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synced 2025-03-16 16:40:08 +01:00
adding the missing strings into all languages
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">تعذر حفظ الصورة</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">فشل إعداد الدقة المناسبة</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">فشل تسجيل الفيديو ، حاول استخدام دقة مختلفة</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">ما هي جودة ضغط الصور التي يجب تعيينها؟</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">ذلك يعتمد على هدفك. لأغراض عامة ينصح معظم الناس باستخدام 75٪ -80٪، عندما تكون الصورة لا تزال ذات نوعية جيدة حقا، ولكن يتم تقليل حجم الملف بشكل كبير مقارنة مع 100٪.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Şəkli yaddaşa salmaq olmur</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Uyğun görüntü imkanını seçmək olmur</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video yazmaq olmur, xahiş olunur görüntü imkanını dəyişin</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Şəkli hansı keyfiyyətdə yaddaşa salmalıyam?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Снимката не можа да бъде записана</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Задаването на резолюция бе неуспешно</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Видеозаписът бе неуспешен, опитайте различна резолюция</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Колко трябва да компресирам качеството на снимките\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Зависи. За общо ползване повечето хора съветват да 75%-80%, като изображението все още е с наистина добро качество, но размерът на файла е драстично намален в сравнение със 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">No s\'ha pogut desar la foto</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">No s\'ha pogut establir la resolució adequada</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Ha fallat la gravació de vídeo, proveu d\'utilitzar una resolució diferent</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Quina qualitat de compressió fotogràfica he d\'establir\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Depèn del vostre objectiu. Amb finalitats genèriques, la majoria de la gent aconsella utilitzar un 75%-80%, quan la imatge encara és de molt bona qualitat, però la mida del fitxer es redueix dràsticament en comparació amb el 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotografii se nepodařilo uložit</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Nepodařilo se nastavit správné rozlišení</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Nahrávání videa selhalo, zkuste použít jiné rozlišení</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Jakou kvalitu fotek bych měl použít?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Methwyd â chadw\'r llun</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Methwyd â gosod y cydraniad cywir</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Methwyd â recordio fideo; rho gynnig ar gydraniad gwahanol</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Pa ansawdd cywasgu llun dylwn ei osod?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotoet kunne ikke gemmes</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Indstilling af korrekt opløsning mislykkedes</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Videooptagelse mislykkedes. Prøv at bruge en anden opløsning</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hvilken fotokomprimeringskvalitet skal jeg anvende\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Det afhænger af dit mål. Til almindelige formål anbefaler de fleste at bruge 75-80 %, hvor billedet stadig har en rigtig god kvalitet, men hvor filstørrelsen er reduceret drastisk i forhold til 100 %.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Das Foto konnte nicht gespeichert werden</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Korrekte Auflösung konnte nicht eingestellt werden</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Videoaufzeichnung fehlgeschlagen, probiere eine andere Auflösung aus</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Was für eine Fotokomprimierungsqualität soll ich einstellen?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Das hängt von deinem Ziel ab. Für allgemeine Zwecke empfehlen die meisten 75 - 80 %, wodurch die Qualität immer noch sehr gut bleibt, aber die Dateigrösse drastisch reduziert ist im Vergleich zu 100 %.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Δεν ήταν δυνατή η αποθήκευση της φωτογραφίας</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Η ρύθμιση της σωστής ανάλυσης απέτυχε</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Η εγγραφή βίντεο απέτυχε, δοκιμάστε να χρησιμοποιήσετε διαφορετική ανάλυση</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Ποια ποιότητα συμπίεσης φωτογραφιών πρέπει να ορίσω;</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">The photo could not be saved</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Setting proper resolution failed</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">What photo compression quality should I set?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">No se pudo guardar la imagen</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Falló la configuración de la resolución apropiada</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Grabación de video fallida, intenta usar una diferente resolución</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">¿Qué calidad de compresión de foto debería establecer?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Depende de tu objetivo. Para propósitos generales, la mayoría de las personas aconsejan usar 75%-80%, y la imagen seguirá siendo de calidad realmente buena, pero el tamaño del archivo es reducido drásticamente comparado con el 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Foto salvestamine ei õnnestunud</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Õige resolutsiooni määramine ei õnnestunud</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video salvestamine ei õnnestunud, proovi kasutada muud resolutsiooni</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Missugust piltide pakkimise kvaliteeti peaksin kasutama\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">See sõltub sinu eesmärkidest. Üldiselt soovitame 75-80-protsendilist pakkimist, mispuhul piltide kvaliteet on jätkuvalt mõistlik, kuid piltide suurus on 100-protsendilise kvaliteediga võrreldes väiksem.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Valokuvaa ei voitu tallentaa</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Oikean resoluution asettaminen epäonnistui</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Videon tallennus epäonnistui. Yritä käyttää toista resoluutiota</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Mitä valokuvan pakkauslaatua minun pitäisi käyttää?