// Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of Pdf4Qt. // // Pdf4Qt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version. // // Pdf4Qt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Pdf4Qt. If not, see . #include "pdfcompiler.h" #include "pdfcms.h" #include "pdfdrawspacecontroller.h" #include "pdfprogress.h" #include "pdfexecutionpolicy.h" #include #include namespace pdf { PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy) : BaseClass(proxy), m_proxy(proxy) { m_cache.setMaxCost(128 * 1024 * 1024); } void PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::start() { switch (m_state) { case State::Inactive: { m_state = State::Active; break; } case State::Active: break; // We have nothing to do... case State::Stopping: { // We shouldn't call this function while stopping! Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } } void PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::stop(bool clearCache) { switch (m_state) { case State::Inactive: break; // We have nothing to do... case State::Active: { // Stop the engine m_state = State::Stopping; for (const auto& taskItem : m_tasks) { disconnect(taskItem.second.taskWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::onPageCompiled); taskItem.second.taskWatcher->waitForFinished(); } m_tasks.clear(); if (clearCache) { m_cache.clear(); } m_state = State::Inactive; break; } case State::Stopping: { // We shouldn't call this function while stopping! Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } } void PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::reset() { stop(true); start(); } void PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::setCacheLimit(int limit) { m_cache.setMaxCost(limit); } const PDFPrecompiledPage* PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::getCompiledPage(PDFInteger pageIndex, bool compile) { if (m_state != State::Active || !m_proxy->getDocument()) { // Engine is not active, always return nullptr return nullptr; } const PDFPrecompiledPage* page = m_cache.object(pageIndex); if (!page && compile && !m_tasks.count(pageIndex)) { // Compile the page auto compilePage = [this, pageIndex]() -> PDFPrecompiledPage { PDFPrecompiledPage compiledPage; PDFCMSPointer cms = m_proxy->getCMSManager()->getCurrentCMS(); PDFRenderer renderer(m_proxy->getDocument(), m_proxy->getFontCache(), cms.data(), m_proxy->getOptionalContentActivity(), m_proxy->getFeatures(), m_proxy->getMeshQualitySettings()); renderer.compile(&compiledPage, pageIndex); return compiledPage; }; m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(this, false); CompileTask& task = m_tasks[pageIndex]; task.taskFuture = QtConcurrent::run(compilePage); task.taskWatcher = new QFutureWatcher(this); connect(task.taskWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::onPageCompiled); task.taskWatcher->setFuture(task.taskFuture); } return page; } void PDFAsynchronousPageCompiler::onPageCompiled() { std::vector compiledPages; // Search all tasks for finished tasks for (auto it = m_tasks.begin(); it != m_tasks.end();) { CompileTask& task = it->second; if (task.taskWatcher->isFinished()) { if (m_state == State::Active) { // If we are in active state, try to store precompiled page PDFPrecompiledPage* page = new PDFPrecompiledPage(task.taskWatcher->result()); qint64 memoryConsumptionEstimate = page->getMemoryConsumptionEstimate(); if (m_cache.insert(it->first, page, memoryConsumptionEstimate)) { compiledPages.push_back(it->first); } else { // We can't insert page to the cache, because cache size is too small. We will // emit error string to inform the user, that cache is too small. QString message = PDFTranslationContext::tr("Precompiled page size is too high (%1 kB). Cache size is %2 kB. Increase the cache size!").arg(memoryConsumptionEstimate / 1024).arg(m_cache.maxCost() / 1024); emit renderingError(it->first, { PDFRenderError(RenderErrorType::Error, message) }); } } task.taskWatcher->deleteLater(); it = m_tasks.erase(it); } else { // Just