// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of Pdf4Qt. // // Pdf4Qt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Pdf4Qt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Pdf4Qt. If not, see . #include "pdfcms.h" #include #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:5033) #include #pragma warning(pop) #include namespace pdf { class PDFLittleCMS : public PDFCMS { public: explicit PDFLittleCMS(const PDFCMSManager* manager, const PDFCMSSettings& settings); virtual ~PDFLittleCMS() override; virtual bool isCompatible(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) const override; virtual QColor getPaperColor() const override; virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceGray(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceRGB(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual QColor getColorFromDeviceCMYK(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual QColor getColorFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const PDFColor3& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual QColor getColorFromICC(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool fillRGBBufferFromICC(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const override; virtual bool transformColorSpace(const ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const override; private: void init(); enum Profile { Output, Gray, RGB, CMYK, XYZ, SoftProofing, ProfileCount }; /// Returns true, if we are doing soft-proofing bool isSoftProofing() const; /// Creates a profile using provided id and a list of profile descriptors. /// If profile can't be created, then null handle is returned. /// \param id Id of color profile /// \param profileDescriptors Profile descriptor list cmsHPROFILE createProfile(const QString& id, const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& profileDescriptors) const; /// Gets transform from cache. If transform doesn't exist, then it is created. /// \param profile Color profile /// \param intent Rendering intent /// \param isRGB888Buffer If true, 8-bit RGB output buffer is used, otherwise FLOAT RGB output buffer is used cmsHTRANSFORM getTransform(Profile profile, RenderingIntent intent, bool isRGB888Buffer) const; /// Gets transform for ICC profile from cache. If transform doesn't exist, then it is created. /// \param iccData Data of icc profile /// \param iccID Icc profile id /// \param renderingIntent Rendering intent /// \param isRGB888Buffer If true, 8-bit RGB output buffer is used, otherwise FLOAT RGB output buffer is used cmsHTRANSFORM getTransformFromICCProfile(const QByteArray& iccData, const QByteArray& iccID, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, bool isRGB888Buffer) const; /// Returns transformation flags according to the current settings cmsUInt32Number getTransformationFlags() const; /// Calculates effective rendering intent. If rendering intent is auto, /// then \p intent is used, otherwise intent is overriden. RenderingIntent getEffectiveRenderingIntent(RenderingIntent intent) const; /// Gets transform from cache key. /// \param profile Color profile /// \param intent Rendering intent /// \param isRGB888Buffer If true, 8-bit RGB output buffer is used, otherwise FLOAT RGB output buffer is used static constexpr int getCacheKey(Profile profile, RenderingIntent intent, bool isRGB888Buffer) { return ((int(intent) * ProfileCount + profile) << 1) + (isRGB888Buffer ? 1 : 0); } /// Returns little CMS rendering intent /// \param intent Rendering intent static cmsUInt32Number getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(RenderingIntent intent); /// Returns little CMS data format for profile /// \param profile Color profile handle static cmsUInt32Number getProfileDataFormat(cmsHPROFILE profile); /// Returns color from output color. Clamps invalid rgb output values to range [0.0, 1.0]. /// \param color01 Rgb color (range 0-1 is assumed). static QColor getColorFromOutputColor(std::array color01); /// Returns transform key for transformation between various color spaces static QByteArray getTransformColorSpaceKey(const ColorSpaceTransformParams& params); cmsHTRANSFORM getTransformBetweenColorSpaces(const ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const; const PDFCMSManager* m_manager; PDFCMSSettings m_settings; QColor m_paperColor; std::array m_profiles; mutable QReadWriteLock m_transformationCacheLock; mutable std::unordered_map m_transformationCache; mutable QReadWriteLock m_customIccProfileCacheLock; mutable std::map, cmsHTRANSFORM> m_customIccProfileCache; mutable QReadWriteLock m_transformColorSpaceCacheLock; mutable std::map m_transformColorSpaceCache; }; bool PDFLittleCMS::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(Gray, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), true); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from gray to output device using CMS failed.")); return false; } if (cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform) == TYPE_GRAY_FLT) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_8); cmsDoTransform(transform, colors.data(), outputBuffer, static_cast(colors.size())); return true; } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from gray to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return false; } bool PDFLittleCMS::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(RGB, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), true); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from RGB to output device using CMS failed.")); return false; } const cmsUInt32Number