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// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#include "pdfglobal.h"
#include "pdfobject.h"
#include "pdfutils.h"
#include "pdfcertificatestore.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QDateTime>
#include <optional>
class QDataStream;
namespace pdf
class PDFForm;
class PDFObjectStorage;
class PDFCertificateStore;
class PDFFormFieldSignature;
class PDFDocumentSecurityStore;
/// Signature reference dictionary.
class PDFSignatureReference
enum class TransformMethod
TransformMethod getTransformMethod() const { return m_transformMethod; }
const PDFObject& getTransformParams() const { return m_transformParams; }
const PDFObject& getData() const { return m_data; }
const QByteArray& getDigestMethod() const { return m_digestMethod; }
/// Tries to parse the signature reference. No exception is thrown, in case of error,
/// invalid signature reference object is returned.
/// \param storage Object storage
/// \param object Object containing the signature
static PDFSignatureReference parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
TransformMethod m_transformMethod = TransformMethod::Invalid;
PDFObject m_transformParams;
PDFObject m_data;
QByteArray m_digestMethod;
/// Signature dictionary. Contains digital signature. This signature can be validated by signature validator.
/// This object contains certificates, digital signatures, and other information about signature.
class PDFSignature
enum class Type
struct ByteRange
PDFInteger offset = 0;
PDFInteger size = 0;
using ByteRanges = std::vector<ByteRange>;
struct Changes
PDFInteger pagesAltered = 0;
PDFInteger fieldsAltered = 0;
PDFInteger fieldsFilled = 0;
enum class AuthentificationType
/// Tries to parse the signature. No exception is thrown, in case of error,
/// invalid signature object is returned.
/// \param storage Object storage
/// \param object Object containing the signature
static PDFSignature parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
Type getType() const { return m_type; }
const QByteArray& getFilter() const { return m_filter; }
const QByteArray& getSubfilter() const { return m_subfilter; }
const QByteArray& getContents() const { return m_contents; }
const std::vector<QByteArray>* getCertificates() const { return m_certificates.has_value() ? &m_certificates.value() : nullptr; }
const ByteRanges& getByteRanges() const { return m_byteRanges; }
const std::vector<PDFSignatureReference>& getReferences() const { return m_references; }
const Changes* getChanges() const { return m_changes.has_value() ? &m_changes.value() : nullptr; }
const QString& getName() const { return m_name; }
const QDateTime& getSigningDateTime() const { return m_signingDateTime; }
const QString& getLocation() const { return m_location; }
const QString& getReason() const { return m_reason; }
const QString& getContactInfo() const { return m_contactInfo; }
PDFInteger getR() const { return m_R; }
PDFInteger getV() const { return m_V; }
const PDFObject& getPropBuild() const { return m_propBuild; }
PDFInteger getPropTime() const { return m_propTime; }
AuthentificationType getAuthentificationType() const { return m_propType; }
Type m_type = Type::Invalid;
QByteArray m_filter; ///< Preferred signature handler name
QByteArray m_subfilter; ///< Describes encoding of signature
QByteArray m_contents;
std::optional<std::vector<QByteArray>> m_certificates; ///< Certificate chain (only for adbe.x509.rsa_sha1)
ByteRanges m_byteRanges;
std::vector<PDFSignatureReference> m_references;
std::optional<Changes> m_changes;
QString m_name; ///< Name of signer. Should rather be extracted from signature.
QDateTime m_signingDateTime; ///< Signing date and time. Should be extracted from signature, if possible.
QString m_location; ///< CPU hostname or physical location of signing
QString m_reason; ///< Reason for signing
QString m_contactInfo; ///< Contact info for verifying the signature
PDFInteger m_R; ///< Version of signature handler. Obsolete.
PDFInteger m_V; ///< Version of signature dictionary format. 1 if References should be used.
