// Copyright (C) 2018-2020 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PdfForQt.
// PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDFForQt. If not, see .
#include "pdfobject.h"
#include "pdfpage.h"
#include "pdfoptionalcontent.h"
#include "pdfoutline.h"
#include "pdfaction.h"
namespace pdf
class PDFDocument;
/// Defines page layout. Default value is SinglePage. This enum specifies the page layout
/// to be used in viewer application.
enum class PageLayout
SinglePage, ///< Display one page at time (single page on screen)
OneColumn, ///< Displays pages in one column (continuous mode)
TwoColumnLeft, ///< Display pages in two continuous columns, odd numbered pages are on the left
TwoColumnRight, ///< Display pages in two continuous columns, even numbered pages are on the left
TwoPagesLeft, ///< Display two pages on the screen, odd numbered pages are on the left
TwoPagesRight ///< Display two pages on the screen, even numbered pages are on the left
/// Specifies, how the document should be displayed in the viewer application.
enum class PageMode
UseNone, ///< Default value, neither document outline or thumbnails are visible
UseOutlines, ///< Document outline window is selected and visible
UseThumbnails, ///< Document thumbnails window is selected and visible
Fullscreen, ///< Use fullscreen mode, no menu bars, window controls, or any other window visible (presentation mode)
UseOptionalContent, ///< Optional content group window is selected and visible
UseAttachments, ///< Attachments window is selected and visible
/// Represents page numbering definition object
class PDFPageLabel
enum class NumberingStyle
None, ///< This means, only prefix is used, no numbering
explicit inline PDFPageLabel() :
explicit inline PDFPageLabel(NumberingStyle numberingType, const QString& prefix, PDFInteger pageIndex, PDFInteger startNumber) :
/// Comparison operator, works only with page indices (because they should be unique)
bool operator<(const PDFPageLabel& other) const { return m_pageIndex < other.m_pageIndex; }
/// Parses page label object from PDF object, according to PDF Reference 1.7, Table 8.10
static PDFPageLabel parse(PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFObject& object);
NumberingStyle m_numberingType;
QString m_prefix;
PDFInteger m_pageIndex;
PDFInteger m_startNumber;
/// Info about the document. Title, Author, Keywords... It also stores "extra"
/// values, which are in info dictionary. They can be either strings, or date
/// time (QString or QDateTime).
struct PDFDocumentInfo
/// Indicates, that document was modified that it includes trapping information.
/// See PDF Reference 1.7, Section 10.10.5 "Trapping Support".
enum class Trapped
True, ///< Fully trapped
False, ///< Not yet trapped
Unknown ///< Either unknown, or it has been trapped partly, not fully
/// Parses info from catalog dictionary. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then exception is thrown. This function may throw exceptions, if error occured.
/// \param object Object containing info dictionary
/// \param storage Storage of objects
static PDFDocumentInfo parse(const PDFObject& object, const PDFObjectStorage* storage);
QString title;
QString author;
QString subject;
QString keywords;
QString creator;
QString producer;
QDateTime creationDate;
QDateTime modifiedDate;
Trapped trapped = Trapped::Unknown;
PDFVersion version;
std::map extra;
class PDFViewerPreferences
enum OptionFlag
None = 0x0000, ///< Empty flag
HideToolbar = 0x0001, ///< Hide toolbar
HideMenubar = 0x0002, ///< Hide menubar
HideWindowUI = 0x0004, ///< Hide window UI (for example scrollbars, navigation controls, etc.)
FitWindow = 0x0008, ///< Resize window to fit first displayed page
CenterWindow = 0x0010, ///< Position of the document's window should be centered on the screen
DisplayDocTitle = 0x0020, ///< Display documents title instead of file name (introduced in PDF 1.4)
PickTrayByPDFSize = 0x0040 ///< Pick tray by PDF size (printing option)
Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(OptionFlags, OptionFlag)
/// This enum specifies, how to display document, when exiting full screen mode.
enum class NonFullScreenPageMode
/// Predominant reading order of text.
enum class Direction
LeftToRight, ///< Default
RightToLeft ///< Reading order is right to left. Also used for vertical writing systems (Chinese/Japan etc.)
/// Printer settings - paper handling option to use when printing the document.
enum class Duplex
enum class PrintScaling
enum Properties
constexpr inline PDFViewerPreferences() = default;
constexpr inline PDFViewerPreferences(const PDFViewerPreferences&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFViewerPreferences(PDFViewerPreferences&&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFViewerPreferences& operator=(const PDFViewerPreferences&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFViewerPreferences& operator=(PDFViewerPreferences&&) = default;
/// Parses viewer preferences from catalog dictionary. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then exception is thrown.
static PDFViewerPreferences parse(const PDFObject& catalogDictionary, const PDFDocument* document);
OptionFlags getOptions() const { return m_optionFlags; }
const QByteArray& getProperty(Properties property) const { return m_properties.at(property); }
NonFullScreenPageMode getNonFullScreenPageMode() const { return m_nonFullScreenPageMode; }
Direction getDirection() const { return m_direction; }
Duplex getDuplex() const { return m_duplex; }
PrintScaling getPrintScaling() const { return m_printScaling; }
const std::vector>& getPrintPageRanges() const { return m_printPageRanges; }
PDFInteger getNumberOfCopies() const { return m_numberOfCopies; }
OptionFlags m_optionFlags = None;
std::array m_properties;
NonFullScreenPageMode m_nonFullScreenPageMode = NonFullScreenPageMode::UseNone;
Direction m_direction = Direction::LeftToRight;
Duplex m_duplex = Duplex::None;
PrintScaling m_printScaling = PrintScaling::AppDefault;
std::vector> m_printPageRanges;
PDFInteger m_numberOfCopies = 1;
/// Document security store. Contains certificates, CRLs, OCSPs, and
/// other data for signature validation.