inputFormat = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); if (inputFormat == TYPE_RGB_FLT && (colors.size()) % T_CHANNELS(inputFormat) == 0) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_8); cmsDoTransform(transform, colors.data(), outputBuffer, static_cast(colors.size()) / T_CHANNELS(inputFormat)); return true; } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from RGB to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return false; } bool PDFLittleCMS::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(CMYK, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), true); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from CMYK to output device using CMS failed.")); return false; } const cmsUInt32Number inputFormat = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); if (inputFormat == TYPE_CMYK_FLT && (colors.size()) % T_CHANNELS(inputFormat) == 0) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_8); std::vector fixedColors = colors; for (size_t i = 0, count = fixedColors.size(); i < count; ++i) { fixedColors[i] = fixedColors[i] * 100.0f; } cmsDoTransform(transform, fixedColors.data(), outputBuffer, static_cast(colors.size()) / T_CHANNELS(inputFormat)); return true; } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from CMYK to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return false; } bool PDFLittleCMS::fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(XYZ, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), true); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from XYZ to output device using CMS failed.")); return false; } const cmsUInt32Number inputFormat = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); if (inputFormat == TYPE_XYZ_FLT && (colors.size()) % T_CHANNELS(inputFormat) == 0) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_8); const cmsCIEXYZ* d50WhitePoint = cmsD50_XYZ(); std::array correctionCoefficients = { float(d50WhitePoint->X) / whitePoint[0], float(d50WhitePoint->Y) / whitePoint[1], float(d50WhitePoint->Z) / whitePoint[2] }; std::vector fixedColors = colors; for (size_t i = 0, count = fixedColors.size(); i < count; ++i) { fixedColors[i] = fixedColors[i] * correctionCoefficients[i % correctionCoefficients.size()]; } cmsDoTransform(transform, fixedColors.data(), outputBuffer, static_cast(colors.size()) / T_CHANNELS(inputFormat)); return true; } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from XYZ to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return false; } bool PDFLittleCMS::fillRGBBufferFromICC(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransformFromICCProfile(iccData, iccID, renderingIntent, true); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from icc profile space to output device using CMS failed.")); return false; } const cmsUInt32Number format = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); const cmsUInt32Number channels = T_CHANNELS(format); const cmsUInt32Number colorSpace = T_COLORSPACE(format); const bool isCMYK = colorSpace == PT_CMYK; const float* inputColors = colors.data(); std::vector cmykColors; if (isCMYK) { cmykColors = colors; for (size_t i = 0; i < cmykColors.size(); ++i) { cmykColors[i] = cmykColors[i] * 100.0; } inputColors = cmykColors.data(); } if (colors.size() % channels == 0) { const cmsUInt32Number pixels = static_cast(colors.size()) / channels; cmsDoTransform(transform, inputColors, outputBuffer, pixels); return true; } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from icc profile space to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return false; } bool PDFLittleCMS::transformColorSpace(const PDFCMS::ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const { PDFCMS::ColorSpaceTransformParams transformedParams = params; transformedParams.intent = getEffectiveRenderingIntent(transformedParams.intent); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransformBetweenColorSpaces(transformedParams); if (!transform) { return false; } const cmsUInt32Number inputProfileFormat = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); const cmsUInt32Number inputChannels = T_CHANNELS(inputProfileFormat); const cmsUInt32Number inputColorSpace = T_COLORSPACE(inputProfileFormat); const bool isInputCMYK = inputColorSpace == PT_CMYK; const float* inputColors = params.input.begin(); std::vector cmykColors; const cmsUInt32Number outputProfileFormat = cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform); const cmsUInt32Number outputChannels = T_CHANNELS(outputProfileFormat); const cmsUInt32Number outputColorSpace = T_COLORSPACE(outputProfileFormat); const bool isOutputCMYK = outputColorSpace == PT_CMYK; if (isInputCMYK) { cmykColors = std::vector(params.input.cbegin(), params.input.cend()); for (size_t i = 0; i < cmykColors.size(); ++i) { cmykColors[i] = cmykColors[i] * 100.0; } inputColors = cmykColors.data(); } const cmsUInt32Number inputPixelCount = static_cast(params.input.size()) / inputChannels; const cmsUInt32Number outputPixelCount = static_cast(params.output.size()) / outputChannels; if (params.input.size() % inputChannels == 0 && params.output.size() % outputChannels == 0 && inputPixelCount == outputPixelCount) { PDFColorBuffer outputBuffer = params.output; cmsDoTransform(transform, inputColors, outputBuffer.begin(), inputPixelCount); if (isOutputCMYK) { const PDFColorComponent colorQuotient = 1.0f / 100.0f; for (PDFColorComponent& color : outputBuffer) { color *= colorQuotient; } } return true; } else { return false; } return false; } PDFLittleCMS::PDFLittleCMS(const