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// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of Pdf4Qt.
// Pdf4Qt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Pdf4Qt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with Pdf4Qt. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef PDFFILE_H
#define PDFFILE_H
#include "pdfobject.h"
#include <QColor>
#include <QDateTime>
namespace pdf
class PDFObjectStorage;
/// File identifier according section 14.4 of PDF 2.0 specification.
/// Each identifier consists of two parts - permanent identifier, which
/// is unique identifier based on original document, and changing identifier,
/// which is updated when document is being modified.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFFileIdentifier
explicit inline PDFFileIdentifier() = default;
const QByteArray& getPermanentIdentifier() const { return m_permanentIdentifier; }
const QByteArray& getChangingIdentifier() const { return m_changingIdentifier; }
static PDFFileIdentifier parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
QByteArray m_permanentIdentifier;
QByteArray m_changingIdentifier;
/// Provides description of collection item property field. It describes it's
/// kind, data type, if content of the property should be presented to the user,
/// and ordering, visibility and editability.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollectionField
explicit inline PDFCollectionField() = default;
enum class Kind
enum class Value
Kind getKind() const { return m_kind; }
Value getValue() const { return m_value; }
QString getFieldName() const { return m_fieldName; }
PDFInteger getOrder() const { return m_order; }
bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; }
bool isEditable() const { return m_editable; }
static PDFCollectionField parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
Kind m_kind = Kind::Invalid;
Value m_value = Value::Invalid;
QString m_fieldName;
PDFInteger m_order = 0;
bool m_visible = true;
bool m_editable = false;
/// Collection schema. Contains a list of defined fields.
/// Schema can be queried for field definition.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollectionSchema
explicit inline PDFCollectionSchema() = default;
/// Returns true, if schema is valid, i.e. some fields
/// are defined.
bool isValid() const { return !m_fields.empty(); }
/// Returns collection field. This function always returns
/// valid field definition. If field can't be found, then
/// default field (invalid) is returned.
/// \param key Key
const PDFCollectionField* getField(const QByteArray& key) const;
/// Returns true, if field definition with given key is valid.
/// \param key Key
bool isFieldValid(const QByteArray& key) const { return getField(key)->getKind() != PDFCollectionField::Kind::Invalid;}
static PDFCollectionSchema parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
std::map<QByteArray, PDFCollectionField> m_fields;
/// Collection of file attachments. In the PDF file, attached files
/// can be grouped in collection (if they are related to each other).
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollection
explicit inline PDFCollection() = default;
enum class ViewMode
/// Collection items should be displayed in details mode,
/// for example, multi-column table, which contains icon,
/// file name, and all properties listed in the schema.
/// Collection should be presented in tile mode, each file
/// should have icon, and some information from the schema
/// dictionary.
/// Collection should be initially hidden and should be presented
/// to the user if user performs some explicit action.
/// Collection should be presented via Navigation entry
enum class SplitMode
/// List of files nad preview should be splitted horizontally
/// List of files and preview should be splitted vertically
/// No preview should be shown
enum ColorRole
struct SortColumn
QByteArray field;
bool ascending = true;
using SortColumns = std::vector<SortColumn>;
/// Returns true, if collection schema is valid. If not,
/// default file properties should be used.
/// \returns true, if collection's schema is valid
bool isSchemaValid() const { return m_schema.isValid(); }
/// Returns collection field. This function always returns
/// valid field definition. If field can't be found, then
/// default field (invalid) is returned.
/// \param key Key
const PDFCollectionField* getField(const QByteArray& key) const { return m_schema.getField(key); }
/// Returns true, if field definition with given key is valid.
/// \param key Key
bool isFieldValid(const QByteArray& key) const { return m_schema.isFieldValid(key); }
/// Returns file field schema. Fields are properties of the files,
/// such as size, description, date/time etc.
const PDFCollectionSchema& getSchema() const { return m_schema; }
/// Returns initial document, which shall be presented to the user
/// in the ui (so interactive processor should display this file first).
const QByteArray& getDocument() const { return m_document; }
/// Returns view mode of the collection. It defines how collection
/// should appear in user interface.
