// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 Jakub Melka // // This file is part of PdfForQt. // // PdfForQt is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // PdfForQt is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License // along with PDFForQt. If not, see . #include "pdfaction.h" #include "pdfdocument.h" #include "pdfexception.h" #include "pdfencoding.h" namespace pdf { PDFActionPtr PDFAction::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object) { std::set usedReferences; return parseImpl(storage, qMove(object), usedReferences); } void PDFAction::apply(const std::function& callback) { callback(this); for (const PDFActionPtr& nextAction : m_nextActions) { nextAction->apply(callback); } } std::vector PDFAction::getActionList() const { std::vector result; fillActionList(result); return result; } PDFActionPtr PDFAction::parseImpl(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object, std::set& usedReferences) { if (object.isReference()) { PDFObjectReference reference = object.getReference(); if (usedReferences.count(reference)) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Circular dependence in actions found.")); } usedReferences.insert(reference); object = storage->getObjectByReference(reference); } if (object.isNull()) { return PDFActionPtr(); } if (!object.isDictionary()) { throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid action.")); } PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage); const PDFDictionary* dictionary = object.getDictionary(); QByteArray name = loader.readNameFromDictionary(dictionary, "S"); if (name == "GoTo") // Goto action { PDFDestination destination = PDFDestination::parse(storage, dictionary->get("D")); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionGoTo(qMove(destination))); } else if (name == "GoToR") { PDFDestination destination = PDFDestination::parse(storage, dictionary->get("D")); PDFFileSpecification fileSpecification = PDFFileSpecification::parse(storage, dictionary->get("F")); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionGoToR(qMove(destination), qMove(fileSpecification), loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "NewWindow", false))); } else if (name == "GoToE") { PDFDestination destination = PDFDestination::parse(storage, dictionary->get("D")); PDFFileSpecification fileSpecification = PDFFileSpecification::parse(storage, dictionary->get("F")); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionGoToE(qMove(destination), qMove(fileSpecification), loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "NewWindow", false), storage->getObject(dictionary->get("T")))); } else if (name == "Launch") { PDFFileSpecification fileSpecification = PDFFileSpecification::parse(storage, dictionary->get("F")); const bool newWindow = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "NewWindow", false); PDFActionLaunch::Win win; const PDFObject& winDictionaryObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("Win")); if (winDictionaryObject.isDictionary()) { const PDFDictionary* winDictionary = winDictionaryObject.getDictionary(); win.file = loader.readStringFromDictionary(winDictionary, "F"); win.directory = loader.readStringFromDictionary(winDictionary, "D"); win.operation = loader.readStringFromDictionary(winDictionary, "O"); win.parameters = loader.readStringFromDictionary(winDictionary, "P"); } return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionLaunch(qMove(fileSpecification), newWindow, qMove(win))); } else if (name == "Thread") { PDFFileSpecification fileSpecification = PDFFileSpecification::parse(storage, dictionary->get("F")); PDFActionThread::Thread thread; PDFActionThread::Bead bead; const PDFObject& threadObject = dictionary->get("D"); if (threadObject.isReference()) { thread = threadObject.getReference(); } else if (threadObject.isInt()) { thread = threadObject.getInteger(); } else if (threadObject.isString()) { thread = PDFEncoding::convertTextString(threadObject.getString()); } const PDFObject& beadObject = dictionary->get("B"); if (beadObject.isReference()) { bead = beadObject.getReference(); } else if (beadObject.isInt()) { bead = beadObject.getInteger(); } return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionThread(qMove(fileSpecification), qMove(thread), qMove(bead))); } else if (name == "URI") { return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionURI(loader.readStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "URI"), loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "IsMap", false))); } else if (name == "Sound") { const PDFReal volume = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "Volume", 1.0); const bool isSynchronous = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "Synchronous", false); const bool isRepeat = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "Repeat", false); const bool isMix = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "Mix", false); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionSound(PDFSound::parse(storage, dictionary->get("Sound")), volume, isSynchronous, isRepeat, isMix)); } else if (name == "Movie") { constexpr const std::array, 4> operations = { std::pair{ "Play", PDFActionMovie::Operation::Play }, std::pair{ "Stop", PDFActionMovie::Operation::Stop }, std::pair{ "Pause", PDFActionMovie::Operation::Pause }, std::pair{ "Resume", PDFActionMovie::Operation::Resume } }; // Jakub Melka: parse the movie action PDFObject annotationObject = dictionary->get("Annotation"); PDFObjectReference annotation = annotationObject.isReference() ? annotationObject.getReference() : PDFObjectReference(); QString title = loader.readTextStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "T", QString()); PDFActionMovie::Operation operation = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Operation"), operations.cbegin(), operations.cend(), PDFActionMovie::Operation::Play); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionMovie(annotation, qMove(title), operation)); } else if (name == "Hide") { std::vector annotations; std::vector fieldNames; const PDFObject& object = dictionary->get("T"); if (object.isReference()) { annotations = { object.getReference() }; } else if (object.isString()) { fieldNames = { loader.readTextString(object, QString()) }; } else if (object.isArray()) { const PDFArray* items = object.getArray(); for (size_t i = 0; i < items->getCount(); ++i) { const PDFObject& itemObject = items->getItem(i); if (itemObject.isReference()) { annotations.push_back(itemObject.getReference()); } else