diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b43da4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-ca/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+ Simple Draw
+ Dibuix
+ Obre un fitxer
+ Goma d\'esborrar
+ Comptagotes
+ Ha fallat en carregar la imatge %s
+ Mostra l\'eina de mida del pinzell
+ Permet fer zoom al llenç amb gestos
+ Permet fer zoom i moure el llenç amb gestos
+ Neteja
+ Canvia el color del fons
+ Simple Draw Pro: aplicació per a esbossos ràpids i fàcils
+ Bolígraf i paper per als vostres esbossos ràpids.
+ Voleu dibuixar alguna cosa creativa, però no teniu paper\? Aquesta aplicació s\'adequarà perfectament. Només heu de triar un color i dibuixar, és tan fàcil com això. Podeu desar el dibuix en un fitxer, imprimir-lo o compartir-lo directament per correu electrònic o xarxes socials perquè els vostres amics també es diverteixin amb ell. Aquesta aplicació molt popular per a esbossos ràpids ofereix moltes funcions útils com Desfer/Refer, canviar el color de fons o utilitzar una imatge com a fons. Opcionalment, també podeu fer que l\'aplicació eviti que el dispositiu s\'adormi. També podeu canviar la mida del pinzell o utilitzar una goma d\'esborrar si us heu equivocat en alguna cosa. Admet la inserció de colors seleccionant-los en una paleta enorme o introduint el codi hexadecimal de colors. L\'aplicació admet molts formats diferents com ara PNG, JPG o SVG vectorials. Podeu dibuixar alguna cosa nova des de zero o obrir algun fitxer i jugar-hi. És perfectament utilitzable per vós, o per una família amb infants per jugar a alguns jocs. Després de tot, tothom té una ànima d\'artista en si mateix. Aquí no trobareu cap eina, pinzells, lletres o filtres fantàstics o avançats, se suposa que s\'utilitza per divertir-se. De manera predeterminada, inclou el «material design» i un tema fosc, proporciona una gran experiència d\'usuari per a un ús fàcil. La manca d\'accés a Internet us ofereix més privadesa, seguretat i estabilitat que altres aplicacions. No conté anuncis ni permisos innecessaris. És totalment de codi obert, proporciona colors personalitzables. Consulteu el conjunt complet d\'eines Simples aquí: https://www.simplemobiletools.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/simplemobiletools Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SimpleMobileTools
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c4c74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-hu/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ Egyszerű rajzolás
+ Rajzolás
+ Fájl megnyitása
+ Radír
+ Pipetta
+ A(z) %s kép betöltése sikertelen
+ Ecsetméret eszköz megjelenítése
+ A vászon kézmozdulatokkal történő nagyításának engedélyezése
+ A vászon kézmozdulatokkal történő nagyításának és mozgatásának engedélyezése
+ Törlés
+ Háttérszín megváltoztatása
+ Egyszerű rajzolás Pro – Vázlatok készítése gyorsan
+ Toll és ceruza a gyors vázlatok készítéséhez.
+ Want to draw something creative but you have no paper? This app will suit you perfectly. Just pick a color and draw, it is as easy as that. You can either save the drawing in a file, print it or share it directly through email or social networks so that your friends can have some fun with it too.
+ This hugely popular app for quick sketches provides many useful functions like Undo/Redo, changing the background color, or using an image as the background. You can optionally make the app prevent the device from falling asleep too. You can also change the brush size, or use an eraser, if you messed something up. It supports inserting colors either by selecting it on a huge palette, or by entering the colors hex code.
+ The app supports many different formats like PNG, JPG or SVG vectors.
+ You can either draw something new from scratch, or open some file and just play around with it. It is perfectly usable either by you, or by a family with children to play some games. After all, everyone has a piece of artist in himself.
+ You will not find any fancy or advanced tools, brushes, fonts, filters here, it is supposed to be used to have some fun with.
+ It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
+ Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
+ Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:
+ https://www.simplemobiletools.com
+ Facebook:
+ https://www.facebook.com/simplemobiletools
+ Reddit:
+ https://www.reddit.com/r/SimpleMobileTools
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml b/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ae922
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/values-pt-rBR/strings.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+ Desenhos Simples
+ Desenho
+ Abrir arquivo
+ Borracha
+ Conta-gotas
+ Erro ao carregar a imagem %s
+ Mostrar ferramenta de tamanho do pincel
+ Permitir ampliar a tela com gestos
+ Permitir ampliar e mover a tela com gestos
+ Limpar
+ Mudar a cor de fundo
+ Desenhos Simples Pro - Esboços fáceis e rápidos
+ Pen and paper for your quick sketches.
+ Want to draw something creative but you have no paper? This app will suit you perfectly. Just pick a color and draw, it is as easy as that. You can either save the drawing in a file, print it or share it directly through email or social networks so that your friends can have some fun with it too.
+ This hugely popular app for quick sketches provides many useful functions like Undo/Redo, changing the background color, or using an image as the background. You can optionally make the app prevent the device from falling asleep too. You can also change the brush size, or use an eraser, if you messed something up. It supports inserting colors either by selecting it on a huge palette, or by entering the colors hex code.
+ The app supports many different formats like PNG, JPG or SVG vectors.
+ You can either draw something new from scratch, or open some file and just play around with it. It is perfectly usable either by you, or by a family with children to play some games. After all, everyone has a piece of artist in himself.
+ You will not find any fancy or advanced tools, brushes, fonts, filters here, it is supposed to be used to have some fun with.
+ It comes with material design and dark theme by default, provides great user experience for easy usage. The lack of internet access gives you more privacy, security and stability than other apps.
+ Contains no ads or unnecessary permissions. It is fully opensource, provides customizable colors.
+ Check out the full suite of Simple Tools here:
+ https://www.simplemobiletools.com
+ Facebook:
+ https://www.facebook.com/simplemobiletools
+ Reddit:
+ https://www.reddit.com/r/SimpleMobileTools