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// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef PDFCMS_H
#define PDFCMS_H
#include "pdfglobal.h"
#include "pdfcolorspaces.h"
#include "pdfexception.h"
#include "pdfutils.h"
#include <QRecursiveMutex>
#include <QSharedPointer>
#include <compare>
namespace pdf
/// This simple structure stores settings for color management system, and what
/// color management system should be used. At default, two color management
/// system are available - generic (which uses default imprecise color management),
/// and CMS using engine LittleCMS2, which was written by Marti Maria, and is
/// linked as separate library.
struct PDFCMSSettings
/// Type of color management system
enum class System
/// Controls accuracy of the color transformations. High accuracy
/// could mean high memory consumption, but better color accuracy,
/// low accuracy means low memory consumption and low color accuracy.
enum class Accuracy
enum class ColorAdaptationXYZ
bool operator==(const PDFCMSSettings&) const = default;
System system = System::Generic;
Accuracy accuracy = Accuracy::Medium;
RenderingIntent intent = RenderingIntent::Auto;
RenderingIntent proofingIntent = RenderingIntent::RelativeColorimetric;
ColorAdaptationXYZ colorAdaptationXYZ = ColorAdaptationXYZ::Bradford;
bool isBlackPointCompensationActive = true;
bool isWhitePaperColorTransformed = false;
bool isGamutChecking = false;
bool isSoftProofing = false;
bool isConsiderOutputIntent = true;
QColor outOfGamutColor = Qt::red; ///< Color, which marks out-of-gamut when soft-proofing is proceeded
QString outputCS; ///< Output (rendering) color space
QString deviceGray; ///< Identifiers for color space (device gray)
QString deviceRGB; ///< Identifiers for color space (device RGB)
QString deviceCMYK; ///< Identifiers for color space (device CMYK)
QString softProofingProfile; ///< Identifiers for soft proofing profile
QString profileDirectory; ///< Directory containing color profiles
/// Color management system base class. It contains functions to transform
/// colors from various color system to device color system. If color management
/// system can't handle color transform, it should return invalid color.
class PDFCMS
explicit inline PDFCMS() = default;
virtual ~PDFCMS() = default;
/// This function should decide, if color management system is compatible with these
/// settings (so, it transforms colors according to this setting). If this
/// function returns false, then this color management system should be replaced
/// by newly created one, according these settings.
virtual bool isCompatible(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) const = 0;
/// Returns color of the white paper
virtual QColor getPaperColor() const = 0;
/// Converts color in Device Gray color space to the target device
/// color space. If error occurs, then invalid color is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate
/// as possible.
/// \param color Single color channel value
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceGray(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Converts color in Device RGB color space to the target device
/// color space. If error occurs, then invalid color is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate
/// as possible.
/// \param color Three color channel value (R,G,B channel)
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceRGB(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Converts color in Device CMYK color space to the target device
/// color space. If error occurs, then invalid color is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate
/// as possible.
/// \param color Four color channel value (C,M,Y,K channel)
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceCMYK(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Converts color in XYZ color space to the target device
/// color space. If error occurs, then invalid color is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate
/// as possible.
/// \param whitePoint White point of source XYZ color space
/// \param Three color channel value (X,Y,Z channel)
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual QColor getColorFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint,
const PDFColor3& color,
RenderingIntent intent,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Computes color from ICC color profile
/// \param color Input color
/// \param iccID Unique ICC profile identifier
/// \param iccData Color profile data
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual QColor getColorFromICC(const PDFColor& color,
RenderingIntent renderingIntent,
const QByteArray& iccID,
const QByteArray& iccData,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Fills colors in Device Gray color space to the RGB buffer. If error occurs, then false is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate as possible.
/// \param color Gray values
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param outputBuffer Output buffer in format RGB_888 (8-bit RGB values)
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(const std::vector<float>& colors,
RenderingIntent intent,
unsigned char* outputBuffer,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Fills colors in Device RGB color space to RGB buffer. If error occurs, then false is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate as possible.
