mediaBox _QRectF Media box of the page (size of paper) Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Page") Parent DictionaryItemSimple getPageTreeRoot() Dictionary MediaBox DictionaryItemSimple mediaBox Dictionary CreateObject pageReference _PDFObjectReference Kids DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFObjectReference>{ pageReference } Count DictionaryItemSimple getPageTreeRootChildCount() + 1 Dictionary CreateObject updatedTreeRoot _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(getPageTreeRoot(), updatedTreeRoot); return pageReference; Structure appendPage Appends a new page after last page. _PDFObjectReference fields _PDFObjectReferenceVector Fields Parameters _void Fields DictionaryItemSimple fields NeedAppearances DictionaryItemSimple false SigFlags DictionaryItemSimple 0 XFA DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject acroForm _PDFObjectReference Code _void setCatalogAcroForm(acroForm); return acroForm; Structure createAcroForm Creates AcroForm dictionary. Erases XFA form if present. _PDFObjectReference destination _PDFDestination Destination Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("GoTo") D DictionaryItemSimple destination Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionGoTo Creates GoTo action. This action changes view to a specific destination in the same document. _PDFObjectReference documentPart _PDFObjectReference Document part Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("GoToDp") Dp DictionaryItemSimple documentPart Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionGoToDocumentPart Creates GoTo action. This action changes view to a specific document part. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File specification destination _PDFDestination Destination in a embedded document newWindow _bool Open document in new window Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("GoToE") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification D DictionaryItemSimple destination NewWindow DictionaryItemSimple newWindow Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionGoToEmbedded Creates embedded GoTo action. When executed, action points to destination in another document, which is embedded in this document. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File specification destination _PDFDestination Destination in a remote document newWindow _bool Open document in a new window Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("GoToR") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification D DictionaryItemSimple destination NewWindow DictionaryItemSimple newWindow Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionGoToRemote Creates remote GoTo action. When executed, action points to destination in another document. _PDFObjectReference annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation hide _bool Hide (true) or show (false) Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Hide") T DictionaryItemSimple annotation H DictionaryItemSimple hide Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionHide Creates hide action. Hide action toggles hide/show state of field or annotation. _PDFObjectReference field _QString Fully qualified name of a form field hide _bool Hide (true) or show (false) Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Hide") T DictionaryItemSimple field H DictionaryItemSimple hide Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionHide Creates hide action. Hide action toggles hide/show state of field or annotation. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference Data file Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("ImportData") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionImportData Creates import data action for interactive form. _PDFObjectReference code _QString JavaScript code Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("JavaScript") JS DictionaryItemSimple code Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionJavaScript Creates JavaScript action. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File specification newWindow _bool Open document in new window Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Launch") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification NewWindow DictionaryItemSimple newWindow Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionLaunch Creates launch action. Launch action executes document opening or printing. _PDFObjectReference fileName _QByteArray File name defaultDirectory _QByteArray Default directory action _QByteArray Action to be performed. Valid values are 'open' or 'print'. parameters _QByteArray Command line arguments, which are passed to target application newWindow _bool Open document in new window Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Launch") F DictionaryItemSimple fileName D DictionaryItemSimple defaultDirectory O DictionaryItemSimple action P DictionaryItemSimple parameters Dictionary Win DictionaryItemComplex NewWindow DictionaryItemSimple newWindow Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionLaunchWin Creates launch action. Launch action executes document opening or printing. This variant for Windows operating system, where additional parameters can be specified. _PDFObjectReference name _QByteArray Predefined name Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Named") N DictionaryItemSimple WrapName(name) Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionNamed Creates named action. Named actions are some predefined actions that interactive PDF processor shall support. Valid values are NextPage, PrevPage, FirstPage, LastPage. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Named") N DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("FirstPage") Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionNavigateFirstPage Creates action which navigates to a first page. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Named") N DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("LastPage") Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionNavigateLastPage Creates action which navigates to a last page. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Named") N DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("NextPage") Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionNavigateNextPage Creates action which navigates to a next page. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Named") N DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("PrevPage") Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionNavigatePrevPage Creates action which navigates to a previous page. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("ResetForm") Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionResetForm Creates reset interactive form action. _PDFObjectReference fields _PDFObjectReferenceVector Fields to be excluded from reset Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("ResetForm") Fields DictionaryItemSimple fields Flags DictionaryItemSimple 1 Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionResetFormExcludedFields Creates reset interactive form action, which resets all fields except those specified in a given list of fields. _PDFObjectReference fields _PDFObjectReferenceVector Fields to be reset Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("ResetForm") Fields DictionaryItemSimple fields Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionResetFormFields Creates reset interactive form action, which resets a given list of fields. _PDFObjectReference URL _QString Web link to server script, which will process the form flags _PDFFormSubmitFlags Flags Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("SubmitForm") UF DictionaryItemSimple URL Dictionary F DictionaryItemComplex Flags DictionaryItemSimple flags Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionSubmitForm Creates submit form action. _PDFObjectReference URL _QString Web link to server script, which will process the form fields _PDFObjectReferenceVector Sumbitted fields flags _PDFFormSubmitFlags Flags Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("SubmitForm") UF DictionaryItemSimple URL Dictionary F DictionaryItemComplex Fields DictionaryItemSimple fields Flags DictionaryItemSimple flags Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionSubmitForm Creates submit form action. _PDFObjectReference thread _PDFObjectReference Thread bead _PDFObjectReference Bead Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Thread") D DictionaryItemSimple thread B DictionaryItemSimple bead Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionThread Creates thread action for thread in current file. When executed, viewer jumps to a specific thread. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File containing the thread thread _PDFInteger Thread index bead _PDFInteger Bead index Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Thread") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification D DictionaryItemSimple thread B DictionaryItemSimple bead Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionThread Creates thread action. When executed, viewer jumps to a specific thread. _PDFObjectReference fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File containing the thread thread _PDFInteger Thread index Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Thread") F DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification D DictionaryItemSimple thread Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionThread Creates thread action. When executed, viewer jumps to a specific thread. _PDFObjectReference thread _PDFObjectReference Thread Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Thread") D DictionaryItemSimple thread Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionThread Creates thread action for thread in current file. When executed, viewer jumps to a specific thread. _PDFObjectReference URL _QString Target URL Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Action") S DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("URI") URI DictionaryItemSimple URL Dictionary CreateObject actionReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return actionReference; Actions createActionURI Creates URI action. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is caret displayed borderWidth _PDFReal Border width color _QColor Caret color. If you do not want to have a border, then use invalid QColor. title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Caret") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(color) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationCaret Caret annotations are used to indicate, where text should be inserted (for example, if reviewer reviews the document, and he wants to mark, that some text should be inserted, he uses this annotation). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is circle/ellipse displayed borderWidth _PDFReal Width of the border line of circle/ellipse fillColor _QColor Fill color of rectangle (interior color). If you do not want to have area color filled, then use invalid QColor. strokeColor _QColor Stroke color (color of the rectangle border). If you do not want to have a border, then use invalid QColor. title _QString Title (it is displayed as title of popup window) subject _QString Subject (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Circle") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationCircle Circle annotation displays ellipse (or circle). Circle border/fill color can be defined, along with border width. Popup annotation can be attached to this annotation. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added position _QPointF Position fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference File specification icon _FileAttachmentIcon Icon title _QString Title description _QString Description Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("FileAttachment") P DictionaryItemSimple page Rect DictionaryItemSimple QRectF(position, QSizeF(32, 32)) FS DictionaryItemSimple fileSpecification Name DictionaryItemSimple icon T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple description Dictionary CreateObject annotationReference _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationReference Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationReference); return annotationReference; Annotations createAnnotationFileAttachment Creates a new file attachment annotation. This annotation needs file specification as parameter. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added boundingRectangle _QRectF Bounding rectangle of free text annotation. It must contain both callout line and text rectangle. textRectangle _QRectF Rectangle with text, in absolute coordinates. They are then recomputed to match bounding rectangle. title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents (text displayed) textAlignment _TextAlignment Text alignment. Only horizontal alignment flags are valid. startPoint _QPointF Start point of callout line kneePoint _QPointF Knee point of callout line endPoint _QPointF End point of callout line startLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Line ending at the start point endLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Line ending at the end point Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("FreeText") Rect DictionaryItemSimple boundingRectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Q DictionaryItemSimple WrapFreeTextAlignment(textAlignment) DA DictionaryItemSimple WrapString("/Arial 10 Tf") RD DictionaryItemSimple getAnnotationReductionRectangle(boundingRectangle, textRectangle) ArraySimple startPoint;kneePoint;endPoint CL DictionaryItemComplex ArraySimple startLineType;endLineType LE DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationFreeText Free text annotation displays text directly on a page. Text appears directly on the page, in the same way, as standard text in PDF document. Free text annotations are usually used to comment the document. Free text annotation can also have callout line, with, or without a knee. Specify start/end point parameters of this function to get callout line. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is text displayed title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents (text displayed) textAlignment _TextAlignment Text alignment. Only horizontal alignment flags are valid. Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("FreeText") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Q DictionaryItemSimple WrapFreeTextAlignment(textAlignment) DA DictionaryItemSimple WrapString("/Arial 10 Tf") Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationFreeText Free text annotation displays text directly on a page. Text appears directly on the page, in the same way, as standard text in PDF document. Free text annotations are usually used to comment the document. Free text annotation can also have callout line, with, or without a knee. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added boundingRectangle _QRectF Bounding rectangle of free text annotation. It must contain both callout line and text rectangle. textRectangle _QRectF Rectangle with text, in absolute coordinates. They are then recomputed to match bounding rectangle. title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents (text displayed) textAlignment _TextAlignment Text alignment. Only horizontal alignment flags are valid. startPoint _QPointF Start point of callout line endPoint _QPointF End point of callout line startLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Line ending at the start point endLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Line ending at the end point Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("FreeText") Rect DictionaryItemSimple boundingRectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Q DictionaryItemSimple WrapFreeTextAlignment(textAlignment) DA DictionaryItemSimple WrapString("/Arial 10 Tf") RD DictionaryItemSimple getAnnotationReductionRectangle(boundingRectangle, textRectangle) ArraySimple startPoint;endPoint CL DictionaryItemComplex ArraySimple startLineType;endLineType LE DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationFreeText Free text annotation displays text directly on a page. Text appears directly on the page, in the same way, as standard text in PDF document. Free text annotations are usually used to comment the document. Free text annotation can also have callout line, with, or without a knee. Specify start/end point parameters of this function to get callout line. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is highlight displayed color _QColor Color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Highlight") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationHighlight Text markup annotation is used to highlight text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). This annotation is usually used to highlight text, but can also highlight other things, such as images, or other graphics. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is highlight displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Highlight") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationHighlight Text markup annotation is used to highlight text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). This annotation is usually used to highlight text, but can also highlight other things, such as images, or other graphics. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Area in which is highlight displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Highlight") P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationHighlight Text markup annotation is used to highlight text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). This annotation is usually used to highlight text, but can also highlight other things, such as images, or other graphics. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added inkPoints _QPolygonF Ink points borderWidth _PDFReal Border line width strokeColor _QColor Stroke color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Ink") Rect DictionaryItemSimple inkPoints.boundingRect() F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page ArraySimple inkPoints InkList DictionaryItemComplex M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationInk Ink anotation represents freehand scribble composed from one or more disjoint paths. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added inkPoints _Polygons Ink points (vector of polygons) borderWidth _PDFReal Border line width strokeColor _QColor Stroke color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Ink") Rect DictionaryItemSimple getPolygonsBoundingRect(inkPoints) F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page InkList DictionaryItemSimple inkPoints M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationInk Ink anotation represents freehand scribble composed from one or more disjoint paths. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added boundingRect _QRectF Line annotation bounding rectangle startPoint _QPointF Line start endPoint _QPointF Line end lineWidth _PDFReal Line width fillColor _QColor Fill color of line parts (for example, filled line endings) strokeColor _QColor Line stroke color title _QString Title (it is displayed as title of popup window) subject _QString Subject (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) startLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Start line ending type endLineType _AnnotationLineEnding End line ending type Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Line") Rect DictionaryItemSimple boundingRect F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page ArraySimple startPoint.x();startPoint.y();endPoint.x();endPoint.y() L DictionaryItemComplex ArraySimple startLineType;endLineType LE DictionaryItemComplex M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, lineWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationLine Line annotation represents straight line, or some more advanced graphics, such as dimension with text. Line annotations are markup annotations, so they can have popup window. Line endings can be specified. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added boundingRect _QRectF Line annotation bounding rectangle startPoint _QPointF Line start endPoint _QPointF Line end lineWidth _PDFReal Line width fillColor _QColor Fill color of line parts (for example, filled line endings) strokeColor _QColor Line stroke color title _QString Title (it is displayed as title of popup window) subject _QString Subject (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) startLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Start line ending type endLineType _AnnotationLineEnding End line ending type leaderLineLength _PDFReal Length of the leader line. Leader line extends from each endpoint of the line perpendicular to the line itself. Value can be either positive, negative or zero. If positive, then extension is in plane that is above the annotation line (in clockwise order), if negative, then it is below the annotation line. leaderLineOffset _PDFReal Length of leader line offset, which is the amount of empty space between the endpoints of the annotation and beginning of leader lines leaderLineExtension _PDFReal Length of leader line extension, which extends leader lines in 180° direction from leader lines (so leader lines continues above drawn line) displayContents _bool Display contents of the annotation as text along the line displayedContentsTopAlign _bool Displayed contents appear above the line, instead inline. Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Line") Rect DictionaryItemSimple boundingRect F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page ArraySimple startPoint.x();startPoint.y();endPoint.x();endPoint.y() L DictionaryItemComplex ArraySimple startLineType;endLineType LE DictionaryItemComplex M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, lineWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject LL DictionaryItemSimple leaderLineLength LLO DictionaryItemSimple leaderLineOffset LLE DictionaryItemSimple leaderLineExtension Cap DictionaryItemSimple displayContents CP DictionaryItemSimple (displayedContentsTopAlign ? WrapName("Top") : WrapName("Inline")) Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationLine Line annotation represents straight line, or some more advanced graphics, such as dimension with text. Line annotations are markup annotations, so they can have popup window. Line endings can be specified. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added linkRectangle _QRectF Link rectangle URL _QString URL to be launched when user clicks on the link highlightMode _LinkHighlightMode Highlight mode Parameters _void Code _void return createAnnotationLink(page, linkRectangle, createActionURI(URL), highlightMode); Annotations createAnnotationLink Creates new link annotation. It usually represents clickable hypertext link. User can also specify action, which can be executed, for example, link can be also in the PDF document (link to some location in document). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added linkRectangle _QRectF Link rectangle action _PDFObjectReference Action to be performed when user clicks on a link highlightMode _LinkHighlightMode Highlight mode Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Link") P DictionaryItemSimple page Rect DictionaryItemSimple linkRectangle A DictionaryItemSimple action H DictionaryItemSimple highlightMode Dictionary CreateObject annotationReference _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationReference Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationReference); return annotationReference; Annotations createAnnotationLink Creates new link annotation. It usually represents clickable hypertext link. User can also specify action, which can be executed, for example, link can be also in the PDF document (link to some location in document). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added polygon _QPolygonF Polygon borderWidth _PDFReal Border line width fillColor _QColor Fill color strokeColor _QColor Stroke color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Polygon") Rect DictionaryItemSimple polygon.boundingRect() F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page Vertices DictionaryItemSimple polygon M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationPolygon Polygon annotation. When opened, they display pop-up window containing the text of associated note (and window title), if popup annotation is attached. Polygon border/fill color can be defined, along with border width. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added polyline _QPolygonF Polyline borderWidth _PDFReal Border line width fillColor _QColor Fill color strokeColor _QColor Stroke color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents startLineType _AnnotationLineEnding Start line ending type endLineType _AnnotationLineEnding End line ending type Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("PolyLine") Rect DictionaryItemSimple polyline.boundingRect() F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page Vertices DictionaryItemSimple polyline M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject ArraySimple startLineType;endLineType DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationPolyline Polyline annotation. When opened, they display pop-up window containing the text of associated note (and window title), if popup annotation is attached. Polyline border/fill color can be defined, along with border width. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added parentAnnotation _PDFObjectReference Parent annotation (for which is popup window displayed) rectangle _QRectF Area on the page, where popup window appears opened _bool Is the window opened? Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Popup") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page Parent DictionaryItemSimple parentAnnotation Open DictionaryItemSimple opened Dictionary CreateObject popupAnnotation _PDFObjectReference Popup DictionaryItemSimple popupAnnotation Dictionary CreateObject upgradedParentAnnotation _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(parentAnnotation, upgradedParentAnnotation); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(popupAnnotation); return popupAnnotation; Annotations createAnnotationPopup Creates a new popup annotation on the page. Popup annotation is represented usually by floating window, which can be opened, or closed. Popup annotation is associated with parent annotation, which can be usually markup annotation. Popup annotation displays parent annotation's texts, for example, title, comment, date etc. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is redact displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Redact") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() IC DictionaryItemSimple color ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationRedact Redaction annotation. Marks a region on the page to be redacted. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Area in which is redaction displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Redact") P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() IC DictionaryItemSimple color QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationRedact Redaction annotation. Marks a region on the page to be redacted. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is rectangle displayed borderWidth _PDFReal Width of the border line of rectangle fillColor _QColor Fill color of rectangle (interior color). If you do not want to have area color filled, then use invalid QColor. strokeColor _QColor Stroke color (color of the rectangle border). If you do not want to have a border, then use invalid QColor. title _QString Title (it is displayed as title of popup window) subject _QString Subject (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Square") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Border DictionaryItemSimple std::initializer_list<PDFReal>{ 0.0, 0.0, borderWidth } C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(strokeColor) IC DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(fillColor) T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationSquare Square annotation displays rectangle (or square). When opened, they display pop-up window containing the text of associated note (and window title), if popup annotation is attached. Square border/fill color can be defined, along with border width. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Squiggly") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationSquiggly Text markup annotation is used to squiggly underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Squiggly") P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationSquiggly Text markup annotation is used to squiggly underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Squiggly") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationSquiggly Text markup annotation is used to squiggly underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Stamp area stampType _Stamp Stamp type title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Stamp") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page Name DictionaryItemSimple stampType M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationStamp Stamp annotation _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("StrikeOut") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationStrikeout Text markup annotation is used to strikeout text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("StrikeOut") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationStrikeout Text markup annotation is used to strikeout text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("StrikeOut") P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationStrikeout Text markup annotation is used to strikeout text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is icon displayed iconType _TextAnnotationIcon Icon type title _QString Title (it is displayed as title of popup window) subject _QString Subject (short description of the subject being adressed by the annotation) contents _QString Contents (text displayed, for example, in the marked annotation dialog) open _bool Is annotation initially displayed as opened? Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Text") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle Name DictionaryItemSimple iconType F DictionaryItemSimple 4 P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Open DictionaryItemSimple open Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference Code _void PDFObjectReference popupAnnotation = createAnnotationPopup(page, annotationObject, getPopupWindowRect(rectangle), false); Popup DictionaryItemSimple popupAnnotation Popup Dictionary popupAnnotation CreateObject updateAnnotationPopup _PDFObject ArraySimple annotationObject;popupAnnotation Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotationObject, updateAnnotationPopup); appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationText Creates text annotation. Text annotation is "sticky note" attached to a point in the PDF document. When closed, it is displayed as icon, if opened, widget appears with attached text. Text annotations do not scale or rotate, they appear independent of zoom/rotate. So, they behave as if flags NoZoom or NoRotate to the annotations are being set. Popup annotation is automatically created for this annotation. _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Underline") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationUnderline Text markup annotation is used to underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Underline") P DictionaryItemSimple page CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationUnderline Text markup annotation is used to underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference page _PDFObjectReference Page to which is annotation added rectangle _QRectF Area in which is markup displayed color _QColor Color title _QString Title subject _QString Subject contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Underline") Rect DictionaryItemSimple rectangle P DictionaryItemSimple page M DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() C DictionaryItemSimple color T DictionaryItemSimple title Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject ArraySimple