ViewMode getViewMode() const { return m_viewMode; }
/// Returns reference to a navigator (if it exists)
PDFObjectReference getNavigator() const { return m_navigator; }
/// Returns color for given role. Invalid color can be returned.
/// If this occurs, default color should be used.
/// \param role Color role
QColor getColor(ColorRole role) const { return m_colors.at(role); }
/// Returns sorting information (list of columns, defining
/// sort key). If it is empty, default sorting should occur.
const SortColumns& getSortColumns() const { return m_sortColumns; }
/// If sort columns are empty, then is default sorting ascending?
bool isSortAscending() const { return m_sortAscending; }
/// Returns folder root (if collection has folders)
PDFObjectReference getFolderRoot() const { return m_folderRoot; }
/// Returns split mode of list of files and preview
SplitMode getSplitMode() const { return m_splitMode; }
/// Returns split proportion
PDFReal getSplitPropertion() const { return m_splitProportion; }
static PDFCollection parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
PDFCollectionSchema m_schema;
QByteArray m_document;
ViewMode m_viewMode = ViewMode::Details;
PDFObjectReference m_navigator;
std::array<QColor, LastColorRole> m_colors;
SortColumns m_sortColumns;
bool m_sortAscending = true;
PDFObjectReference m_folderRoot;
SplitMode m_splitMode = SplitMode::None;
PDFReal m_splitProportion = 30;
/// Collection folder. Can contain subfolders and files.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollectionFolder
explicit inline PDFCollectionFolder() = default;
PDFInteger getInteger() const { return m_ID; }
const QString& getName() const { return m_name; }
const QString& getDescription() const { return m_description; }
PDFObjectReference getParent() const { return m_parent; }
PDFObjectReference getChild() const { return m_child; }
PDFObjectReference getNext() const { return m_next; }
PDFObjectReference getCollection() const { return m_collection; }
PDFObjectReference getThumbnail() const { return m_thumbnail; }
const QDateTime& getCreatedDate() const { return m_created; }
const QDateTime& getModifiedDate() const { return m_modified; }
const std::vector<PDFInteger>& getFreeIds() const { return m_freeIds; }
static PDFCollectionFolder parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
PDFInteger m_ID = 0;
QString m_name;
QString m_description;
PDFObjectReference m_parent;
PDFObjectReference m_child;
PDFObjectReference m_next;
PDFObjectReference m_collection;
PDFObjectReference m_thumbnail;
QDateTime m_created;
QDateTime m_modified;
std::vector<PDFInteger> m_freeIds;
/// Collection item. Contains properties of the collection item,
/// for example, embedded file.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollectionItem
explicit inline PDFCollectionItem() = default;
explicit inline PDFCollectionItem(const PDFObject& object) : m_object(object) { }
/// Returns true, if collection item entry is valid
bool isValid() const { return m_object.isDictionary(); }
/// Returns string from property key. If property is invalid, empty
/// string is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param key Key
/// \param storage Storage
QString getString(const QByteArray& key, const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns date/time from property key. If property is invalid, invalid
/// QDateTime is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param key Key
/// \param storage Storage
QDateTime getDateTime(const QByteArray& key, const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns integer from property key. If property is invalid, zero
/// integer is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param key Key
/// \param storage Storage
PDFInteger getNumber(const QByteArray& key, const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
/// Returns prefix string from property key. If property is invalid, empty
/// string is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param key Key
/// \param storage Storage
QString getPrefixString(const QByteArray& key, const PDFObjectStorage* storage) const;
PDFObject m_object;
/// Collection navigator. It contains modes of display. Interactive
/// PDF processor should display first layout it is capable of.