increment the counter ++it; } } // We allow font cache shrinking, when we aren't doing something in parallel. m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(this, m_tasks.empty()); if (!compiledPages.empty()) { Q_ASSERT(std::is_sorted(compiledPages.cbegin(), compiledPages.cend())); emit pageImageChanged(false, compiledPages); } } PDFTextLayout PDFTextLayoutGenerator::createTextLayout() { m_textLayout.perform(); m_textLayout.optimize(); return qMove(m_textLayout); } bool PDFTextLayoutGenerator::isContentSuppressedByOC(PDFObjectReference ocgOrOcmd) { if (m_features.testFlag(PDFRenderer::IgnoreOptionalContent)) { return false; } return PDFPageContentProcessor::isContentSuppressedByOC(ocgOrOcmd); } bool PDFTextLayoutGenerator::isContentKindSuppressed(ContentKind kind) const { switch (kind) { case ContentKind::Shapes: case ContentKind::Text: case ContentKind::Images: case ContentKind::Shading: return true; case ContentKind::Tiling: return false; // Tiling can have text default: { Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } return false; } void PDFTextLayoutGenerator::performOutputCharacter(const PDFTextCharacterInfo& info) { if (!isContentSuppressed() && !info.character.isSpace()) { m_textLayout.addCharacter(info); } } PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler(PDFDrawWidgetProxy* proxy) : BaseClass(proxy), m_proxy(proxy), m_isRunning(false), m_cache(std::bind(&PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::createTextLayout, this, std::placeholders::_1)) { connect(&m_textLayoutCompileFutureWatcher, &QFutureWatcher::finished, this, &PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::onTextLayoutCreated); } void PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::start() { switch (m_state) { case State::Inactive: { m_state = State::Active; break; } case State::Active: break; // We have nothing to do... case State::Stopping: { // We shouldn't call this function while stopping! Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } } void PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::stop(bool clearCache) { switch (m_state) { case State::Inactive: break; // We have nothing to do... case State::Active: { // Stop the engine m_state = State::Stopping; m_textLayoutCompileFutureWatcher.waitForFinished(); if (clearCache) { m_textLayouts = std::nullopt; m_cache.clear(); } m_state = State::Inactive; break; } case State::Stopping: { // We shouldn't call this function while stopping! Q_ASSERT(false); break; } } } void PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::reset() { stop(true); start(); } PDFTextLayout PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::createTextLayout(PDFInteger pageIndex) { PDFTextLayout result; if (isTextLayoutReady()) { result = getTextLayout(pageIndex); } else { if (m_state != State::Active || !m_proxy->getDocument()) { // Engine is not active, do not calculate layout return result; } const PDFCatalog* catalog = m_proxy->getDocument()->getCatalog(); if (pageIndex < 0 || pageIndex >= PDFInteger(catalog->getPageCount())) { return result; } if (!catalog->getPage(pageIndex)) { // Invalid page index return result; } const PDFPage* page = catalog->getPage(pageIndex); Q_ASSERT(page); bool guard = false; m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(&guard, false); PDFCMSPointer cms = m_proxy->getCMSManager()->getCurrentCMS(); PDFTextLayoutGenerator generator(m_proxy->getFeatures(), page, m_proxy->getDocument(), m_proxy->getFontCache(), cms.data(), m_proxy->getOptionalContentActivity(), QMatrix(), m_proxy->getMeshQualitySettings()); generator.processContents(); result = generator.createTextLayout(); m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(&guard, true); } return result; } PDFTextLayout PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::getTextLayout(PDFInteger pageIndex) { if (m_state != State::Active || !m_proxy->getDocument()) { // Engine is not active, always return empty layout return PDFTextLayout(); } if (m_textLayouts) { return m_textLayouts->getTextLayout(pageIndex); } return PDFTextLayout(); } PDFTextLayoutGetter PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::getTextLayoutLazy(PDFInteger pageIndex) { return PDFTextLayoutGetter(&m_cache, pageIndex); } PDFTextSelection PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::getTextSelectionAll(QColor color) const { PDFTextSelection result; if (m_textLayouts) { const PDFTextLayoutStorage& textLayouts = *m_textLayouts; QMutex mutex; PDFIntegerRange pageRange(0, textLayouts.getCount()); auto selectPageText = [&mutex, &textLayouts, &result, color](PDFInteger pageIndex) { PDFTextLayout textLayout = textLayouts.getTextLayout(pageIndex); PDFTextSelectionItems items; const PDFTextBlocks& blocks = textLayout.getTextBlocks(); for (size_t blockId = 0, blockCount = blocks.size(); blockId < blockCount; ++blockId) { const PDFTextBlock& block = blocks[blockId]; const PDFTextLines& lines = block.getLines(); if (!lines.empty()) { const PDFTextLine& lastLine = lines.back(); Q_ASSERT(!lastLine.getCharacters().empty()); PDFCharacterPointer ptrStart; ptrStart.pageIndex = pageIndex; ptrStart.blockIndex = blockId; ptrStart.lineIndex = 0; ptrStart.characterIndex = 0; PDFCharacterPointer ptrEnd; ptrEnd.pageIndex = pageIndex; ptrEnd.blockIndex = blockId; ptrEnd.lineIndex = lines.size() - 1; ptrEnd.characterIndex = lastLine.getCharacters().size() - 1; items.emplace_back(ptrStart, ptrEnd); } } QMutexLocker lock(&mutex); result.addItems(qMove(items), color); }; PDFExecutionPolicy::execute(PDFExecutionPolicy::Scope::Page, pageRange.begin(), pageRange.end(), selectPageText); } result.build(); return result; } void PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::makeTextLayout() { if (m_state != State::Active || !m_proxy->getDocument()) { // Engine is not active, do not calculate layout return; } if (m_textLayouts.has_value()) { // Value is computed already return; } if (m_isRunning) { // Text layout is already being processed return; } // Jakub Melka: Mark, that we are running (test for future is not enough, // because future can finish before this function exits, for example) m_isRunning = true; ProgressStartupInfo info; info.showDialog = true; info.text = tr("Indexing document contents..."); m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(this, false); const PDFCatalog* catalog = m_proxy->getDocument()->getCatalog(); m_proxy->getProgress()->start(catalog->getPageCount(), qMove(info)); PDFCMSPointer cms = m_proxy->getCMSManager()->getCurrentCMS(); auto createTextLayout = [this, cms, catalog]() -> PDFTextLayoutStorage { PDFTextLayoutStorage result(catalog->getPageCount()); QMutex mutex; auto generateTextLayout = [this, &result, &mutex, cms, catalog](PDFInteger pageIndex) { if (!catalog->getPage(pageIndex)) { // Invalid page index result.setTextLayout(pageIndex, PDFTextLayout(), &mutex); return; } const PDFPage* page = catalog->getPage(pageIndex); Q_ASSERT(page); PDFTextLayoutGenerator generator(m_proxy->getFeatures(), page, m_proxy->getDocument(), m_proxy->getFontCache(), cms.data(), m_proxy->getOptionalContentActivity(), QMatrix(), m_proxy->getMeshQualitySettings()); generator.processContents(); result.setTextLayout(pageIndex, generator.createTextLayout(), &mutex); m_proxy->getProgress()->step(); }; auto pageRange = PDFIntegerRange(0, catalog->getPageCount()); PDFExecutionPolicy::execute(PDFExecutionPolicy::Scope::Page, pageRange.begin(), pageRange.end(), generateTextLayout); return result; }; Q_ASSERT(!m_textLayoutCompileFuture.isRunning()); m_textLayoutCompileFuture = QtConcurrent::run(createTextLayout); m_textLayoutCompileFutureWatcher.setFuture(m_textLayoutCompileFuture); } void PDFAsynchronousTextLayoutCompiler::onTextLayoutCreated() { m_proxy->getFontCache()->setCacheShrinkEnabled(this, true); m_proxy->getProgress()->finish(); m_cache.clear(); m_textLayouts = m_textLayoutCompileFuture.result(); m_isRunning = false; emit textLayoutChanged(); } } // namespace pdf