
614 lines
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// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pdfdrawspacecontroller.h"
#include "pdftextlayout.h"
#include "pdfsnapper.h"
#include <QDialog>
#include <QCursor>
class QCheckBox;
class QLineEdit;
namespace pdf
/// Base class for various widget tools (for example, searching, text selection,
/// screenshots, zoom tool etc.). Each tool can have subtools (for example,
/// screenshot tool is picking screenshot rectangle).
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFWidgetTool : public QObject, public IDocumentDrawInterface
using BaseClass = QObject;
explicit PDFWidgetTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QObject* parent);
explicit PDFWidgetTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QObject* parent);
virtual ~PDFWidgetTool();
/// Sets document, shuts down the tool, if it is active, and document
/// is changing.
/// \param document Document
void setDocument(const PDFModifiedDocument& document);
/// Sets tool as active or inactive. If tool is active, then it is processed
/// in draw widget proxy events (such as drawing etc.).
/// \param active Is tool active?
void setActive(bool active);
/// Returns true, if tool is active
bool isActive() const { return m_active; }
/// Returns action for activating/deactivating this tool
QAction* getAction() const { return m_action; }
/// Handles shortcut override event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void shortcutOverrideEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event);
/// Handles key press event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void keyPressEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event);
/// Handles key release event from widget
/// \param widget Widget
/// \param event Event
virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event);
/// Handles mouse press event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event);
/// Handles mouse double click event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event);
/// Handles mouse release event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event);
/// Handles mouse move event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event);
/// Handles mouse wheel event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void wheelEvent(QWidget* widget, QWheelEvent* event);
/// Returns actual cursor defined by the tool. Cursor can be undefined,
/// in this case, optional will be set to nullopt.
const std::optional<QCursor>& getCursor() const;
/// Informs about tool activity changed (if tool is enabled or disabled)
/// \param active Is tool active?
void toolActivityChanged(bool active);
/// This is signal is set, when we want to display information message
/// to the user, with timeout in miliseconds, after which message
/// dissappears.
/// \param text Text, which should be displayed to the user
/// \param timeout Timeout in miliseconds
void messageDisplayRequest(const QString& text, int timeout);
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active);
virtual void updateActions();
/// Returns currently active tool from toolstack,
/// or nullptr, if no active tool from toolstack exists.
PDFWidgetTool* getTopToolstackTool() const;
const PDFDocument* getDocument() const { return m_document; }
PDFDrawWidgetProxy* getProxy() const { return m_proxy; }
inline void setCursor(QCursor cursor) { m_cursor = qMove(cursor); }
inline void unsetCursor() { m_cursor = std::nullopt; }
void addTool(PDFWidgetTool* tool);
void removeTool();
bool m_active;
const PDFDocument* m_document;
QAction* m_action;
PDFDrawWidgetProxy* m_proxy;
std::vector<PDFWidgetTool*> m_toolStack;
std::optional<QCursor> m_cursor;
/// Simple tool for find text in PDF document. It is much simpler than advanced
/// search and can't search using regular expressions.
class PDFFindTextTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Construct new text search tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param prevAction Action for navigating to previous result
/// \param nextAction Action for navigating to next result
/// \param parent Parent object
/// \param parentDialog Paret dialog for tool dialog
explicit PDFFindTextTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* prevAction, QAction* nextAction, QObject* parent, QWidget* parentDialog);
virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter,
PDFInteger pageIndex,
const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage,
PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter,
const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix,
QList<PDFRenderError>& errors) const override;
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active) override;
virtual void updateActions() override;
void onSearchText();
void onActionPrevious();
void onActionNext();
void performSearch();
void updateResultsUI();
void updateTitle();
void clearResults();
QAction* m_prevAction;
QAction* m_nextAction;
QWidget* m_parentDialog;
QDialog* m_dialog;
QCheckBox* m_caseSensitiveCheckBox;
QCheckBox* m_wholeWordsCheckBox;
QLineEdit* m_findTextEdit;
QPushButton* m_previousButton;
QPushButton* m_nextButton;
pdf::PDFTextSelection getTextSelection() const { return m_textSelection.get(this, &PDFFindTextTool::getTextSelectionImpl); }
pdf::PDFTextSelection getTextSelectionImpl() const;
struct SearchParameters
QString phrase;
bool isCaseSensitive = false;
bool isWholeWordsOnly = false;
bool isSearchFinished = false;
SearchParameters m_parameters;
pdf::PDFFindResults m_findResults;
size_t m_selectedResultIndex;
mutable pdf::PDFCachedItem<pdf::PDFTextSelection> m_textSelection;
/// Tool for selection of text in document
class PDFSelectTextTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Construct new text selection tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param action Tool activation action
/// \param copyTextAction Copy text action