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Se riippuu tarkoituksestasi. Yleisissä tarkoituksissa useimmat ihmiset suosittelevat käyttämään 75-80%, kun kuva on edelleen todella hyvälaatuinen, mutta tiedoston koko pienenee huomattavasti verrattuna 100%:iin.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Impossible d\'enregistrer la photo</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">La définition de la résolution a échoué</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">L\'enregistrement vidéo a échoué, essayez d\'utiliser une résolution différente</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Quelle valeur devrais-je mettre pour la qualité des photos \?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Tout dépend de ce que vous voulez en faire. Pour la plupart des usages, il est recommandé entre 75 et 80 %, ce qui est reste de qualité acceptable, tout en générant un fichier de taille bien inférieure à une photo avec une qualité de 100 %.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Non se puido gardar a foto</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Fallou o establecemento da resolución</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Fallou gravación do vídeo; inténtao de novo usando unha resolución diferente</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Que calidade de compresión debo escoller para a foto?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotografiju nije moguće spremiti</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Postavljanje ispravne rezolucije nije uspjelo</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Snimanje videozapisa nije uspjelo, pokušajte koristiti drugu razlučivost</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kakvu kvalitetu kompresije fotografija trebam postaviti?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">The photo could not be saved</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Setting proper resolution failed</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">What photo compression quality should I set?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Foto tidak bisa disimpan</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Gagal mengubah ke resolusi yang benar</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Gagal merekam video, coba gunakan resolusi yang berbeda</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kualitas kompresi foto mana yang harus saya gunakan?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Impossibile salvare la foto</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Impossibile impostare la giusta risoluzione</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Impossibile registrare video, provare a utilizzare una risoluzione differente</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Che qualità di compressione dovrei impostare?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Dipende dal proprio obiettivo. In genere si consiglia di utilizzare una qualità del 75%-80%, in modo che l\'immagine sia ancora di ottima qualità, ma la dimensione del file viene ridotta drasticamente rispetto al 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">לא ניתן היה לשמור את התמונה</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">הגדרת הרזולוציה המתאימה נכשלה</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">הקלטת הווידאו נכשלה, נסה להשתמש ברזולוציה אחרת</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">איזו איכות דחיסת תמונה עלי להגדיר\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">זה תלוי במטרה שלך. למטרות כלליות רוב האנשים ממליצים להשתמש ב-75%-80%, כאשר התמונה עדיין באיכות טובה, אך גודל הקובץ מצטמצם באופן דרסטי בהשוואה ל-100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">この画像は保存されていません</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">適切な解像度の設定に失敗しました</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">動画の録画に失敗しました。別の解像度を試してください</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">写真の圧縮品質はどのように設定すればよいですか?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">사진을 저장할 수 없습니다.</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">해상도 설정에 실패했습니다.</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">사진 압축품질을 무엇으로 설정해야 하나요?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Nuotrauka negali būti išsaugota</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Nustatant tinkamą raišką įvyko klaida</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Kokią nuotraukos suspaudimo kokybę turėčiau nustatyti?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">ഫോട്ടോ സംരക്ഷിക്കാൻ കഴിഞ്ഞില്ല</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">ശരിയായ റെസലൂഷൻ സജ്ജമാക്കാൻ പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">വീഡിയോ റെക്കോർഡിംഗ് പരാജയപ്പെട്ടു, മറ്റൊരു റെസലൂഷൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കുക</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">ഏത് ഫോട്ടോ കംപ്രഷനാണ് ഞാൻ ഉപയോഗിക്കേണ്ടത്?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Kunne ikke lagre bildet</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Kunne ikke sette riktig oppløsning</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Videoopptak mislyktes. Prøv å bruke en annen oppløsning.</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hvilket bildekomprimeringsnivå bør jeg bruke\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Det avhenger av hva du vil. Til alminnelige formål anbefales 75%-80%. Fremdeles god kvalitet, men vesentlig redusert filstørrelse sammenlignet med 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">फोटो बचत हुन सक्दैन</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">ठिक रिजोलुसनमा स्थापित गर्न असफल भयो</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">भिडियो रेकर्डिङ हुन सकेन, फरक रिजोलुसनमा राखेर प्रयास गर्नुहोस</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">मैले कस्तो फोटो खदाईको गुणस्तर स्थापित गर्नुपर्छ ?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Foto kon niet worden opgeslagen</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Instellen van resolutie is mislukt</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video-opname is mislukt, probeer nogmaals met een andere resolutie</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Welke kwaliteit voor foto\'s moet ik instellen?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Voor normaal gebruik adviseren de meeste mensen een compressie van 75%-80%. De afbeelding zal dan nog steeds van goede kwaliteit zijn en de bestandsgrootte zal enorm veel kleiner zijn dan met 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Nie udało się zapisać zdjęcia</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Nie udało się ustawić poprawnej rozdzielczości</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Nie udało się rozpocząć nagrywania. Spróbuj użyć innej rozdzielczości.