// Copyright (C) 2022-2024 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PDF4QT. // // PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version. // // PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDF4QT. If not, see . #ifndef PDFPAGECONTENTELEMENTS_H #define PDFPAGECONTENTELEMENTS_H #include "pdfwidgetsglobal.h" #include "pdfdocumentdrawinterface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class QSvgRenderer; namespace pdf { class PDFWidget; class PDFDocument; class PDFPageContentScene; class PDFEditedPageContentElement; class PDFPageContentElementEdited; class PDFPageContentElementRectangle; class PDFPageContentElementLine; class PDFPageContentElementDot; class PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve; class PDFPageContentImageElement; class PDFPageContentElementTextBox; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElement { public: explicit PDFPageContentElement() = default; virtual ~PDFPageContentElement() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElement* clone() const = 0; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const = 0; /// Returns manipulation mode. If manipulation mode is zero, then element /// cannot be manipulated. If it is nonzero, then element can be manipulated /// in some way. /// \param point Point on page /// \param snapPointDistanceTreshold Snap point threshold virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const = 0; /// Performs manipulation of given mode. Mode must be the one returned /// from function getManipulationMode. \sa getManipulationMode /// \param mode Mode /// \param offset Offset virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) = 0; /// Returns bounding box of the element virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const = 0; /// Sets size to the elements that supports it. Does /// nothing for elements, which does not support it. virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) = 0; /// Returns description of the element virtual QString getDescription() const = 0; PDFInteger getPageIndex() const; void setPageIndex(PDFInteger newPageIndex); PDFInteger getElementId() const; void setElementId(PDFInteger newElementId); /// Returns cursor shape for manipulation mode /// \param mode Manipulation mode static Qt::CursorShape getCursorShapeForManipulationMode(uint mode); enum ManipulationModes : uint { None = 0, Select, Translate, Top, Left, Right, Bottom, TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Pt1, Pt2 }; virtual const PDFPageContentElementEdited* asElementEdited() const { return nullptr; } virtual const PDFPageContentElementRectangle* asElementRectangle() const { return nullptr; } virtual const PDFPageContentElementLine* asElementLine() const { return nullptr; } virtual const PDFPageContentElementDot* asElementDot() const { return nullptr ; } virtual const PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve* asElementFreehandCurve() const { return nullptr; } virtual const PDFPageContentImageElement* asElementImage() const { return nullptr; } virtual const PDFPageContentElementTextBox* asElementTextBox() const { return nullptr; } protected: uint getRectangleManipulationMode(const QRectF& rectangle, const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const; void performRectangleManipulation(QRectF& rectangle, uint mode, const QPointF& offset); void performRectangleSetSize(QRectF& rectangle, QSizeF size); QString formatDescription(const QString& description) const; PDFInteger m_elementId = -1; PDFInteger m_pageIndex = -1; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentStyledElement : public PDFPageContentElement { public: explicit PDFPageContentStyledElement() = default; virtual ~PDFPageContentStyledElement() = default; const QPen& getPen() const; void setPen(const QPen& newPen); const QBrush& getBrush() const; void setBrush(const QBrush& newBrush); protected: QPen m_pen; QBrush m_brush; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementRectangle : public PDFPageContentStyledElement { public: virtual ~PDFPageContentElementRectangle() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElementRectangle* clone() const override; bool isRounded() const; void setRounded(bool newRounded); const QRectF& getRectangle() const; void setRectangle(const QRectF& newRectangle); virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) override; virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementRectangle* asElementRectangle() const override { return this; } private: bool m_rounded = false; QRectF m_rectangle; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementLine : public PDFPageContentStyledElement { public: virtual ~PDFPageContentElementLine() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElementLine* clone() const override; enum class LineGeometry { General, Horizontal, Vertical }; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) override; virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementLine* asElementLine() const override { return this; } LineGeometry getGeometry() const; void setGeometry(LineGeometry newGeometry); const QLineF& getLine() const; void setLine(const QLineF& newLine); private: LineGeometry m_geometry = LineGeometry::General; QLineF m_line; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementDot : public PDFPageContentStyledElement { public: virtual ~PDFPageContentElementDot() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElementDot* clone() const override; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) override; virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementDot* asElementDot() const override { return this; } QPointF getPoint() const; void setPoint(QPointF newPoint); private: QPointF m_point; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve : public PDFPageContentStyledElement { public: virtual ~PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve* clone() const override; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size); virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementFreehandCurve* asElementFreehandCurve() const override { return this; } QPainterPath getCurve() const; void setCurve(QPainterPath newCurve); bool isEmpty() const { return m_curve.isEmpty(); } void addStartPoint(const QPointF& point); void addPoint(const QPointF& point); void clear(); private: QPainterPath m_curve; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentImageElement : public PDFPageContentElement { public: PDFPageContentImageElement(); virtual ~PDFPageContentImageElement(); virtual PDFPageContentImageElement* clone() const override; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size); virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentImageElement* asElementImage() const override { return this; } const QByteArray& getContent() const; void setContent(const QByteArray& newContent); const QRectF& getRectangle() const; void setRectangle(const QRectF& newRectangle); private: QRectF m_rectangle; QByteArray m_content; QImage m_image; std::unique_ptr m_renderer; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementTextBox : public PDFPageContentStyledElement { public: virtual ~PDFPageContentElementTextBox() = default; virtual PDFPageContentElementTextBox* clone() const override; const QRectF& getRectangle() const { return m_rectangle; } void setRectangle(const QRectF& newRectangle) { m_rectangle = newRectangle; } virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) override; virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementTextBox* asElementTextBox() const override { return this; } const QString& getText() const; void setText(const QString& newText); const QFont& getFont() const; void setFont(const QFont& newFont); PDFReal getAngle() const; void setAngle(PDFReal newAngle); const Qt::Alignment& getAlignment() const; void setAlignment(const Qt::Alignment& newAlignment); private: QString m_text; QRectF m_rectangle; QFont m_font; PDFReal m_angle = 0.0; Qt::Alignment m_alignment = Qt::AlignCenter; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementEdited : public PDFPageContentElement { public: PDFPageContentElementEdited(const PDFEditedPageContentElement* element); virtual ~PDFPageContentElementEdited(); virtual PDFPageContentElementEdited* clone() const override; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; virtual uint getManipulationMode(const QPointF& point, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold) const override; virtual void performManipulation(uint mode, const QPointF& offset) override; virtual QRectF getBoundingBox() const override; virtual void setSize(QSizeF size) override; virtual QString getDescription() const override; virtual const PDFPageContentElementEdited* asElementEdited() const { return this; } const PDFEditedPageContentElement* getElement() const { return m_element.get(); } PDFEditedPageContentElement* getElement() { return m_element.get(); } private: std::unique_ptr m_element; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentElementManipulator : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: PDFPageContentElementManipulator(PDFPageContentScene* scene, QObject* parent); enum class Operation { AlignTop, AlignCenterVertically, AlignBottom, AlignLeft, AlignCenterHorizontally, AlignRight, SetSameHeight, SetSameWidth, SetSameSize, CenterHorizontally, CenterVertically, CenterHorAndVert, LayoutVertically, LayoutHorizontally, LayoutForm, LayoutGrid }; enum SelectionMode { NoUpdate = 0x0000, Clear = 0x0001, ///< Clears current selection Select = 0x0002, ///< Selects item Deselect = 0x0004, ///< Deselects item Toggle = 0x0008, ///< Toggles selection of the item }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(SelectionModes, SelectionMode) /// Returns true, if element with given id is selected /// \param id Element id bool isSelected(PDFInteger id) const; /// Returns true, if all elements are selected /// \param ids Element ids bool isAllSelected(const std::set& elementIds) const; /// Returns true, if selection is empty bool isSelectionEmpty() const { return m_selection.empty(); } /// Clear all selection, stop manipulation void reset(); void update(PDFInteger id, SelectionModes modes); void update(const std::set& ids, SelectionModes modes); void select(PDFInteger id); void select(const std::set& ids); void selectNew(PDFInteger id); void selectNew(const std::set& ids); void deselect(PDFInteger id); void deselect(const std::set& ids); void selectAll(); void deselectAll(); bool isManipulationAllowed(PDFInteger pageIndex) const; bool isManipulationInProgress() const { return m_isManipulationInProgress; } void performOperation(Operation operation); void performDeleteSelection(); void startManipulation(PDFInteger pageIndex, const QPointF& startPoint, const QPointF& currentPoint, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold); void updateManipulation(PDFInteger pageIndex, const QPointF& startPoint, const QPointF& currentPoint); void finishManipulation(PDFInteger pageIndex, const QPointF& startPoint, const