PDFCMSManager* manager, const PDFCMSSettings& settings) : m_manager(manager), m_settings(settings), m_paperColor(Qt::white), m_profiles() { init(); } PDFLittleCMS::~PDFLittleCMS() { for (const auto& transformItem : m_transformationCache) { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = transformItem.second; if (transform) { cmsDeleteTransform(transform); } } for (const auto& transformItem : m_customIccProfileCache) { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = transformItem.second; if (transform) { cmsDeleteTransform(transform); } } for (const auto& transformItem : m_transformColorSpaceCache) { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = transformItem.second; if (transform) { cmsDeleteTransform(transform); } } for (cmsHPROFILE profile : m_profiles) { if (profile) { cmsCloseProfile(profile); } } } bool PDFLittleCMS::isCompatible(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) const { return m_settings == settings; } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getPaperColor() const { return m_paperColor; } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromDeviceGray(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(Gray, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), false); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from gray to output device using CMS failed.")); return QColor(); } if (cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform) == TYPE_GRAY_FLT && color.size() == 1) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_FLT); const float grayColor = color[0]; std::array rgbOutputColor = { }; cmsDoTransform(transform, &grayColor, rgbOutputColor.data(), 1); return getColorFromOutputColor(rgbOutputColor); } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from gray to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return QColor(); } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromDeviceRGB(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(RGB, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), false); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from RGB to output device using CMS failed.")); return QColor(); } if (cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_FLT && color.size() == 3) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_FLT); std::array rgbInputColor = { color[0], color[1], color[2] }; std::array rgbOutputColor = { }; cmsDoTransform(transform, rgbInputColor.data(), rgbOutputColor.data(), 1); return getColorFromOutputColor(rgbOutputColor); } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from RGB to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return QColor(); } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromDeviceCMYK(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(CMYK, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), false); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from CMYK to output device using CMS failed.")); return QColor(); } if (cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform) == TYPE_CMYK_FLT && color.size() == 4) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_FLT); std::array cmykInputColor = { color[0] * 100.0f, color[1] * 100.0f, color[2] * 100.0f, color[3] * 100.0f }; std::array rgbOutputColor = { }; cmsDoTransform(transform, cmykInputColor.data(), rgbOutputColor.data(), 1); return getColorFromOutputColor(rgbOutputColor); } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from CMYK to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return QColor(); } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const PDFColor3& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(whitePoint); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransform(XYZ, getEffectiveRenderingIntent(intent), false); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from XYZ to output device using CMS failed.")); return QColor(); } if (cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform) == TYPE_XYZ_FLT && color.size() == 3) { Q_ASSERT(cmsGetTransformOutputFormat(transform) == TYPE_RGB_FLT); // Jakub Melka: It seems, that Adobe Acrobat Reader doesn't do the gamut remapping (whitepoint remapping). // so, we don't do that too. const cmsCIEXYZ* d50WhitePoint = cmsD50_XYZ(); std::array xyzInputColor = { color[0] * float(d50WhitePoint->X), color[1] * float(d50WhitePoint->Y), color[2] * float(d50WhitePoint->Z)}; std::array rgbOutputColor = { }; cmsDoTransform(transform, xyzInputColor.data(), rgbOutputColor.data(), 1); return getColorFromOutputColor(rgbOutputColor); } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from XYZ to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return QColor(); } cmsHTRANSFORM PDFLittleCMS::getTransformFromICCProfile(const QByteArray& iccData, const QByteArray& iccID, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, bool isRGB888Buffer) const { RenderingIntent effectiveRenderingIntent = getEffectiveRenderingIntent(renderingIntent); const auto key = std::make_pair(iccID + (isRGB888Buffer ? "RGB_888" : "FLT"), effectiveRenderingIntent); QReadLocker lock(&m_customIccProfileCacheLock); auto it = m_customIccProfileCache.find(key); if (it == m_customIccProfileCache.cend()) { lock.unlock(); QWriteLocker writeLock(&m_customIccProfileCacheLock); // Now, we have locked cache for writing. We must find out, // if some other thread doesn't created the transformation already. it = m_customIccProfileCache.find(key); if (it == m_customIccProfileCache.cend()) { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = cmsHTRANSFORM(); cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(iccData.data(), iccData.size()); if (profile) { if (const cmsUInt32Number inputDataFormat = getProfileDataFormat(profile)) { cmsUInt32Number lcmsIntent = getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(effectiveRenderingIntent); if (isSoftProofing()) { cmsHPROFILE proofingProfile = m_profiles[SoftProofing]; RenderingIntent proofingIntent = m_settings.proofingIntent; if (m_settings.proofingIntent == RenderingIntent::Auto) { proofingIntent = effectiveRenderingIntent; } transform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(profile, inputDataFormat, m_profiles[Output], isRGB888Buffer ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_RGB_FLT, proofingProfile, lcmsIntent, getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(proofingIntent), getTransformationFlags()); } else { transform = cmsCreateTransform(profile, inputDataFormat, m_profiles[Output], isRGB888Buffer ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_RGB_FLT, lcmsIntent, getTransformationFlags()); } } cmsCloseProfile(profile); } it = m_customIccProfileCache.insert(std::make_pair(key, transform)).first; } return it->second; } else { return it->second; } return cmsHTRANSFORM(); } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromICC(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = getTransformFromICCProfile(iccData, iccID, renderingIntent, false); if (!transform) { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from icc profile space to output device using CMS failed.")); return QColor(); } std::array inputBuffer = { }; const cmsUInt32Number format = cmsGetTransformInputFormat(transform); const cmsUInt32Number channels = T_CHANNELS(format); const cmsUInt32Number colorSpace = T_COLORSPACE(format); const bool isCMYK = colorSpace == PT_CMYK; if (channels == color.size() && channels <= inputBuffer.size()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < color.size(); ++i) { inputBuffer[i] = isCMYK ? color[i] * 100.0 : color[i]; } std::array rgbOutputColor = { }; cmsDoTransform(transform, inputBuffer.data(), rgbOutputColor.data(), 1); return getColorFromOutputColor(rgbOutputColor); } else { reporter->reportRenderErrorOnce(RenderErrorType::Error, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Conversion from icc profile space to output device using CMS failed - invalid data format.")); } return QColor(); } void PDFLittleCMS::init() { // Jakub Melka: initialize all color profiles m_profiles[Output] = createProfile(m_settings.outputCS, m_manager->getOutputProfiles()); m_profiles[Gray] = createProfile(m_settings.deviceGray, m_manager->getGrayProfiles()); m_profiles[RGB] = createProfile(m_settings.deviceRGB, m_manager->getRGBProfiles()); m_profiles[CMYK] = createProfile(m_settings.deviceCMYK, m_manager->getCMYKProfiles()); m_profiles[SoftProofing] = createProfile(m_settings.softProofingProfile, m_manager->getCMYKProfiles()); m_profiles[XYZ] = cmsCreateXYZProfile(); cmsUInt16Number outOfGamutR = m_settings.outOfGamutColor.redF() * 0xFFFF; cmsUInt16Number outOfGamutG = m_settings.outOfGamutColor.greenF() * 0xFFFF; cmsUInt16Number outOfGamutB = m_settings.outOfGamutColor.blueF() * 0xFFFF; cmsUInt16Number alarmCodes[cmsMAXCHANNELS] = { outOfGamutR, outOfGamutG, outOfGamutB }; cmsSetAlarmCodes(alarmCodes); if (m_settings.isWhitePaperColorTransformed) { m_paperColor = getColorFromDeviceRGB(PDFColor(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f), RenderingIntent::AbsoluteColorimetric, nullptr); // We must check color of the paper, it can be invalid, if error occurs... if (!m_paperColor.isValid()) { m_paperColor = QColor(Qt::white); } } // 64 should be enough, because we can have 4 input color spaces (gray, RGB, CMYK and XYZ), // and 4 rendering intents. We have 4 * 4 = 16 input tables, so 64 will suffice enough // (because we then have 25% load factor). m_transformationCache.reserve(64); } bool PDFLittleCMS::isSoftProofing() const { return (m_settings.isSoftProofing || m_settings.isGamutChecking) && m_profiles[SoftProofing]; } cmsHPROFILE PDFLittleCMS::createProfile(const QString& id, const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& profileDescriptors) const { auto it = std::find_if(profileDescriptors.cbegin(), profileDescriptors.cend(), [&id](const PDFColorProfileIdentifier& identifier) { return identifier.id == id; }); if (it != profileDescriptors.cend()) { const PDFColorProfileIdentifier& identifier = *it; switch (identifier.type) { case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::Gray: { cmsCIExyY whitePoint{ }; if (cmsWhitePointFromTemp(&whitePoint, identifier.temperature)) { cmsToneCurve* gammaCurve = cmsBuildGamma(cmsContext(), identifier.gamma); cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsCreateGrayProfile(&whitePoint, gammaCurve); cmsFreeToneCurve(gammaCurve); return profile; } break; } case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::sRGB: return cmsCreate_sRGBProfile(); case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::RGB: { cmsCIExyY whitePoint{ }; if (cmsWhitePointFromTemp(&whitePoint, identifier.temperature)) { cmsCIExyYTRIPLE primaries; primaries.Red = { identifier.primaryR.x(), identifier.primaryR.y(), 1.0 }; primaries.Green = { identifier.primaryG.x(), identifier.primaryG.y(), 1.0 }; primaries.Blue = { identifier.primaryB.x(), identifier.primaryB.y(), 1.0 }; cmsToneCurve* gammaCurve = cmsBuildGamma(cmsContext(), identifier.gamma); cmsToneCurve* toneCurves[3] = { gammaCurve, cmsDupToneCurve(gammaCurve), cmsDupToneCurve(gammaCurve) }; cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsCreateRGBProfile(&whitePoint, &primaries, toneCurves); cmsFreeToneCurveTriple(toneCurves); return