// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PdfForQt. // // PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDFForQt. If not, see . #include "pdfcolorspaces.h" #include "pdfobject.h" #include "pdfdocument.h" #include "pdfexception.h" #include "pdfutils.h" #include "pdfpattern.h" #include "pdfcms.h" #include "pdfexecutionpolicy.h" #include #include namespace pdf { QColor PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { return getColor(PDFColor(0.0f), cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(cms); Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); PDFColorComponent component = clip01(color[0]); // If color management system handles the color transformation, then use it, // otherwise fall back to the generic case. QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromDeviceGray(color, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } QColor result(QColor::Rgb); result.setRgbF(component, component, component, 1.0); return result; } size_t PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 1; } void PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromDeviceGray(colors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } QColor PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { return getColor(PDFColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); PDFColorComponent r = clip01(color[0]); PDFColorComponent g = clip01(color[1]); PDFColorComponent b = clip01(color[2]); PDFColor clippedColor(r, g, b); QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromDeviceRGB(clippedColor, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } QColor result(QColor::Rgb); result.setRgbF(r, g, b, 1.0); return result; } size_t PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 3; } void PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromDeviceRGB(colors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } QColor PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { return getColor(PDFColor(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); PDFColorComponent c = clip01(color[0]); PDFColorComponent m = clip01(color[1]); PDFColorComponent y = clip01(color[2]); PDFColorComponent k = clip01(color[3]); PDFColor clippedColor(c, m, y, k); QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromDeviceCMYK(clippedColor, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } QColor result(QColor::Cmyk); result.setCmykF(c, m, y, k, 1.0); return result; } size_t PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 4; } void PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromDeviceCMYK(colors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (imageData.isValid()) { switch (imageData.getMaskingType()) { case PDFImageData::MaskingType::None: { QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888); image.fill(QColor(Qt::white)); unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents(); if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount)); } const std::vector& decode = imageData.getDecode(); if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size())); } const unsigned int imageWidth = imageData.getWidth(); const unsigned int imageHeight = imageData.getHeight(); QMutex exceptionMutex; std::optional exception; auto transformPixelLine = [&](unsigned int i) { try { PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent()); reader.seek(i * imageData.getStride()); const double max = reader.max(); const double coefficient = 1.0 / max; unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); std::vector inputColors(imageWidth * componentCount, 0.0f); auto itInputColor = inputColors.begin(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < componentCount; ++k) { PDFReal value = reader.read(); // Interpolate value, if it is not empty if (!decode.empty()) { *itInputColor++ = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[2 * k], decode[2 * k + 1]); } else { *itInputColor++ = value * coefficient; } } } fillRGBBuffer(inputColors, outputLine, intent, cms, reporter); } catch (PDFException lineException) { QMutexLocker lock(&exceptionMutex); if (!exception) { exception = lineException; } } }; auto range = PDFIntegerRange(0, imageHeight); PDFExecutionPolicy::execute(PDFExecutionPolicy::Scope::Content, range.begin(), range.end(), transformPixelLine); if (exception) { throw *exception; } return image; } case PDFImageData::MaskingType::SoftMask: { const bool hasMatte = !softMask.getMatte().empty(); QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), hasMatte ? QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied : QImage::Format_RGBA8888); image.fill(QColor(Qt::white)); unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents(); if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount)); } const std::vector& decode = imageData.getDecode(); if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size())); } const unsigned int imageWidth = imageData.getWidth(); const unsigned int imageHeight = imageData.getHeight(); QImage alphaMask = createAlphaMask(softMask); if (alphaMask.size() != image.size()) { // Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked alphaMask = alphaMask.scaled(image.size()); } QMutex exceptionMutex; std::optional exception; auto transformPixelLine = [&](unsigned int i) { try { PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent()); reader.seek(i * imageData.getStride()); const double max = reader.max(); const double coefficient = 1.0 / max; unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); unsigned char* alphaLine = alphaMask.scanLine(i); std::vector inputColors(imageWidth * componentCount, 0.0f); std::vector outputColors(imageWidth * 3, 0); auto itInputColor = inputColors.begin(); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j) { for (unsigned int k = 0; k < componentCount; ++k) { PDFReal value = reader.read(); // Interpolate value, if it is not empty if (!decode.empty()) { *itInputColor++ = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[2 * k], decode[2 * k + 1]); } else { *itInputColor++ = value * coefficient; } } } fillRGBBuffer(inputColors, outputColors.data(), intent, cms, reporter); const unsigned char* transformedLine = outputColors.data(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < imageWidth; ++i) { *outputLine++ = *transformedLine++; *outputLine++ = *transformedLine++; *outputLine++ = *transformedLine++; *outputLine++ = *alphaLine++; } } catch (PDFException lineException) { QMutexLocker lock(&exceptionMutex); if (!exception) { exception = lineException; } } }; auto range = PDFIntegerRange(0, imageHeight); PDFExecutionPolicy::execute(PDFExecutionPolicy::Scope::Content, range.begin(), range.end(), transformPixelLine); if (exception) { throw *exception; } return image; } case PDFImageData::MaskingType::ColorKeyMasking: { QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGBA8888); image.fill(QColor(Qt::transparent)); unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents(); if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount)); } Q_ASSERT(componentCount > 0); const std::vector& colorKeyMask = imageData.getColorKeyMask(); if (colorKeyMask.size() / 2 != componentCount) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid number of color components in color key mask. Expected %1, provided %2.").arg(2 * componentCount).arg(colorKeyMask.size())); } const std::vector& decode = imageData.getDecode(); if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decoded array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size())); } PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent()); PDFColor color; color.resize(componentCount); const double max = reader.max(); const double coefficient = 1.0 / max; for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i) { reader.seek(i * imageData.getStride()); unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j) { // Number of masked-out colors unsigned int maskedColors = 0; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < componentCount; ++k) { PDFBitReader::Value value = reader.read(); // Interpolate value, if decode is not empty if (!decode.empty()) { color[k] = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[2 * k], decode[2 * k + 1]); } else { color[k] = value * coefficient; } Q_ASSERT(2 * k + 1 < colorKeyMask.size()); if (static_cast::type::value_type>(value) >= colorKeyMask[2 * k] && static_cast::type::value_type>(value) <= colorKeyMask[2 * k + 1]) { ++maskedColors; } } QColor transformedColor = getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb(); *outputLine++ = qRed(rgb); *outputLine++ = qGreen(rgb); *outputLine++ = qBlue(rgb); *outputLine++ = (maskedColors == componentCount) ? 0x00 : 0xFF; } } return image; } default: { throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Image masking not implemented!")); } } } return QImage(); } void PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { // Generic solution size_t colorComponentCount = getColorComponentCount(); size_t pixels = colors.size() / colorComponentCount; auto it = colors.cbegin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < pixels; ++i) { PDFColor color; color.resize(colorComponentCount); for (size_t j = 0; j < colorComponentCount; ++j) { color[j] = *it++; } QColor transformedColor = getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb(); *outputBuffer++ = qRed(rgb); *outputBuffer++ = qGreen(rgb); *outputBuffer++ = qBlue(rgb); } } QColor PDFAbstractColorSpace::getCheckedColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (getColorComponentCount() != color.size()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid number of color components. Expected number is %1, actual number is %2.").arg(static_cast(getColorComponentCount())).arg(static_cast(color.size()))); } return getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); } QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::createAlphaMask(const PDFImageData& softMask) { if (softMask.getMaskingType() != PDFImageData::MaskingType::None) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Soft mask can't have masking.")); } if (softMask.getWidth() < 1 || softMask.getHeight() < 1) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of soft mask.")); } QImage image(softMask.getWidth(), softMask.getHeight(), QImage::Format_Alpha8); unsigned int componentCount = softMask.getComponents(); if (componentCount != 1) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Soft mask should have only 1 color component (alpha) instead of %1.").arg(componentCount)); } const std::vector& decode = softMask.getDecode(); if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size())); } PDFBitReader reader(&softMask.getData(), softMask.getBitsPerComponent()); PDFColor color; color.resize(componentCount); const double max = reader.max(); const double coefficient = 1.0 / max; for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = softMask.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i) { reader.seek(i * softMask.getStride()); unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < softMask.getWidth(); ++j) { PDFReal alpha = 0.0; PDFReal value = reader.read(); // Interpolate value, if it is not empty if (!decode.empty()) { alpha = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[0], decode[1]); } else { alpha = value * coefficient; } alpha = qBound(0.0, alpha, 1.0); uint8_t alphaCoded = alpha * 255; *outputLine++ = alphaCoded; } } return image; } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFObject& colorSpace) { std::set usedNames; return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, colorSpace, COLOR_SPACE_MAX_LEVEL_OF_RECURSION, usedNames); } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFAbstractColorSpace::createDeviceColorSpaceByName(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const QByteArray& name) { std::set usedNames; return createDeviceColorSpaceByNameImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, name, COLOR_SPACE_MAX_LEVEL_OF_RECURSION, usedNames); } PDFColor PDFAbstractColorSpace::convertToColor(const std::vector& components) { PDFColor result; for (PDFReal component : components) { result.push_back(component); } return result; } bool PDFAbstractColorSpace::isColorEqual(const PDFColor& color1, const PDFColor& color2, PDFReal tolerance) { const size_t size = color1.size(); if (size != color2.size()) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { if (std::fabs(color1[i] - color2[i]) > tolerance) { return false; } } return true; } PDFColor PDFAbstractColorSpace::mixColors(const