</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Jaką jakość kompresji zdjęć powinienem ustawić\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Zależy to od Twojego celu. Do celów ogólnych większość ludzi zaleca poziom 75-80% — wtedy obraz jest nadal w dobrej jakości, ale rozmiar pliku znacznie zmniejsza się w porównaniu do 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">The photo could not be saved</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Setting proper resolution failed</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">What photo compression quality should I set?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Não foi possível guardar a foto</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Falha ao definir a resolução ideal</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Falha ao gravar o vídeo. Tente com outra resolução.</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">What photo compression quality should I set?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">A foto não pôde ser salva</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Falha no ajuste da resolução</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Falha na gravação de vídeo. Tente alterar a resoluçãon</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Que qualidade de compressão de imagem devo definir?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Depende de seu objetivo. Para fins genéricos, aconselha-se o uso de 75%-80%, no qual a imagem ainda apresenta boa qualidade, porém tamanho drasticamente reduzido em comparação a 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotografia nu a putut fi salvată</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Setarea rezoluției corespunzătoare a eșuat</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Înregistrarea video a eșuat, încercați să utilizați o rezoluție diferită</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Ce calitate de compresie a fotografiilor ar trebui să setez?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Невозможно сохранить фото</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Не удалось установить правильное разрешение</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Ошибка при записи видео, попробуйте использовать другое разрешение</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Какое качество сжатия фото нужно установить?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Это зависит от вашей цели. В общем случае большинство людей советуют использовать 75%-80%, тогда изображение всё ещё действительно хорошего качества, но размер файла резко уменьшается по сравнению со 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotografiu sa nepodarilo uložiť</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Nepodarilo sa nastaviť správne rozlíšenie</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Nahrávanie videa zlyhalo, skúste použiť iné rozlíšenie</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Kamera je používaná inou apkou, prosím zatvorte ju a skúste znova</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">Pri nastavovaní kamery došlo k chybe</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Kamera je blokovaná adminom</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">Je zapnutý mód "Nevyrušujte". Prosím vypnite ho a skúste znova</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Snímanie fotografie zlyhalo</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Nahrávanie videa zlyhalo pre nedostatok miesta</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Akú kvalitu fotiek by som mal použiť?</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotot kunde inte sparas</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Det gick inte att ställa in den valda upplösningen</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Videoinspelningen misslyckades, prova med en annan upplösning</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Vilken kvalitet för fotokomprimering ska jag ställa in\?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Det beror på ditt mål. För generiska ändamål rekommenderar de flesta att man använder 75-80 %, då bilden fortfarande har riktigt bra kvalitet, men filstorleken minskar drastiskt jämfört med 100 %.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Fotoğraf kaydedilemedi</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Doğru çözünürlük ayarı başarısız oldu</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video kaydı başarısız oldu, farklı bir çözünürlük kullanmayı deneyin</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Hangi fotoğraf sıkıştırma kalitesini ayarlamalıyım?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Hedefinize bağlı. Genel amaçlar için çoğu kişi %75-%80\'i kullanmanızı önerir, görüntü hala gerçekten kaliteliyken, dosya boyutu %100\'e göre büyük ölçüde azalır.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">Не вдалося зберегти фото</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Не вдалося встановити правильне розширення</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Не вдалося записати відео, спробуйте встановити інше розширення</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">Який ступінь стиснення фото слід встановити?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">Це залежить від вашої мети. Загалом більшість людей радять використовувати 75%-80%, тоді зображення ще дійсно гарної якості, але розмір файлу істотно зменшується порівняно зі 100%.</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">无法保存照片</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">设定分辨率失败</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">视频录制失败,将尝试其他分辨率</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">我应该选用怎样的照片压缩率呢?</string>
<string name="faq_1_text">这取决于您的目的。对大多数人的一般用途来说,建议使用 75%-80%,此时图片仍有不错的品质,而文件大小相比 100% 时大幅减小。</string>
@ -12,6 +12,12 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">相片無法儲存</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">設定合適解析度失敗</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">影片錄製失敗,試著使用不同的解析度</string>
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
<!-- FAQ -->
<string name="faq_1_title">我應該設定什麼相片壓縮品質?</string>
@ -14,13 +14,10 @@
<string name="photo_not_saved">The photo could not be saved</string>
<string name="setting_resolution_failed">Setting proper resolution failed</string>
<string name="video_recording_failed">Video recording failed, try using a different resolution</string>
<!--TODO: Add strings in other locales-->
<string name="camera_in_use_error">Camera is in use by another app, please close the app and try again</string>
<string name="camera_configure_error">An error occurred while configuring the camera</string>
<string name="camera_disabled_by_admin_error">Camera is disabled by the admin</string>
<string name="camera_dnd_error">"Do Not Disturb" mode is enabled. Please disable and try again</string>
<string name="photo_capture_failed">Photo capture failed</string>
<string name="video_capture_insufficient_storage_error">Video recording failed due to insufficient storage</string>
Reference in New Issue
Block a user