PDFObject m_propBuild;
PDFInteger m_propTime = 0;
AuthentificationType m_propType = AuthentificationType::Invalid;
class PDF4QTLIBCORESHARED_EXPORT PDFSignatureVerificationResult
explicit PDFSignatureVerificationResult() = default;
explicit PDFSignatureVerificationResult(PDFSignature::Type type, PDFObjectReference signatureFieldReference, QString qualifiedName) :
enum class Status
enum VerificationFlag
None = 0x00000000, ///< Used only for initialization
OK = 0x00000001, ///< Both certificate and signature is OK
Certificate_OK = 0x00000002, ///< Certificate is OK
Signature_OK = 0x00000004, ///< Signature is OK
Error_NoHandler = 0x00000008, ///< No signature handler for given signature
Error_Generic = 0x00000010, ///< Generic error (uknown general error)
Error_Certificate_Invalid = 0x00000020, ///< Certificate is invalid
Error_Certificate_NoSignatures = 0x00000040, ///< No signature found in certificate data
Error_Certificate_Missing = 0x00000080, ///< Certificate is missing
Error_Certificate_Generic = 0x00000100, ///< Generic error during certificate verification
Error_Certificate_Expired = 0x00000200, ///< Certificate has expired
Error_Certificate_SelfSigned = 0x00000400, ///< Self signed certificate
Error_Certificate_SelfSignedChain = 0x00000800, ///< Self signed certificate in chain
Error_Certificate_TrustedNotFound = 0x00001000, ///< No trusted certificate was found
Error_Certificate_Revoked = 0x00002000, ///< Certificate has been revoked
Error_Certificate_Other = 0x00004000, ///< Other certificate error. See OpenSSL code for details.
Error_Signature_Invalid = 0x00008000, ///< Signature is invalid for some reason
Error_Signature_SourceCertificateMissing = 0x00010000, ///< Source certificate of signature is missing
Error_Signature_NoSignaturesFound = 0x00020000, ///< No signatures found
Error_Signature_DigestFailure = 0x00040000, ///< Digest failure
Error_Signature_DataOther = 0x00080000, ///< Signed data were not verified
Error_Signature_DataCoveredBySignatureMissing = 0x00100000, ///< Data covered by signature are not present
Warning_Signature_NotCoveredBytes = 0x00200000, ///< Some bytes in source data are not covered by signature
Warning_Certificate_CRLValidityTimeExpired = 0x00400000, ///< Certificate revocation list was not checked, because it's validity expired
Warning_Certificate_QualifiedStatement = 0x00800000, ///< Qualified certificate statement not verified
Warning_Certificate_UnableToGetCRL = 0x01000000, ///< Unable to get CRL
Error_Certificates_Mask = Error_Certificate_Invalid | Error_Certificate_NoSignatures | Error_Certificate_Missing | Error_Certificate_Generic |
Error_Certificate_Expired | Error_Certificate_SelfSigned | Error_Certificate_SelfSignedChain | Error_Certificate_TrustedNotFound |
Error_Certificate_Revoked | Error_Certificate_Other,
Error_Signatures_Mask = Error_Signature_Invalid | Error_Signature_SourceCertificateMissing | Error_Signature_NoSignaturesFound |
Error_Signature_DigestFailure | Error_Signature_DataOther | Error_Signature_DataCoveredBySignatureMissing,
Warning_Certificates_Mask = Warning_Certificate_CRLValidityTimeExpired | Warning_Certificate_QualifiedStatement | Warning_Certificate_UnableToGetCRL,
Warning_Signatures_Mask = Warning_Signature_NotCoveredBytes,
Warnings_Mask = Warning_Certificates_Mask | Warning_Signatures_Mask
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(VerificationFlags, VerificationFlag)
PDFSignature::Type getType() const;
void setType(const PDFSignature::Type& type);
/// Adds no handler error for given signature format
/// \param format Signature format
void addNoHandlerError(const QByteArray& format);
void addInvalidCertificateError();
void addNoSignaturesError();
void addCertificateMissingError();
void addCertificateGenericError();
void addCertificateExpiredError();
void addCertificateSelfSignedError();
void addCertificateSelfSignedInChainError();
void addCertificateTrustedNotFoundError();
void addCertificateRevokedError();
void addCertificateOtherError(int error);
void addInvalidSignatureError();
void addSignatureNoSignaturesFoundError();
void addSignatureCertificateMissingError();
void addSignatureDigestFailureError();
void addSignatureDataOtherError();
