title VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
echo Hello, would you like to install VLC Media Player (v3.0.11.1 Vetinari, custom build of o266player) on your computer?
echo Before you install for VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
echo The VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player) works only on Windows 7 / Windows Server 2012 or earlier versions.
echo Windows Vista and older versions will not work, including Windows 8.0 won't work too, because it could be terminal error or/and cannot decode VVC format.
echo You need 64-bit / x64 to run VLC custom build. On 32-bit / x86, it will not work to run.
echo Note: Some operating system work VLC custom build on Virtualbox and VMware. Real machines can all almost run Windows versions, like Windows Server 2016.
echo Reminder: I'm not kinda sure about this, I hope should you're running on real machine, that means it needs to be working to load VVC video format.
echo Install? Y/N?
if%vlcinstall%== Y gotovlcinstaller
if%vlcinstall%== N gotostart
if%vlcinstall%== y gotovlcinstaller
if%vlcinstall%== n gotostart
title Downloading VLC Media Player (custom build of o266player)
title Successfully runned on VLC Media Player (o266player)...
echo OK! Test completed successfully!
timeout 5
echo Welcome to Anaconda Quick Install. This will only one task for ffmpeg. Would you like to install? Y/N?
if%anacondaman%== Y gotocondainstall
if%anacondaman%== N gotostart
if%anacondaman%== y gotocondainstall
if%anacondaman%== n gotostart
conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg
echo SUCCESS, going to back menu...
echo Welcome to VVCEasy help instructions!
echo Here is tutorial about... How to use VVCEasy?
echo Step 1: Run on VVCEasy.bat. When you see the screen of Welcome to VVCEasy. You can press any key continue to main menu.
echo Step 2: Here are the list of main menus, that you need type any number will go to direction like (goto) command.
echo Step 3: Follow the command instructions and that is easy.
echo If you have any problems that you do not understand of VVCEasy. Please contact to Martin Eesmaa by creating issues for questions or/and problems.
echo Do you want to start over help instructions? If yes, then it will go back from beginning. If No, going to back menu. Y/N?
if%helper%== Y gotohelp
if%helper%== N gotostart
if%helper%== y gotohelp
if%helper%== n gotostart
title VVdec Web Player.
echo Welcome to VVDEC Web Player.
echo By installing, you will have to agree to download VVDec Web Player from Fraunhoferhhi GitHub.
echo See the code of VVDEC Web Player: https://github.com/fraunhoferhhi/vvdecWebPlayer
echo When you agree to install, it will clone of VVDec Web Player repository using git. After git, we will copy from VVDECWEBINSTALL files into vvdecWebPlayer/bin folder.
echo After all of that, we will run Python to start web server of your localhost port 8000.
echo If you already have installed of VVDec Web Player, you can type "U" to update files of VVDec Web Player.
echo Would you like to install of VVDEC Web Player?
echo Note: If you want to go back to menu, press CTRL + C on your keyboard in Windows Terminal/CMD and type "Y" to terminate server and this will go back to main menu options.
echo The python file is porting 8000 on your localhost computer.
python wasm_test-server.py
cd ../
echo Thanks for trying out of VVDEC Web Player. If you want to run on your VVDEC Web Player Server, go to folder of vvdecWebPlayer and run one click wasm_test-server.py.
echo Press any key to go back menu.
timeout 10
cd vvdecWebPlayer
git pull
cd ../
echo Your up to date is now latest.
echo Returning to main menu...
timeout 3
title WindowsVVC.7z (decompressing)
echo Decompressing........
cd WindowsVVC
7z x WindowsVVC.7z
certutil -hashfile vvencapp.exe SHA512
certutil -hashfile vvdecapp.exe SHA512
certutil -hashfile vvencFFapp.exe SHA512
certutil -hashfile vvencinterfacetest.exe SHA512
certutil -hashfile vvenclibtest.exe SHA512
rename SHA512SUMS SHA512SUMS.txt
echo Now please make sure double check that needs to be same hash. If it is matches hash same as .exe of SHA512SUMS.txt and CertUtil. That means good.
echo If the hashes are not matched correctly, please contact Martin Eesmaa for problem.
echo Thank you for decompressing WindowsVVC.7z... Now back to menu.
timeout 3
title Install BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin
echo Would you like to install on your operating system?
echo Windows for W, Mac OS for M and Linux for L, Main Menu for N/n.
if%installbitmovind%== W gotoinstallbitmovin1windows
if%installbitmovind%== w gotoinstallbitmovin1windows
if%installbitmovind%== M gotoinstallbitmovin1macos
if%installbitmovind%== m gotoinstallbitmovin1macos
if%installbitmovind%== L gotoinstallbitmovin1linux
if%installbitmovind%== l gotoinstallbitmovin1linux
if%installbitmovind%== N gotostart
if%installbitmovindt%== n gotostart
title Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
echo Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
mkdir BitVVDecPlayerWIN
cd BitVVDecPlayerWIN
echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (Windows) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa
echo Successfully running on BitVVDecPlayer, now if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of https://github.com/bitmovin/vvDecPlayer/issues
echo If you receive error, that MSVCP140.DLL is missing, you might need download Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable of 2015-2017-2019-2022: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist
echo Or contact Bitmovin at https://www.bitmovin.com.
title Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
echo Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
mkdir BitVVDecPlayerMAC
cd BitVVDecPlayerMAC
echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (macOS) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa
echo Successfully running on vvDecPlayer, now if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of https://github.com/bitmovin/vvDecPlayer/issues
echo If vvDecPlayer won't work probably, it might be issue that you haven't installed Qt on your Mac OS. Please install using code: "brew install qt" on Homebrew.
echo Or contact Bitmovin at https://www.bitmovin.com.
title Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
echo Installing BitVVDecPlayer from BitMovin...
mkdir BitVVDecPlayerLINUX
cd BitVVDecPlayerLINUX
echo Downloading BitVVDecPlayer (Linux) from Bitmovin, compiled by Martin Eesmaa
echo Successfully running on vvDecPlayer, now if you have any problems, please go to Bitmovin/vvDecPlayer issues of https://github.com/bitmovin/vvDecPlayer/issues
echo You might get this message error, that you can't run vvDecPlayer without Qt framework:
echo ./vvDecPlayer: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libm.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by ./vvDecPlayer)
echo ./vvDecPlayer: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by ./vvDecPlayer)
echo ./vvDecPlayer: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Core.so.5: version `Qt_5.12' not found (required by ./vvDecPlayer)
echo If vvDecPlayer won't work probably, it might be issue that you haven't installed Qt on your Linux. Please install using code: "sudo apt install qt5-default build-essential" on Linux terminal.
echo Or contact Bitmovin at https://www.bitmovin.com.
echo Would you like to download VVC sample video files from Bitmovin? Y/N?
if%vvcsampleyeah%== Y gotodownloadvvcnowbit
if%vvcsampleyeah%== y gotodownloadvvcnowbit
if%vvcsampleyeah%== N gotostart
if%vvcsampleyeah%== n gotostart
title Downloading VVC sample files and Coffee Run JSON & Sprite Fright JSON... from Bitmovin
echo Downloading VVC sample files and Coffee Run JSON & Sprite Fright JSON from Bitmovin...