// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PdfForQt. // // PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDFForQt. If not, see . #include "pdfutils.h" #include "pdfexception.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable:5033) #include #pragma warning(pop) namespace pdf { PDFBitReader::PDFBitReader(const QByteArray* stream, Value bitsPerComponent) : m_stream(stream), m_position(0), m_bitsPerComponent(bitsPerComponent), m_maximalValue((static_cast(1) << m_bitsPerComponent) - static_cast(1)), m_buffer(0), m_bitsInBuffer(0) { // We need reserve, so we allow number of length of component as 1-56 bits. Q_ASSERT(bitsPerComponent > 0); Q_ASSERT(bitsPerComponent < 56); } PDFBitReader::Value PDFBitReader::read(PDFBitReader::Value bits) { while (m_bitsInBuffer < bits) { if (m_position < m_stream->size()) { uint8_t currentByte = static_cast((*m_stream)[m_position++]); m_buffer = (m_buffer << 8) | currentByte; m_bitsInBuffer += 8; } else { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Not enough data to read %1-bit value.").arg(bits)); } } // Now we have enough bits to read the data Value value = (m_buffer >> (m_bitsInBuffer - bits)) & ((static_cast(1) << bits) - static_cast(1)); m_bitsInBuffer -= bits; return value; } PDFBitReader::Value PDFBitReader::look(Value bits) const { PDFBitReader temp(*this); Value result = 0; for (Value i = 0; i < bits; ++i) { if (!temp.isAtEnd()) { result = (result << 1) | temp.read(1); } else { result = (result << 1); } } return result; } void PDFBitReader::seek(qint64 position) { if (position <= m_stream->size()) { m_position = position; m_buffer = 0; m_bitsInBuffer = 0; } else { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't seek to position %1.").arg(position)); } } void PDFBitReader::skipBytes(Value bytes) { // Jakub Melka: if we are lucky, then we just seek to the new position if (m_bitsInBuffer == 0) { seek(m_position + bytes); } else { for (Value i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) { read(8); } } } void PDFBitReader::alignToBytes() { const Value remainder = m_bitsInBuffer % 8; if (remainder > 0) { read(remainder); if (m_bitsInBuffer == 0) { m_buffer = 0; } } } bool PDFBitReader::isAtEnd() const { return (m_position >= m_stream->size()) && m_bitsInBuffer == 0; } int32_t PDFBitReader::readSignedInt() { const uint32_t value = read(32); return *reinterpret_cast(&value); } int8_t PDFBitReader::readSignedByte() { const uint8_t value = read(8); return *reinterpret_cast(&value); } QByteArray PDFBitReader::readSubstream(int length) { if (m_bitsInBuffer) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't get substream - remaining %1 bits in buffer.").arg(m_bitsInBuffer)); } QByteArray result = m_stream->mid(m_position, length); if (length == -1) { m_position = m_stream->size(); } else { skipBytes(length); } return result; } PDFBitWriter::PDFBitWriter(Value bitsPerComponent) : m_bitsPerComponent(bitsPerComponent), m_mask((static_cast(1) << m_bitsPerComponent) - static_cast(1)), m_buffer(0), m_bitsInBuffer(0) { } void PDFBitWriter::write(Value value) { m_buffer = (m_buffer << m_bitsPerComponent) | (value & m_mask); m_bitsInBuffer += m_bitsPerComponent; flush(false); } void PDFBitWriter::flush(bool alignToByteBoundary) { if (m_bitsInBuffer >= 8) { Value remainder = m_bitsInBuffer % 8; Value alignedBuffer = m_buffer >> remainder; Value bitsToWrite = m_bitsInBuffer - remainder; Value bytesToWrite = bitsToWrite / 8; for (Value byteIndex = 0; byteIndex < bytesToWrite; ++byteIndex) { const Value shift = (bytesToWrite - 1 - byteIndex) * 8; m_outputByteArray.push_back(static_cast(static_cast((alignedBuffer >> shift) & 0xFF))); } m_bitsInBuffer = remainder; } if (alignToByteBoundary && m_bitsInBuffer > 0) { Value missingBits = 8 - m_bitsInBuffer % 8; m_buffer = m_buffer << missingBits; m_bitsInBuffer += missingBits; flush(false); } } std::vector PDFDependentLibraryInfo::getLibraryInfo() { std::vector result; // Jakub Melka: iterate all used libraries, fill info... // Qt PDFDependentLibraryInfo qtInfo; qtInfo.library = tr("Qt"); qtInfo.license = tr("LGPLv3"); qtInfo.version = QT_VERSION_STR; qtInfo.url = tr("https://www.qt.io/"); result.emplace_back(qMove(qtInfo)); // libjpeg PDFDependentLibraryInfo libjpegInfo; libjpegInfo.library = tr("libjpeg"); libjpegInfo.license = tr("permissive + ack."); libjpegInfo.url = tr("https://www.ijg.org/"); libjpegInfo.version = tr("%1.%2").arg(JPEG_LIB_VERSION_MAJOR).arg(JPEG_LIB_VERSION_MINOR); result.emplace_back(qMove(libjpegInfo)); // FreeType FT_Library ftLibrary; FT_Init_FreeType(&ftLibrary); FT_Int ftMajor = 0; FT_Int ftMinor = 0; FT_Int ftPatch = 0; FT_Library_Version(ftLibrary, &ftMajor, &ftMinor, &ftPatch); FT_Done_FreeType(ftLibrary); PDFDependentLibraryInfo freetypeInfo; freetypeInfo.library = tr("FreeType"); freetypeInfo.license = tr("FTL"); freetypeInfo.version = tr("%1.%2.%3").arg(ftMajor).arg(ftMinor).arg(ftPatch); freetypeInfo.url = tr("https://www.freetype.org/index.html"); result.emplace_back(qMove(freetypeInfo)); // OpenJPEG PDFDependentLibraryInfo openjpegInfo; openjpegInfo.library = tr("OpenJPEG"); openjpegInfo.license = tr("2-clause MIT license"); openjpegInfo.version = opj_version(); openjpegInfo.url = tr("https://www.openjpeg.org/"); result.emplace_back(qMove(openjpegInfo)); // OpenSSL PDFDependentLibraryInfo opensslInfo; opensslInfo.library = tr("OpenSSL"); opensslInfo.license = tr("Apache 2.0"); opensslInfo.version = OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT; opensslInfo.url = tr("https://www.openssl.org/"); result.emplace_back(qMove(opensslInfo)); // LittleCMS 2.x const int lcmsMajor = LCMS_VERSION / 1000; const int lcmsMinor = (LCMS_VERSION % 1000) / 10; PDFDependentLibraryInfo lcms2Info; lcms2Info.library = tr("LittleCMS"); lcms2Info.license = tr("2-clause MIT license"); lcms2Info.version = tr("%1.%2").arg(lcmsMajor).arg(lcmsMinor);; lcms2Info.url = tr("http://www.littlecms.com/"); result.emplace_back(qMove(lcms2Info)); // zlib PDFDependentLibraryInfo zlibInfo; zlibInfo.library = tr("zlib"); zlibInfo.license = tr("zlib specific"); zlibInfo.version = ZLIB_VERSION; zlibInfo.url = tr("https://zlib.net/"); result.emplace_back(qMove(zlibInfo)); return result; } void PDFClosedIntervalSet::addInterval(PDFInteger low, PDFInteger high) { m_intervals.emplace_back(low, high); normalize(); } void PDFClosedIntervalSet::merge(const PDFClosedIntervalSet& other) { m_intervals.insert(m_intervals.end(), other.m_intervals.cbegin(), other.m_intervals.cend()); normalize(); } bool PDFClosedIntervalSet::isCovered(PDFInteger low, PDFInteger high) { PDFClosedIntervalSet temporary; temporary.addInterval(low, high); return *this == temporary; } PDFInteger PDFClosedIntervalSet::getTotalLength() const { return std::accumulate(m_intervals.cbegin(), m_intervals.cend(), 0, [](PDFInteger count, const auto& b) { return count + b.second - b.first + 1; }); } QString PDFClosedIntervalSet::toText(bool withoutBrackets) const { QStringList intervals; if (withoutBrackets) { for (const ClosedInterval& interval : m_intervals) { if (interval.first == interval.second) { intervals << QString::number(interval.first); } else { intervals << QString("%1-%2").arg(interval.first).arg(interval.second); } } } else { for (const ClosedInterval& interval : m_intervals) { intervals << QString("[%1 - %2]").arg(interval.first).arg(interval.second); } } return intervals.join(", "); } std::vector PDFClosedIntervalSet::unfold() const { std::vector result(getTotalLength(), 0); auto it = result.begin(); for (auto [first, last] : m_intervals) { PDFInteger rangeSize = last - first + 1; std::iota(it, std::next(it, rangeSize), first); std::advance(it, rangeSize); } Q_ASSERT(it == result.end()); return result; } PDFClosedIntervalSet PDFClosedIntervalSet::parse(PDFInteger first, PDFInteger last, const QString& text, QString* errorMessage) { PDFClosedIntervalSet result; *errorMessage = QString(); QStringList parts = text.split(",", Qt::SkipEmptyParts, Qt::CaseSensitive); for (QString part : parts) { part = part.trimmed(); int separatorPos = part.indexOf(QChar('-')); const bool isRange = separatorPos != -1; if (isRange) { const bool isLowerBoundDefined = part.front() != QChar('-'); const bool isUpperBoundDefined = part.back() != QChar('-'); QString lowerString = part.left(separatorPos); QString upperString = part.mid(separatorPos + 1); bool ok1 = true; bool ok2 = true; PDFInteger lower = isLowerBoundDefined ? lowerString.toLongLong(&ok1) : first; PDFInteger upper = isUpperBoundDefined ? upperString.toLongLong(&ok2) : last; if (!ok1) { *errorMessage = PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't convert '%1' to a number.").arg(lowerString); break; } if (!ok2) { *errorMessage = PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't convert '%1' to a number.").arg(upperString); break; } if (lower > upper) { *errorMessage = PDFTranslationContext::tr("Closed interval [%1, %2] is invalid.").arg(lower).arg(upper); break; } result.addInterval(lower, upper); } else { bool ok = true; PDFInteger value = part.toLongLong(&ok); if (!ok) { *errorMessage = PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't convert '%1' to a number.").arg(part); break; } result.addValue(value); } } if (!errorMessage->isEmpty()) { // Clear the result, error occured result = PDFClosedIntervalSet(); } result.normalize(); return result; } void PDFClosedIntervalSet::normalize() { // Algorithm: // 1) sort all ranges // 2) merge adjacent ones qSort(m_intervals); std::vector intervals; auto it = m_intervals.cbegin(); auto itEnd = m_intervals.cend(); while (it != itEnd) { ClosedInterval interval = *it++; while (it != itEnd && overlapsOrAdjacent(interval, *it)) { interval = std::make_pair(qMin(interval.first, it->first), qMax(interval.second, it->second)); ++it; } intervals.push_back(interval); } m_intervals = qMove(intervals); } bool PDFClosedIntervalSet::overlapsOrAdjacent(ClosedInterval a, ClosedInterval b) { if (a.first > b.first) { std::swap(a, b); } // There are 3 cases // a b // |---| |---| 1) // // a b // |---||---| 2) // // a b // |---| 3) // |---| // // We cover cases 2) and 3) with following condition: // [a1, a2], [b1, b2] // b1 <= a2 + 1, because we can have intervals [1,2], [3,4] - these should be merged return b.first <= a.second + 1; } } // namespace pdf