/// \param colors Buffer with three color channels, so it has pixels * tuple(R, G, B) size
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param outputBuffer Output buffer in format RGB_888 (8-bit RGB values)
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(const std::vector<float>& colors,
RenderingIntent intent,
unsigned char* outputBuffer,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Fills colors in Device CMYK color space to the RGB buffer. If error occurs, then false is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate as possible.
/// \param colors FBuffer with four color channels (C,M,Y,K channel), so it has pixels * tuple(C, M, Y, K) size
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param outputBuffer Output buffer in format RGB_888 (8-bit RGB values)
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(const std::vector<float>& colors,
RenderingIntent intent,
unsigned char* outputBuffer,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Fills colors in XYZ color space to the RGB buffer. If error occurs, then false is returned.
/// Caller then should handle this - try to convert color as accurate as possible.
/// \param whitePoint White point of source XYZ color space
/// \param Three color channel value (X,Y,Z channel)
/// \param intent Rendering intent
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint,
const std::vector<float>& colors,
RenderingIntent intent,
unsigned char* outputBuffer,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
/// Fills RGB buffer from ICC color profile colors
/// \param colors Input colors
/// \param iccID Unique ICC profile identifier
/// \param iccData Color profile data
/// \param reporter Render error reporter (used, when color transform fails)
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromICC(const std::vector<float>& colors,
RenderingIntent renderingIntent,
unsigned char* outputBuffer,
const QByteArray& iccID,
const QByteArray& iccData,
PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const = 0;
enum ColorSpaceType
struct ColorSpaceTransformParams
ColorSpaceType sourceType = ColorSpaceType::Invalid;
ColorSpaceType targetType = ColorSpaceType::Invalid;
QByteArray sourceIccId;
QByteArray targetIccId;
QByteArray sourceIccData;
QByteArray targetIccData;
PDFColorBuffer input;
PDFColorBuffer output;
RenderingIntent intent = RenderingIntent::Unknown;
PDFInteger multithreadingThreshold = 4096;
/// Transforms color between two color spaces. Doesn't do soft-proofing,
/// it just transforms two float buffers from input color space to output color space.
virtual bool transformColorSpace(const ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const = 0;
/// Get D50 white point for XYZ color space
static PDFColor3 getDefaultXYZWhitepoint();
using PDFCMSPointer = QSharedPointer<PDFCMS>;
explicit inline PDFCMSGeneric() = default;
virtual bool isCompatible(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) const override;
virtual QColor getPaperColor() const override;
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceGray(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceRGB(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceCMYK(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual QColor getColorFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const PDFColor3& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual QColor getColorFromICC(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(const std::vector<float>& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(const std::vector<float>& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(const std::vector<float>& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const std::vector<float>& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromICC(const std::vector<float>& colors, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override;
virtual bool transformColorSpace(const ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const override;
struct PDFColorProfileIdentifier
enum class Type
bool operator==(const PDFColorProfileIdentifier&) const = default;
bool operator!=(const PDFColorProfileIdentifier&) const = default;
Type type = Type::sRGB;
QString name;
QString id;
PDFReal temperature = 6500.0;
QPointF primaryR;
QPointF primaryG;
QPointF primaryB;
PDFReal gamma = 1.0;
bool isOutputIntentProfile = false;
/// Data for MemoryGray, MemoryRGB and MemoryCMYK
QByteArray profileMemoryData;
/// Creates gray color profile identifier
/// \param name Name of color profile
/// \param id Identifier of color profile
/// \param temperature White point temperature
/// \param gamma Gamma correction
static PDFColorProfileIdentifier createGray(QString name, QString id, PDFReal temperature, PDFReal gamma);
/// Creates sRGB color profile identifier
static PDFColorProfileIdentifier createSRGB();
/// Creates RGB color space identifier
/// \param name Name of color profile
/// \param id Identifier of color profile
/// \param temperature White point temperature
/// \param primaryR Primary red
/// \param primaryG Primary green
/// \param primaryB Primary blue
/// \param gamma Gamma correction
static PDFColorProfileIdentifier createRGB(QString name, QString id, PDFReal temperature, QPointF primaryR, QPointF primaryG, QPointF primaryB, PDFReal gamma);
/// Create file color profile identifier
static PDFColorProfileIdentifier createFile(Type type, QString name, QString id);
/// Create memory output intent color profile identifier
static PDFColorProfileIdentifier createOutputIntent(Type type, QString name, QString id, QByteArray profileData);
using PDFColorProfileIdentifiers = std::vector<PDFColorProfileIdentifier>;
/// Manager, that manages current color management system and also list
/// of usable input and output color profiles. It has color profiles
/// for outout device, and color profiles for input (gray/RGB/CMYK).
