// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PdfForQt. // // PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDFForQt. If not, see . #ifndef PDFRENDERER_H #define PDFRENDERER_H #include "pdfpage.h" #include "pdfexception.h" #include "pdfmeshqualitysettings.h" #include #include #include #include #include class QPainter; class QOpenGLContext; class QOffscreenSurface; class QOpenGLFramebufferObject; namespace pdf { class PDFCMS; class PDFProgress; class PDFFontCache; class PDFCMSManager; class PDFPrecompiledPage; class PDFAnnotationManager; class PDFOptionalContentActivity; /// Renders the PDF page on the painter, or onto an image. class PDFFORQTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFRenderer { public: enum Feature { Antialiasing = 0x0001, ///< Antialiasing for lines, shapes, etc. TextAntialiasing = 0x0002, ///< Antialiasing for drawing text SmoothImages = 0x0004, ///< Adjust images to the device space using smooth transformation (slower, but better image quality) IgnoreOptionalContent = 0x0008, ///< Ignore optional content (so all is drawn ignoring settings of optional content) ClipToCropBox = 0x0010, ///< Clip page content to crop box (items outside crop box will not be visible) DisplayTimes = 0x0020, ///< Display page compile/draw time DebugTextBlocks = 0x0040, ///< Debug text block layout algorithm DebugTextLines = 0x0080, ///< Debug text line layout algorithm InvertColors = 0x0100, ///< Invert colors DenyExtraGraphics = 0x0200, ///< Do not display additional graphics, for example from tools DisplayAnnotations = 0x0400, ///< Display annotations }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Features, Feature) explicit PDFRenderer(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFFontCache* fontCache, const PDFCMS* cms, const PDFOptionalContentActivity* optionalContentActivity, Features features, const PDFMeshQualitySettings& meshQualitySettings); /// Paints desired page onto the painter. Page is painted in the rectangle using best-fit method. /// If the page doesn't exist, then error is returned. No exception is thrown. Rendering errors /// are reported and returned in the error list. If no error occured, empty list is returned. /// \param painter Painter /// \param rectangle Paint area for the page /// \param pageIndex Index of the page to be painted QList render(QPainter* painter, const QRectF& rectangle, size_t pageIndex) const; /// Paints desired page onto the painter. Page is painted using \p matrix, which maps page coordinates /// to the device coordinates. If the page doesn't exist, then error is returned. No exception is thrown. /// Rendering errors are reported and returned in the error list. If no error occured, empty list is returned. QList render(QPainter* painter, const QMatrix& matrix, size_t pageIndex) const; /// Compiles page (i.e. prepares compiled page). \p page should be empty page, onto which /// are graphics commands written. No exception is thrown. Rendering errors are reported and written /// to the compiled page. /// \param precompiledPage Precompiled page pointer /// \param pageIndex Index of page to be compiled void compile(PDFPrecompiledPage* precompiledPage, size_t pageIndex) const; /// Creates page point to device point matrix for the given rectangle. It creates transformation /// from page's media box to the target rectangle. /// \param page Page, for which we want to create matrix /// \param rectangle Page rectangle, to which is page media box transformed static QMatrix createPagePointToDevicePointMatrix(const PDFPage* page, const QRectF& rectangle); /// Returns default renderer features static constexpr Features getDefaultFeatures() { return Features(Antialiasing | TextAntialiasing | ClipToCropBox | DisplayAnnotations); } private: const PDFDocument* m_document; const PDFFontCache* m_fontCache; const PDFCMS* m_cms; const PDFOptionalContentActivity* m_optionalContentActivity; Features m_features; PDFMeshQualitySettings m_meshQualitySettings; }; /// Renders PDF pages to bitmap images (QImage). It can use OpenGL for painting, /// if it is enabled, if this is the case, offscreen rendering to framebuffer /// is used. /// \note