if (itemObject.isString()) { fieldNames.push_back(loader.readTextString(itemObject, QString())); } } } const bool hide = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "H", true); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionHide(qMove(annotations), qMove(fieldNames), hide)); } else if (name == "Named") { constexpr const std::array, 4> types = { std::pair{ "NextPage", PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType::NextPage }, std::pair{ "PrevPage", PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType::PrevPage }, std::pair{ "FirstPage", PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType::FirstPage }, std::pair{ "LastPage", PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType::LastPage } }; QByteArray name = loader.readNameFromDictionary(dictionary, "N"); PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType actionType = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("N"), types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PDFActionNamed::NamedActionType::Custom); return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionNamed(actionType, qMove(name))); } else if (name == "SetOCGState") { const bool isRadioButtonsPreserved = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "PreserveRB", true); PDFActionSetOCGState::StateChangeItems items; PDFObject stateArrayObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("State")); if (stateArrayObject.isArray()) { constexpr const std::array, 3> types = { std::pair{ "ON", PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType::ON }, std::pair{ "OFF", PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType::OFF }, std::pair{ "Toggle", PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType::Toggle } }; PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType switchType = PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType::ON; const PDFArray* stateArray = stateArrayObject.getArray(); items.reserve(stateArray->getCount()); for (size_t i = 0; i < stateArray->getCount(); ++i) { const PDFObject& item = stateArray->getItem(i); if (item.isName()) { switchType = loader.readEnumByName(item, types.cbegin(), types.cend(), PDFActionSetOCGState::SwitchType::ON); } else if (item.isReference()) { items.emplace_back(switchType, item.getReference()); } } } return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionSetOCGState(qMove(items), isRadioButtonsPreserved)); } else if (name == "Rendition") { PDFObject annotationObject = dictionary->get("AN"); std::optional rendition; PDFObjectReference annotation = annotationObject.isReference() ? annotationObject.getReference() : PDFObjectReference(); PDFActionRendition::Operation operation = static_cast(loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, "OP", 4)); QString javascript; if (dictionary->hasKey("R")) { rendition = PDFRendition::parse(storage, dictionary->get("R")); } PDFObject javascriptObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("JS")); if (javascriptObject.isString()) { javascript = PDFEncoding::convertTextString(javascriptObject.getString()); } else if (javascriptObject.isStream()) { javascript = PDFEncoding::convertTextString(storage->getDecodedStream(javascriptObject.getStream())); } return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionRendition(qMove(rendition), annotation, operation, qMove(javascript))); } else if (name == "Trans") { return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionTransition(PDFPageTransition::parse(storage, dictionary->get("Trans")))); } else if (name == "GoTo3DView") { return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionGoTo3DView(dictionary->get("TA"), dictionary->get("V"))); } else if (name == "JavaScript") { QByteArray textJavaScript; const PDFObject& javaScriptObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("JS")); if (javaScriptObject.isString()) { textJavaScript = javaScriptObject.getString(); } else if (javaScriptObject.isStream()) { textJavaScript = storage->getDecodedStream(javaScriptObject.getStream()); } return PDFActionPtr(new PDFActionJavaScript(PDFEncoding::convertTextString(textJavaScript))); } return PDFActionPtr(); } void PDFAction::fillActionList(std::vector& actionList) const { actionList.push_back(this); for (const PDFActionPtr& actionPointer : m_nextActions) { if (actionPointer) { actionPointer->fillActionList(actionList); } } } PDFDestination PDFDestination::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object) { PDFDestination result; object = storage->getObject(object); if (object.isName() || object.isString()) { QByteArray name = object.getString(); result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::Named; result.m_name = name; } else if (object.isArray()) { const PDFArray* array = object.getArray(); if (array->getCount() < 2) { return result; } PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage); // First parse page number/page index PDFObject pageNumberObject = array->getItem(0); if (pageNumberObject.isReference()) { result.m_pageReference = pageNumberObject.getReference(); } else if (pageNumberObject.isInt()) { result.m_pageIndex = pageNumberObject.getInteger(); } else { return result; } QByteArray name = loader.readName(array->getItem(1)); size_t currentIndex = 2; auto readNumber = [&]() { if (currentIndex < array->getCount()) { return loader.readNumber(array->getItem(currentIndex++), 0.0); } return 0.0; }; if (name == "XYZ") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::XYZ; result.m_left = readNumber(); result.m_top = readNumber(); result.m_zoom = readNumber(); } else if (name == "Fit") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::Fit; } else if (name == "FitH") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitH; result.m_top = readNumber(); } else if (name == "FitV") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitV; result.m_left = readNumber(); } else if (name == "FitR") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitR; result.m_left = readNumber(); result.m_bottom = readNumber(); result.m_right = readNumber(); result.m_top = readNumber(); } else if (name == "FitB") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitB; } else if (name == "FitBH") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitBH; result.m_top = readNumber(); } else if (name == "FitBV") { result.m_destinationType = DestinationType::FitBV; result.m_left = readNumber(); } else { return result; } } return result; } } // namespace pdf