Soft masks for images

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Melka 2019-10-05 15:11:53 +02:00
parent 76c5f5a11c
commit f8d72d1960
5 changed files with 277 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ size_t PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const
return 4;
QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask) const
if (imageData.isValid())
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
const std::vector<PDFReal>& decode = imageData.getDecode();
if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decoded array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
@ -151,6 +151,74 @@ QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
return image;
case PDFImageData::MaskingType::SoftMask:
const bool hasMatte = !softMask.getMatte().empty();
QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), hasMatte ? QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied : QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents();
if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount())
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount));
const std::vector<PDFReal>& decode = imageData.getDecode();
if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFColor color;
QImage alphaMask = createAlphaMask(softMask);
if (alphaMask.size() != image.size())
// Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked
alphaMask = alphaMask.scaled(image.size());
const double max = reader.max();
const double coefficient = 1.0 / max;
for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i)
{ * imageData.getStride());
unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i);
unsigned char* alphaLine = alphaMask.scanLine(i);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j)
for (unsigned int k = 0; k < componentCount; ++k)
PDFReal value =;
// Interpolate value, if it is not empty
if (!decode.empty())
color[k] = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[2 * k], decode[2 * k + 1]);
color[k] = value * coefficient;
QColor transformedColor = getColor(color);
QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb();
*outputLine++ = qRed(rgb);
*outputLine++ = qGreen(rgb);
*outputLine++ = qBlue(rgb);
*outputLine++ = *alphaLine++;
return image;
case PDFImageData::MaskingType::ColorKeyMasking:
QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
@ -247,6 +315,69 @@ QColor PDFAbstractColorSpace::getCheckedColor(const PDFColor& color) const
return getColor(color);
QImage PDFAbstractColorSpace::createAlphaMask(const PDFImageData& softMask)
if (softMask.getMaskingType() != PDFImageData::MaskingType::None)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Soft mask can't have masking."));
if (softMask.getWidth() < 1 || softMask.getHeight() < 1)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of soft mask."));
QImage image(softMask.getWidth(), softMask.getHeight(), QImage::Format_Alpha8);
unsigned int componentCount = softMask.getComponents();
if (componentCount != 1)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Soft mask should have only 1 color component (alpha) instead of %1.").arg(componentCount));
const std::vector<PDFReal>& decode = softMask.getDecode();
if (!decode.empty() && decode.size() != componentCount * 2)
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2.").arg(componentCount * 2).arg(decode.size()));
PDFBitReader reader(&softMask.getData(), softMask.getBitsPerComponent());
PDFColor color;
const double max = reader.max();
const double coefficient = 1.0 / max;
for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = softMask.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i)
{ * softMask.getStride());
unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < softMask.getWidth(); ++j)
PDFReal alpha = 0.0;
PDFReal value =;
// Interpolate value, if it is not empty
if (!decode.empty())
alpha = interpolate(value, 0.0, max, decode[0], decode[1]);
alpha = value * coefficient;
alpha = qBound(0.0, alpha, 1.0);
uint8_t alphaCoded = alpha * 255;
*outputLine++ = alphaCoded;
return image;
PDFColorSpacePointer PDFAbstractColorSpace::createColorSpace(const PDFDictionary* colorSpaceDictionary,
const PDFDocument* document,
const PDFObject& colorSpace)
@ -818,9 +949,13 @@ size_t PDFIndexedColorSpace::getColorComponentCount() const
return 1;
QImage PDFIndexedColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
QImage PDFIndexedColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask) const
if (imageData.isValid())
switch (imageData.getMaskingType())
case PDFImageData::MaskingType::None:
QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), QImage::Format_RGB888);
@ -860,6 +995,60 @@ QImage PDFIndexedColorSpace::getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const
return image;
case PDFImageData::MaskingType::SoftMask:
const bool hasMatte = !softMask.getMatte().empty();
QImage image(imageData.getWidth(), imageData.getHeight(), hasMatte ? QImage::Format_RGBA8888_Premultiplied : QImage::Format_RGBA8888);
unsigned int componentCount = imageData.getComponents();
PDFBitReader reader(&imageData.getData(), imageData.getBitsPerComponent());
if (componentCount != getColorComponentCount())
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid colors for indexed color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4.").arg(getColorComponentCount()).arg(componentCount));
Q_ASSERT(componentCount == 1);
PDFColor color;
QImage alphaMask = createAlphaMask(softMask);
if (alphaMask.size() != image.size())
// Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked
alphaMask = alphaMask.scaled(image.size());
for (unsigned int i = 0, rowCount = imageData.getHeight(); i < rowCount; ++i)
{ * imageData.getStride());
unsigned char* outputLine = image.scanLine(i);
unsigned char* alphaLine = alphaMask.scanLine(i);
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < imageData.getWidth(); ++j)
PDFBitReader::Value index =;
color[0] = index;
QColor transformedColor = getColor(color);
QRgb rgb = transformedColor.rgb();
*outputLine++ = qRed(rgb);
*outputLine++ = qGreen(rgb);
*outputLine++ = qBlue(rgb);
*outputLine++ = *alphaLine++;
return image;
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Image masking not implemented!"));
return QImage();