profile; } break; } case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileGray: case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileRGB: case PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileCMYK: { QFile file(identifier.id); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray fileContent = file.readAll(); file.close(); return cmsOpenProfileFromMem(fileContent.data(), fileContent.size()); } break; } default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } return cmsHPROFILE(); } cmsHTRANSFORM PDFLittleCMS::getTransform(Profile profile, RenderingIntent intent, bool isRGB888Buffer) const { const int key = getCacheKey(profile, intent, isRGB888Buffer); QReadLocker lock(&m_transformationCacheLock); auto it = m_transformationCache.find(key); if (it == m_transformationCache.cend()) { lock.unlock(); QWriteLocker writeLock(&m_transformationCacheLock); // Now, we have locked cache for writing. We must find out, // if some other thread doesn't created the transformation already. it = m_transformationCache.find(key); if (it == m_transformationCache.cend()) { cmsHTRANSFORM transform = cmsHTRANSFORM(); cmsHPROFILE input = m_profiles[profile]; cmsHPROFILE output = m_profiles[Output]; if (input && output) { if (isSoftProofing()) { cmsHPROFILE proofingProfile = m_profiles[SoftProofing]; RenderingIntent proofingIntent = m_settings.proofingIntent; if (m_settings.proofingIntent == RenderingIntent::Auto) { proofingIntent = intent; } transform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(input, getProfileDataFormat(input), output, isRGB888Buffer ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_RGB_FLT, proofingProfile, getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(intent), getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(proofingIntent), getTransformationFlags()); } else { transform = cmsCreateTransform(input, getProfileDataFormat(input), output, isRGB888Buffer ? TYPE_RGB_8 : TYPE_RGB_FLT, getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(intent), getTransformationFlags()); } } it = m_transformationCache.insert(std::make_pair(key, transform)).first; } // We must return it here to avoid race condition (after current block, // lock is not locked, because we unlocked lock for reading). return it->second; } return it->second; } cmsUInt32Number PDFLittleCMS::getTransformationFlags() const { cmsUInt32Number flags = cmsFLAGS_NOCACHE; if (m_settings.isBlackPointCompensationActive) { flags |= cmsFLAGS_BLACKPOINTCOMPENSATION; } switch (m_settings.accuracy) { case PDFCMSSettings::Accuracy::Low: flags |= cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC; break; case PDFCMSSettings::Accuracy::Medium: break; case PDFCMSSettings::Accuracy::High: flags |= cmsFLAGS_HIGHRESPRECALC; break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } if (m_settings.isGamutChecking) { flags |= cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK; } if (m_settings.isSoftProofing) { flags |= cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING; } return flags; } RenderingIntent PDFLittleCMS::getEffectiveRenderingIntent(RenderingIntent intent) const { if (m_settings.intent != RenderingIntent::Auto) { return m_settings.intent; } return intent; } cmsUInt32Number PDFLittleCMS::getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(RenderingIntent intent) { switch (intent) { case RenderingIntent::Perceptual: return INTENT_PERCEPTUAL; case RenderingIntent::AbsoluteColorimetric: return INTENT_ABSOLUTE_COLORIMETRIC; case RenderingIntent::RelativeColorimetric: return INTENT_RELATIVE_COLORIMETRIC; case RenderingIntent::Saturation: return INTENT_SATURATION; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } return INTENT_PERCEPTUAL; } cmsUInt32Number PDFLittleCMS::getProfileDataFormat(cmsHPROFILE profile) { cmsColorSpaceSignature signature = cmsGetColorSpace(profile); switch (signature) { case cmsSigGrayData: return TYPE_GRAY_FLT; case cmsSigRgbData: return TYPE_RGB_FLT; case cmsSigCmykData: return TYPE_CMYK_FLT; case cmsSigXYZData: return TYPE_XYZ_FLT; default: break; } return 0; } QColor PDFLittleCMS::getColorFromOutputColor(std::array color01) { QColor color(QColor::Rgb); color.setRgbF(qBound(0.0f, color01[0], 1.0f), qBound(0.0f, color01[1], 1.0f), qBound(0.0f, color01[2], 1.0f)); return color; } QByteArray PDFLittleCMS::getTransformColorSpaceKey(const PDFCMS::ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) { QByteArray key; QBuffer buffer(&key); buffer.open(QBuffer::WriteOnly); QDataStream stream(&buffer); stream << params.sourceType; stream << params.sourceIccId; stream << params.targetType; stream << params.targetIccId; stream << params.intent; buffer.close(); return key; } cmsHTRANSFORM PDFLittleCMS::getTransformBetweenColorSpaces(const PDFCMS::ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const { QByteArray key = getTransformColorSpaceKey(params); QReadLocker lock(&m_transformColorSpaceCacheLock); auto it = m_transformColorSpaceCache.find(key); if (it == m_transformColorSpaceCache.cend()) { lock.unlock(); QWriteLocker writeLock(&m_transformColorSpaceCacheLock); // Now, we have locked cache for writing. We must find out, // if some other thread doesn't created the transformation already. it = m_transformColorSpaceCache.find(key); if (it == m_transformColorSpaceCache.cend()) { cmsHPROFILE inputProfile = cmsHPROFILE(); cmsHPROFILE outputProfile = cmsHPROFILE(); cmsHTRANSFORM transform = cmsHTRANSFORM(); switch (params.sourceType) { case ColorSpaceType::DeviceGray: inputProfile = m_profiles[Gray]; break; case ColorSpaceType::DeviceRGB: inputProfile = m_profiles[RGB]; break; case ColorSpaceType::DeviceCMYK: inputProfile = m_profiles[CMYK]; break; case ColorSpaceType::XYZ: inputProfile = m_profiles[XYZ]; break; case ColorSpaceType::ICC: inputProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(params.sourceIccData.data(), params.sourceIccData.size()); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } switch (params.targetType) { case ColorSpaceType::DeviceGray: outputProfile = m_profiles[Gray]; break; case ColorSpaceType::DeviceRGB: outputProfile = m_profiles[RGB]; break; case ColorSpaceType::DeviceCMYK: outputProfile = m_profiles[CMYK]; break; case ColorSpaceType::XYZ: outputProfile = m_profiles[XYZ]; break; case ColorSpaceType::ICC: outputProfile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(params.targetIccData.data(), params.targetIccData.size()); break; default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } if (inputProfile && outputProfile) { transform = cmsCreateTransform(inputProfile, getProfileDataFormat(inputProfile), outputProfile, getProfileDataFormat(outputProfile), getLittleCMSRenderingIntent(params.intent), getTransformationFlags()); } if (params.sourceType == ColorSpaceType::ICC) { cmsCloseProfile(inputProfile); } if (params.targetType == ColorSpaceType::ICC) { cmsCloseProfile(outputProfile); } it = m_transformColorSpaceCache.insert(std::make_pair(key, transform)).first; } return it->second; } else { return it->second; } return cmsHTRANSFORM(); } QString getInfoFromProfile(cmsHPROFILE profile, cmsInfoType infoType) { QLocale locale; QString country = QLocale::countryToString(locale.country()); QString language = QLocale::languageToString(locale.language()); char countryCode[3] = { }; char languageCode[3] = { }; if (country.size() == 2) { countryCode[0] = country[0].toLatin1(); countryCode[1] = country[1].toLatin1(); } if (language.size() == 2) { languageCode[0] = language[0].toLatin1(); languageCode[1] = language[1].toLatin1(); } // Jakub Melka: try to get profile info from current language/country. // If it fails, then pick any language/any country. cmsUInt32Number bufferSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(profile, infoType, languageCode, countryCode, nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize) { std::vector buffer(bufferSize, 0); cmsGetProfileInfo(profile, infoType, languageCode, countryCode, buffer.data(), static_cast(buffer.size())); return QString::fromWCharArray(buffer.data()); } bufferSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(profile, infoType, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, nullptr, 0); if (bufferSize) { std::vector buffer(bufferSize, 0); cmsGetProfileInfo(profile, infoType, cmsNoLanguage, cmsNoCountry, buffer.data(), static_cast(buffer.size())); return QString::fromWCharArray(buffer.data()); } return QString(); } bool PDFCMSGeneric::isCompatible(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) const { return settings.system == PDFCMSSettings::System::Generic; } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getPaperColor() const { return QColor(Qt::white); } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getColorFromDeviceGray(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return QColor(); } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getColorFromDeviceRGB(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return QColor(); } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getColorFromDeviceCMYK(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return QColor(); } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getColorFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const PDFColor3& color, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); Q_UNUSED(whitePoint); return QColor(); } QColor PDFCMSGeneric::getColorFromICC(const PDFColor& color, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(renderingIntent); Q_UNUSED(iccID); Q_UNUSED(iccData); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return QColor(); } bool PDFCMSGeneric::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(colors); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return false; } bool PDFCMSGeneric::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(colors); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return false; } bool PDFCMSGeneric::fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(colors); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return false; } bool PDFCMSGeneric::fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(const PDFColor3& whitePoint, const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent intent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(whitePoint); Q_UNUSED(colors); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return false; } bool PDFCMSGeneric::fillRGBBufferFromICC(const std::vector& colors, RenderingIntent renderingIntent, unsigned char* outputBuffer, const QByteArray& iccID, const QByteArray& iccData, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(colors); Q_UNUSED(renderingIntent); Q_UNUSED(outputBuffer); Q_UNUSED(iccID); Q_UNUSED(iccData); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return false; } bool PDFCMSGeneric::transformColorSpace(const PDFCMS::ColorSpaceTransformParams& params) const { return false; } PDFCMSManager::PDFCMSManager(QObject* parent) : BaseClass(parent), m_mutex(QMutex::Recursive) { } PDFCMSPointer PDFCMSManager::getCurrentCMS() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); return m_CMS.