removing app title, short and long description strings

This commit is contained in:
tibbi 2022-07-04 22:11:11 +02:00
parent cc751c9092
commit 4cc013dfe1
38 changed files with 15 additions and 631 deletions

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@ -75,10 +75,8 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">للأسف هناك حاجة لإرسال مرفقات رسائل الوسائط . عدم القدرة على إرسال رسائل الوسائط هذا سيكون عيبا كبيرا حقا بالمقارنة مع التطبيقات الأخرى ، لذلك قررنا الذهاب من هذا الطريق. ومع ذلك ، كما هو الحال عادة ، لا توجد إعلانات أو تتبع أو تحليلات للنشاط على الإطلاق ، يتم استخدام صلاحية الإنترنت فقط لإرسال رسائل الوسائط المتعددة.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">للأسف هناك حاجة لإرسال مرفقات رسائل الوسائط . عدم القدرة على إرسال رسائل الوسائط هذا سيكون عيبا كبيرا حقا بالمقارنة مع التطبيقات الأخرى ، لذلك قررنا الذهاب من هذا الطريق. ومع ذلك ، كما هو الحال عادة ، لا توجد إعلانات أو تتبع أو تحليلات للنشاط على الإطلاق ، يتم استخدام صلاحية الإنترنت فقط لإرسال رسائل الوسائط المتعددة.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have --> <!--
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it --> Haven't found some strings? There's more at
<string name="app_title">الرسائل البسيطة - إدارة الرسائل بسهولة</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters --> -->
<string name="app_short_description">طريقة سهلة وسريعة لإدارة الرسائل القصيرة ورسائل الوسائط المتعددة بدون إعلانات.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> .طريقة رائعة للبقاء على اتصال مع أقاربك، عن طريق إرسال رسائل SMS وMMS على حد سواء. يتعامل التطبيق بشكل صحيح مع المراسلات الجماعية أيضا ، تماما مثل حظر الأرقام من Android 7+. وهو يقدم العديد من تنسيقات التاريخ للاختيار من بينها، لتجعلك تشعر بالراحة في استخدامه. يمكنك التبديل بين تنسيق الوقت 12 و 24 ساعة أيضا. لديها حجم التطبيق صغيرة حقا بالمقارنة مع المنافسة، مما يجعلها سريعة حقا لتحميل. لأنه يأتي مع تصميم المواد وموضوع الظلام افتراضيا، ويوفر تجربة مستخدم كبيرة لسهولة الاستخدام. عدم الوصول إلى الإنترنت يمنحك المزيد من الخصوصية والأمان والاستقرار أكثر من التطبيقات الأخرى. لا يحتوي على إعلانات أو أذونات غير ضرورية. فمن مفتوحة المصدر تماما، ويوفر ألوان قابلة للتخصيص. <b> تحقق من مجموعة كاملة من أدوات بسيطة هنا: </b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> . </string>
</resources> </resources>

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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -67,16 +67,8 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">За съжаление това е нужно за изпращане на прикачени MMS. Да не може да се праща MMS би било наистина голям недостатък в сравнение с други приложения, така че решихме да тръгнем по този път. Въпреки това, както обикновено, няма реклами, следене или каквито и да е други анализаторски програми, интернетът се ползва само за изпращане на MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">За съжаление това е нужно за изпращане на прикачени MMS. Да не може да се праща MMS би било наистина голям недостатък в сравнение с други приложения, така че решихме да тръгнем по този път. Въпреки това, както обикновено, няма реклами, следене или каквито и да е други анализаторски програми, интернетът се ползва само за изпращане на MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">От другата страна не получават моя MMS, мога ли да направя нещо\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">От другата страна не получават моя MMS, мога ли да направя нещо\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Размерът на MMS е ограничен от оператора, може да се опитате да зададете по-малък лимит в настройките на приложението.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Размерът на MMS е ограничен от оператора, може да се опитате да зададете по-малък лимит в настройките на приложението.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Обикновени SMS съобщения - Лесни и бързи съобщения</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Лесен и бърз начин за управление на SMS и MMS съобщения без реклами.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Страхотен начин да поддържате връзка с вашите роднини, изпращайки и SMS и MMS съобщения. Програмата също така добре се справя със съобщения до група получатели, както и с блокиране на номера след Android 7+. Тя предлага избор от много формати за дата, за да се чувствате удобно при употребата. Също може да се превключва между 12 и 24 часови формати. Приложението е с наистина много малък размер в сравнение с конкурентните програми, като по този начин се сваля бързо от интернет. Използва material дизайн и тъмна тема по подразбиране, осигурявайки страхотно потребителско изживяване за лесно употреба. Липсата на достъпване на интернет ви осигурява повече поверителност, сигурност и стабилнот от други програми. Не съдържа реклами или ненужни разрешения. Напълно с отворен код е, има сменяеми цветове. <b>Вижте пълната колекция на Simple Tools тук:</b> <b>Фейсбук:</b> <b>Редит:</b>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -65,16 +65,10 @@
<!-- FAQ --> <!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Per què l\'aplicació requereix accés a Internet\?</string> <string name="faq_1_title">Per què l\'aplicació requereix accés a Internet\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Malauradament, és necessari per enviar adjunts MMS. No poder enviar MMS seria un gran desavantatge en comparació amb altres aplicacions, així que vam decidir anar per aquest camí. Tanmateix, com sol ser, no hi ha cap anunci, seguiment o anàlisi de cap mena, Internet només s\'utilitza per enviar MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Malauradament, és necessari per enviar adjunts MMS. No poder enviar MMS seria un gran desavantatge en comparació amb altres aplicacions, així que vam decidir anar per aquest camí. Tanmateix, com sol ser, no hi ha cap anunci, seguiment o anàlisi de cap mena, Internet només s\'utilitza per enviar MMS.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have --> <string name="faq_2_text">La mida dels MMS està limitada pels operadors, podeu provar d\'establir un límit més petit a la configuració de l\'aplicació.</string>
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it --> <string name="faq_2_title">L\'altre extrem no ha rebut el meu MMS, hi puc fer alguna cosa\?</string>
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger: gestioneu missatges fàcilment</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una manera fàcil i ràpida de gestionar missatges SMS i MMS sense anuncis.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Una bona manera de mantenir-se en contacte amb els vostres familiars, enviant missatges SMS i MMS. L\'aplicació també gestiona adequadament els missatges de grup, així com bloquejar números a partir de l\'Android 7. Ofereix molts formats de dates per triar, perquè us sentiu còmode utilitzant-lo. També podeu canviar entre el format de 12 i 24 hores. Té una mida d\'aplicació molt petita en comparació amb la competència, la qual cosa la fa molt ràpida de baixar. De manera predeterminada, inclou el «material design» i un tema fosc, proporciona una gran experiència d\'usuari per a un ús fàcil. La manca d\'accés a Internet us ofereix més privadesa, seguretat i estabilitat que altres aplicacions. No conté anuncis ni permisos innecessaris. És totalment de codi obert, proporciona colors personalitzables. <b>Consulteu el conjunt complet d\'eines Simples aquí:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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<string name="faq_2_text">La mida dels MMS està limitada pels operadors, podeu provar d\'establir un límit més petit a la configuració de l\'aplicació.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">L\'altre extrem no ha rebut el meu MMS, hi puc fer alguna cosa\?</string>
</resources> </resources>

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@ -70,30 +70,6 @@
Jako obvykle však neexistují žádné reklamy, sledování ani analytika, internet se používá pouze k odesílání MMS.</string> Jako obvykle však neexistují žádné reklamy, sledování ani analytika, internet se používá pouze k odesílání MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Druhá strana nepřijímá mé MMS, je něco, co s tím mohu udělat\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Druhá strana nepřijímá mé MMS, je něco, co s tím mohu udělat\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Velikost MMS je omezena operátory, můžete zkusit nastavit menší limit v nastavení aplikace.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Velikost MMS je omezena operátory, můžete zkusit nastavit menší limit v nastavení aplikace.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Snadná správa zpráv</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Snadný a rychlý způsob správy SMS a MMS zpráv bez reklam.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Skvělý způsob, jak zůstat v kontaktu se svými příbuznými, a to zasíláním zpráv SMS i MMS. Aplikace správně zpracovává i skupinové zprávy, stejně jako blokování čísel z Androidu 7+.