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ public:
ColorKeyMasking, ///< Masking by color key
Image, ///< Masking by image with alpha mask
ImageMask, ///< Masking by 1-bit image (see "ImageMask" entry in image's dictionary), current color from the graphic state is used to paint an image
SoftMask, ///< Image is masked by soft mask
explicit PDFImageData() :
@ -108,7 +109,8 @@ public:
MaskingType maskingType,
QByteArray data,
std::vector<PDFInteger>&& colorKeyMask,
std::vector<PDFReal>&& decode) :
std::vector<PDFReal>&& decode,
std::vector<PDFReal>&& matte) :
@ -117,7 +119,8 @@ public:
@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ public:
const QByteArray& getData() const { return m_data; }
const std::vector<PDFInteger>& getColorKeyMask() const { return m_colorKeyMask; }
const std::vector<PDFReal>& getDecode() const { return m_decode; }
const std::vector<PDFReal>& getMatte() const { return m_matte; }
/// Returns number of color channels
unsigned int getColorChannels() const { return m_components; }
@ -162,6 +166,10 @@ private:
/// then contains n pairs of numbers, where n is number of color components. If ImageMask
/// in the image dictionary is true, then decode array should be [0 1] or [1 0].
std::vector<PDFReal> m_decode;
/// Matte color (color, agains which is image preblended, when using soft masking
/// image (defined for soft masks).
std::vector<PDFReal> m_matte;
using PDFColor3 = std::array<PDFColorComponent, 3>;
@ -211,13 +219,17 @@ public:
virtual QColor getDefaultColor() const = 0;
virtual QColor getColor(const PDFColor& color) const = 0;
virtual size_t getColorComponentCount() const = 0;
virtual QImage getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const;
virtual QImage getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask) const;
virtual const PDFPatternColorSpace* asPatternColorSpace() const { return nullptr; }
/// Checks, if number of color components is OK, and if yes, converts them to the QColor value.
/// If they are not OK, exception is thrown.
QColor getCheckedColor(const PDFColor& color) const;
/// Creates alpha mask from soft image data. Exception is thrown, if something fails.
/// \param softMask Soft mask
static QImage createAlphaMask(const PDFImageData& softMask);
/// Parses the desired color space. If desired color space is not found, then exception is thrown.
/// If everything is OK, then shared pointer to the new color space is returned.
/// \param colorSpaceDictionary Dictionary containing color spaces of the page
@ -496,7 +508,7 @@ public:
virtual QColor getDefaultColor() const override;
virtual QColor getColor(const PDFColor& color) const override;
virtual size_t getColorComponentCount() const override;
virtual QImage getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData) const override;
virtual QImage getImage(const PDFImageData& imageData, const PDFImageData& softMask) const override;
/// Creates indexed color space from provided values.
/// \param colorSpaceDictionary Color space dictionary

