "13" goto testsofvideo
echo Invalid input. Please enter a number between 1 and 13.
goto start
title Encode to VVC
@ -97,9 +101,9 @@ echo 1. Lossy (example YouTube videos, Web videos, lossy compressed videos, and
echo 2. Lossless (example XIPH Media, Camera uncompressed (MOV/MP4/AVI), Apple ProRes and others uncompressed files)
echo 3. Go back to the menu.
set /p vvencquestion1=Number:
if %vvencquestion1% == 1 goto losslessvvenc2
if %vvencquestion1% == 2 goto lossyvvenc2
if %vvencquestion1% == 3 goto start
if "%vvencquestion1%" == 1 goto losslessvvenc2
if "%vvencquestion1%" == 2 goto lossyvvenc2
if "%vvencquestion1%" == 3 goto start
title Lossless settings with Lossless uncompressed (VVC Encoder)
@ -113,8 +117,8 @@ echo If you don't have Y4M already... you need transcode file from your uncompre
echo Example: ffmpeg -i yourfile.mov -strict 1 yourfinal.y4m
echo Only 8-bit uncompressed movies input to Y4M.
set /p doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3=Number:
if %doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3% == 1 goto startlosslessvvenc2
if %doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3% == 2 goto encodestart
if "%doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3%" == 1 goto startlosslessvvenc2
if "%doyouhavey4mvvencquestion3%" == 2 goto encodestart
@ -138,8 +142,8 @@ echo 2. No, I am not ready yet (go back to previous)
echo If you don't have Y4M already... you need transcode file from your lossy video file to YUV.
echo Example: ffmpeg -i yourfile.mp4 -strict 1 yourfinal.yuv
set /p doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4=Number:
if %doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4% == 1 goto startlossyvvenc2
if %doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4% == 2 goto encodestart
if "%doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4%" == 1 goto startlossyvvenc2
if "%doyouhaveyuvvvencquestion4%" == 2 goto encodestart
@ -150,7 +154,6 @@ echo Here is code: vvencapp --qp 38 -i yourinput.yuv -s 854x480 -r 30 -o yourout
echo YOU HAVE TO REPLACE VIDEO SIZE AND FRAME RATE. -s is video size and -r is frame rate.
echo You can also add for "--tier high" or/and 10-bit video "-c yuv420_10", if necessary.
goto start
@ -166,8 +169,8 @@ echo Portable won't work probably, you need copy from your Downloads folder\VVCE
echo 1. YUV (lossy video VVC)
echo 2. Y4M (lossless video VVC)
set /p decodestart1=Number:
if %decodestart1% == 1 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV
if %decodestart1% == 2 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M
if "%decodestart1%" == 1 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOYUV
if "%decodestart1%" == 2 goto DECODESTARTFROMVVCTOY4M
@ -203,12 +206,12 @@ echo You can go here for link: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4910721/pytho
echo Also you can also search "What is PATH in Windows?" in DuckDuckGo or SearX.
echo Are you ready to test? (Y/N) or type "I" to install path environment.
set /p readytestbefore=Answer:
if %readytestbefore% == Y goto nowtestingtime
if %readytestbefore% == N goto start
if %readytestbefore% == y goto nowtestingtime
if %readytestbefore% == n goto start
if %readytestbefore% == I goto installpath
if %readytestbefore% == i goto installpath
if "%readytestbefore%" == Y goto nowtestingtime
if "%readytestbefore%" == N goto start
if "%readytestbefore%" == y goto nowtestingtime
if "%readytestbefore%" == n goto start
if "%readytestbefore%" == I goto installpath
if "%readytestbefore%" == i goto installpath
title Testing time...
@ -221,10 +224,10 @@ echo You need exit in Python for typing "exit()".
echo Did that work in your PATH? Y/N?
set /p testdidworkq=Answer:
if %testdidworkq% == Y goto youdidworktest
if %testdidworkq% == N goto ahhdidnotwork
if %testdidworkq% == y goto youdidworktest
if %testdidworkq% == n goto ahhdidnotwork
if "%testdidworkq%" == Y goto youdidworktest
if "%testdidworkq%" == N goto ahhdidnotwork
if "%testdidworkq%" == y goto youdidworktest
if "%testdidworkq%" == n goto ahhdidnotwork
title Great!
@ -245,10 +248,10 @@ echo Other programs should need manual, but Python, FFmpeg, wget and git must be
echo Do you want patch 7-Zip on your path environment, so you can type "7z" next time.
echo Would you like to install 7-Zip on your path environments? Y/N? No means go back to test menu.
set /p installpath1=Answer:
if %installpath1% == Y goto installingpath
if %installpath1% == N goto test
if %installpath1% == y goto installingpath
if %installpath1% == n goto test
if "%installpath1%" == Y goto installingpath
if "%installpath1%" == N goto test
if "%installpath1%" == y goto installingpath
if "%installpath1%" == n goto test
title INSTALLING 7-ZIP on your path environments...