rectangle.bottomLeft();rectangle.bottomRight();rectangle.topLeft();rectangle.topRight() QuadPoints DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObjectReference ArraySimple annotationObject Annots DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject pageAnnots _PDFObject Code _void appendTo(page, pageAnnots); updateAnnotationAppearanceStreams(annotationObject); return annotationObject; Annotations createAnnotationUnderline Text markup annotation is used to underline text. It is a markup annotation, so it can contain window to be opened (and commented). _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Catalog") Pages DictionaryItemSimple createCatalogPageTreeRoot() Dictionary CreateObject catalogReference _PDFObjectReference Code _void return catalogReference; Structure createCatalog Creates empty catalog. This function is used, when a new document is being created. Do not call this function manually. _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Pages") Kids DictionaryItemSimple WrapEmptyArray() Count DictionaryItemSimple 0 Dictionary CreateObject pageTreeRoot _PDFObjectReference Code _void return pageTreeRoot; Structure createCatalogPageTreeRoot Creates page tree root for the catalog. This function is only called when new document is being created. Do not call this function manually. _PDFObjectReference startPage _PDFObjectReference First page of page range. endPage _PDFObjectReference Last page of page range. parent _PDFObjectReference Parent node (must be a reference to parent node). Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("DPart") Parent DictionaryItemSimple parent Start DictionaryItemSimple startPage End DictionaryItemSimple endPage Dictionary CreateObject documentPart _PDFObjectReference Code _void return documentPart; Structure createDocumentPartItem Creates document part item (for certain range of pages). _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("DPart") Dictionary CreateObject rootNodeReference _PDFObjectReference Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("DPartRoot") DPartRootNode DictionaryItemSimple rootNodeReference Dictionary CreateObject documentPartReference _PDFObjectReference Parent DictionaryItemSimple documentPartReference Dictionary CreateObject updatedRootNode _PDFObject DPartRoot DictionaryItemSimple documentPartReference Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(rootNodeReference, updatedRootNode); mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); return rootNodeReference; Structure createDocumentPartRoot Creates document part root node (and setups catalog object). _PDFObjectReference fileName _QString File name description _QString Description Parameters _void UF DictionaryItemSimple fileName Desc DictionaryItemSimple description Dictionary CreateObject fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference Code _void return fileSpecification; Structure createFileSpecification Creates file specification for external file. _PDFObjectReference fileName _QString File name Parameters _void UF DictionaryItemSimple fileName Dictionary CreateObject fileSpecification _PDFObjectReference Code _void return fileSpecification; Structure createFileSpecification Creates file specification for external file. _PDFObjectReference fieldName _QString Field name kids _PDFObjectReferenceVector Kids of the signature field. signatureValue _PDFObjectReference Signature value Parameters _void FT DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Sig") Kids DictionaryItemSimple kids T DictionaryItemSimple fieldName V DictionaryItemSimple signatureValue Dictionary CreateObject formFieldSignature _PDFObjectReference Code _void return formFieldSignature; Structure createFormFieldSignature Creates form field of type signature. _PDFObjectReference formField _PDFObjectReference Form field reference page _PDFObjectReference Page reference appearanceStream _PDFObjectReference Appearance stream rect _QRectF Widget rectangle Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Widget") P DictionaryItemSimple page Rect DictionaryItemSimple rect N DictionaryItemSimple appearanceStream Dictionary AP DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject widgetObject _PDFObject Annots DictionaryItemSimple std::array{ formField } Dictionary CreateObject pageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(formField, widgetObject); appendTo(page, pageObject); Structure createFormFieldWidget Creates visible form field widget without contents. _void formField _PDFObjectReference Form field reference page _PDFObjectReference Page reference Parameters _void P DictionaryItemSimple page Rect DictionaryItemSimple std::array{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } Subtype DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Widget") Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Annot") Dictionary CreateObject widgetObject _PDFObject Annots DictionaryItemSimple std::array{ formField } Dictionary CreateObject pageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(formField, widgetObject); appendTo(page, pageObject); Structure createInvisibleFormFieldWidget _void filter _QByteArray Filter (for example, Adobe.PPKLite, Entrust.PPKEF, CiCi.SignIt, ...) subfilter _QByteArray Subfilter (for example, adbe.pkcs7.detached, adbe.pkcs7.sha1, ETSI.CAdES.detached, ...) contents _QByteArray Contents (reserved data for signature). signingTime _QDateTime Signing date/time byteRangeItem _PDFInteger Item which will fill byte range array. Parameters _void Type DictionaryItemSimple WrapName("Sig") Filter DictionaryItemSimple WrapName(filter) SubFilter DictionaryItemSimple WrapName(subfilter) ByteRange DictionaryItemSimple std::array{ byteRangeItem, byteRangeItem, byteRangeItem, byteRangeItem } Contents DictionaryItemSimple WrapString(contents) M DictionaryItemSimple signingTime Dictionary CreateObject signatureDictionary _PDFObjectReference Code _void return signatureDictionary; Structure createSignatureDictionary Creates signature dictionary used for preparation in signing process. Can define parameters of the signature. _PDFObjectReference catalog _PDFObjectReference Reference to document catalog Parameters _void Producer DictionaryItemSimple getProducerString() CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() ModDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Dictionary CreateObject infoDictionary _PDFObjectReference Size DictionaryItemSimple 1 Root DictionaryItemSimple catalog Info DictionaryItemSimple infoDictionary Dictionary CreateObject trailerDictionary _PDFObject Code _void return trailerDictionary; Structure createTrailerDictionary This function is used to create a new trailer dictionary, when blank document is created. Do not call this function manually. _PDFObject OpenAction DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() AA DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure removeDocumentActions Removes document actions from document catalog. _void Code _void setSecurityHandler(nullptr); Structure removeEncryption Removes encryption from a document. _void Outlines DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure removeOutline Removes outline tree from document catalog. _void StructTreeRoot DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() MarkInfo DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure removeStructureTree Removes structure tree from document catalog. _void Threads DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure removeThreads Removes threads from document catalog. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation appearanceState _QByteArray Appearance state Parameters _void AS DictionaryItemSimple WrapName(appearanceState) Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationAppearanceState Sets annotation appearance state. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation hRadius _PDFReal Horizontal corner radius vRadius _PDFReal Vertical corner radius width _PDFReal Line width Parameters _void ArraySimple hRadius;vRadius;width Border DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationBorder Sets annotation border. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation style _AnnotationBorderStyle Style width _PDFReal Width Parameters _void W DictionaryItemSimple width S DictionaryItemSimple style Dictionary BS DictionaryItemComplex Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationBorderStyle Sets annotation border style. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation color _QColor Color Parameters _void C DictionaryItemSimple WrapAnnotationColor(color) Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationColor Sets annotation color. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation contents _QString Contents Parameters _void Contents DictionaryItemSimple contents Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationContents Sets annotation contents. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation opacity _PDFReal Opacity (value must be in range from 0.0 to 1.0) Parameters _void ca DictionaryItemSimple opacity Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationFillOpacity Sets constant fill opacity of annotation's graphics. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation opacity _PDFReal Opacity (value must be in range from 0.0 to 1.0) Parameters _void CA DictionaryItemSimple opacity Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationOpacity Sets constant opacity of annotation's graphics. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation isOpen _bool Is annotation opened? Parameters _void Open DictionaryItemSimple isOpen Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationOpenState Sets open state of the annotation. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation quadrilaterals _QPolygonF Quadrilaterals Parameters _void QuadPoints DictionaryItemSimple quadrilaterals Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationQuadPoints Sets annotation quadrilaterals. Quadrilaterals are sequence of 4 points, where first two points are on the upper side of quadrilateral, and the last two points are on the lower side of quadrilateral. Quadrilaterals are represented as unclosed polygon with 4 * n vertices. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation overlayText _QString Overlay text repeat _bool Repeat text in the redacted area Parameters _void OverlayText DictionaryItemSimple overlayText Repeat DictionaryItemSimple repeat Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationRedactText Sets overlay text for redaction annotation. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation richText _QString Rich text contents Parameters _void RC DictionaryItemSimple richText Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationRichText Sets annotation rich text contents. This function will work only on markup annotations. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation subject _QString Subject Parameters _void Subj DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationSubject Sets annotation subject. _void annotation _PDFObjectReference Annotation title _QString Title Parameters _void T DictionaryItemSimple title Dictionary CreateObject annotationObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(annotation, annotationObject); Annotations setAnnotationTitle Sets annotation title. _void acroForm _PDFObjectReference Reference to AcroForm object. Parameters _void AcroForm DictionaryItemSimple acroForm Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure setCatalogAcroForm Set AcroForm to catalog. _void names _PDFObjectReference Reference to Names dictionary. Parameters _void Names DictionaryItemSimple ((names.isValid()) ? PDFObject::createReference(names) : PDFObject()) Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure setCatalogNames Set reference to 'Names' dictionary to catalog. _void ocProperties _PDFObjectReference Reference to catalog optional content properties. Parameters _void OCProperties DictionaryItemSimple ocProperties Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure setCatalogOptionalContentProperties Set optional content properties to catalog. _void author _QString Author Parameters _void Author DictionaryItemSimple author Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentAuthor Set document author. _void creationDate _QDateTime Creation date/time Parameters _void CreationDate DictionaryItemSimple creationDate Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentCreationDate Set document creation date. _void creator _QString Creator Parameters _void Creator DictionaryItemSimple creator Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentCreator Set document creator. _void keywords _QString Keywords Parameters _void Keywords DictionaryItemSimple keywords Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentKeywords Set document keywords. _void producer _QString Producer Parameters _void Producer DictionaryItemSimple producer Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentProducer Set document producer. _void subject _QString Subject