Nabízí mnoho formátů data, ze kterých si můžete vybrat, abyste se při jejich používání cítili pohodlně. Můžete také přepínat mezi 12 a 24 hodinovým formátem času.
Ve srovnání s konkurencí má opravdu malou velikost aplikace, takže je stahování opravdu rychlé.
Ve výchozím nastavení je dodáván s materiálovým designem a tmavým motivem a poskytuje skvělé uživatelské prostředí pro snadné použití. Nedostatek přístupu k internetu vám poskytuje více soukromí, zabezpečení a stability než jiné aplikace.
Neobsahuje žádné reklamy ani zbytečná oprávnění. Je plně opensource a poskytuje přizpůsobitelné barvy.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,12 +68,6 @@
Men som normalt er der ingen annoncer, sporing eller analyse overhovedet, internettet bruges kun til at sende MMS.</string> Men som normalt er der ingen annoncer, sporing eller analyse overhovedet, internettet bruges kun til at sende MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Den anden ende modtager ikke min MMS, er der noget jeg kan gøre ved det\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Den anden ende modtager ikke min MMS, er der noget jeg kan gøre ved det\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS-størrelsen er begrænset af udbydere, du kan prøve at sætte en mindre grænse i appindstillingerne.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS-størrelsen er begrænset af udbydere, du kan prøve at sætte en mindre grænse i appindstillingerne.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS beskeder - Administrer dine smser nemt</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">En nem og hurtig måde at administrere SMS og MMS-beskeder uden annoncer på.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> En fantastisk måde at holde kontakten med dine slægtninge ved at sende både SMS- og MMS-beskeder. Appen håndterer også gruppemeddelelser korrekt, ligesom blokering af numre fra Android 7 +. Det tilbyder mange datoformater at vælge imellem, for at få dig til at føle dig godt tilpas med at bruge det. Du kan også skifte mellem 12 og 24 timers tidsformat. Det har en virkelig lille appstørrelse sammenlignet med konkurrencen, hvilket gør det virkelig hurtigt at downloade. Det leveres med materialedesign og mørkt tema som standard giver stor brugeroplevelse for nem brug. Manglen på internetadgang giver dig mere privatliv, sikkerhed og stabilitet end andre apps. Indeholder ingen annoncer eller unødvendige tilladelser. Det er fuldt opensource, giver tilpassede farver. <b> Se hele pakken med enkle værktøjer her:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -68,12 +68,6 @@
Jedoch gibt es wie immer keine Werbung, Tracking oder Analytics, der Internetzugriff wird also nur für das Versenden von MMS verwendet.</string> Jedoch gibt es wie immer keine Werbung, Tracking oder Analytics, der Internetzugriff wird also nur für das Versenden von MMS verwendet.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Die Gegenseite empfängt meine MMS nicht. Kann ich etwas dagegen tun\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Die Gegenseite empfängt meine MMS nicht. Kann ich etwas dagegen tun\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Die MMS-Größe wird von den Netzbetreibern begrenzt. Sie können versuchen, in den Anwendungseinstellungen ein kleineres Limit einzustellen.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Die MMS-Größe wird von den Netzbetreibern begrenzt. Sie können versuchen, in den Anwendungseinstellungen ein kleineres Limit einzustellen.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Einfacher SMS-Messenger Nachrichten einfach verwalten</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Eine einfache und schnelle Möglichkeit zur Verwaltung von SMS- und MMS-Nachrichten ohne Werbung.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> In tolle Möglichkeit mit deinen Verwandten in Kontakt zu bleiben, indem sowohl SMS als auch MMS Nachrichten gesendet werden. Die Anwendung handhabt auch Gruppennachrichten gut, genauso wie das Blockieren von Nummern ab Android 7+. Damit die Nutzung sich vertrauter und komfortabler anfühlt, kannst du das Datumsformat in verschiedenen Arten anpassen. Zudem kannst du zwischen 12 und 24 Stunden Format auswählen. Im Vergleich zur Konkurrenz ist die Anwendungsgröße sehr klein, wodurch es sehr schnell heruntergeladen ist. Es kommt standardmäßig mit einem Material-Design und Dunkelmodus, was für ein großartiges Nutzererlebnis und leichte Nutzbarkeit sorgt. Da es keine Internetverbindung verwendet, bietet diese Anwendung mehr Datenschutz, Sicherheit und Stabilität als andere Anwendungen. Beinhaltet keine Werbung oder unnötige Berechtigungen. Es ist komplett quelloffen, und bietet anpassbare Farben. <b>Entdecke alle Simple Tools hier:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -75,33 +75,6 @@
Ωστόσο, όπως συνήθως, δεν υπάρχουν καθόλου διαφημίσεις, παρακολούθηση ή αναλύσεις, το διαδίκτυο χρησιμοποιείται μόνο για την αποστολή MMS.</string> Ωστόσο, όπως συνήθως, δεν υπάρχουν καθόλου διαφημίσεις, παρακολούθηση ή αναλύσεις, το διαδίκτυο χρησιμοποιείται μόνο για την αποστολή MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Το άλλο άκρο δεν λαμβάνει τα MMS μου, μπορώ να κάνω κάτι γι\' αυτό;</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Το άλλο άκρο δεν λαμβάνει τα MMS μου, μπορώ να κάνω κάτι γι\' αυτό;</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Το μέγεθος των MMS περιορίζεται από τους παρόχους, μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε να ορίσετε ένα μικρότερο όριο στις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Το μέγεθος των MMS περιορίζεται από τους παρόχους, μπορείτε να δοκιμάσετε να ορίσετε ένα μικρότερο όριο στις ρυθμίσεις της εφαρμογής.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Απλός SMS Messenger - Εύκολη διαχείριση μηνυμάτων</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Ένας εύκολος και γρήγορος τρόπος διαχείρισης SMS και MMS χωρίς διαφημίσεις.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Ένας εξαιρετικός τρόπος για να μείνετε σε επαφή με τους συγγενείς σας, στέλνοντας μηνύματα SMS και MMS. Η εφαρμογή χειρίζεται σωστά και την ομαδική ανταλλαγή μηνυμάτων, όπως και τον αποκλεισμό αριθμών από Android 7+.
Προσφέρει πολλές μορφές ημερομηνίας για να διαλέξετε, ώστε να αισθάνεστε άνετα να τις χρησιμοποιήσετε. Μπορείτε επίσης να κάνετε εναλλαγή μεταξύ 12 και 24 ωρών.
Έχει πραγματικά πολύ μικρό μέγεθος εφαρμογής σε σύγκριση με τον ανταγωνισμό, καθιστώντας την πραγματικά γρήγορη στη λήψη της.