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getCurrentCMSImpl); } void PDFCMSManager::setSettings(const PDFCMSSettings& settings) { if (m_settings != settings) { // We must ensure, that mutex is not locked, while we are // sending signal about CMS change. { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); m_settings = settings; m_CMS.dirty(); m_outputProfiles.dirty(); m_grayProfiles.dirty(); m_RGBProfiles.dirty(); m_CMYKProfiles.dirty(); m_externalProfiles.dirty(); } emit colorManagementSystemChanged(); } } const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& PDFCMSManager::getOutputProfiles() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); return m_outputProfiles.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getOutputProfilesImpl); } const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& PDFCMSManager::getGrayProfiles() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); return m_grayProfiles.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getGrayProfilesImpl); } const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& PDFCMSManager::getRGBProfiles() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); return m_RGBProfiles.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getRGBProfilesImpl); } const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& PDFCMSManager::getCMYKProfiles() const { QMutexLocker lock(&m_mutex); return m_CMYKProfiles.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getCMYKProfilesImpl); } const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& PDFCMSManager::getExternalProfiles() const { // Jakub Melka: do not protect this by mutex, this function is private // and must be called only from mutex-protected code. return m_externalProfiles.get(this, &PDFCMSManager::getExternalProfilesImpl); } PDFCMSSettings PDFCMSManager::getDefaultSettings() const { PDFCMSSettings settings; auto getFirstProfileId = [](const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& identifiers) { if (!identifiers.empty()) { return identifiers.front().id; } return QString(); }; settings.system = PDFCMSSettings::System::LittleCMS2; settings.outputCS = getFirstProfileId(getOutputProfiles()); settings.deviceGray = getFirstProfileId(getGrayProfiles()); settings.deviceRGB = getFirstProfileId(getRGBProfiles()); settings.deviceCMYK = getFirstProfileId(getCMYKProfiles()); return settings; } QString PDFCMSManager::getSystemName(PDFCMSSettings::System system) { switch (system) { case PDFCMSSettings::System::Generic: return tr("Generic"); case PDFCMSSettings::System::LittleCMS2: { const int major = LCMS_VERSION / 1000; const int minor = (LCMS_VERSION % 1000) / 10; return tr("Little CMS %1.%2").arg(major).arg(minor); } default: { Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } return QString(); } PDFCMSPointer PDFCMSManager::getCurrentCMSImpl() const { switch (m_settings.system) { case PDFCMSSettings::System::Generic: return PDFCMSPointer(new PDFCMSGeneric()); case PDFCMSSettings::System::LittleCMS2: return PDFCMSPointer(new PDFLittleCMS(this, m_settings)); default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } return PDFCMSPointer(new PDFCMSGeneric()); } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getOutputProfilesImpl() const { // Currently, we only support sRGB output color profile. return { PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createSRGB() }; } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getGrayProfilesImpl() const { // Jakub Melka: We create gray profiles for temperature 5000K, 6500K and 9300K. // We also use linear gamma and gamma value 2.2. PDFColorProfileIdentifiers result = { PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D65, γ = 2.2"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D65_g22", 6500.0, 2.2), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D50, γ = 2.2"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D50_g22", 5000.0, 2.2), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D93, γ = 2.2"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D93_g22", 9300.0, 2.2), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D65, γ = 1.0 (linear)"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D65_g10", 6500.0, 1.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D50, γ = 1.0 (linear)"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D50_g10", 5000.0, 1.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(tr("Gray D93, γ = 1.0 (linear)"), "@GENERIC_Gray_D93_g10", 9300.0, 1.0) }; PDFColorProfileIdentifiers externalRGBProfiles = getFilteredExternalProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileGray); result.insert(result.end(), externalRGBProfiles.begin(), externalRGBProfiles.end()); return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getRGBProfilesImpl() const { // Jakub Melka: We create RGB profiles for common standars and also for // default standard sRGB. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_spaces_with_RGB_primaries. PDFColorProfileIdentifiers result = { PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createSRGB(), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("HDTV (ITU-R BT.709)"), "@GENERIC_RGB_HDTV", 6500, QPointF(0.64, 0.33), QPointF(0.30, 0.60), QPointF(0.15, 0.06), 20.0 / 9.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("Adobe RGB 1998"), "@GENERIC_RGB_Adobe1998", 6500, QPointF(0.64, 0.33), QPointF(0.30, 0.60), QPointF(0.15, 0.06), 563.0 / 256.