explicit inline PDFDocumentSecurityStore() = default;
struct SecurityStoreItem
std::vector Cert;
std::vector CRL;
std::vector OCSP;
QDateTime created;
QByteArray timestamp;
/// Returns master item. Return value is never nullptr.
const SecurityStoreItem* getMasterItem() const { return &m_master; }
/// Get item using hash. If item is not found, master item is returned.
const SecurityStoreItem* getItem(const QByteArray& hash) const;
/// Parses document security store from catalog dictionary. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then empty object is returned.
static PDFDocumentSecurityStore parse(const PDFObject& object, const PDFDocument* document);
SecurityStoreItem m_master;
std::map m_VRI;
/// Article thread. Each thread contains beads, which can be across multiple pages.
class PDFArticleThread
explicit inline PDFArticleThread() = default;
struct Bead
PDFObjectReference self;
PDFObjectReference thread;
PDFObjectReference next;
PDFObjectReference previous;
PDFObjectReference page;
QRectF rect;
using Beads = std::vector;
using Information = PDFDocumentInfo;
const Beads& getBeads() const { return m_beads; }
const Information& getInformation() const { return m_information; }
const PDFObjectReference& getMetadata() const { return m_metadata; }
/// Parses article thread from object. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then empty object is returned.
/// \param storage Storage
/// \param object Object
static PDFArticleThread parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, const PDFObject& object);
Beads m_beads;
Information m_information;
PDFObjectReference m_metadata;
/// Document extensions. Contains information about developer's extensions
/// used in document.
explicit PDFDeveloperExtensions() = default;
struct Extension
QByteArray name;
QByteArray baseVersion;
PDFInteger extensionLevel = 0;
QByteArray url;
using Extensions = std::vector;
/// Returns list of extensions
const Extensions& getExtensions() const { return m_extensions; }
/// Parses extensions from catalog dictionary. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then empty object is returned, no exception is thrown.
/// \param object Extensions dictionary
/// \param document Document
static PDFDeveloperExtensions parse(const PDFObject& object, const PDFDocument* document);
Extensions m_extensions;
constexpr inline PDFCatalog() = default;
constexpr inline PDFCatalog(const PDFCatalog&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFCatalog(PDFCatalog&&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFCatalog& operator=(const PDFCatalog&) = default;
constexpr inline PDFCatalog& operator=(PDFCatalog&&) = default;
static constexpr const size_t INVALID_PAGE_INDEX = std::numeric_limits::max();
enum DocumentAction
/// Returns viewer preferences of the application
const PDFViewerPreferences* getViewerPreferences() const { return &m_viewerPreferences; }
/// Returns the page count
size_t getPageCount() const { return m_pages.size(); }
/// Returns the page
const PDFPage* getPage(size_t index) const { return &m_pages.at(index); }
/// Returns page index. If page is not found, then INVALID_PAGE_INDEX is returned.
size_t getPageIndexFromPageReference(PDFObjectReference reference) const;
/// Returns optional content properties
const PDFOptionalContentProperties* getOptionalContentProperties() const { return &m_optionalContentProperties; }
/// Returns root pointer for outline items
QSharedPointer getOutlineRootPtr() const { return m_outlineRoot; }
/// Returns action, which should be performed
const PDFAction* getOpenAction() const { return m_openAction.data(); }
/// Returns version of the PDF specification, to which the document conforms.
const QByteArray& getVersion() const { return m_version; }
PageLayout getPageLayout() const { return m_pageLayout; }
PageMode getPageMode() const { return m_pageMode; }
const QByteArray& getBaseURI() const { return m_baseURI; }
const std::map& getEmbeddedFiles() const { return m_embeddedFiles; }
const PDFObject& getFormObject() const { return m_formObject; }
const PDFDeveloperExtensions& getExtensions() const { return m_extensions; }
const PDFDocumentSecurityStore& getDocumentSecurityStore() const { return m_documentSecurityStore; }
const std::vector& getArticleThreads() const { return m_threads; }
const PDFAction* getDocumentAction(DocumentAction action) const { return m_documentActions.at(action).get(); }
const PDFObject& getMetadata() const { return m_metadata; }
/// Returns destination using the key. If destination with the key is not found,
/// then nullptr is returned.
/// \param key Destination key
/// \returns Pointer to the destination, or nullptr
const PDFDestination* getDestination(const QByteArray& key) const;
/// Parses catalog from catalog dictionary. If object cannot be parsed, or error occurs,
/// then exception is thrown.
static PDFCatalog parse(const PDFObject& catalog, const PDFDocument* document);
QByteArray m_version;
PDFViewerPreferences m_viewerPreferences;
std::vector m_pages;
std::vector m_pageLabels;
PDFOptionalContentProperties m_optionalContentProperties;
QSharedPointer m_outlineRoot;
PDFActionPtr m_openAction;
std::array m_documentActions;
PageLayout m_pageLayout = PageLayout::SinglePage;
PageMode m_pageMode = PageMode::UseNone;
QByteArray m_baseURI;
PDFObject m_formObject;
PDFDeveloperExtensions m_extensions;
PDFDocumentSecurityStore m_documentSecurityStore;
std::vector m_threads;
PDFObject m_metadata;
// Maps from Names dictionary
std::map m_destinations;
std::map m_javaScriptActions;
std::map m_embeddedFiles;
} // namespace pdf
#endif // PDFCATALOG_H