Διατίθεται με σχεδίαση υλικού και σκούρο θέμα από προεπιλογή, παρέχει εξαιρετική εμπειρία χρήστη για εύκολη χρήση. Η έλλειψη πρόσβασης στο διαδίκτυο σάς παρέχει περισσότερο απόρρητο, ασφάλεια και σταθερότητα από ό,τι άλλες εφαρμογές.
Δεν περιέχει διαφημίσεις ή περιττά δικαιώματα. Είναι πλήρως ανοιχτού κώδικα, παρέχει προσαρμόσιμα χρώματα.
<b>Δείτε την πλήρη σειρά Simple Tools εδώ:</b>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,33 +68,8 @@
Sin embargo, como siempre, no hay anuncios, rastreo o análisis, por lo que el internet solo es usado para enviar MMS.</string> Sin embargo, como siempre, no hay anuncios, rastreo o análisis, por lo que el internet solo es usado para enviar MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">El otro extremo no está reciviendo mi MMS, hay algo que pueda hacer sobre ello\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">El otro extremo no está reciviendo mi MMS, hay algo que pueda hacer sobre ello\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">El tamaño del MMS es limitado por el operador, puedes probar a poner un límite más pequeño en la configuración de la aplicación.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">El tamaño del MMS es limitado por el operador, puedes probar a poner un límite más pequeño en la configuración de la aplicación.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Mensajería SMS Simple - Mensajea fácilmente</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Una forma fácil y rápida de enviar mensajes SMS y MMS sin anuncios.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Una excelente forma de estar en contacto con tus parientes, enviando mensajes SMS y MMS. La aplicación maneja adecuadamente mensajes grupales también, así como números bloqueados desde Android 7+.
Ofrece varios formatos de fecha para escoger, para hacerte sentir cómodo mientras la usas. También puedes escoger entre formato de 12 y 24 horas.
La aplicaicón pesa muy poco comparada con la competencia, haciendo que se descargue realmente rápido.
Viene con diseño material y tema obscuro por defecto, proveyendo una excelente experiencia de usuario y un uso fácil. La falta de acceso a internet te da más privacidad, seguridad y estabilidad que otras aplicaciones.
No contiene anuncios o permisos innecesarios. Es completamente de código abierto, provee colores personalizables.
<b>Mira la suite completa de herramientas Simples aquí:</b>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -67,12 +67,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">Kahjuks saadetakse MMS-sõnumite manused üle interneti. Kuna muudel sarnastel rakendustel on MMS-sõnumite saatmise võimalus, siis me ei saanud sellest funktsionaalsusest ka loobuda. Aga nagu kõikide meie rakenduste puhul standardiks on, siis me ei näita reklaame ega kasuta kasutajate jälgmist ega ka analüütikat ning internetiühendus on kasutusel vaid MMS-sõnumite saatmisel.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Kahjuks saadetakse MMS-sõnumite manused üle interneti. Kuna muudel sarnastel rakendustel on MMS-sõnumite saatmise võimalus, siis me ei saanud sellest funktsionaalsusest ka loobuda. Aga nagu kõikide meie rakenduste puhul standardiks on, siis me ei näita reklaame ega kasuta kasutajate jälgmist ega ka analüütikat ning internetiühendus on kasutusel vaid MMS-sõnumite saatmisel.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Teine osapool ei saa minu saadetud MMS-sõnumeid kätte. Kas ma saan seda olukorda kuidagi mõjutada\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Teine osapool ei saa minu saadetud MMS-sõnumeid kätte. Kas ma saan seda olukorda kuidagi mõjutada\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Erinevatel mobiilsideteenuse pakkujatel on erinevad MMS-sõnumite mahupiirid. Proovi rakendusest määrata väiksema sõnumi suuruse piirangu.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Erinevatel mobiilsideteenuse pakkujatel on erinevad MMS-sõnumite mahupiirid. Proovi rakendusest määrata väiksema sõnumi suuruse piirangu.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Lihtne SMS sõnumiklient pakub mugavat sõnumihaldust</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Lihtne ja kiire viis SMS- ja MMS-sõnumite reklaamivabaks haldamiseks.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Lihtne viis suhtlemiseks SMS- ja MMS-sõnumite abil oma sõprade ja tuttavatega. Rakendus saab hakkama nii rühmavestluste haldamisega kui numbrite blokeerimisega (Android 7+). Parema mugavuse nimel saad valida erinevate kuupäeva- ja ajavormingute vahel. Võrreldes muude sarnaste rakendustega on meie oma mahult väike ning seega ka kiire ja tõhus. Suurepärase kasutajakogemuse jaoks kasutab rakendus vaikimisi Material Design disainikeelt ning tumedat teemat. Võrreldes mõnede teiste sarnaste rakendustega ei vaja meie oma internetiühendust ning seega on ka turvalisem, privaatsem ja stabiilsem. Meie rakenduses pole reklaame ega asjatute õiguste eeldamist. Rakenduse lähtekood on avalikult saadaval ning välimust saad alati kohendada. <b>Teavet Lihtsate tarvikute rakendustest leiad siit:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
Kuten yleensä, mainoksia, seurantaa tai analytiikkaa ei kuitenkaan ole, iternetiä käytetään vain multimediaviestien lähettämiseen.</string> Kuten yleensä, mainoksia, seurantaa tai analytiikkaa ei kuitenkaan ole, iternetiä käytetään vain multimediaviestien lähettämiseen.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Helppo tapa SMS- ja MMS- viestien hallintaan ilman mainoksia.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,12 +68,6 @@
Cependant, comme toujours, il n\'y a aucune publicité, traqueur ou analyseur de quelque sorte, internet n\'est utilisé que pour envoyer des MMS.</string> Cependant, comme toujours, il n\'y a aucune publicité, traqueur ou analyseur de quelque sorte, internet n\'est utilisé que pour envoyer des MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">L\'autre partie ne reçoit pas mes MMS, y a-t-il quelque chose que je puisse faire \?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">L\'autre partie ne reçoit pas mes MMS, y a-t-il quelque chose que je puisse faire \?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">La taille des MMS est limitée par les opérateurs. Vous pouvez essayer de fixer une limite plus petite dans les paramètres de l\'application.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">La taille des MMS est limitée par les opérateurs. Vous pouvez essayer de fixer une limite plus petite dans les paramètres de l\'application.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Gérez facilement vos messages</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Un moyen simple et rapide de gérer les messages SMS et MMS sans publicité.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Une excellente façon de rester en contact avec vos proches, en envoyant à la fois des SMS et des MMS. L\'application gère parfaitement les messages de groupe, tout comme le blocage des numéros sur Android 7+. Elle offre un choix large de format de date, pour être confortable à utiliser. Vous pouvez choisir entre un format 12 et 24 heures. La taille de l\'application est très légère comparée à la concurrence, ce qui la rend rapide à télécharger. Avec un material design et un thème sombre par défaut, elle offre une excellente expérience utilisateur pour une utilisation facile. L\'absence d\'accès à internet vous donne plus de confidentialité, de sécurité et de stabilité que les autres applications. Ne contient aucune publicité ou autorisation inutile. Elle est entièrement open source, avec des couleurs personnalisables. <b>Découvrez la suite complète des applications Simple Mobile Tools ici :</b> <b>Facebook :</b> <b>Reddit :</b> </string>
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@ -67,31 +67,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente é a única forma para poder enviar anexos MMS. A incapacidade de non conseguir enviar MMS sería unha enorme desvantaxe comparativamente a outros aplicativos e, por iso, tomamos esta decisión. Pero, como habitualmente, o aplicativo non ten anuncios, non rastrea os utilizadores nin recolle datos persoais. Este permiso só é necesario para enviar as MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente é a única forma para poder enviar anexos MMS. A incapacidade de non conseguir enviar MMS sería unha enorme desvantaxe comparativamente a outros aplicativos e, por iso, tomamos esta decisión. Pero, como habitualmente, o aplicativo non ten anuncios, non rastrea os utilizadores nin recolle datos persoais. Este permiso só é necesario para enviar as MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Xestor de mensaxes</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Aplicación simple para xestionar SMS e MMS sen anuncios.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Unha excelente forma para manter o contacto cos seus amigos e familiares. Tamén pode ser usada para mensaxes de grupo e posibilita o bloqueo de números de teléfono nas versións superiores a Android 7.