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("PAL / SECAM"), "@GENERIC_RGB_PalSecam", 6500, QPointF(0.64, 0.33), QPointF(0.29, 0.60), QPointF(0.15, 0.06), 14.0 / 5.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("NTSC"), "@GENERIC_RGB_NTSC", 6500, QPointF(0.64, 0.34), QPointF(0.31, 0.595), QPointF(0.155, 0.07), 20.0 / 9.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("Adobe Wide Gamut RGB"), "@GENERIC_RGB_AdobeWideGamut", 5000, QPointF(0.735, 0.265), QPointF(0.115, 0.826), QPointF(0.157, 0.018), 563.0 / 256.0), PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(tr("ProPhoto RGB"), "@GENERIC_RGB_ProPhoto", 5000, QPointF(0.7347, 0.2653), QPointF(0.1596, 0.8404), QPointF(0.0366, 0.0001), 9.0 / 5.0) }; PDFColorProfileIdentifiers externalRGBProfiles = getFilteredExternalProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileRGB); result.insert(result.end(), externalRGBProfiles.begin(), externalRGBProfiles.end()); return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getCMYKProfilesImpl() const { return getFilteredExternalProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileCMYK); } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getExternalColorProfiles(QString profileDirectory) const { PDFColorProfileIdentifiers result; QDir directory(profileDirectory); QDir applicationDirectory(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); if (!profileDirectory.isEmpty() && directory.exists()) { QStringList iccProfiles = directory.entryList({ "*.icc" }, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot, QDir::NoSort); for (const QString& fileName : iccProfiles) { QString filePath = QDir::cleanPath(applicationDirectory.relativeFilePath(directory.absoluteFilePath(fileName))); // Try to read the profile from the file. If it fails, then do nothing. QFile file(filePath); if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) { QByteArray content = file.readAll(); file.close(); cmsHPROFILE profile = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(content.data(), content.size()); if (profile) { PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type csiType = PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::Invalid; const cmsColorSpaceSignature colorSpace = cmsGetColorSpace(profile); switch (colorSpace) { case cmsSigGrayData: csiType = PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileGray; break; case cmsSigRgbData: csiType = PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileRGB; break; case cmsSigCmykData: csiType = PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::FileCMYK; break; default: break; } QString description = getInfoFromProfile(profile, cmsInfoDescription); cmsCloseProfile(profile); // If we have a valid profile, then add it if (csiType != PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type::Invalid) { result.emplace_back(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createFile(csiType, qMove(description), filePath)); } } } } } return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getExternalProfilesImpl() const { PDFColorProfileIdentifiers result; QStringList directories(m_settings.profileDirectory); QDir applicationDirectory(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); if (applicationDirectory.cd("colorprofiles")) { directories << applicationDirectory.absolutePath(); } for (const QString& directory : directories) { PDFColorProfileIdentifiers externalProfiles = getExternalColorProfiles(directory); result.insert(result.end(), externalProfiles.begin(), externalProfiles.end()); } return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifiers PDFCMSManager::getFilteredExternalProfiles(PDFColorProfileIdentifier::Type type) const { PDFColorProfileIdentifiers result; const PDFColorProfileIdentifiers& externalProfiles = getExternalProfiles(); std::copy_if(externalProfiles.cbegin(), externalProfiles.cend(), std::back_inserter(result), [type](const PDFColorProfileIdentifier& identifier) { return identifier.type == type; }); return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifier PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createGray(QString name, QString id, PDFReal temperature, PDFReal gamma) { PDFColorProfileIdentifier result; result.type = Type::Gray; result.name = qMove(name); result.id = qMove(id); result.temperature = temperature; result.gamma = gamma; return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifier PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createSRGB() { PDFColorProfileIdentifier result; result.type = Type::sRGB; result.name = PDFCMSManager::tr("sRGB"); result.id = "@GENERIC_sRGB"; return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifier PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createRGB(QString name, QString id, PDFReal temperature, QPointF primaryR, QPointF primaryG, QPointF primaryB, PDFReal gamma) { PDFColorProfileIdentifier result; result.type = Type::RGB; result.name = qMove(name); result.id = qMove(id); result.temperature = temperature; result.primaryR = primaryR; result.primaryG = primaryG; result.primaryB = primaryB; result.gamma = gamma; return result; } PDFColorProfileIdentifier PDFColorProfileIdentifier::createFile(Type type, QString name, QString id) { PDFColorProfileIdentifier result; result.type = type; result.name = qMove(name); result.id = qMove(id); return result; } PDFColor3 PDFCMS::getDefaultXYZWhitepoint() { const cmsCIEXYZ* whitePoint = cmsD50_XYZ(); return PDFColor3{ PDFColorComponent(whitePoint->X), PDFColorComponent(whitePoint->Y), PDFColorComponent(whitePoint->Z) }; } } // namespace pdf