// Copyright (C) 2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of Pdf4Qt. // // Pdf4Qt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // Pdf4Qt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with Pdf4Qt. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. #include "pdftoolinfopageboxes.h" #include "pdfutils.h" namespace pdftool { static PDFToolInfoPageBoxesApplication s_infoPageBoxesApplication; QString PDFToolInfoPageBoxesApplication::getStandardString(StandardString standardString) const { switch (standardString) { case Command: return "info-page-boxes"; case Name: return PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Info (page boxes)"); case Description: return PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Retrieve informations about page boxes in a document."); default: Q_ASSERT(false); break; } return QString(); } struct PDFPageBoxInfo { bool operator==(const PDFPageBoxInfo& other) const { return mediaBox == other.mediaBox && cropBox == other.cropBox && bleedBox == other.bleedBox && trimBox == other.trimBox && artBox == other.artBox; } pdf::PDFClosedIntervalSet pages; QRectF mediaBox; QRectF cropBox; QRectF bleedBox; QRectF trimBox; QRectF artBox; }; int PDFToolInfoPageBoxesApplication::execute(const PDFToolOptions& options) { pdf::PDFDocument document; QByteArray sourceData; if (!readDocument(options, document, &sourceData)) { return ErrorDocumentReading; } QString parseError; std::vector<pdf::PDFInteger> pages = options.getPageRange(document.getCatalog()->getPageCount(), parseError, true); if (!parseError.isEmpty()) { PDFConsole::writeError(parseError, options.outputCodec); return ErrorInvalidArguments; } std::vector<PDFPageBoxInfo> infos; for (const pdf::PDFInteger pageIndex : pages) { const pdf::PDFPage* page = document.getCatalog()->getPage(pageIndex); PDFPageBoxInfo info; info.mediaBox = page->getMediaBoxMM(); info.cropBox = page->getCropBoxMM(); info.bleedBox = page->getBleedBoxMM(); info.trimBox = page->getTrimBoxMM(); info.artBox = page->getArtBoxMM(); auto it = std::find(infos.begin(), infos.end(), info); if (it != infos.end()) { it->pages.addValue(pageIndex + 1); } else { info.pages.addValue(pageIndex + 1); infos.emplace_back(qMove(info)); } } QLocale locale; PDFOutputFormatter formatter(options.outputStyle, options.outputCodec); formatter.beginDocument("info-page-boxes", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Page boxes in document %1").arg(options.document)); auto writeBox = [&formatter, &locale](const QString& name, const QString& title, const QRectF& rect) { formatter.beginTableRow(name); formatter.writeTableColumn("title", title); if (rect.isValid()) { formatter.writeTableColumn("value", QString("[ %1 %2 %3 %4 ]").arg(locale.toString(rect.left()), locale.toString(rect.top()), locale.toString(rect.right()), locale.toString(rect.bottom()))); } else { formatter.writeTableColumn("value", "null"); } formatter.endTableRow(); }; for (const PDFPageBoxInfo& info : infos) { formatter.endl(); formatter.beginTable("page-range", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Pages %1").arg(info.pages.toText(true))); formatter.beginTableHeaderRow("header"); formatter.writeTableHeaderColumn("box", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Box"), Qt::AlignLeft); formatter.writeTableHeaderColumn("value", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Value"), Qt::AlignLeft); formatter.endTableHeaderRow(); writeBox("media", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Media"), info.mediaBox); writeBox("crop", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Crop"), info.cropBox); writeBox("bleed", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Bleed"), info.bleedBox); writeBox("trim", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Trim"), info.trimBox); writeBox("art", PDFToolTranslationContext::tr("Art"), info.artBox); formatter.endTable(); } formatter.endDocument(); PDFConsole::writeText(formatter.getString(), options.outputCodec); return ExitSuccess; } PDFToolAbstractApplication::Options PDFToolInfoPageBoxesApplication::getOptionsFlags() const { return ConsoleFormat | OpenDocument | PageSelector; } } // namespace pdftool