Permite a utilización de varios formatos de data e das horas.
É un aplicativo pequeno, que fai que a súa descarga sexa moi rápida.
Fai que estea dispoñible un deseño atractivo e un tema escuro por defecto. Como non necesita o acceso a Internet, tes máis privacidade, seguranza e estabilidade.
Non ten anuncios nin permisos innecesarios. É de código aberto e permite a personalización das cores.
<b>Visita a páxina a través desta ligazón:</b>
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@ -69,14 +69,8 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">Sadly it is needed for sending MMS attachments. Not being able to send MMS would be a really huge disadvantage compared to other apps, so we decided to go this way. However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Sadly it is needed for sending MMS attachments. Not being able to send MMS would be a really huge disadvantage compared to other apps, so we decided to go this way. However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jadnostavan SMS messenger Upravljaj porukama</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Jednostavan i brz način upravljanja SMS i MMS porukama bez oglasa.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+. It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too. It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download. Aplikacija je izrađena u material-dizajnu i standardno koristi tamnu temu, pruža izvrsno korisničko iskustvo za jednostavnu upotrebu. Nedostatak pristupa internetu pruža bolju privatnost, sigurnost i stabilnost od drugih aplikacija. Ne sadrži oglase niti nepotrebne dozvole. Potpuno je otvorenog koda, pruža prilagodljive boje. <b>Pogledaj cijeli paket „Jednostavni alati” ovdje:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -65,16 +65,10 @@
<!-- FAQ --> <!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Miért kér az alkalmazás hozzáférést az internethez\?</string> <string name="faq_1_title">Miért kér az alkalmazás hozzáférést az internethez\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Sajnos szükséges az MMS-mellékletek küldéséhez. Az MMS-küldés hiánya olyan nagy hátrány más alkalmazásokhoz képest, hogy inkább mellette döntöttünk. Viszont, mint általában, nincsenek reklámok, követés, vagy analitika és az internetet csak az MMS küldéséhez használjuk.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Sajnos szükséges az MMS-mellékletek küldéséhez. Az MMS-küldés hiánya olyan nagy hátrány más alkalmazásokhoz képest, hogy inkább mellette döntöttünk. Viszont, mint általában, nincsenek reklámok, követés, vagy analitika és az internetet csak az MMS küldéséhez használjuk.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have --> <string name="faq_2_title">A másik fél nem kapja meg az MMS-emet, tehetek valamit ez ellen\?</string>
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it --> <string name="faq_2_text">Az MMS méretét korlátozzák a szolgáltatók, próbáljon kisebb korlátot beállítani az alkalmazásbeállításokban.</string>
<string name="app_title">Egyszerű SMS üzenetküldő Üzenetek kezelése egyszerűen</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Az SMS és MMS üzenetek kezelésének könnyű és gyors módja, reklámok nélkül.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Az SMS és MMS üzenetek küldése nagyszerű módja annak, hogy kapcsolatban maradjon a rokonaival. Az alkalmazás megfelelően kezeli a csoportos üzenetküldést is, valamint Android 7+ esetén a számtiltást is. Számos dátumformátumból választhat, hogy az Önnek tetsző módon használja. Válthat a 12 és a 24 órás mód között is. A konkurenciához képest nagyon kicsi az alkalmazás, így villámgyorsan letölthető. Material dizájnt használ, és alapértelmezetten sötét témával érkezik, így nagyszerű felhasználó élményt biztosít. Az internethasználat mellőzése nagyobb adatvédelmet, biztonságot és stabilitást jelent, mint amit más alkalmazásokkal tapasztalhat. <b>Nézze meg a teljes Simple Tools csomagot itt:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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<string name="faq_2_title">A másik fél nem kapja meg az MMS-emet, tehetek valamit ez ellen\?</string> </resources>
<string name="faq_2_text">Az MMS méretét korlátozzák a szolgáltatók, próbáljon kisebb korlátot beállítani az alkalmazásbeállításokban.</string>

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@ -68,18 +68,6 @@
Namun, seperti biasanya, tidak ada iklan, pelacakan atau analitik apa pun, internet hanya digunakan untuk mengirim MMS.</string> Namun, seperti biasanya, tidak ada iklan, pelacakan atau analitik apa pun, internet hanya digunakan untuk mengirim MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Sebuah cara yang cepat dan mudah mengelola pesan SMS dan MMS tanpa iklan.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Cara yang bagus untuk tetap berhubungan dengan kerabat Anda, dengan mengirim pesan SMS dan MMS. Aplikasi ini juga menangani perpesanan grup dengan benar, seperti memblokir nomor dari Android 7+. Ini menawarkan banyak format tanggal untuk dipilih, untuk membuat Anda merasa nyaman menggunakannya. Anda juga dapat beralih antara format waktu 12 dan 24 jam. Ini memiliki ukuran aplikasi yang sangat kecil dibandingkan dengan kompetisi, membuatnya sangat cepat untuk diunduh.
\nMuncul dengan desain material dan tema gelap secara default, memberikan pengalaman pengguna yang luar biasa untuk penggunaan yang mudah. Kurangnya akses internet memberi Anda lebih banyak privasi, keamanan, dan stabilitas daripada aplikasi lain. Tidak mengandung iklan atau izin yang tidak perlu. Ini sepenuhnya sumber-terbuka, menyediakan warna yang dapat disesuaikan.