void addSignatureDataCoveredBySignatureMissingError();
void addSignatureNotCoveredBytesWarning(PDFInteger count);
void addCertificateCRLValidityTimeExpiredWarning();
void addCertificateQualifiedStatementNotVerifiedWarning();
void addCertificateUnableToGetCRLWarning();
bool isValid() const { return hasFlag(OK); }
bool isCertificateValid() const { return hasFlag(Certificate_OK); }
bool isSignatureValid() const { return hasFlag(Signature_OK); }
bool hasError() const { return !isValid(); }
bool hasWarning() const { return m_flags & Warnings_Mask; }
bool hasCertificateError() const { return m_flags & Error_Certificates_Mask; }
bool hasSignatureError() const { return m_flags & Error_Signatures_Mask; }
bool hasCertificateWarning() const { return m_flags & Warning_Certificates_Mask; }
bool hasSignatureWarning() const { return m_flags & Warning_Signatures_Mask; }
bool hasFlag(VerificationFlag flag) const { return m_flags.testFlag(flag); }
void setFlag(VerificationFlag flag, bool value) { m_flags.setFlag(flag, value); }
PDFObjectReference getSignatureFieldReference() const { return m_signatureFieldReference; }
const QString& getSignatureFieldQualifiedName() const { return m_signatureFieldQualifiedName; }
const QStringList& getErrors() const { return m_errors; }
const QStringList& getWarnings() const { return m_warnings; }
const QStringList& getHashAlgorithms() const { return m_hashAlgorithms; }
const PDFCertificateInfos& getCertificateInfos() const { return m_certificateInfos; }
void setSignatureFieldQualifiedName(const QString& signatureFieldQualifiedName);
void setSignatureFieldReference(PDFObjectReference signatureFieldReference);
void addCertificateInfo(PDFCertificateInfo info) { m_certificateInfos.emplace_back(qMove(info)); }
void addHashAlgorithm(const QString& algorithm);
/// Adds OK flag, if both certificate and signature are valid
void validate();
QDateTime getSignatureDate() const;
void setSignatureDate(const QDateTime& signatureDate);
QDateTime getTimestampDate() const;
void setTimestampDate(const QDateTime& timestampDate);
QByteArray getSignatureHandler() const;
void setSignatureHandler(const QByteArray& signatureFilter);
Status getCertificateStatus() const;
Status getSignatureStatus() const;
QString getCertificateStatusText() const { return getStatusText(getCertificateStatus()); }
QString getSignatureStatusText() const { return getStatusText(getSignatureStatus()); }
static QString getStatusText(Status status);
const PDFClosedIntervalSet& getBytesCoveredBySignature() const;
void setBytesCoveredBySignature(const PDFClosedIntervalSet& bytesCoveredBySignature);
PDFSignature::Type m_type = PDFSignature::Type::Invalid;
VerificationFlags m_flags = None;
PDFObjectReference m_signatureFieldReference;
QString m_signatureFieldQualifiedName;
QDateTime m_signatureDate;
QDateTime m_timestampDate;
QStringList m_errors;
QStringList m_warnings;
QStringList m_hashAlgorithms;
QByteArray m_signatureHandler;
PDFCertificateInfos m_certificateInfos;
PDFClosedIntervalSet m_bytesCoveredBySignature;
/// Signature handler. Can verify both certificate and signature validity.
explicit PDFSignatureHandler() = default;
virtual ~PDFSignatureHandler() = default;
virtual PDFSignatureVerificationResult verify() const = 0;
struct Parameters
const PDFCertificateStore* store = nullptr;
const PDFDocumentSecurityStore* dss = nullptr;
bool enableVerification = true;
bool ignoreExpirationDate = false;
bool useSystemCertificateStore = true;
/// Tries to verify all signatures in the form. If form is invalid, then
/// empty vector is returned.
/// \param form Form
/// \param sourceData Source data
/// \param parameters Verification settings
static std::vector<PDFSignatureVerificationResult> verifySignatures(const PDFForm& form, const QByteArray& sourceData, const Parameters& parameters);
/// Creates signature handler using format specified by signature in signature field.
/// If signature format is unknown, then nullptr is returned.
/// \param signatureField Signature field
/// \param sourceData
/// \param parameters Verification settings
static PDFSignatureHandler* createHandler(const PDFFormFieldSignature* signatureField, const QByteArray& sourceData, const Parameters& parameters);
} // namespace pdf