/// \param selectAllAction Select all text action
/// \param deselectAction Deselect text action
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFSelectTextTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QAction* copyTextAction, QAction* selectAllAction, QAction* deselectAction, QObject* parent);
virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter,
PDFInteger pageIndex,
const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage,
PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter,
const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix,
QList<PDFRenderError>& errors) const override;
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active) override;
virtual void updateActions() override;
void updateCursor();
void onActionCopyText();
void onActionSelectAll();
void onActionDeselect();
void setSelection(pdf::PDFTextSelection&& textSelection);
struct SelectionInfo
PDFInteger pageIndex = -1;
QPointF selectionStartPoint;
QAction* m_copyTextAction;
QAction* m_selectAllAction;
QAction* m_deselectAction;
pdf::PDFTextSelection m_textSelection;
SelectionInfo m_selectionInfo;
bool m_isCursorOverText;
/// Tool to magnify specific area in the drawing widget
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFMagnifierTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Constructs new magnifier tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param action Tool activation action
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFMagnifierTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QObject* parent);
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void drawPostRendering(QPainter* painter, QRect rect) const override;
int getMagnifierSize() const;
void setMagnifierSize(int magnifierSize);
PDFReal getMagnifierZoom() const;
void setMagnifierZoom(const PDFReal& magnifierZoom);
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active) override;
QPoint m_mousePos;
int m_magnifierSize;
PDFReal m_magnifierZoom;
/// Tools for picking various items on page - points, rectangles, images etc.
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFPickTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
enum class Mode
Points, ///< Pick points
Rectangles, ///< Pick rectangles
Images ///< Pick images
/// Constructs new picking tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param mode Picking mode
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFPickTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, Mode mode, QObject* parent);
virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex,
const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage,
PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter,
const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix,
QList<PDFRenderError>& errors) const override;
virtual void drawPostRendering(QPainter* painter, QRect rect) const override;
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
QPointF getSnappedPoint() const;
PDFInteger getPageIndex() const { return m_pageIndex; }
const std::vector<QPointF>& getPickedPoints() const { return m_pickedPoints; }
/// Sets custom snap points for given page. If points on page aren't currently picked,
/// function does nothing. Snap data are not updated.
/// \param pageIndex pageIndex
/// \param snapPoints Custom snap points
void setCustomSnapPoints(PDFInteger pageIndex, const std::vector<QPointF>& snapPoints);
void resetTool();
/// Turns on/off drawing of selection rectangle, if rectangle picking
/// mode is active.
/// \param drawSelectionRectangle Draw selection rectangle?
void setDrawSelectionRectangle(bool drawSelectionRectangle);
QColor getSelectionRectangleColor() const;
void setSelectionRectangleColor(QColor selectionRectangleColor);
void pointPicked(pdf::PDFInteger pageIndex, QPointF pagePoint);
void rectanglePicked(pdf::PDFInteger pageIndex, QRectF pageRectangle);
void imagePicked(const QImage& image);
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active) override;
void buildSnapData();
Mode m_mode;
PDFSnapper m_snapper;
QPoint m_mousePosition;
PDFInteger m_pageIndex;
std::vector<QPointF> m_pickedPoints;
bool m_drawSelectionRectangle;
QColor m_selectionRectangleColor;
/// Tool for selection of table in document. Rows and columns
/// are automatically detected and are modifiable by the user.
class PDFSelectTableTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Construct new table selection tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param action Tool activation action
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFSelectTableTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QObject* parent);
virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter,
PDFInteger pageIndex,
const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage,
PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter,
const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix,
QList<PDFRenderError>& errors) const override;
virtual void shortcutOverrideEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override;
virtual void keyPressEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override;
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
virtual void setActiveImpl(bool active) override;
void setPickedRectangle(const QRectF& newPickedRectangle);
void setPageIndex(PDFInteger newPageIndex);
void setTextLayout(PDFTextLayout&& newTextLayout);
void autodetectTableGeometry();
bool isTablePicked() const;
void onRectanglePicked(PDFInteger pageIndex, QRectF pageRectangle);
PDFPickTool* m_pickTool;
PDFInteger m_pageIndex;
QRectF m_pickedRectangle;
PDFTextLayout m_textLayout;
bool m_isTransposed;
std::vector<PDFReal> m_horizontalBreaks;
std::vector<PDFReal> m_verticalBreaks;
PageRotation m_rotation;
/// Tool that makes screenshot of page area and copies it to the clipboard,
/// using current client area to determine image size.