Parameters _void Subject DictionaryItemSimple subject Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentSubject Set document subject. _void title _QString Title Parameters _void Title DictionaryItemSimple title Dictionary CreateObject info _PDFObject Code _void updateDocumentInfo(qMove(info)); Structure setDocumentTitle Set document title. _void formField _PDFObjectReference Form field indices _PDFIntegerVector Sorted list of selected indices Parameters _void I DictionaryItemSimple indices Dictionary CreateObject formFieldObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(formField, formFieldObject); Forms setFormFieldChoiceIndices Sets form field list box indices. _void formField _PDFObjectReference Form field topIndex _PDFInteger Zero-based index of first visible item Parameters _void TI DictionaryItemSimple topIndex Dictionary CreateObject formFieldObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(formField, formFieldObject); Forms setFormFieldChoiceTopIndex Sets form field list box top index. Top index is zero-based index of first item visible in the list box. _void formField _PDFObjectReference Form field value _PDFObject Value Parameters _void V DictionaryItemSimple value Dictionary CreateObject formFieldObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(formField, formFieldObject); Forms setFormFieldValue Sets form field value. Value must be correct for this form field, no checking is performed. Also, if you use this function, annotation widgets, which are attached to this form field, should also be updated (for example, appearance state and sometimes appearance streams). _void locale _QLocale Locale, from which is language determined Parameters _void Code _void setLanguage(; Structure setLanguage Set document language. _void language _QString Document language. It should be a language identifier, as defined in ISO 639 and ISO 3166. For example, "en-US", where first two letter means language code (en = english), and the latter two is country code (US - United States). Parameters _void Lang DictionaryItemSimple language Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure setLanguage Set document language. _void outline _PDFObjectReference Document outline root Parameters _void Outlines DictionaryItemSimple outline Dictionary CreateObject updatedCatalog _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(getCatalogReference(), updatedCatalog); Structure setOutline Set document outline. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page box _QRectF Box Parameters _void ArtBox DictionaryItemSimple box Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageArtBox Sets art box to the page. Art box defines page's meaningful content. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page box _QRectF Box Parameters _void BleedBox DictionaryItemSimple box Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageBleedBox Sets bleed box to the page. Bleed box is, basically, a clipping box for output in a production environment. Default value is the page's crop box. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page box _QRectF Box Parameters _void CropBox DictionaryItemSimple box Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageCropBox Sets crop box to the page. Crop box defines clipping region of the page. Page contents are clipped to this region, graphics outside of clipping box will not be printed. Default value is same, as media box. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page documentPart _PDFObjectReference Document part Parameters _void DPart DictionaryItemSimple documentPart Dictionary CreateObject updatedPage _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPage); Structure setPageDocumentPart Sets document part to page. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page box _QRectF Box Parameters _void MediaBox DictionaryItemSimple box Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageMediaBox Sets media box to the page. The media box defines size of physical medium, onto which the page is to be printed. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page rotation _PageRotation Rotation Parameters _void Rotate DictionaryItemSimple rotation Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageRotation Set page's rotation. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page box _QRectF Box Parameters _void TrimBox DictionaryItemSimple box Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageTrimBox Sets trim box to the page. Trim box is physical region, of the printed page after trimming. _void page _PDFObjectReference Page unit _PDFReal Unit (multiple of 1pt = 1 / 72 inch) Parameters _void UserUnit DictionaryItemSimple unit Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(page, updatedPageObject); Structure setPageUserUnit Sets page's user unit. It specifies user space unit, in multiples of 1 / 72 inch. _void signatureDictionary _PDFObjectReference Signature dictionary reference contactInfoText _QString Contact info text Parameters _void ContactInfo DictionaryItemSimple contactInfoText Dictionary CreateObject updatedSignatureDictionary _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(signatureDictionary, updatedSignatureDictionary); Structure setSignatureContactInfo Sets signature contact info field. _void signatureDictionary _PDFObjectReference Signature dictionary reference reasonText _QString Reason text Parameters _void Reason DictionaryItemSimple reasonText Dictionary CreateObject updatedSignatureDictionary _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(signatureDictionary, updatedSignatureDictionary); Structure setSignatureReason Sets signature reason field. _void objectCount _PDFInteger Number of objects (including empty ones) Parameters _void Size DictionaryItemSimple objectCount Dictionary CreateObject trailerDictionary _PDFObject Producer DictionaryItemSimple getProducerString() ModDate DictionaryItemSimple WrapCurrentDateTime() Dictionary CreateObject updatedInfoDictionary _PDFObject Code _void m_storage.updateTrailerDictionary(qMove(trailerDictionary)); updateDocumentInfo(qMove(updatedInfoDictionary)); Structure updateTrailerDictionary This function is used to update trailer dictionary. Must be called each time the final document is being built. _void pageReference _PDFObjectReference Removes page thumbnail. Parameters _void Thumb DictionaryItemSimple PDFObject() Dictionary CreateObject updatedPageObject _PDFObject Code _void mergeTo(pageReference, updatedPageObject); Structure removePageThumbnail _void