\n<b>Lihat rangkaian lengkap Simple Tools di sini:</b>
\n<b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -68,12 +68,6 @@
Ad ogni modo, come sempre, non ci sono pubblicità o tracciamenti, internet è utilizzato soltanto per l\'invio degli MMS.</string> Ad ogni modo, come sempre, non ci sono pubblicità o tracciamenti, internet è utilizzato soltanto per l\'invio degli MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">L\'altro capo non riceve i miei MMS, c\'è qualcosa che posso fare\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">L\'altro capo non riceve i miei MMS, c\'è qualcosa che posso fare\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">La dimensione degli MMS è limitata dai vettori, puoi provare a impostare un limite più piccolo nelle impostazioni dell\'app.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">La dimensione degli MMS è limitata dai vettori, puoi provare a impostare un limite più piccolo nelle impostazioni dell\'app.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Semplice SMS Messenger gestisci facilmente i messaggi</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Un modo facile e veloce per gestire i messaggi SMS e MMS senza pubblicità.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Un ottimo modo per rimanere in contatto con i tuoi parenti, inviando sia messaggi SMS che MMS. L\'applicazione gestisce correttamente anche la messaggistica di gruppo, proprio come il blocco dei numeri da Android 7+. Offre molti formati di data tra cui scegliere, per farvi sentire a vostro agio nell\'usarla. È possibile alternare il formato 12 e 24 ore. Ha una dimensione dell\'app davvero minuscola rispetto alla concorrenza, rendendola davvero veloce da scaricare. Viene fornito con Material Design e tema scuro per impostazione predefinita, fornisce una grande esperienza utente per un facile utilizzo. La mancanza di accesso a internet ti dà più privacy, sicurezza e stabilità rispetto ad altre app. Non contiene annunci o permessi inutili. È completamente opensource, fornisce colori personalizzabili. <b> Guarda la suite completa di Simple Tools qui:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b> Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -71,12 +71,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">למרבה הצער, זה נחוץ לשליחת קבצי MMS מצורפים. אי היכולת לשלוח MMS תהיה חיסרון עצום בהשוואה לאפליקציות אחרות, אז החלטנו ללכת בדרך זו. עם זאת, כמו בדרך כלל, אין מודעות, מעקב או ניתוח כלשהם, האינטרנט משמש רק לשליחת MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">למרבה הצער, זה נחוץ לשליחת קבצי MMS מצורפים. אי היכולת לשלוח MMS תהיה חיסרון עצום בהשוואה לאפליקציות אחרות, אז החלטנו ללכת בדרך זו. עם זאת, כמו בדרך כלל, אין מודעות, מעקב או ניתוח כלשהם, האינטרנט משמש רק לשליחת MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">הקצה השני לא מקבל את ה-MMS שלי, האם יש משהו שאני יכול לעשות בנידון\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">הקצה השני לא מקבל את ה-MMS שלי, האם יש משהו שאני יכול לעשות בנידון\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">גודל ה-MMS מוגבל על ידי הספקים, אתה יכול לנסות להגדיר מגבלה קטנה יותר בהגדרות האפליקציה.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">גודל ה-MMS מוגבל על ידי הספקים, אתה יכול לנסות להגדיר מגבלה קטנה יותר בהגדרות האפליקציה.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">SMS Messenger פשוט - נהל הודעות בקלות</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">דרך קלה ומהירה לניהול הודעות SMS ו-MMS ללא פרסומות.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> דרך מצוינת לשמור על קשר עם קרובי המשפחה שלך, על ידי שליחת הודעות SMS ו-MMS כאחד. האפליקציה מטפלת כראוי גם בהודעות קבוצתיות, בדיוק כמו חסימת מספרים מאנדרואיד 7+. הוא מציע פורמטים רבים של תאריכים לבחירה, כדי לגרום לך להרגיש נוח בשימוש בו. אתה יכול גם לעבור בין פורמט זמן של 12 ל-24 שעות. יש לו גודל אפליקציה ממש זעיר בהשוואה למתחרים, מה שהופך אותו להורדה ממש מהירה. זה מגיע עם עיצוב חומר וערכת נושא כהה כברירת מחדל, מספק חווית משתמש נהדרת לשימוש קל. היעדר גישה לאינטרנט נותן לך יותר פרטיות, אבטחה ויציבות מאשר אפליקציות אחרות. אינו מכיל מודעות או הרשאות מיותרות. זה קוד פתוח לחלוטין, מספק צבעים הניתנים להתאמה אישית. <b>בדוק את החבילה המלאה של כלים פשוטים כאן:</b> <b>פייסבוק:</b> <b>Reddit :</b> </string>
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@ -65,12 +65,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">MMS (マルチメディアメッセージサービス) にはインターネットが必要となります。ほかのアプリでは使用できる MMS が使用できないことは大きな不利益となるため、このようになっています。 ただし、通常通り広告・追跡・分析は一切行わず、インターネットは MMS のみに使われます</string> <string name="faq_1_text">MMS (マルチメディアメッセージサービス) にはインターネットが必要となります。ほかのアプリでは使用できる MMS が使用できないことは大きな不利益となるため、このようになっています。 ただし、通常通り広告・追跡・分析は一切行わず、インターネットは MMS のみに使われます</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">メッセージ相手が MMS を受信できません。何かできますか?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">メッセージ相手が MMS を受信できません。何かできますか?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS のサイズは通信キャリアによって制限されています。アプリ設定からより小さく圧縮できます</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS のサイズは通信キャリアによって制限されています。アプリ設定からより小さく圧縮できます</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">シンプル SMS メッセンジャー - メッセージを簡単に管理</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">SMS、MMS メッセージをすばやく送信。広告なしでカスタマイズ可能なインターフェイス</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> SMS や MMS メッセージは家族や友人と連絡を取る便利な手段です。グループメッセージも可能で、Android 7 以降のように連絡先をブロックすることも出来ます。 日付フォーマットも複数から使いやすいものを選ぶことができます。日時設定は 12 時間設定と 24 時間設定に切り変えることも可能です。容量が他のアプリと比べて小さいため早くダウンロードができます。広告や不要な権限はありません。完全にオープンソースで、カラーもカスタマイズ可能。 <b>シンプルツールの完全なリストはこちらからご確認ください:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -68,30 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Neturi reklamų ar nereikalingų leidimų. Programėlė visiškai atviro kodo, yra galimybė keisti spalvas.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -75,33 +75,6 @@
എന്നിരുന്നാലും, സാധാരണപോലെ, പരസ്യങ്ങളോ ട്രാക്കിംഗ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അനലിറ്റിക്സുകളോ ഇല്ല. ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് MMS അയയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മാത്രമാണ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത്.</string> എന്നിരുന്നാലും, സാധാരണപോലെ, പരസ്യങ്ങളോ ട്രാക്കിംഗ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അനലിറ്റിക്സുകളോ ഇല്ല. ഇന്റർനെറ്റ് MMS അയയ്ക്കുന്നതിന് മാത്രമാണ് ഉപയോഗിക്കുന്നത്.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - മെസ്സേജുകൾ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുക</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">SMS, MMS സന്ദേശങ്ങൾ കൈകാര്യം ചെയ്യുന്നതിനുള്ള ഏറ്റവും എളുപ്പ മാർഗം.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Enkel SMS håndter tekstmeldinger enkelt</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">En enkel og rask måte å administrere SMS- og MMS-meldinger på uten annonser.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,33 +68,8 @@
Zoals gewoonlijk bevat de app echter geen advertenties, tracking of analytics; de verbinding wordt alleen maar gebruikt voor het versturen van MMS-berichten.</string> Zoals gewoonlijk bevat de app echter geen advertenties, tracking of analytics; de verbinding wordt alleen maar gebruikt voor het versturen van MMS-berichten.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Mijn MMS-berichten worden niet ontvangen, is er iets wat ik daaraan kan doen?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Mijn MMS-berichten worden niet ontvangen, is er iets wat ik daaraan kan doen?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Providers limiteren de grootte van MMS-berichten. Probeer in de instellingen de limiet voor de afbeeldingsgrootte te verlagen.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Providers limiteren de grootte van MMS-berichten. Probeer in de instellingen de limiet voor de afbeeldingsgrootte te verlagen.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Eenvoudig Berichtenbeheer - Verstuur snel SMS/MMS</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Beheer eenvoudig en snel SMS- en MMS-berichten, zonder advertenties.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Blijf gemakkelijk in contact met familieleden en vrienden door het versuren van SMS- en MMS-berichten. De app ondersteunt groepsberichten, evenals het blokkeren van nummers (vanaf Android 7).
Het datumformaat kan worden ingesteld naar voorkeur. Ook kan geschakeld worden tussen 12- of 24-uursnotatie.
Vergeleken met de competitie is deze app zeer compact en dus erg snel gedownload.
De app is ontworpen volgens material design en heeft standaard een donker thema. De app heeft geen toegang tot het internet nodig en voorziet van meer privacy, veiligheid en stabiliteit dan andere apps.