PDFColor& color1, const PDFColor& color2, PDFReal ratio) { const size_t size = color1.size(); Q_ASSERT(size == color2.size()); PDFColor result; result.resize(size); for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) { result[i] = color1[i] * (1.0 - ratio) + color2[i] * ratio; } return result; } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFObject& colorSpace, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { if (--recursion <= 0) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't load color space, because color space structure is too complex.")); } if (colorSpace.isName()) { return createDeviceColorSpaceByNameImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, colorSpace.getString(), recursion, usedNames); } else if (colorSpace.isArray()) { // First value of the array should be identification name, second value dictionary with parameters const PDFArray* array = colorSpace.getArray(); size_t count = array->getCount(); if (count > 0) { // Name of the color space const PDFObject& colorSpaceIdentifier = document->getObject(array->getItem(0)); if (colorSpaceIdentifier.isName()) { QByteArray name = colorSpaceIdentifier.getString(); const PDFDictionary* dictionary = nullptr; const PDFStream* stream = nullptr; if (count > 1) { const PDFObject& colorSpaceSettings = document->getObject(array->getItem(1)); if (colorSpaceSettings.isDictionary()) { dictionary = colorSpaceSettings.getDictionary(); } if (colorSpaceSettings.isStream()) { stream = colorSpaceSettings.getStream(); } } if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_PATTERN) { PDFColorSpacePointer uncoloredPatternColorSpace; if (count == 2) { uncoloredPatternColorSpace = createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(array->getItem(1)), recursion, usedNames); } return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFPatternColorSpace(std::make_shared(), qMove(uncoloredPatternColorSpace), PDFColor())); } if (dictionary) { if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_CAL_GRAY) { return PDFCalGrayColorSpace::createCalGrayColorSpace(document, dictionary); } else if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_CAL_RGB) { return PDFCalRGBColorSpace::createCalRGBColorSpace(document, dictionary); } else if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_LAB) { return PDFLabColorSpace::createLabColorSpace(document, dictionary); } } if (stream && name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_ICCBASED) { return PDFICCBasedColorSpace::createICCBasedColorSpace(colorSpaceDictionary, document, stream, recursion, usedNames); } if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_INDEXED && count == 4) { return PDFIndexedColorSpace::createIndexedColorSpace(colorSpaceDictionary, document, array, recursion, usedNames); } if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_SEPARATION && count == 4) { return PDFSeparationColorSpace::createSeparationColorSpace(colorSpaceDictionary, document, array, recursion, usedNames); } if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_N && count >= 4) { return PDFDeviceNColorSpace::createDeviceNColorSpace(colorSpaceDictionary, document, array, recursion, usedNames); } // Try to just load by standard way - we can have "standard" color space stored in array return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, colorSpaceIdentifier, recursion, usedNames); } } } throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid color space.")); return PDFColorSpacePointer(); } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFAbstractColorSpace::createDeviceColorSpaceByNameImpl(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const QByteArray& name, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { if (--recursion <= 0) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't load color space, because color space structure is too complex.")); } // Jakub Melka: This flag is set when we are already parsing the name. This can occur // for example by this way: we have DefaultRGB, which is ICC profile. In this ICC profile, // we create alternate alternate RGB color space also from DefaultRGB name. But in this time, // we must use generic RGB color space, not DefaultRGB from color space dictionary, because // it will be cyclical dependency. bool isNameAlreadyProcessed = usedNames.count(name); usedNames.insert(name); if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_PATTERN) { return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFPatternColorSpace(std::make_shared(), nullptr, PDFColor())); } if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_GRAY || name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_ABBREVIATION_DEVICE_GRAY) { if (colorSpaceDictionary && colorSpaceDictionary->hasKey(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_GRAY) && !isNameAlreadyProcessed) { return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(colorSpaceDictionary->get(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_GRAY)), recursion, usedNames); } else { return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace()); } } else if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_RGB || name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_ABBREVIATION_DEVICE_RGB) { if (colorSpaceDictionary && colorSpaceDictionary->hasKey(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_RGB) && !isNameAlreadyProcessed) { return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(colorSpaceDictionary->get(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_RGB)), recursion, usedNames); } else { return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace()); } } else if (name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_CMYK || name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_ABBREVIATION_DEVICE_CMYK || name == COLOR_SPACE_NAME_ABBREVIATION_CAL_CMYK) { if (colorSpaceDictionary && colorSpaceDictionary->hasKey(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_CMYK) && !isNameAlreadyProcessed) { return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(colorSpaceDictionary->get(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEFAULT_CMYK)), recursion, usedNames); } else { return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace()); } } else if (colorSpaceDictionary && colorSpaceDictionary->hasKey(name)) { return createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(colorSpaceDictionary->get(name)), recursion, usedNames); } throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid color space.")); return PDFColorSpacePointer(); } /// Conversion matrix from XYZ space to RGB space. Values are taken from this article: /// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SRGB#The_sRGB_transfer_function_.28.22gamma.22.29 static constexpr const PDFColorComponentMatrix<3, 3> matrixXYZtoRGB( 3.2406f, -1.5372f, -0.4986f, -0.9689f, 1.8758f, 0.0415f, 0.0557f, -0.2040f, 1.0570f ); PDFColor3 PDFAbstractColorSpace::convertXYZtoRGB(const PDFColor3& xyzColor) { return matrixXYZtoRGB * xyzColor; } QColor PDFXYZColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { PDFColor color; const size_t componentCount = getColorComponentCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i) { color.push_back(0.0f); } return getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); } PDFXYZColorSpace::PDFXYZColorSpace(PDFColor3 whitePoint) : m_whitePoint(whitePoint), m_correctionCoefficients() { PDFColor3 mappedWhitePoint = convertXYZtoRGB(m_whitePoint); m_correctionCoefficients[0] = 1.0f / mappedWhitePoint[0]; m_correctionCoefficients[1] = 1.0f / mappedWhitePoint[1]; m_correctionCoefficients[2] = 1.0f / mappedWhitePoint[2]; } PDFCalGrayColorSpace::PDFCalGrayColorSpace(PDFColor3 whitePoint, PDFColor3 blackPoint, PDFColorComponent gamma) : PDFXYZColorSpace(whitePoint), m_blackPoint(blackPoint), m_gamma(gamma) { } QColor PDFCalGrayColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); const PDFColorComponent A = clip01(color[0]); const PDFColorComponent xyzColor = std::powf(A, m_gamma); PDFColor3 xyzColorCMS = { xyzColor, xyzColor, xyzColor }; QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, xyzColorCMS, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } const PDFColor3 xyzColorMultipliedByWhitePoint = colorMultiplyByFactor(m_whitePoint, xyzColor); const PDFColor3 rgb = convertXYZtoRGB(xyzColorMultipliedByWhitePoint); const PDFColor3 calibratedRGB = colorMultiplyByFactors(rgb, m_correctionCoefficients); return fromRGB01(calibratedRGB); } size_t PDFCalGrayColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 1; } void PDFCalGrayColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { std::vector xyzColors(colors.size() * 3, 0.0f); auto it = xyzColors.begin(); for (float gray : colors) { const PDFColorComponent xyzColor = std::powf(clip01(gray), m_gamma); *it++ = xyzColor; *it++ = xyzColor; *it++ = xyzColor; } Q_ASSERT(xyzColors.size() == colors.size() * 3); if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, xyzColors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFCalGrayColorSpace::createCalGrayColorSpace(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFDictionary* dictionary) { // Standard D65 white point PDFColor3 whitePoint = { 0.9505f, 1.0000f, 1.0890f }; PDFColor3 blackPoint = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDFColorComponent gamma = 1.0f; PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_WHITE_POINT, whitePoint.begin(), whitePoint.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_BLACK_POINT, blackPoint.begin(), blackPoint.end()); gamma = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_GAMMA, gamma); return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFCalGrayColorSpace(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma)); } PDFCalRGBColorSpace::PDFCalRGBColorSpace(PDFColor3 whitePoint, PDFColor3 blackPoint, PDFColor3 gamma, PDFColorComponentMatrix_3x3 matrix) : PDFXYZColorSpace(whitePoint), m_blackPoint(blackPoint), m_gamma(gamma), m_matrix(matrix) { } QColor PDFCalRGBColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); const PDFColor3 ABC = clip01(PDFColor3{ color[0], color[1], color[2] }); const PDFColor3 ABCwithGamma = colorPowerByFactors(ABC, m_gamma); const PDFColor3 XYZ = m_matrix * ABCwithGamma; QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, XYZ, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } const PDFColor3 rgb = convertXYZtoRGB(XYZ); const PDFColor3 calibratedRGB = colorMultiplyByFactors(rgb, m_correctionCoefficients); return fromRGB01(calibratedRGB); } size_t PDFCalRGBColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 3; } void PDFCalRGBColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { std::vector xyzColors(colors.size(), 0.0f); auto it = xyzColors.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < colors.size(); i += 3) { Q_ASSERT(i + 2 < colors.size()); const PDFColor3 ABC = clip01(PDFColor3{ colors[i + 0], colors[i + 1], colors[i + 2] }); const PDFColor3 ABCwithGamma = colorPowerByFactors(ABC, m_gamma); const PDFColor3 XYZ = m_matrix * ABCwithGamma; *it++ = XYZ[0]; *it++ = XYZ[1]; *it++ = XYZ[2]; } Q_ASSERT(xyzColors.size() == colors.size()); if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, xyzColors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFCalRGBColorSpace::createCalRGBColorSpace(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFDictionary* dictionary) { // Standard D65 white point PDFColor3 whitePoint = { 0.9505f, 1.0000f, 1.0890f }; PDFColor3 blackPoint = { 0, 0, 0 }; PDFColor3 gamma = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f }; PDFColorComponentMatrix_3x3 matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_WHITE_POINT, whitePoint.begin(), whitePoint.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_BLACK_POINT, blackPoint.begin(), blackPoint.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_GAMMA, gamma.begin(), gamma.