Merge pull request #606 from weblate/weblate-simple-mobile-tools-simple-notes

Translations update from Hosted Weblate
This commit is contained in:
Tibor Kaputa 2023-03-25 09:58:14 +01:00 committed by GitHub
commit 40fd3cf620
No known key found for this signature in database
9 changed files with 28 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Textnotiz</string>
<string name="lock_note">Notiz sperren</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Notiz entsperren</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Notizen entsperren</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Die folgenden Notizen sind gesperrt. Du kannst sie entweder einzeln entsperren oder den Export überspringen.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">Der Inhalt der Notizen ist gesperrt.</string>
<string name="show_content">Inhalt anzeigen</string>
<string name="locking_warning">ACHTUNG: Wenn du das Kennwort für die Notizen vergisst, kannst du sie nicht mehr wiederherstellen oder auf den Inhalt der Notizen zugreifen.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Nota de texto</string>
<string name="lock_note">Bloquear nota</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Desbloquear nota</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Desbloquear las notas</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Las siguientes notas están bloqueadas. Puedes desbloquearlas una a una u omitir su exportación.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">El contenido de la nota está bloqueado.</string>
<string name="show_content">Mostrar contenido</string>
<string name="locking_warning">ADVERTENCIA: Si olvidas la contraseña de la nota, ya no podrás recuperarla o acceder a su contenido.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Tekstimärge</string>
<string name="lock_note">Lukusta märge</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Eemalda märkme lukustus</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Eemalda märkmete lukustus</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Järgmised märkmed on lukus. Saad need kas ükshaaval avada või eksportimise vahele jätta.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">Märkme sisu on lukustatud.</string>
<string name="show_content">Näita sisu</string>
<string name="locking_warning">HOIATUS: Kui sa unustad märkme salasõna, siis sa ei saa seda märget avada ega tema sisu lugeda.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Nota de texto</string>
<string name="lock_note">Lock note</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Desbloqueala nota</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Desbloquealas notas</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">As seguintes notas atopanse bloqueadas. Podes desbloquealas unha por unha ou non exportalas.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">O contido das notas está bloqueado.</string>
<string name="show_content">Mostralo contido</string>
<string name="locking_warning">PERIGO: Se esqueces o contrasinal das notas, xa non poderás recuperalo nin acceder ao contido das notas.</string>

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<string name="app_name">Eenvoudige Notities</string>
<string name="app_launcher_name">Notities</string>
<string name="widget_config">Kijk op voor meer eenvoudige apps.</string>
<string name="widget_config">Kijk op voor meer eenvoudig te gebruiken apps.</string>
<string name="cannot_share_empty_text">Kan geen lege notitie delen</string>
<string name="simple_note">Eenvoudige Notitie</string>
<string name="new_note">Nieuwe notitie</string>
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Tekst</string>
<string name="lock_note">Notitie vergrendelen</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Notitie ontgrendelen</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Notities ontgrendelen</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">De volgende notities zijn vergrendeld. Ontgrendel ze een voor een of sla het exporteren van deze notities over.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">De inhoud van deze notitie is vergrendeld.</string>
<string name="show_content">Inhoud weergeven</string>
<string name="locking_warning">WAARSCHUWING: Zonder het wachtwoord kan de inhoud van de notitie niet meer worden hersteld.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Notatka tekstowa</string>
<string name="lock_note">Zablokuj notatkę</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Odblokuj notatkę</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Odblokuj notatki</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Poniższe notatki są zablokowane. Możesz je odblokować jedna po drugiej lub pominąć ich eksportowanie.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">Treść notatki jest zablokowana.</string>
<string name="show_content">Pokaż zawartość</string>
<string name="locking_warning">OSTRZEŻENIE: Jeśli zapomnisz hasła do notatki, nie będziesz już mógł/mogła jej odzyskać ani uzyskać dostępu do treści notatki.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Текстовая заметка</string>
<string name="lock_note">Блокировать заметку</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Разблокировать заметку</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Разблокировать заметки</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Следующие заметки заблокированы. Вы можете либо разблокировать их по одной, либо не включать в экспорт.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">Содержимое заметки заблокировано.</string>
<string name="show_content">Показывать содержание</string>
<string name="locking_warning">ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: если вы забудете пароль, то не сможете восстановить его или получить доступ к содержимому заметок.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">Metin notu</string>
<string name="lock_note">Notu kilitle</string>
<string name="unlock_note">Notun kilidini aç</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Notların kilidini aç</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">Aşağıdaki notlar kilitli. Bunların kilidini tek tek açabilir veya dışa aktarmayı atlayabilirsiniz.</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">Notların içeriği kilitlendi.</string>
<string name="show_content">İçeriği göster</string>
<string name="locking_warning">UYARI: Notların parolasını unutursanız, onu kurtaramaz veya notların içeriğine artık erişemezsiniz.</string>

View File

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
<string name="text_note">文本笔记</string>
<string name="lock_note">锁定笔记</string>
<string name="unlock_note">解锁笔记</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">Unlock notes</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">The following notes are locked. You can either unlock them one by one or skip exporting them.</string>
<string name="unlock_notes">解锁笔记</string>
<string name="found_locked_notes_info">下列笔记被锁定。你可以逐一解锁或不导出它们。</string>
<string name="note_content_locked">笔记的内容被锁定。</string>
<string name="show_content">显示内容</string>
<string name="locking_warning">警告:如果您忘记了笔记的密码,您将无法恢复或访问笔记的内容。</string>