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFScreenshotTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Constructs new screenshot tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param action Tool activation action
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFScreenshotTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QObject* parent);
void onRectanglePicked(PDFInteger pageIndex, QRectF pageRectangle);
PDFPickTool* m_pickTool;
/// Tool that extracts image from page and copies it to the clipboard,
/// using image original size (not zoomed size from widget area)
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFExtractImageTool : public PDFWidgetTool
using BaseClass = PDFWidgetTool;
/// Constructs new extract image tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param action Tool activation action
/// \param parent Parent object
explicit PDFExtractImageTool(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, QAction* action, QObject* parent);
virtual void updateActions() override;
void onImagePicked(const QImage& image);
PDFPickTool* m_pickTool;
/// Manager used for managing tools, their activity, availability
/// and other settings. It also defines a predefined set of tools,
/// available for various purposes (text searching, magnifier tool etc.)
class PDF4QTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFToolManager : public QObject, public IDrawWidgetInputInterface
using BaseClass = QObject;
struct Actions
QAction* findPrevAction = nullptr; ///< Action for navigating to previous result
QAction* findNextAction = nullptr; ///< Action for navigating to next result
QAction* selectTextToolAction = nullptr;
QAction* selectTableToolAction = nullptr;
QAction* selectAllAction = nullptr;
QAction* deselectAction = nullptr;
QAction* copyTextAction = nullptr;
QAction* magnifierAction = nullptr;
QAction* screenshotToolAction = nullptr;
QAction* extractImageAction = nullptr;
/// Construct new text search tool
/// \param proxy Draw widget proxy
/// \param actions Actions
/// \param parent Parent object
/// \param parentDialog Paret dialog for tool dialog
explicit PDFToolManager(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy, Actions actions, QObject* parent, QWidget* parentDialog);
/// Sets document
/// \param document Document
void setDocument(const PDFModifiedDocument& document);
enum PredefinedTools
/// Sets active tool
void setActiveTool(PDFWidgetTool* tool);
/// Adds a new tool to tool manager
void addTool(PDFWidgetTool* tool);
/// Picks rectangle, if rectangle is successfully picked,
/// then callback is called.
/// \param callback Callback function
void pickRectangle(std::function<void(PDFInteger, QRectF)> callback);
/// Returns first active tool from tool set. If no tool is active,
/// then nullptr is returned.
PDFWidgetTool* getActiveTool() const;
/// Returns find text tool
PDFFindTextTool* getFindTextTool() const;
/// Returns magnifier tool
PDFMagnifierTool* getMagnifierTool() const;
/// Handles shortcut override event
virtual void shortcutOverrideEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override;
/// Handles key press event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void keyPressEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override;
/// Handles key release event from widget
/// \param widget Widget
/// \param event Event
virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override;
/// Handles mouse press event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
/// Handles mouse double click event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
/// Handles mouse release event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
/// Handles mouse move event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override;
/// Handles mouse wheel event from widget, over which tool operates
/// \param widget Widget, over which tool operates
/// \param event Event
virtual void wheelEvent(QWidget* widget, QWheelEvent* event) override;
/// Returns actual cursor defined by the tool. Cursor can be undefined,
/// in this case, optional will be set to nullopt.
virtual const std::optional<QCursor>& getCursor() const override;
virtual QString getTooltip() const override { return QString(); }
virtual int getInputPriority() const override { return ToolPriority; }
/// This is signal is set, when we want to display information message
/// to the user, with timeout in miliseconds, after which message
/// dissappears.
/// \param text Text, which should be displayed to the user
/// \param timeout Timeout in miliseconds
void messageDisplayRequest(const QString& text, int timeout);
/// This signal is emitted, when tool changes the document by some way
/// \param documet Modified document
void documentModified(pdf::PDFModifiedDocument document);
void onToolActivityChanged(bool active);
void onToolActionTriggered(bool checked);
void onRectanglePicked(PDFInteger pageIndex, QRectF pageRectangle);
std::set<PDFWidgetTool*> m_tools;
std::array<PDFWidgetTool*, ToolEnd> m_predefinedTools;
std::map<QAction*, PDFWidgetTool*> m_actionsToTools;
std::function<void(PDFInteger, QRectF)> m_pickRectangleCallback;
} // namespace pdf