Bevat geen advertenties of onnodige machtigingen. Volledig open-source. Kleuren van de app kunnen worden aangepast.
<b>Probeer ook eens de andere apps van Simple Tools:</b>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -70,33 +70,8 @@
Jednak, jak zwykle, nie ma żadnych reklam, śledzenia ani analityki, a Internet służy tylko do wysyłania MMS-ów.</string> Jednak, jak zwykle, nie ma żadnych reklam, śledzenia ani analityki, a Internet służy tylko do wysyłania MMS-ów.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Druga osoba nie otrzymuje moich MMS-ów. Czy mogę coś z tym zrobić\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Druga osoba nie otrzymuje moich MMS-ów. Czy mogę coś z tym zrobić\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Rozmiar MMS-ów jest ograniczany przez operatorów. Możesz spróbować ustawić mniejszy limit w ustawieniach aplikacji.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Rozmiar MMS-ów jest ograniczany przez operatorów. Możesz spróbować ustawić mniejszy limit w ustawieniach aplikacji.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Proste wiadomości SMS - Łatwo zarządzaj SMS-ami</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Łatwy i szybki sposób zarządzania wiadomościami SMS i MMS bez reklam</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Świetny sposób na utrzymywanie kontaktu z bliskimi przez wysyłanie zarówno wiadomości SMS, jak i MMS. Aplikacja poprawnie obsługuje również wiadomości grupowe, podobnie jak blokowanie numerów z Androida 7+.
Oferuje wiele formatów daty do wyboru, abyś czuł(a) się komfortowo podczas korzystania z niej. Możesz także przełączać się między 12- i 24-godzinnym formatem czasu.
Zajmuje naprawdę mało miejsca w porównaniu do konkurencji, dzięki czemu można ją szybko pobrać.
Domyślnie jest wyposażona w Material Design i ciemny motyw, zapewniając doskonałe doświadczenie użytkownika dla łatwego użytkowania. Brak dostępu do Internetu zapewnia większą prywatność, bezpieczeństwo i stabilność niż inne aplikacje.
Nie zawiera reklam ani niepotrzebnych uprawnień. Jest w pełni otwartoźródłowa, zapewnia konfigurowalną kolorystykę.
<b>Sprawdź pełen zestaw od Simple Tools tutaj:</b>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -67,14 +67,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente, isso é necessário para enviar anexos MMS. Não poder enviar MMS seria uma grande desvantagem em relação a outros apps, por isso tomamos essa decisão. Entretanto, como de costume, não há anúncios, rastreamento ou análises de perfil, a Internet é usada apenas para enviar MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente, isso é necessário para enviar anexos MMS. Não poder enviar MMS seria uma grande desvantagem em relação a outros apps, por isso tomamos essa decisão. Entretanto, como de costume, não há anúncios, rastreamento ou análises de perfil, a Internet é usada apenas para enviar MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">A outra parte não está recebendo meu MMS, há algo que eu possa fazer a respeito\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">A outra parte não está recebendo meu MMS, há algo que eu possa fazer a respeito\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">O tamanho dos MMS é limitado pelas operadoras, você pode tentar usar um limite menor nas configurações do app.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">O tamanho dos MMS é limitado pelas operadoras, você pode tentar usar um limite menor nas configurações do app.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simples Mensageiro SMS - Gerencie mensagens facilmente</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Uma maneira simples e rápida de gerenciar mensagens SMS e MMS sem anúncios.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Uma ótima maneira de manter contato com pessoas próximas, enviando mensagens SMS e MMS. O app lida apropriadamente com mensagens em grupo, e também o bloqueio de números dos Android 7+. Oferece muitos formatos de datas, para seu conforto ao usar. Você pode alternar entre o formato de 12 e 24 horas tambem. O tamanho do app é muito pequeno comparando com a competição, tornando o download muito rápido. Vêm com os temas escuro e material design de padrão, e fornece ótima experiência ao usuário para uso facilitado. A ausência de acesso à Internet te dá mais privacidade, segurança e estabilidade que outros apps. Não há anúncios ou permissões desnecessárias. É totalmente de código aberto, e fornece cores personalizáveis. <b>Confira aqui a coleção completa de Simples Tools:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b>
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@ -67,12 +67,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente é a única forma de poder enviar anexos MMS. Não ter a capacidade de enviar MMS representaria uma enorme desvantagem comparativamente a outras aplicações e foi por isso que tomámos esta decisão. Mas, como habitualmente, a aplicação não tem anúncios, não rastreia os utilizadores nem recolhe dados pessoais. Esta permissão apenas é necessária para enviar MMS.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">Infelizmente é a única forma de poder enviar anexos MMS. Não ter a capacidade de enviar MMS representaria uma enorme desvantagem comparativamente a outras aplicações e foi por isso que tomámos esta decisão. Mas, como habitualmente, a aplicação não tem anúncios, não rastreia os utilizadores nem recolhe dados pessoais. Esta permissão apenas é necessária para enviar MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">O destinatário não recebe as minhas MMS, o que posso fazer\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">O destinatário não recebe as minhas MMS, o que posso fazer\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">O tamanho das MMS é limitado pelas operadoras, tente estabelecer um limite inferior nas Definições da aplicação.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">O tamanho das MMS é limitado pelas operadoras, tente estabelecer um limite inferior nas Definições da aplicação.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Gestão de mensagens</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Gestor de mensagens SMS e MMS, sem anúncios.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Envie mensagens SMS e MMS e mantenha o contacto com os seus amigos e familiares. Serve também para difusão de mensagens de grupo e permite ainda bloquear de números de telefone em versões Android 7+. Formate a data e a hora como preferir. Uma aplicação muito pequena comparada com outras do mesmo género. Com design material num tema escuro por definição. Acesso à Internet apenas na estrita medida do necessário (envio de MMS), salvaguardando sempre a privacidade e a segurança. Não contém anúncios nem permissões desnecessárias. É totalmente open source e permite personalização de cores a gosto. <b>Consulte a gama completa de aplicações Simple Tools aqui:</b><b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -70,31 +70,6 @@
Totuşi, ca de obicei, nu este prezentă nici un fel de reclamă, urmărire sau analiză, internetul este folosit doar pentru a trimite MMS-uri.</string> Totuşi, ca de obicei, nu este prezentă nici un fel de reclamă, urmărire sau analiză, internetul este folosit doar pentru a trimite MMS-uri.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Celălalt capăt nu-mi primește MMS, pot face ceva în acest sens\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Celălalt capăt nu-mi primește MMS, pot face ceva în acest sens\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Dimensiunea MMS este limitată de operatorii de telefonie; puteți încerca să setați o limită mai mică în setările aplicației.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Dimensiunea MMS este limitată de operatorii de telefonie; puteți încerca să setați o limită mai mică în setările aplicației.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Gestionează mesajele ușor</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">O metodă uşoară de a administra mesajele de tip SMS şi MMS făra reclame.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Este o medalitate excelentă de a rămâne în contact cu rudele, trimiţând atât mesaje SMS cât şi mesaje MMS. Aplicaţia gestionează în mod corespunzător mesajele de grup, precum şi blocarea numerelor de telefon.
Oferă mai multe formate de date din care poţi să alegi. De asemenea, poţi să schimbi între formatele de 12 şi 24 de ore.
Aplicaţia are o dimensiune foarte mică în comparaţie cu competiţia, ceea ce face ca descărcarea să fie foarte rapidă.
Aplicaţia vine cu design material şi temă întunecată în mod implicit. Limitarea necesităţii accesului la internet vă oferă mai multă intimitate, securitate şi stabilitate decât alte aplicaţii.