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_MATRIX, matrix.begin(), matrix.end()); return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFCalRGBColorSpace(whitePoint, blackPoint, gamma, matrix)); } PDFLabColorSpace::PDFLabColorSpace(PDFColor3 whitePoint, PDFColor3 blackPoint, PDFColorComponent aMin, PDFColorComponent aMax, PDFColorComponent bMin, PDFColorComponent bMax) : PDFXYZColorSpace(whitePoint), m_blackPoint(blackPoint), m_aMin(aMin), m_aMax(aMax), m_bMin(bMin), m_bMax(bMax) { } QColor PDFLabColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); PDFColorComponent LStar = 0; PDFColorComponent aStar = 0; PDFColorComponent bStar = 0; if (isRange01) { LStar = qBound(0.0, interpolate(color[0], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0), 100.0); aStar = qBound(m_aMin, interpolate(color[1], 0.0, 1.0, m_aMin, m_aMax), m_aMax); bStar = qBound(m_bMin, interpolate(color[2], 0.0, 1.0, m_bMin, m_bMax), m_bMax); } else { LStar = qBound(0.0, color[0], 100.0); aStar = qBound(m_aMin, color[1], m_aMax); bStar = qBound(m_bMin, color[2], m_bMax); } const PDFColorComponent param1 = (LStar + 16.0f) / 116.0f; const PDFColorComponent param2 = aStar / 500.0f; const PDFColorComponent param3 = bStar / 200.0f; const PDFColorComponent L = param1 + param2; const PDFColorComponent M = param1; const PDFColorComponent N = param1 - param3; auto g = [](PDFColorComponent x) -> PDFColorComponent { if (x >= 6.0f / 29.0f) { return x * x * x; } else { return (108.0f / 841.0f) * (x - 4.0f / 29.0f); } }; const PDFColorComponent gL = g(L); const PDFColorComponent gM = g(M); const PDFColorComponent gN = g(N); const PDFColor3 gLMN = { gL, gM, gN }; QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, gLMN, intent, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } const PDFColor3 XYZ = colorMultiplyByFactors(m_whitePoint, gLMN); const PDFColor3 rgb = convertXYZtoRGB(XYZ); const PDFColor3 calibratedRGB = colorMultiplyByFactors(rgb, m_correctionCoefficients); return fromRGB01(calibratedRGB); } size_t PDFLabColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 3; } void PDFLabColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { auto g = [](PDFColorComponent x) -> PDFColorComponent { if (x >= 6.0f / 29.0f) { return x * x * x; } else { return (108.0f / 841.0f) * (x - 4.0f / 29.0f); } }; std::vector xyzColors(colors.size(), 0.0f); auto it = xyzColors.begin(); for (size_t i = 0; i < colors.size(); i += 3) { Q_ASSERT(i + 2 < colors.size()); const PDFColorComponent LStar = qBound(0.0, interpolate(colors[i + 0], 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 100.0), 100.0); const PDFColorComponent aStar = qBound(m_aMin, interpolate(colors[i + 1], 0.0, 1.0, m_aMin, m_aMax), m_aMax); const PDFColorComponent bStar = qBound(m_bMin, interpolate(colors[i + 2], 0.0, 1.0, m_bMin, m_bMax), m_bMax); const PDFColorComponent param1 = (LStar + 16.0f) / 116.0f; const PDFColorComponent param2 = aStar / 500.0f; const PDFColorComponent param3 = bStar / 200.0f; const PDFColorComponent L = param1 + param2; const PDFColorComponent M = param1; const PDFColorComponent N = param1 - param3; *it++ = g(L); *it++ = g(M); *it++ = g(N); } Q_ASSERT(xyzColors.size() == colors.size()); if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromXYZ(m_whitePoint, xyzColors, intent, outputBuffer, reporter)) { PDFAbstractColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(colors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFLabColorSpace::createLabColorSpace(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFDictionary* dictionary) { // Standard D65 white point PDFColor3 whitePoint = { 0.9505f, 1.0000f, 1.0890f }; PDFColor3 blackPoint = { 0, 0, 0 }; static_assert(std::numeric_limits::has_infinity, "Fix this code!"); const PDFColorComponent infPos = std::numeric_limits::infinity(); const PDFColorComponent infNeg = -std::numeric_limits::infinity(); std::array minMax = { infNeg, infPos, infNeg, infPos }; PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_WHITE_POINT, whitePoint.begin(), whitePoint.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_BLACK_POINT, blackPoint.begin(), blackPoint.end()); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, CAL_RANGE, minMax.begin(), minMax.end()); return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFLabColorSpace(whitePoint, blackPoint, minMax[0], minMax[1], minMax[2], minMax[3])); } PDFICCBasedColorSpace::PDFICCBasedColorSpace(PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace, Ranges range, QByteArray iccProfileData, PDFObjectReference metadata) : m_alternateColorSpace(qMove(alternateColorSpace)), m_range(range), m_iccProfileData(qMove(iccProfileData)), m_metadata(metadata) { // Compute checksum m_iccProfileDataChecksum = QCryptographicHash::hash(m_iccProfileData, QCryptographicHash::Md5); } QColor PDFICCBasedColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { PDFColor color; const size_t componentCount = getColorComponentCount(); for (size_t i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i) { color.push_back(0.0f); } return getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFICCBasedColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_ASSERT(color.size() == getColorComponentCount()); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); size_t colorComponentCount = getColorComponentCount(); // Clip color values by range PDFColor clippedColor = color; for (size_t i = 0; i < colorComponentCount; ++i) { const size_t imin = 2 * i + 0; const size_t imax = 2 * i + 1; clippedColor[i] = qBound(m_range[imin], clippedColor[i], m_range[imax]); } QColor cmsColor = cms->getColorFromICC(clippedColor, intent, m_iccProfileDataChecksum, m_iccProfileData, reporter); if (cmsColor.isValid()) { return cmsColor; } return m_alternateColorSpace->getColor(clippedColor, cms, intent, reporter, true); } size_t PDFICCBasedColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return m_alternateColorSpace->getColorComponentCount(); } void PDFICCBasedColorSpace::fillRGBBuffer(const std::vector& colors, unsigned char* outputBuffer, RenderingIntent intent, const PDFCMS* cms, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { size_t colorComponentCount = getColorComponentCount(); std::vector clippedColors(colors.size(), 0.0f); for (size_t i = 0, colorCount = colors.size(); i < colorCount; ++i) { const size_t componentIndex = i % colorComponentCount; const size_t imin = 2 * componentIndex + 0; const size_t imax = 2 * componentIndex + 1; clippedColors[i] = qBound(m_range[imin], colors[i], m_range[imax]); } if (!cms->fillRGBBufferFromICC(clippedColors, intent, outputBuffer, m_iccProfileDataChecksum, m_iccProfileData, reporter)) { // Try to fill buffer from alternate color space m_alternateColorSpace->fillRGBBuffer(clippedColors, outputBuffer, intent, cms, reporter); } } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFICCBasedColorSpace::createICCBasedColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* stream, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { // First, try to load alternate color space, if it is present const PDFDictionary* dictionary = stream->getDictionary(); QByteArray iccProfileData = document->getDecodedStream(stream); PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace; if (dictionary->hasKey(ICCBASED_ALTERNATE)) { alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(dictionary->get(ICCBASED_ALTERNATE)), recursion, usedNames); } else { // Determine color space from parameter N, which determines number of components const PDFInteger N = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, ICCBASED_N, 0); switch (N) { case 1: { alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, PDFObject::createName(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_GRAY), recursion, usedNames); break; } case 3: { alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, PDFObject::createName(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_RGB), recursion, usedNames); break; } case 4: { alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, PDFObject::createName(COLOR_SPACE_NAME_DEVICE_CMYK), recursion, usedNames); break; } default: { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine alternate color space for ICC based profile. Number of components is %1.").arg(N)); break; } } } if (!alternateColorSpace) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine alternate color space for ICC based profile.")); } Ranges ranges = { 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f }; static_assert(ranges.size() == 8, "Fix initialization above!"); const size_t components = alternateColorSpace->getColorComponentCount(); const size_t rangeSize = 2 * components; if (rangeSize > ranges.size()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Too much color components for ICC based profile.")); } auto itStart = ranges.begin(); auto itEnd = std::next(itStart, rangeSize); loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, ICCBASED_RANGE, itStart, itEnd); return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFICCBasedColorSpace(qMove(alternateColorSpace), ranges, qMove(iccProfileData), loader.readReferenceFromDictionary(dictionary, "Metadata"))); } PDFIndexedColorSpace::PDFIndexedColorSpace(PDFColorSpacePointer baseColorSpace, QByteArray&& colors, int maxValue) : m_baseColorSpace(qMove(baseColorSpace)), m_colors(qMove(colors)), m_maxValue(maxValue) { } QColor PDFIndexedColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { return getColor(PDFColor(0.0f), cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFIndexedColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { // Indexed color space value must have exactly one component! Q_ASSERT(color.size() == 1); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); const int colorIndex = qBound(MIN_VALUE, static_cast(color[0]), m_maxValue); const int componentCount = static_cast(m_baseColorSpace->getColorComponentCount()); const int byteOffset = colorIndex * componentCount; // We must point into the array. Check first and last component. Q_ASSERT(byteOffset + componentCount - 1 < m_colors.size()); PDFColor decodedColor; const char* bytePointer = m_colors.constData() + byteOffset; for (int i = 0; i < componentCount; ++i) { const unsigned char value = *bytePointer++; const PDFColorComponent component = static_cast(value) / 255.0f; decodedColor.push_back(component); } return m_baseColorSpace->getColor(decodedColor, cms, intent, reporter, true); } size_t PDFIndexedColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 1; } QImage PDFIndexedColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { if (imageData.isValid()) { switch (imageData.getMaskingType()) { case PDFImageData::MaskingType::None: { QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888); image.fill(QColor(Qt::white)); unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents(); PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent()); if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for indexed color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount)); } Q_ASSERT(componentCount == 1); PDFColor color; color.resize(1); for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i) { reader.seek(i * imageData.getStride()); unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j) { PDFBitReader::Value index = reader.read(); color[0] = index; QColor transformedColor = getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, false); QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb(); *outputLine++ = qRed(rgb); *outputLine++ = qGreen(rgb); *outputLine++ = qBlue(rgb); } } return image; } case PDFImageData::MaskingType::SoftMask: { const bool hasMatte = !softMask.getMatte().empty(); QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), hasMatte ? QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied : QImage::Format_RGBA8888); unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents(); PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent()); if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for indexed color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount)); } Q_ASSERT(componentCount == 1); PDFColor color; color.resize(1); QImage alphaMask = createAlphaMask(softMask); if (alphaMask.size() != image.size()) { // Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked alphaMask = alphaMask.scaled(image.size()); } for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i) { reader.seek(i * imageData.getStride()); unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i); unsigned char* alphaLine = alphaMask.scanLine(i); for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j) { PDFBitReader::Value index = reader.read(); color[0] = index; QColor transformedColor = getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, false); QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb(); *outputLine++ = qRed(rgb); *outputLine++ = qGreen(rgb); *outputLine++ = qBlue(rgb); *outputLine++ = *alphaLine++; } } return image; } default: throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Image masking not implemented!")); } } return