@ -302,10 +305,10 @@ cls
echo Welcome to Anaconda (Python Distribution) Quick Install. This will do only one task to download FFmpeg. Would you like to install? Y/N?
set /p anacondaman=Answer:
if %anacondaman% == Y goto condainstall
if %anacondaman% == N goto start
if %anacondaman% == y goto condainstall
if %anacondaman% == n goto start
if "%anacondaman%" == Y goto condainstall
if "%anacondaman%" == N goto start
if "%anacondaman%" == y goto condainstall
if "%anacondaman%" == n goto start
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
@ -325,10 +328,10 @@ pause
echo If you have any problems that you do not understand VVCEasy. Please contact Martin Eesmaa by creating issues for questions or/and problems.
echo Do you want to start over help instructions? If yes, then it will go back from the beginning. If No, going to back menu. Y/N?
set /p helper=Answer:
if %helper% == Y goto help
if %helper% == N goto start
if %helper% == y goto help
if %helper% == n goto start
if "%helper%" == Y goto help
if "%helper%" == N goto start
if "%helper%" == y goto help
if "%helper%" == n goto start
@ -341,12 +344,12 @@ echo After all of that, we will run Python to start web server of your localhost
echo If you already have installed of VVDec Web Player, you can type "U" to update files of VVDec Web Player.
echo Would you like to install VVDEC Web Player?
set /p okletsdoit=Answer:
if %okletsdoit% == Y goto installnowplayer
if %okletsdoit% == N goto start
if %okletsdoit% == y goto installnowplayer
if %okletsdoit% == n goto start
if %okletsdoit% == U goto updatevvdecwebplayer
if %okletsdoit% == u goto updatevvdecwebplayer
if "%okletsdoit%" == Y goto installnowplayer
if "%okletsdoit%" == N goto start
if "%okletsdoit%" == y goto installnowplayer
if "%okletsdoit%" == n goto start
if "%okletsdoit%" == U goto updatevvdecwebplayer
if "%okletsdoit%" == u goto updatevvdecwebplayer
@ -403,14 +406,14 @@ title Install BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin
echo Would you like to install on your operating system?
echo Windows for W, Mac OS for M and Linux for L, Main Menu for N/n.
set /p installbitmovind=Answer:
if %installbitmovind% == W goto installbitmovin1windows
if %installbitmovind% == w goto installbitmovin1windows
if %installbitmovind% == M goto installbitmovin1macos
if %installbitmovind% == m goto installbitmovin1macos
if %installbitmovind% == L goto installbitmovin1linux
if %installbitmovind% == l goto installbitmovin1linux
if %installbitmovind% == N goto start
if %installbitmovindt% == n goto start
if "%installbitmovind%" == W goto installbitmovin1windows
if "%installbitmovind%" == w goto installbitmovin1windows
if "%installbitmovind%" == M goto installbitmovin1macos
if "%installbitmovind%" == m goto installbitmovin1macos
if "%installbitmovind%" == L goto installbitmovin1linux
if "%installbitmovind%" == l goto installbitmovin1linux
if "%installbitmovind%" == N goto start
if "%installbitmovind%" == n goto start
title Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
@ -466,10 +469,10 @@ goto downloadbitmovinvvcsample
echo Would you like to download VVC sample video files from Bitmovin? Y/N?
set /p vvcsampleyeah=Answer:
if %vvcsampleyeah% == Y goto downloadvvcnowbit
if %vvcsampleyeah% == y goto downloadvvcnowbit
if %vvcsampleyeah% == N goto start
if %vvcsampleyeah% == n goto start
if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == Y goto downloadvvcnowbit
if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == y goto downloadvvcnowbit
if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == N goto start
if "%vvcsampleyeah%" == n goto start
title Downloading VVC sample files and Coffee Run JSON & Sprite Fright JSON... from Bitmovin
@ -502,10 +505,10 @@ echo Linux is now available, see Linux installation at: https://github.com/Marti
echo Current version = 3.0.16, latest version 3.0.17-4 (it will work same latest version)
echo Would you like to install VTM plugins to your VLC Media Player? Y/N?
set /p vlcvtmyesorno=Answer:
if %vlcvtmyesorno% == Y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow
if %vlcvtmyesorno% == y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow
if %vlcvtmyesorno% == N goto start
if %vlcvtmyesorno% == n goto start
if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == Y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow
if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == y goto installvlcvtmpluginnow
if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == N goto start
if "%vlcvtmyesorno%" == n goto start
title Installing of VLC VTM Plugins by Inter Digital Inc... (Compiled by Martin Eesmaa)
@ -530,10 +533,10 @@ cls
title FFmpeg VVDec support
echo Hello, would you like to download FFmpeg VVDec support? Y/N?
set /p vvcnow0=Answer:
if %vvcnow0% == Y goto installvvdecffmpegnow
if %vvcnow0% == N goto start
if %vvcnow0% == y goto installvvdecffmpegnow
if %vvcnow0% == n goto start
if "%vvcnow0%" == Y goto installvvdecffmpegnow
if "%vvcnow0%" == N goto start
if "%vvcnow0%" == y goto installvvdecffmpegnow
if "%vvcnow0%" == n goto start
echo Your favorite operating system is available on FFmpeg VVDec support. Please copy the link to a web browser.
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