Construct this object only in main GUI thread class PDFRasterizer : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: using BaseClass = QObject; public: explicit PDFRasterizer(QObject* parent); virtual ~PDFRasterizer() override; /// Resets the renderer. This function must be called from main GUI thread, /// it cannot be called from deferred threads, because it can create hidden /// window (offscreen surface). /// \param useOpenGL Use OpenGL for rendering /// \param surfaceFormat Surface format to render void reset(bool useOpenGL, const QSurfaceFormat& surfaceFormat); enum Feature { UseOpenGL = 0x0001, ///< Use OpenGL for rendering ValidOpenGL = 0x0002, ///< OpenGL is initialized and valid FailedOpenGL = 0x0004, ///< OpenGL creation has failed }; Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(Features, Feature) /// Renders page to the image of given size. If some error occurs, then /// empty image is returned. Warning: this function can modify this object, /// so it is not const and is not thread safe. We can also draw annotations, /// if \p annotationManager is not nullptr and annotations are enabled. /// \param pageIndex Page index /// \param page Page /// \param compiledPage Compiled page contents /// \param size Size of the target image /// \param features Renderer features /// \param annotationManager Annotation manager (can be nullptr) QImage render(PDFInteger pageIndex, const PDFPage* page, const PDFPrecompiledPage* compiledPage, QSize size, PDFRenderer::Features features, const PDFAnnotationManager* annotationManager); private: void initializeOpenGL(); void releaseOpenGL(); Features m_features; QSurfaceFormat m_surfaceFormat; QOffscreenSurface* m_surface; QOpenGLContext* m_context; QOpenGLFramebufferObject* m_fbo; }; /// Simple structure for storing rendered page images struct PDFRenderedPageImage { qint64 pageCompileTime = 0; qint64 pageWaitTime = 0; qint64 pageRenderTime = 0; qint64 pageTotalTime = 0; PDFInteger pageIndex; QImage pageImage; }; /// Pool of page image renderers. It can use predefined number of renderers to /// render page images asynchronously. You can use this object in two ways - /// first one is as standard object pool, second one is to directly render /// page images asynchronously. class PDFFORQTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFRasterizerPool : public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: using BaseClass = QObject; public: using PageImageSizeGetter = std::function; using ProcessImageMethod = std::function; /// Creates new rasterizer pool /// \param document Document /// \param fontCache Font cache /// \param cmsManager Color management system manager /// \param optionalContentActivity Optional content activity /// \param features Renderer features /// \param meshQualitySettings Mesh quality settings /// \param rasterizerCount Number of rasterizers /// \param useOpenGL Use OpenGL for rendering? /// \param surfaceFormat Surface format /// \param parent Parent object explicit PDFRasterizerPool(const PDFDocument* document, PDFFontCache* fontCache, const PDFCMSManager* cmsManager, const PDFOptionalContentActivity* optionalContentActivity, PDFRenderer::Features features, const PDFMeshQualitySettings& meshQualitySettings, int rasterizerCount, bool useOpenGL, const QSurfaceFormat& surfaceFormat, QObject* parent); /// Acquire rasterizer. This function is thread safe. PDFRasterizer* acquire(); /// Return back (release) rasterizer into rasterizer pool /// This function is thread safe. /// \param rasterizer Rasterizer void release(PDFRasterizer* rasterizer); /// Renders pages asynchronously to images, using given page indices, /// function which returns rendered size and process image function, /// which processes rendered images. /// \param pageIndices Page indices for rendered pages /// \param imageSizeGetter Getter, which computes image size from page index /// \param processImage Method, which processes rendered page images /// \param progress Progress indicator void render(const std::vector& pageIndices, const PageImageSizeGetter& imageSizeGetter, const ProcessImageMethod& processImage, PDFProgress* progress); /// Returns