QImage(); } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFIndexedColorSpace::createIndexedColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFArray* array, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { Q_ASSERT(array->getCount() == 4); // Read base color space PDFColorSpacePointer baseColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(array->getItem(1)), recursion, usedNames); if (!baseColorSpace) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine base color space for indexed color space.")); } // Read maximum value PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); const int maxValue = qBound(MIN_VALUE, loader.readInteger(array->getItem(2), 0), MAX_VALUE); // Read stream/byte string with corresponding color values QByteArray colors; const PDFObject& colorDataObject = document->getObject(array->getItem(3)); if (colorDataObject.isString()) { colors = colorDataObject.getString(); } else if (colorDataObject.isStream()) { colors = document->getDecodedStream(colorDataObject.getStream()); } // Check, if we have enough colors const int colorCount = maxValue - MIN_VALUE + 1; const int componentCount = static_cast(baseColorSpace->getColorComponentCount()); const int byteCount = colorCount * componentCount; if (byteCount > colors.size()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for indexed color space. Color space has %1 colors, %2 color components and must have %3 size. Provided size is %4.").arg(colorCount).arg(componentCount).arg(byteCount).arg(colors.size())); } return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFIndexedColorSpace(qMove(baseColorSpace), qMove(colors), maxValue)); } PDFSeparationColorSpace::PDFSeparationColorSpace(QByteArray&& colorName, PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace, PDFFunctionPtr tintTransform) : m_colorName(qMove(colorName)), m_alternateColorSpace(qMove(alternateColorSpace)), m_tintTransform(qMove(tintTransform)), m_isNone(m_colorName == "None"), m_isAll(m_colorName == "All") { } QColor PDFSeparationColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { return getColor(PDFColor(1.0f), cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFSeparationColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { // Separation color space value must have exactly one component! Q_ASSERT(color.size() == 1); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); // According to the PDF 2.0 specification, separation color space, with colorant name "None" // should not produce any visible output. if (m_isNone) { return Qt::transparent; } // Input value double tint = color.back(); // Jakub Melka: According to the PDF 2.0 specification, separation color space, with colorant name "All" // should apply tint value to all output colorants, alternate color space and tint function should // be ignored, and because QColor is aditive, we must invert the tint value. if (m_isAll) { const double inversedTint = qBound(0.0, 1.0 - tint, 1.0); return QColor::fromRgbF(inversedTint, inversedTint, inversedTint); } // Output values std::vector outputColor; outputColor.resize(m_alternateColorSpace->getColorComponentCount(), 0.0); PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_tintTransform->apply(&tint, &tint + 1, outputColor.data(), outputColor.data() + outputColor.size()); if (result) { PDFColor color; std::for_each(outputColor.cbegin(), outputColor.cend(), [&color](double value) { color.push_back(static_cast(value)); }); return m_alternateColorSpace->getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, false); } else { // Return invalid color return QColor(); } } size_t PDFSeparationColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 1; } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFSeparationColorSpace::createSeparationColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFArray* array, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { Q_ASSERT(array->getCount() == 4); // Read color name const PDFObject& colorNameObject = document->getObject(array->getItem(1)); if (!colorNameObject.isName()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine color name for separation color space.")); } QByteArray colorName = colorNameObject.getString(); // Read alternate color space PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(array->getItem(2)), recursion, usedNames); if (!alternateColorSpace) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine alternate color space for separation color space.")); } PDFFunctionPtr tintTransform = PDFFunction::createFunction(document, array->getItem(3)); if (!tintTransform) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine tint transform for separation color space.")); } return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFSeparationColorSpace(qMove(colorName), qMove(alternateColorSpace), qMove(tintTransform))); } const unsigned char* PDFImageData::getRow(unsigned int rowIndex) const { const unsigned char* data = reinterpret_cast(m_data.constData()); Q_ASSERT(rowIndex < m_height); return data + (rowIndex * m_stride); } QColor PDFPatternColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { Q_UNUSED(cms); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); return QColor(Qt::transparent); } QColor PDFPatternColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_UNUSED(color); Q_UNUSED(cms); Q_UNUSED(intent); Q_UNUSED(reporter); Q_UNUSED(isRange01); throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Pattern doesn't have defined uniform color.")); } size_t PDFPatternColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return 0; } PDFDeviceNColorSpace::PDFDeviceNColorSpace(PDFDeviceNColorSpace::Type type, PDFDeviceNColorSpace::Colorants&& colorants, PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace, PDFColorSpacePointer processColorSpace, PDFFunctionPtr tintTransform, std::vector&& colorantsPrintingOrder, std::vector processColorSpaceComponents) : m_type(type), m_colorants(qMove(colorants)), m_alternateColorSpace(qMove(alternateColorSpace)), m_processColorSpace(qMove(processColorSpace)), m_tintTransform(qMove(tintTransform)), m_colorantsPrintingOrder(qMove(colorantsPrintingOrder)), m_processColorSpaceComponents(qMove(processColorSpaceComponents)), m_isNone(false) { m_isNone = std::all_of(m_colorants.cbegin(), m_colorants.cend(), [](const auto& colorant) { return