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFCollectionNavigator
explicit inline PDFCollectionNavigator() = default;
enum Layout
None = 0x0000,
Invalid = 0x0001,
Details = 0x0002,
Tile = 0x0004,
Hidden = 0x0008,
FilmStrip = 0x0010,
FreeForm = 0x0020,
Linear = 0x0040,
Tree = 0x0080
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Layouts, Layout)
/// Returns true, if navigator has valid layout
bool hasLayout() const { return (m_layouts != None) && !m_layouts.testFlag(Invalid); }
/// Returns current layouts
Layouts getLayout() const { return m_layouts; }
static PDFCollectionNavigator parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
Layouts m_layouts = None;
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFEmbeddedFile
explicit PDFEmbeddedFile() = default;
bool isValid() const { return m_stream.isStream(); }
const QByteArray& getSubtype() const { return m_subtype; }
PDFInteger getSize() const { return m_size; }
const QDateTime& getCreationDate() const { return m_creationDate; }
const QDateTime& getModifiedDate() const { return m_modifiedDate; }
const QByteArray& getChecksum() const { return m_checksum; }
const PDFStream* getStream() const { return m_stream.getStream(); }
static PDFEmbeddedFile parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
PDFObject m_stream;
QByteArray m_subtype;
PDFInteger m_size = -1;
QDateTime m_creationDate;
QDateTime m_modifiedDate;
QByteArray m_checksum;
/// File specification
class Pdf4QtLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFFileSpecification
explicit PDFFileSpecification() = default;
struct RelatedFile
QByteArray name;
PDFObjectReference fileReference;
using RelatedFiles = std::vector<RelatedFile>;
enum class AssociatedFileRelationship
/// Returns platform file name as string. It looks into the UF, F,
/// and platform names and selects the appropriate one. If error
/// occurs. then empty string is returned.
QString getPlatformFileName() const;
/// Returns platform file.
const PDFEmbeddedFile* getPlatformFile() const;
const QByteArray& getFileSystem() const { return m_fileSystem; }
const QByteArray& getF() const { return m_F; }
const QString& getUF() const { return m_UF; }
const QByteArray& getDOS() const { return m_DOS; }
const QByteArray& getMac() const { return m_Mac; }
const QByteArray& getUnix() const { return m_Unix; }
const PDFFileIdentifier& getFileIdentifier() const { return m_id; }
bool isVolatile() const { return m_volatile; }
const QString& getDescription() const { return m_description; }
PDFObjectReference getSelfReference() const { return m_selfReference; }
PDFObjectReference getCollection() const { return m_collection; }
PDFObjectReference getThumbnail() const { return m_thumbnailReference; }
const std::map<QByteArray, PDFEmbeddedFile>& getEmbeddedFiles() const { return m_embeddedFiles; }
const std::map<QByteArray, RelatedFiles>& getRelatedFiles() const { return m_relatedFiles; }
const PDFObject& getEncryptedPayloadDictionary() const { return m_encryptedPayload; }
AssociatedFileRelationship getAssociatedFileRelationship() const { return m_associatedFileRelationship; }
static PDFFileSpecification parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
/// Name of the file system used to interpret this file specification,
/// usually, it is URL (this is only file system defined in PDF specification 1.7).
QByteArray m_fileSystem;
/// File specification string (for backward compatibility). If file system is URL,
/// it contains unified resource locator.
QByteArray m_F;
/// File specification string as unicode.
QString m_UF;
QByteArray m_DOS;
QByteArray m_Mac;
QByteArray m_Unix;
PDFFileIdentifier m_id;
/// Is file volatile? I.e it is, for example, link to a video file from online camera?
/// If this boolean is true, then file should never be cached.
bool m_volatile = false;
/// Description of the file (for example, if file is embedded file stream)
QString m_description;
/// Self reference
PDFObjectReference m_selfReference;
/// Collection item dictionary reference
PDFObjectReference m_collection;
/// Thumbnail reference
PDFObjectReference m_thumbnailReference;
/// Embedded files
std::map<QByteArray, PDFEmbeddedFile> m_embeddedFiles;
/// Related files for embedded files
std::map<QByteArray, RelatedFiles> m_relatedFiles;
/// Encrypted payload dictionary (used in document wrapper)
PDFObject m_encryptedPayload;
AssociatedFileRelationship m_associatedFileRelationship = AssociatedFileRelationship::Unspecified;
} // namespace pdf
#endif // PDFFILE_H