default rasterizer count static int getDefaultRasterizerCount(); /// Returns corrected rasterizer count (so, if user /// select too high or too low rasterizer count, this function /// corrects it to acceptable number. /// \param rasterizerCount Requested number of rasterizers /// \returns Corrected number of rasterizers static int getCorrectedRasterizerCount(int rasterizerCount); signals: void renderError(PDFInteger pageIndex, PDFRenderError error); private: const PDFDocument* m_document; PDFFontCache* m_fontCache; const PDFCMSManager* m_cmsManager; const PDFOptionalContentActivity* m_optionalContentActivity; PDFRenderer::Features m_features; const PDFMeshQualitySettings& m_meshQualitySettings; QSemaphore m_semaphore; QMutex m_mutex; std::vector m_rasterizers; }; /// Settings object for image writer class PDFFORQTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFImageWriterSettings { public: explicit PDFImageWriterSettings(); /// Returns true, if image option is supported bool isOptionSupported(QImageIOHandler::ImageOption option) const { return m_supportedOptions.count(option); } /// Returns a list of available image formats const QList& getFormats() const { return m_formats; } /// Returns a list of available subtypes const QList& getSubtypes() const { return m_subtypes; } /// Selects image format (and initializes default values) void selectFormat(const QByteArray& format); int getCompression() const; void setCompression(int compression); int getQuality() const; void setQuality(int quality); float getGamma() const; void setGamma(float gamma); bool hasOptimizedWrite() const; void setOptimizedWrite(bool optimizedWrite); bool hasProgressiveScanWrite() const; void setProgressiveScanWrite(bool progressiveScanWrite); QByteArray getCurrentFormat() const; QByteArray getCurrentSubtype() const; void setCurrentSubtype(const QByteArray& currentSubtype); private: int m_compression = 9; int m_quality = 100; float m_gamma = 1.0; bool m_optimizedWrite = false; bool m_progressiveScanWrite = false; QByteArray m_currentFormat; QByteArray m_currentSubtype; std::set m_supportedOptions; QList m_formats; QList m_subtypes; }; /// This class is for setup of page image exporter class PDFFORQTLIBSHARED_EXPORT PDFPageImageExportSettings { public: explicit PDFPageImageExportSettings() : PDFPageImageExportSettings(nullptr) { } explicit PDFPageImageExportSettings(const PDFDocument* document); enum class PageSelectionMode { All, Selection }; enum class ResolutionMode { DPI, Pixels }; ResolutionMode getResolutionMode() const; void setResolutionMode(ResolutionMode resolution); PageSelectionMode getPageSelectionMode() const; void setPageSelectionMode(PageSelectionMode pageSelectionMode); QString getDirectory() const; void setDirectory(const QString& directory); QString getFileTemplate() const; void setFileTemplate(const QString& fileTemplate); QString getPageSelection() const; void setPageSelection(const QString& pageSelection); int getDpiResolution() const; void setDpiResolution(int dpiResolution); int getPixelResolution() const; void setPixelResolution(int pixelResolution); /// Validates the settings, if they can be used for image generation bool validate(QString* errorMessagePtr, bool validatePageSelection = true, bool validateFileSettings = true, bool validateResolution = true) const; /// Returns list of selected pages std::vector getPages() const; /// Returns output file name for given page QString getOutputFileName(PDFInteger pageIndex, const QByteArray& outputFormat) const; static constexpr int getMinDPIResolution() { return 72; } static constexpr int getMaxDPIResolution() { return 6000; } static constexpr int getMinPixelResolution() { return 100; } static constexpr int getMaxPixelResolution() { return 16384; } private: const PDFDocument* m_document; ResolutionMode m_resolutionMode = ResolutionMode::DPI; PageSelectionMode m_pageSelectionMode = PageSelectionMode::All; QString m_directory; QString m_fileTemplate; QString m_pageSelection; int m_dpiResolution = 300; int m_pixelResolution = 100; }; } // namespace pdf Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS(pdf::PDFRenderer::Features) #endif // PDFRENDERER_H