colorant.name == "None"; }); } QColor PDFDeviceNColorSpace::getDefaultColor(const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter) const { PDFColor color; color.resize(getColorComponentCount()); // Jakub Melka: According to the PDF 2.0 specification, each channel should // be initially set to 1.0. for (size_t i = 0, colorComponentCount = color.size(); i < colorComponentCount; ++i) { color[i] = 1.0; } return getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, true); } QColor PDFDeviceNColorSpace::getColor(const PDFColor& color, const PDFCMS* cms, RenderingIntent intent, PDFRenderErrorReporter* reporter, bool isRange01) const { Q_UNUSED(isRange01); // According to the PDF 2.0 specification, DeviceN color space, with all colorant name "None" // should not produce any visible output. if (m_isNone) { return Qt::transparent; } // Input values std::vector inputColor(color.size(), 0.0); for (size_t i = 0, count = inputColor.size(); i < count; ++i) { inputColor[i] = color[i]; } // Output values std::vector outputColor; outputColor.resize(m_alternateColorSpace->getColorComponentCount(), 0.0); PDFFunction::FunctionResult result = m_tintTransform->apply(inputColor.data(), inputColor.data() + inputColor.size(), outputColor.data(), outputColor.data() + outputColor.size()); if (result) { PDFColor color; std::for_each(outputColor.cbegin(), outputColor.cend(), [&color](double value) { color.push_back(static_cast(value)); }); return m_alternateColorSpace->getColor(color, cms, intent, reporter, false); } else { // Return invalid color return QColor(); } } size_t PDFDeviceNColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const { return m_colorants.size(); } PDFColorSpacePointer PDFDeviceNColorSpace::createDeviceNColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary, const PDFDocument* document, const PDFArray* array, int recursion, std::set& usedNames) { Q_ASSERT(array->getCount() >= 4); PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(document); std::vector colorantNames = loader.readNameArray(array->getItem(1)); if (colorantNames.empty()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colorants for DeviceN color space.")); } std::vector colorants; colorants.resize(colorantNames.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < colorantNames.size(); ++i) { colorants[i].name = qMove(colorantNames[i]); } // Read alternate color space PDFColorSpacePointer alternateColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(array->getItem(2)), recursion, usedNames); if (!alternateColorSpace) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine alternate color space for DeviceN color space.")); } PDFFunctionPtr tintTransform = PDFFunction::createFunction(document, array->getItem(3)); if (!tintTransform) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Can't determine tint transform for DeviceN color space.")); } Type type = Type::DeviceN; std::vector colorantsPrintingOrder; PDFColorSpacePointer processColorSpace; std::vector processColorSpaceComponents; // Now, check, if we have attributes, and if yes, then read them if (array->getCount() == 5) { const PDFObject& object = document->getObject(array->getItem(4)); if (object.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* attributesDictionary = object.getDictionary(); QByteArray subtype = loader.readNameFromDictionary(attributesDictionary, "Subtype"); if (subtype == "NChannel") { type = Type::NChannel; } const PDFObject& colorantsObject = document->getObject(attributesDictionary->get("Colorants")); if (colorantsObject.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* colorantsDictionary = colorantsObject.getDictionary(); // Separation color spaces for each colorant for (ColorantInfo& colorantInfo : colorants) { if (colorantsDictionary->hasKey(colorantInfo.name)) { colorantInfo.separationColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, document->getObject(colorantsDictionary->get(colorantInfo.name)), recursion, usedNames); } } } const PDFObject& mixingHints = document->getObject(attributesDictionary->get("MixingHints")); if (mixingHints.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* mixingHintsDictionary = mixingHints.getDictionary(); // Printing order colorantsPrintingOrder = loader.readNameArray(mixingHintsDictionary->get("PrintingOrder")); // Solidities const PDFObject& solidityObject = document->getObject(mixingHintsDictionary->get("Solidites")); if (solidityObject.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* solidityDictionary = solidityObject.getDictionary(); const PDFReal defaultSolidity = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(solidityDictionary, "Default", 0.0); for (ColorantInfo& colorantInfo : colorants) { colorantInfo.solidity = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(solidityDictionary, colorantInfo.name, defaultSolidity); } } // Dot gain const PDFObject& dotGainObject = document->getObject(mixingHintsDictionary->get("DotGain")); if (dotGainObject.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* dotGainDictionary = dotGainObject.getDictionary(); for (ColorantInfo& colorantInfo : colorants) { const PDFObject& dotGainFunctionObject = document->getObject(dotGainDictionary->get(colorantInfo.name)); if (!dotGainFunctionObject.isNull()) { colorantInfo.dotGain = PDFFunction::createFunction(document, dotGainFunctionObject); } } } } // Process const PDFObject& processObject = document->getObject(attributesDictionary->get("Process")); if (processObject.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* processDictionary = processObject.getDictionary(); const PDFObject& processColorSpaceObject = document->getObject(processDictionary->get("ColorSpace")); if (!processColorSpaceObject.isNull()) { processColorSpace = PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpaceImpl(colorSpaceDictionary, document, processColorSpaceObject, recursion, usedNames); processColorSpaceComponents = loader.readNameArrayFromDictionary(processDictionary, "Components"); } } } } return PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFDeviceNColorSpace(type, qMove(colorants), qMove(alternateColorSpace), qMove(processColorSpace), qMove(tintTransform), qMove(colorantsPrintingOrder), qMove(processColorSpaceComponents))); } } // namespace pdf