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// Copyright (C) 2020 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PdfForQt.
// PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDFForQt. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef PDFFORM_H
#define PDFFORM_H
#include "pdfobject.h"
#include "pdfannotation.h"
#include <optional>
namespace pdf
class PDFObjectStorage;
class PDFFormField;
using PDFFormFieldPointer = QSharedPointer<PDFFormField>;
using PDFFormFields = std::vector<PDFFormFieldPointer>;
/// A simple proxy to the widget annotation
class PDFFormWidget
explicit inline PDFFormWidget() = default;
explicit inline PDFFormWidget(PDFObjectReference widget, PDFFormField* parentField);
PDFObjectReference getWidget() const { return m_widget; }
PDFFormField* getParent() const { return m_parentField; }
/// Parses form widget from the object reference. If some error occurs
/// then empty object is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param storage Storage
/// \param reference Widget reference
/// \param parentField Parent field
static PDFFormWidget parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
PDFObjectReference m_widget;
PDFFormField* m_parentField;
using PDFFormWidgets = std::vector<PDFFormWidget>;
/// Form field is terminal or non-terminal field (non-terminal fields
/// have children), fields represents various interactive widgets, such as
/// checks, radio buttons, text edits etc., which are editable and user
/// can interact with them.
class PDFFormField
explicit inline PDFFormField() = default;
enum class FieldType
enum NameType
Partial, ///< Partial name for this field
UserCaption, ///< Name used in GUI (for example, in message boxes)
FullyQualified, ///< Fully qualified name (according to the PDF specification 1.7)
Export, ///< Name for export
using FieldNames = std::array<QString, NameTypeEnd>;
enum FieldFlag
None = 0,
/// Field is read only, it doesn't respond on mouse clicks (if it is a button),
/// associated widget annotation will not interact with the user. Field can't
/// change it's value. Mainly used for calculable fields.
ReadOnly = 1 << 0,
/// If set, field is required, when submitting form by submit action. If submit
/// action is triggered, then all fields with this flag must have a value.
Required = 1 << 1,
/// If set, field value must not be exported by submit form action.
NoExport = 1 << 2,
/// Text fields only. If set, then text can span multiple lines. Otherwise,
/// text is restricted to single line.
Multiline = 1 << 12,
/// Text fields only. If set, field is intended to display text edit, which
/// can edit passwords. Password characters should not be echoed to the screen
/// and value of this field should not be stored in PDF file.
Password = 1 << 13,
/// Only for radio buttons. If set, at least one radio button is checked.
/// If user clicks on checked radio button, it is not checked off. Otherwise
/// user can uncheck checked radio button (so no button is selected).
NoToggleToOff = 1 << 14,
/// Valid only for buttons which have PushButton flag unset. If Radio flag is set,
/// then widget is radio button, otherwise widget is push button.
Radio = 1 << 15,
/// Valid only for buttons. If set, button is push button.
PushButton = 1 << 16,
/// For choice fields only. If set, choice field is combo box.
/// If clear, it is a list box.
Combo = 1 << 17,
/// For choice fields combo boxes only. If set, combo box is editable,
/// i.e. user can enter custom text. If this flag is cleared, then combo box
/// is not editable and user can only select items from the drop down list.
Edit = 1 << 18,
/// For choice fields only. If set, the field option's items should be sorted
/// alphabetically, but not by the viewer application, but by author of the form.
/// Viewer application should respect Opt array and display items in that order.
Sort = 1 << 19,
/// Text fields only. Text field is used to select file path, whose contents
/// should be submitted as the value of the field.
FileSelect = 1 << 20,
/// For choice fields only. If set, then user can select multiple choices
/// simultaneously, if clear, then only one item should be selected at the time.
MultiSelect = 1 << 21,
/// Text fields only. If set, texts entered in this field should not be spell checked.
DoNotSpellcheck = 1 << 22,
/// Text fields only. Allow only so much text, which fits field's area. If field's area is filled,
/// then do not allow the user to store more text in the field.
DoNotScroll = 1 << 23,
/// Text fields only. If set, then MaxLen entry and annotation rectangle is used
/// to divide space equally for each character. Text is laid out into those spaces.
Comb = 1 << 24,
/// Valid only for radio buttons. Radio buttons in a group of radio buttons,
/// which have same value for 'On' state, will turn On and Off in unison, if one
/// is checked, all are checked. If clear, radio buttons are mutually exclusive.
RadiosInUnison = 1 << 25,
/// Text fields only. Value of this field should be a rich text.