/// It also handles settings, and it's changes. Constant functions
/// is save to call from multiple threads, this also holds for some
/// non-constant functions - manager is protected by mutexes.
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCMSManager : public QObject
using BaseClass = QObject;
explicit PDFCMSManager(QObject* parent);
/// Finalizes cms manager. Call this function
/// only at program exit. Frees all allocated
/// resources. Function is not thread-safe.
static void finalize();
/// Returns current CMS. This function possibly creates CMS,
/// of no CMS is found.
PDFCMSPointer getCurrentCMS() const;
const PDFCMSSettings& getSettings() const { return m_settings; }
void setSettings(const PDFCMSSettings& settings);
const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& getOutputProfiles() const;
const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& getGrayProfiles() const;
const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& getRGBProfiles() const;
const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& getCMYKProfiles() const;
/// Returns default color management settings
PDFCMSSettings getDefaultSettings() const;
/// Set current document. Document is examined for output
/// rendering intents and they can be used when rendering.
/// \param document Document
void setDocument(const PDFDocument* document);
/// Get translated name for color management system
/// \param system System
static QString getSystemName(PDFCMSSettings::System system);
void colorManagementSystemChanged();
/// Creates new CMS based on current settings
PDFCMSPointer getCurrentCMSImpl() const;
/// Clear cached items
void clearCache();
/// This function returns external profiles. It is not protected by mutex,
/// so it is not thread-safe. For this reason, it is not in public
/// interface.
const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& getExternalProfiles() const;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getOutputProfilesImpl() const;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getGrayProfilesImpl() const;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getRGBProfilesImpl() const;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getCMYKProfilesImpl() const;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getExternalProfilesImpl() const;
/// Returns filtered list of external profiles (list are filtered by type,
/// so, for example, only CMYK profiles are returned)
/// \param type Type of profile
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getFilteredExternalProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type type) const;
/// Returns filtered list of output intent profiles (list are filtered by type,
/// so, for example, only CMYK profiles are returned)
/// \param type Type of profile
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getFilteredOutputIntentProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type type) const;
/// Gets list of color profiles from external directory
/// \param profileDirectory Directory with profiles
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers getExternalColorProfiles(QString profileDirectory) const;
PDFCMSSettings m_settings;
const PDFDocument* m_document;
PDFColorProfileIdentifiers m_outputIntentProfiles;
mutable QRecursiveMutex m_mutex;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFCMSPointer> m_CMS;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFColorProfileIdentifiers> m_outputProfiles;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFColorProfileIdentifiers> m_grayProfiles;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFColorProfileIdentifiers> m_RGBProfiles;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFColorProfileIdentifiers> m_CMYKProfiles;
mutable PDFCachedItem<PDFColorProfileIdentifiers> m_externalProfiles;
/// Class providing chromatic adaptation of whitepoints
/// using various method.
class PDFChromaticAdaptationXYZ
PDFChromaticAdaptationXYZ() = delete;
static PDFColorComponentMatrix_3x3 createWhitepointChromaticAdaptation(const PDFColor3& targetWhitePoint,
const PDFColor3& sourceWhitePoint,
PDFCMSSettings::ColorAdaptationXYZ method);
} // namespace pdf
#endif // PDFCMS_H