Changelog ========== Version 1.8 *(2016-07-07)* ---------------------------- * Implement Event notifications Version 1.6 *(2016-07-05)* ---------------------------- * Implement Events (no reminder yet) Version 1.5 *(2016-07-01)* ---------------------------- * Adjust everything properly if used on a tablet * Show a Rate us button to returning users Version 1.4 *(2016-06-27)* ---------------------------- * Add a Google Plus page link to the About section Version 1.3 *(2016-06-19)* ---------------------------- * Add a Facebook page link to the About section Version 1.2 *(2016-06-17)* ---------------------------- * Always force english locale Version 1.1 *(2016-06-13)* ---------------------------- * Allow resizing the widget Version 1.0 *(2016-06-05)* ---------------------------- * Initial release