page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is rectangle displayed borderWidth _PDFReal Width of the border line of rectangle fillColor _QColor Fill color of rectangle (interior color). If you do not want to have area color filled, then use invalid QColor. strokeColor _QColor Stroke color (color of the rectangle border). If you do not want to have a border, then use invalid QColor. title _QString Title of the annotation subject _QString Subject of the annotation (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents of the annotation (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) Parameters _void Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Square") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple { 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple comment Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference Code _void PDFObjectReference popupAnnotation = createAnnotationPopup(page, annotationObject, getPopupWindowRect(rectangle), false); Popup DictionaryItemSimple popupAnnotation CreateObject updateAnnotationPopup _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotationObject, popupAnnotation); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationSquare Square annotation displays rectangle (or square). When opened, they display pop-up window containing the text of associated note (and window title). Square border/fill color can be defined, along with border width. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added parentAnnotation _PDFObjectReference Parent annotation (for which is popup window displayed) rectangle _QRectF Area on the page, where popup window appears opened _bool Is the window opened? Parameters _void Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Popup") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page Parent DictionaryItemSimple parentAnnotation Open DictionaryItemSimple opened Dictionary CreateObject popupAnnotation _PDFObjectReference Code _void return popupAnnotation; Annotations createAnnotationPopup Creates a new popup annotation on the page. Popup annotation is represented usually by floating window, which can be opened, or closed. Popup annotation is associated with parent annotation, which can be usually markup annotation. Popup annotation displays parent annotation's texts, for example, title, comment, date etc. _PDFObjectReference