Nu conţine reclame sau permisiuni inutile. Codul sursă este complet open source şi oferă culori personalizabile.
<b>Consultaţi întreaga suită de aplicaţii Simple Tools aici:</b>
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@ -70,31 +70,6 @@
Тем не менее, как и в других наших приложениях, это не содержит никакой рекламы, отслеживания или аналитики, интернет используется только для отправки MMS.</string> Тем не менее, как и в других наших приложениях, это не содержит никакой рекламы, отслеживания или аналитики, интернет используется только для отправки MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">MMS не доходят до получателя, можно ли что-нибудь с этим сделать\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">MMS не доходят до получателя, можно ли что-нибудь с этим сделать\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Размер MMS ограничивается операторами связи, можно попробовать уменьшить лимит в настройках приложения.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Размер MMS ограничивается операторами связи, можно попробовать уменьшить лимит в настройках приложения.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger — лёгкое управление SMS</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Простой и быстрый способ управления сообщениями SMS и MMS без рекламы.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
SMS/MMS-сообщения — это отличный способ оставаться на связи со своими родственниками. Приложение также правильно обрабатывает групповые сообщения и блокировку номеров на Android 7+.
Поддерживается множество вариантов отображения даты, чтобы вам было удобно пользоваться приложением. Также вы можете переключаться между 12- и 24-часовым форматом времени.
Наше приложение имеет очень маленький размер по сравнению с конкурентами, что делает его загрузку такой быстрой.
Приложение выпускается с материальным дизайном и тёмной темой по умолчанию, что обеспечивает удобное использование. Отсутствие доступа в интернет обеспечивает вам больше приватности, безопасности и стабильности, чем в других приложениях.
Не содержит рекламы или ненужных разрешений. Полностью открытый исходный код, есть возможность настроить цвета интерфейса.
<b>Ознакомьтесь с полным набором инструментов серии Simple здесь:</b>
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@ -70,31 +70,6 @@
Ako ale stále, ani v tejto apke nie sú reklamy, sledovanie, ani vôbec žiadne analytiky. Internet sa používa jedine pri odosielaní MMS.</string> Ako ale stále, ani v tejto apke nie sú reklamy, sledovanie, ani vôbec žiadne analytiky. Internet sa používa jedine pri odosielaní MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Druhá strana nedostáva moje MMS, viem s tým niečo spraviť?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Druhá strana nedostáva moje MMS, viem s tým niečo spraviť?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Veľkosť MMS je obmedzená operátormi, skúste zvoliť menší limit v nastaveniach apky.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Veľkosť MMS je obmedzená operátormi, skúste zvoliť menší limit v nastaveniach apky.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Jednoduché SMS správy - Spravujte správy pohodlne</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Ľahký a rýchly spôsob správy SMS a MMS správ bez reklám.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Výborný spôsob ako ostať v kontakte s vašimi blízkymi posielaním ako SMS, tak aj MMS správ. Apka podporuje aj skupinové správy a od Android 7 vyššie aj blokovanie čísel.
Pre pohodlné používanie máte na výber máte viacero dátumových formátov. Tiež viete prepnúť medzi 12 a 24 hodinovým časom.
V porovnaní s konkurenciou je tento správca SMS správ skutočne malý, vďaka čomu si ho viete stiahnuť veľmi rýchlo.
Táto apka je založená na Material dizajne a má prednastavenú tmavú tému, poskytuje výbornú používateľskú skúsenosť pre ľahké používanie. Chýbajúci prístup k internetu garantuje lepšie súkromie, bezpečnosť a stabilitu ako ostatné apky.
Neobsahuje žiadne reklamy a nepotrebné oprávnenia. Je opensource, poskytuje možnosť zmeny farieb.
<b>Pozrite si celú sadu aplikácií na:</b>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
Som vanligt förekommer ingen reklam, spårning eller datainsamling, internet används bara för att skicka mms.</string> Som vanligt förekommer ingen reklam, spårning eller datainsamling, internet används bara för att skicka mms.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Mina mms kommer inte fram, finns det något jag kan göra åt det?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Mina mms kommer inte fram, finns det något jag kan göra åt det?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Storleken på mms begränsas av operatörer, du kan testa att ställa in en lägre gräns i appens inställningar.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Storleken på mms begränsas av operatörer, du kan testa att ställa in en lägre gräns i appens inställningar.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - hantera meddelanden enkelt</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Ett enkelt och snabbt sätt att hantera sms- och mms-meddelanden utan reklam.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
Ett bra sätt att hålla kontakten med dina släktingar genom att skicka både sms- och mms-meddelanden. Appen hanterar även gruppmeddelanden korrekt, och kan blockera nummer i Android 7 eller senare.
Den erbjuder många datumformat att välja mellan. Du kan också växla mellan 12- och 24-timmarsformat.
Den är mycket liten jämfört med konkurrenterna, vilket gör att den kan hämtas mycket snabbt.
Den levereras med Material Design och mörkt tema som standard, och ger en bra användarupplevelse för enkel användning. Avsaknaden av internetåtkomst ger dig mer integritet, säkerhet och stabilitet än andra appar.
Innehåller ingen reklam eller onödiga behörigheter. Den har helt öppen källkod och anpassningsbara färger.
<b>Kolla in hela uppsättningen enkla verktyg här:</b>
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@ -67,12 +67,6 @@
<string name="faq_1_text">MMS இணைப்புகளை அனுப்புவதற்கு இது தேவைப்படுகிறது. மற்ற பயன்பாடுகளுடன் ஒப்பிடும்போது MMS ஐ அனுப்ப முடியாமல் இருப்பது மிகவும் பெரிய குறையாக இருக்கும், எனவே நாங்கள் இந்த வழியில் செல்ல முடிவு செய்தோம். இருப்பினும், வழக்கமாக, விளம்பரங்கள், கண்காணிப்பு அல்லது பகுப்பாய்வு எதுவும் இல்லை, இணையம் MMS அனுப்ப மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.</string> <string name="faq_1_text">MMS இணைப்புகளை அனுப்புவதற்கு இது தேவைப்படுகிறது. மற்ற பயன்பாடுகளுடன் ஒப்பிடும்போது MMS ஐ அனுப்ப முடியாமல் இருப்பது மிகவும் பெரிய குறையாக இருக்கும், எனவே நாங்கள் இந்த வழியில் செல்ல முடிவு செய்தோம். இருப்பினும், வழக்கமாக, விளம்பரங்கள், கண்காணிப்பு அல்லது பகுப்பாய்வு எதுவும் இல்லை, இணையம் MMS அனுப்ப மட்டுமே பயன்படுத்தப்படுகிறது.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - செய்திகளை எளிதாக நிர்வகிக்கவும்</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">விளம்பரங்கள் இல்லாமல் எஸ்எம்எஸ் மற்றும் எம்எம்எஸ் செய்திகளை நிர்வகிக்க ஒரு எளிதான மற்றும் விரைவான வழி.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">" SMS மற்றும் MMS செய்திகளை அனுப்புவதன் மூலம் உங்கள் உறவினர்களுடன் தொடர்பில் இருக்க சிறந்த வழி. ஆண்ட்ராய்டு 7+ இலிருந்து எண்களைத் தடுப்பது போலவே, குழு செய்தியிடலையும் ஆப் சரியாகக் கையாளுகிறது. தேர்வு செய்ய பல தேதி வடிவங்களை வழங்குகிறது, அதைப் பயன்படுத்துவதில் உங்களுக்கு வசதியாக இருக்கும். நீங்கள் 12 மற்றும் 24 மணிநேர நேர வடிவமைப்பிற்கும் இடையில் மாறலாம். போட்டியுடன் ஒப்பிடும்போது இது மிகவும் சிறிய பயன்பாட்டு அளவைக் கொண்டுள்ளது, பதிவிறக்கம் செய்வதை மிக வேகமாக செய்கிறது. இது மெட்டீரியல் டிசைன் மற்றும் டார்க் தீம் இயல்புநிலையாக வருகிறது, எளிதான பயன்பாட்டிற்கு சிறந்த பயனர் அனுபவத்தை வழங்குகிறது. இணைய அணுகல் இல்லாததால், பிற பயன்பாடுகளை விட அதிக தனியுரிமை, பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் நிலைத்தன்மையை உங்களுக்கு வழங்குகிறது. விளம்பரங்கள் அல்லது தேவையற்ற அனுமதிகள் இல்லை. இது முற்றிலும் ஓப்பன்சோர்ஸ், தனிப்பயனாக்கக்கூடிய வண்ணங்களை வழங்குகிறது. &lt;b&gt; எளிய கருவிகளின் முழு தொகுப்பையும் இங்கே பார்க்கவும்:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;Facebook:&lt;/b&gt; &lt;b&gt;Reddit:[ X867X] "</string>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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@ -68,14 +68,8 @@