QPointF& currentPoint, bool createCopy); void cancelManipulation(); void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const; /// Returns bounding box of whole selection QRectF getSelectionBoundingRect() const; /// Returns page rectangle for the page QRectF getPageMediaBox(PDFInteger pageIndex) const; signals: void selectionChanged(); void stateChanged(); private: void eraseSelectedElementById(PDFInteger id); PDFPageContentScene* m_scene; std::vector m_selection; bool m_isManipulationInProgress; std::vector> m_manipulatedElements; std::map m_manipulationModes; QPointF m_lastUpdatedPoint; }; class PDF4QTLIBWIDGETSSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageContentScene : public QObject, public IDocumentDrawInterface, public IDrawWidgetInputInterface { Q_OBJECT public: explicit PDFPageContentScene(QObject* parent); virtual ~PDFPageContentScene(); static constexpr PDFInteger INVALID_ELEMENT_ID = 0; /// Add new element to page content scene, scene /// takes ownership over the element. /// \param element Element void addElement(PDFPageContentElement* element); /// Replaces element in the page content scene, scene /// takes ownership over the element. /// \param element Element void replaceElement(PDFPageContentElement* element); /// Returns element by its id (identifier number) /// \param id Element id PDFPageContentElement* getElementById(PDFInteger id) const; /// Clear whole scene - remove all page content elements void clear(); /// Returns true, if scene is empty bool isEmpty() const { return m_elements.empty(); } bool isActive() const; void setActive(bool newIsActive); /// Returns set of all element ids std::set getElementIds() const; /// Returns set of selected element ids std::set getSelectedElementIds() const; /// Returns set of involved pages std::set getPageIndices() const; std::map> getElementsByPage() const; /// Returns bounding box of elements on page QRectF getBoundingBox(PDFInteger pageIndex) const; /// Set selected items void setSelectedElementIds(const std::set& selectedElementIds); /// Removes elements specified in selection /// \param selection Items to be removed void removeElementsById(const std::vector& selection); /// Performs manipulation of selected elements with manipulator void performOperation(int operation); /// Returns document (or nullptr) const PDFDocument* getDocument() const; // IDrawWidgetInputInterface interface public: virtual void shortcutOverrideEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override; virtual void keyPressEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override; virtual void keyReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QKeyEvent* event) override; virtual void mousePressEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override; virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override; virtual void mouseReleaseEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override; virtual void mouseMoveEvent(QWidget* widget, QMouseEvent* event) override; virtual void wheelEvent(QWidget* widget, QWheelEvent* event) override; virtual QString getTooltip() const override; virtual const std::optional& getCursor() const override; virtual int getInputPriority() const override; virtual bool isPageContentDrawSuppressed() const; virtual void drawPage(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, QList& errors) const override; PDFWidget* widget() const; void setWidget(PDFWidget* newWidget); void drawElements(QPainter* painter, PDFInteger pageIndex, PDFTextLayoutGetter& layoutGetter, const QTransform& pagePointToDevicePointMatrix, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, QList& errors) const; void setIsPageContentDrawSuppressed(bool newIsPageContentDrawSuppressed); signals: /// This signal is emitted when scene has changed (including graphics) void sceneChanged(bool graphicsOnly); void selectionChanged(); /// Request to edit the elements void editElementRequest(const std::set& elements); private: struct MouseEventInfo { std::set hoveredElementIds; QPoint widgetMouseStartPos; QPoint widgetMouseCurrentPos; QElapsedTimer timer; PDFInteger pageIndex = -1; QPointF pagePos; bool isValid() const { return !hoveredElementIds.empty(); } }; MouseEventInfo getMouseEventInfo(QWidget* widget, QPoint point); struct MouseGrabInfo { MouseEventInfo info; int mouseGrabNesting = 0; bool isMouseGrabbed() const { return mouseGrabNesting > 0; } }; PDFReal getSnapPointDistanceThreshold() const; bool isMouseGrabbed() const { return m_mouseGrabInfo.isMouseGrabbed(); } /// Grabs mouse input, if mouse is already grabbed, or if event /// is accepted. /// \param info Mouse event info /// \param event Mouse event void grabMouse(const MouseEventInfo& info, QMouseEvent* event); /// Release mouse input /// \param info Mouse event info /// \param event Mouse event void ungrabMouse(const MouseEventInfo& info, QMouseEvent* event); /// Updates mouse cursor /// \param info Mouse event info /// \param snapPointDistanceTreshold Snap point threshold void updateMouseCursor(const MouseEventInfo& info, PDFReal snapPointDistanceThreshold); /// Reaction on selection changed void onSelectionChanged(); PDFInteger m_firstFreeId; bool m_isActive; bool m_isPageContentDrawSuppressed; PDFWidget* m_widget; std::vector> m_elements; std::optional m_cursor; PDFPageContentElementManipulator m_manipulator; MouseGrabInfo m_mouseGrabInfo; }; } // namespace pdf Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(pdf::PDFPageContentElementManipulator::SelectionModes) #endif // PDFPAGECONTENTELEMENTS_H