// Copyright (C) 2019-2023 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PDF4QT. // // PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version. // // PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDF4QT. If not, see . #include "pdfoutline.h" #include "pdfdocument.h" #include "pdfexception.h" #include "pdfencoding.h" #include "pdfdbgheap.h" namespace pdf { size_t PDFOutlineItem::getTotalCount() const { size_t count = m_children.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < m_children.size(); ++i) { count += getChild(i)->getTotalCount(); } return count; } QSharedPointer PDFOutlineItem::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, const PDFObject& root) { const PDFObject& rootDereferenced = storage->getObject(root); if (rootDereferenced.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* dictionary = rootDereferenced.getDictionary(); const PDFObject& first = dictionary->get("First"); if (first.isReference()) { QSharedPointer result(new PDFOutlineItem()); std::set visitedOutlineItems; parseImpl(storage, result.get(), first.getReference(), visitedOutlineItems); return result; } } return QSharedPointer(); } void PDFOutlineItem::parseImpl(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFOutlineItem* parent, PDFObjectReference currentItem, std::set& visitedOutlineItems) { auto checkCyclicDependence = [&visitedOutlineItems](PDFObjectReference reference) { if (visitedOutlineItems.count(reference)) { return false; } visitedOutlineItems.insert(reference); return true; }; if (!checkCyclicDependence(currentItem)) { return; } PDFObject dereferencedItem = storage->getObjectByReference(currentItem); while (dereferencedItem.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* dictionary = dereferencedItem.getDictionary(); QSharedPointer currentOutlineItem(new PDFOutlineItem()); const PDFObject& titleObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("Title")); if (titleObject.isString()) { currentOutlineItem->setTitle(PDFEncoding::convertTextString(titleObject.getString())); } currentOutlineItem->setAction(PDFAction::parse(storage, dictionary->get("A"))); if (!currentOutlineItem->getAction() && dictionary->hasKey("Dest")) { currentOutlineItem->setAction(PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionGoTo(PDFDestination::parse(storage, dictionary->get("Dest")), PDFDestination()))); } PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage); std::vector colors = loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, "C", { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }); colors.resize(3, 0.0); currentOutlineItem->setTextColor(QColor::fromRgbF(colors[0], colors[1], colors[2])); PDFInteger flag = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, "F", 0); currentOutlineItem->setFontItalics(flag & 0x1); currentOutlineItem->setFontBold(flag & 0x2); PDFObject structureElementObject = dictionary->get("SE"); if (structureElementObject.isReference()) { currentOutlineItem->setStructureElement(structureElementObject.getReference()); } // Parse children of this item const PDFObject& firstItem = dictionary->get("First"); if (firstItem.isReference()) { std::set currentVisitedOutlineItems = visitedOutlineItems; parseImpl(storage, currentOutlineItem.get(), firstItem.getReference(), currentVisitedOutlineItems); } // Add new child to the parent parent->addChild(qMove(currentOutlineItem)); // Parse next item const PDFObject& nextItem = dictionary->get("Next"); if (nextItem.isReference()) { if (!checkCyclicDependence(nextItem.getReference())) { break; } dereferencedItem = storage->getObject(nextItem); } else { // We are finished break; } } } PDFObjectReference PDFOutlineItem::getStructureElement() const { return m_structureElement; } void PDFOutlineItem::setStructureElement(PDFObjectReference structureElement) { m_structureElement = structureElement; } void PDFOutlineItem::apply(const std::function& functor) { functor(this); for (const auto& item : m_children) { item->apply(functor); } } QSharedPointer PDFOutlineItem::clone() const { QSharedPointer result(new PDFOutlineItem()); result->setTitle(getTitle()); result->setTextColor(getTextColor()); result->setStructureElement(getStructureElement()); result->setFontItalics(isFontItalics()); result->setFontBold(isFontBold()); if (auto action = getAction()) { result->setAction(action->clone()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < getChildCount(); ++i) { result->addChild(getChild(i)->clone()); } return result; } void PDFOutlineItem::insertChild(size_t index, QSharedPointer item) { m_children.insert(std::next(m_children.begin(), index), item); } void PDFOutlineItem::removeChild(size_t index) { m_children.erase(std::next(m_children.begin(), index)); } bool PDFOutlineItem::isFontBold() const { return m_fontBold; } void PDFOutlineItem::setFontBold(bool fontBold) { m_fontBold = fontBold; } bool PDFOutlineItem::isFontItalics() const { return m_fontItalics; } void PDFOutlineItem::setFontItalics(bool fontItalics) { m_fontItalics = fontItalics; } QColor PDFOutlineItem::getTextColor() const { return m_textColor; } void PDFOutlineItem::setTextColor(const QColor& textColor) { m_textColor = textColor; } const PDFAction* PDFOutlineItem::getAction() const { return m_action.get(); } PDFAction* PDFOutlineItem::getAction() { return m_action.get(); } void PDFOutlineItem::setAction(const PDFActionPtr& action) { m_action = action; } } // namespace pdf