RichText = 1 << 25,
/// Choice fields only. If set, then when user selects choice by mouse,
/// data is immediately commited. Otherwise data are commited only, when
/// widget lose focus.
CommitOnSelectionChange = 1 << 26
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(FieldFlags, FieldFlag)
PDFObjectReference getSelfReference() const { return m_selfReference; }
FieldType getFieldType() const { return m_fieldType; }
const PDFFormField* getParentField() const { return m_parentField; }
const PDFFormFields& getChildFields() const { return m_childFields; }
const PDFFormWidgets& getWidgets() const { return m_widgets; }
const QString& getName(NameType nameType) const { return m_fieldNames.at(nameType); }
FieldFlags getFlags() const { return m_fieldFlags; }
const PDFObject& getValue() const { return m_value; }
const PDFObject& getDefaultValue() const { return m_defaultValue; }
/// Parses form field from the object reference. If some error occurs
/// then null pointer is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param storage Storage
/// \param reference Field reference
/// \param parentField Parent field (or nullptr, if it is root field)
static PDFFormFieldPointer parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
PDFObjectReference m_selfReference;
FieldType m_fieldType = FieldType::Invalid;
PDFFormField* m_parentField = nullptr;
PDFFormFields m_childFields;
PDFFormWidgets m_widgets;
FieldNames m_fieldNames;
FieldFlags m_fieldFlags = None;
PDFObject m_value;
PDFObject m_defaultValue;
PDFAnnotationAdditionalActions m_additionalActions;
/// Represents pushbutton, checkbox and radio button (which is distinguished
/// by flags).
class PDFFormFieldButton : public PDFFormField
explicit inline PDFFormFieldButton() = default;
enum class ButtonType
/// Determines button type from form field's flags
ButtonType getButtonType() const;
const QStringList& getOptions() const { return m_options; }
friend static PDFFormFieldPointer PDFFormField::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
/// List of names of 'On' state for radio buttons. In widget annotation's appearance
/// dictionaries, state names are computer generated numbers (for example /1, /3, ...),
/// which are indices to this string list. This allows to distinguish between
/// different widget annotations, even if they have same value in m_options array.
QStringList m_options;
class PDFFormFieldText : public PDFFormField
explicit inline PDFFormFieldText() = default;
PDFInteger getTextMaximalLength() const { return m_maxLength; }
friend static PDFFormFieldPointer PDFFormField::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
/// Maximal length of text in the field. If zero,
/// no maximal length is specified.
PDFInteger m_maxLength = 0;
class PDFFormFieldChoice : public PDFFormField
explicit inline PDFFormFieldChoice() = default;
friend static PDFFormFieldPointer PDFFormField::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
class PDFFormFieldSignature : public PDFFormField
explicit inline PDFFormFieldSignature() = default;
friend static PDFFormFieldPointer PDFFormField::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjectReference reference, PDFFormField* parentField);
/// This class represents interactive form. Interactive form fields can span multiple
/// document pages. So this object represents all interactive form fields in the document.
/// Fields forms tree-like structure, where leafs are usually widgets. Fields include
/// ordinary widgets, such as buttons, check boxes, combo boxes and text fields, and one
/// special - signature field, which represents digital signature.
class PDFForm
explicit inline PDFForm() = default;
enum class FormType
enum SignatureFlag
None = 0x0000,
SignatureExists = 0x0001, ///< If set, at least one signature exists in the document
AppendOnly = 0x0002, ///< If set, signature may be invalidated during rewrite
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SignatureFlags, SignatureFlag)
const PDFFormFields& getFormFields() const { return m_formFields; }
bool isAppearanceUpdateNeeded() const { return m_needAppearances; }
SignatureFlags getSignatureFlags() const { return m_signatureFlags; }
const std::vector<PDFObjectReference>& getCalculationOrder() const { return m_calculationOrder; }
const PDFObject& getResources() const { return m_resources; }
const std::optional<QByteArray>& getDefaultAppearance() const { return m_defaultAppearance; }
const std::optional<PDFInteger>& getQuadding() const { return m_quadding; }
const PDFObject& getXFA() const { return m_xfa; }
/// Parses form from the object. If some error occurs
/// then empty form is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param storage Storage
/// \param reference Field reference
static PDFForm parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
FormType m_formType = FormType::None;
PDFFormFields m_formFields;
bool m_needAppearances = false;
SignatureFlags m_signatureFlags = None;
std::vector<PDFObjectReference> m_calculationOrder;
PDFObject m_resources;
std::optional<QByteArray> m_defaultAppearance;
std::optional<PDFInteger> m_quadding;
PDFObject m_xfa;
} // namespace pdf
#endif // PDFFORM_H