Bununla birlikte, genellikle olduğu gibi, hiçbir reklam, izleme veya analiz yoktur, internet yalnızca MMS göndermek için kullanılır.</string> Bununla birlikte, genellikle olduğu gibi, hiçbir reklam, izleme veya analiz yoktur, internet yalnızca MMS göndermek için kullanılır.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Karşı taraf MMS\'imi almıyor, bu konuda yapabileceğim bir şey var mı\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Karşı taraf MMS\'imi almıyor, bu konuda yapabileceğim bir şey var mı\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS boyutu operatörler tarafından sınırlandırılır, uygulama ayarlarında daha küçük bir sınır belirlemeyi deneyebilirsiniz.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS boyutu operatörler tarafından sınırlandırılır, uygulama ayarlarında daha küçük bir sınır belirlemeyi deneyebilirsiniz.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Basit SMS Messenger - Mesajları kolayca yönetin</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">SMS ve MMS mesajlarını reklamsız yönetmenin kolay ve hızlı bir yolu.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> Hem SMS hem de MMS göndererek iletişim halinde kalmanın harika bir yolu. Uygulama, tıpkı Android 7 ve üzerinden gelen numaraları engellemek gibi grup mesajlaşmasını da düzgün bir şekilde yönetiyor. Kullanırken kendinizi rahat hissetmeniz için pek çok tarih biçimi sunar. 12 ve 24 saatlik zaman biçimi arasında da geçiş yapabilirsiniz. Rakiplerine kıyasla gerçekten çok küçük bir uygulama boyutuna sahip ve indirmeyi gerçekten hızlı hale getiriyor. Öntanımlı olarak materyal tasarım ve koyu tema ile birlikte gelir, kolay kullanım için harika bir kullanıcı deneyimi sağlar. İnternet erişiminin olmaması size diğer uygulamalardan daha fazla gizlilik, güvenlik ve istikrar sağlar. Hiçbir reklam veya gereksiz izinler içermez. Tamamen açık kaynaklıdır, özelleştirilebilir renkler sağlar. <b>Basit Araçlar paketinin tamamını buradan inceleyin:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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</resources> </resources>

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@ -72,12 +72,6 @@
Тим не менше, як і в інших наших додатках, цей не містить реклами, відстеження та аналітики. Інтернет використовується лише для відправки MMS.</string> Тим не менше, як і в інших наших додатках, цей не містить реклами, відстеження та аналітики. Інтернет використовується лише для відправки MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">Інша сторона не отримує мого MMS, чи можу я щось з цим зробити\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">Інша сторона не отримує мого MMS, чи можу я щось з цим зробити\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">Розмір MMS обмежений операторами, ви можете спробувати зменшити ліміт у налаштуваннях програми.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">Розмір MMS обмежений операторами, ви можете спробувати зменшити ліміт у налаштуваннях програми.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Прості Повідомлення - Керуйте SMS легко</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">Простий і швидкий спосіб керування SMS та MMS-повідомленнями без реклами.</string>
<string name="app_long_description"> SMS/MMS-повідомлення — це чудовий спосіб підтримувати зв\'язок із близькими. Додаток також правильно опрацьовує групові повідомлення та блокування номерів на Android 7+. Підтримується багато форматів часу, щоб вам було зручно користуватися додатком. Також ви можете вибирати між 12- та 24-годинним форматом часу. Наш додаток має малий розмір в порівнянні з додатками конкурентів, що робить його завантаження справді швидким. За промовчанням додаток поставляється з матеріальним дизайном і темною темою, забезпечує чудовий користувацький досвід для простого використання. Відсутність доступу до Інтернету надає більше приватності, безпеки та стабільності, порівняно з іншими додатками. Не буде показувати рекламу; потрібні лише найнеобхідніші дозволи. Програмний код повністю відкритий, забезпечує настроювальні кольори оформлення. <b>Ознайомтеся з повним набором додатків Simple Tools тут:</b> <b>Facebook:</b> <b>Reddit:</b> </string>
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@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
但是和其他应用一样,不包含广告、追踪或者任意的分析工具, 互联网访问仅用于发送彩信。</string> 但是和其他应用一样,不包含广告、追踪或者任意的分析工具, 互联网访问仅用于发送彩信。</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">对方没有收到我的彩信,我能做些什么吗\?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">对方没有收到我的彩信,我能做些什么吗\?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">彩信大小受运营商限制,你可以尝试在程序设置中设定一个较小的限制。</string> <string name="faq_2_text">彩信大小受运营商限制,你可以尝试在程序设置中设定一个较小的限制。</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">简易短信 - 轻松管理消息</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">简单、快速和无广告的方式管理短信和彩信。</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
发送短信和彩信是一个和您亲友保持联系的绝佳方式。这个应用也可以可以正确处理群消息,在 Android 7 以上版本亦可阻止号码。
它提供多个日期格式以便选择,符合您使用习惯。您也可以在 12 和 24 时制格式之间选择。
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@ -67,31 +67,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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Haven't found some strings? There's more at Haven't found some strings? There's more at

View File

@ -68,31 +68,6 @@
However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string> However, as usually, there are no ads, tracking or analytics whatsoever, the internet is used only for sending MMS.</string>
<string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string> <string name="faq_2_title">The other end is not receiving my MMS, is there anything I can do about it?</string>
<string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string> <string name="faq_2_text">MMS size is limited by carriers, you can try setting a smaller limit in the app settings.</string>
<!-- Strings displayed only on Google Playstore. Optional, but good to have -->
<!-- App title has to have less than 50 characters. If you cannot squeeze it, just remove a part of it -->
<string name="app_title">Simple SMS Messenger - Manage messages easily</string>
<!-- Short description has to have max 80 characters -->
<string name="app_short_description">An easy and quick way of managing SMS and MMS messages without ads.</string>
<string name="app_long_description">
A great way to stay in touch with your relatives, by sending both SMS and MMS messages. The app properly handles group messaging too, just like blocking numbers from Android 7+.
It offers many date formats to choose from, to make you feel comfortable at using it. You can toggle between 12 and 24 hours time format too.
It has a really tiny app size compared to the competition, making it really fast to download.
It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
<b>Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:</b>
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Haven't found some strings? There's more at Haven't found some strings? There's more at