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synced 2025-02-28 01:08:06 +01:00
- works only in the app, not in the widget - we have to leave the textviews as TextView type, else the widget breaks totally
A simple Android opensource calculator with a widget, functional and UI tests
Running Espresso UI tests
1. at Build Variants select "Android Instrumentation Tests" 2. Run -> Edit Configurations 3. create a new "Android Tests" configuration, give it a name (i.e. "MainActivityEspressoTest") 4. choose the "app" module 5. OK 6. make sure MainActivityEspressoTest is selected near the Run button 7. RunRunning Robolectric tests
1. at Build Variant select "Unit Tests" 2. at the Project tab right click the folder containing the tests (i.e. "calculator.simplemobiletools.com.simple_calculator (test)") 3. select Run 'Tests in 'calculator.simplemob...' to run all the tests 4. if you are on Linux or Mac, go to Run -> Edit Configurations, select the new JUnit configuration and change the "Working Directory" item to "$MODULE_DIR" (without quotes) 5. OK 5. Run