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@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ struct PDFJPEGDCTSource
int startByte = 0;
PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* stream, PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace, PDFRenderErrorReporter* errorReporter)
PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* stream, PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace, bool isSoftMask, PDFRenderErrorReporter* errorReporter)
PDFImage image;
image.m_colorSpace = colorSpace;
@ -59,10 +59,9 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
throw PDFException(PDFTranslationContext::tr("Image has not data."));
// TODO: Implement SMask
// TODO: Implement SMaskInData
for (const char* notImplementedKey : { "SMask", "SMaskInData" })
for (const char* notImplementedKey : { "SMaskInData" })
if (dictionary->hasKey(notImplementedKey))
@ -74,6 +73,17 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
std::vector<PDFInteger> mask;
std::vector<PDFReal> decode = loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, "Decode");
bool imageMask = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "ImageMask", false);
std::vector<PDFReal> matte = loader.readNumberArrayFromDictionary(dictionary, "Matte");
if (isSoftMask && (imageMask || dictionary->hasKey("Mask") || dictionary->hasKey("SMask")))
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Soft mask image can't have mask / soft mask itself."));
if (!isSoftMask && !matte.empty())
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Regular image can't have Matte entry (used for soft masks)."));
// Fill Mask
if (dictionary->hasKey("Mask"))
@ -91,6 +101,22 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Mask image is not implemented."));
else if (dictionary->hasKey("SMask"))
// Parse soft mask image
const PDFObject& softMaskObject = document->getObject(dictionary->get("SMask"));
if (softMaskObject.isStream())
PDFImage softMaskImage = createImage(document, softMaskObject.getStream(), PDFColorSpacePointer(new PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace()), true, errorReporter);
maskingType = PDFImageData::MaskingType::SoftMask;
image.m_softMask = qMove(softMaskImage.m_imageData);
else if (!softMaskObject.isNull())
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Invalid soft mask object."));
if (imageMask)
@ -262,7 +288,7 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, rowStride, maskingType, qMove(buffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode));
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, rowStride, maskingType, qMove(buffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode), qMove(matte));
@ -428,7 +454,7 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode));
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode), qMove(matte));
valid = image.m_imageData.isValid();
@ -472,7 +498,7 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
throw PDFRendererException(RenderErrorType::NotImplemented, PDFTranslationContext::tr("Not implemented image filter 'JBIG2Decode'."));
else if (colorSpace)
else if (colorSpace || isSoftMask)
// We treat data as binary maybe compressed stream (for example by Flate/LZW method), but data can also be not compressed.
const unsigned int components = static_cast<unsigned int>(colorSpace->getColorComponentCount());
@ -494,7 +520,7 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
const unsigned int stride = (components * bitsPerComponent * width + 7) / 8;
QByteArray imageDataBuffer = document->getDecodedStream(stream);
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode));
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(components, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode), qMove(matte));
else if (imageMask)
@ -519,7 +545,7 @@ PDFImage PDFImage::createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* str
const unsigned int stride = (width + 7) / 8;
QByteArray imageDataBuffer = document->getDecodedStream(stream);
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(1, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode));
image.m_imageData = PDFImageData(1, bitsPerComponent, width, height, stride, maskingType, qMove(imageDataBuffer), qMove(mask), qMove(decode), qMove(matte));
return image;
@ -530,7 +556,7 @@ QImage PDFImage::getImage() const
const bool isImageMask = m_imageData.getMaskingType() == PDFImageData::MaskingType::ImageMask;
if (m_colorSpace && !isImageMask)
return m_colorSpace->getImage(m_imageData);
return m_colorSpace->getImage(m_imageData, m_softMask);
else if (isImageMask)

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@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ public:
/// \param document Document
/// \param stream Stream with image
/// \param colorSpace Color space of the image
/// \param isSoftMask Is it a soft mask image?
/// \param errorReporter Error reporter for reporting errors (or warnings)
static PDFImage createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* stream, PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace, PDFRenderErrorReporter* errorReporter);
static PDFImage createImage(const PDFDocument* document, const PDFStream* stream, PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace, bool isSoftMask, PDFRenderErrorReporter* errorReporter);
/// Returns image transformed from image data and color space
QImage getImage() const;
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ private:
PDFImage() = default;
PDFImageData m_imageData;
PDFImageData m_softMask;
PDFColorSpacePointer m_colorSpace;

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@ -2663,7 +2663,7 @@ void PDFPageContentProcessor::paintXObjectImage(const PDFStream* stream)
PDFImage pdfImage = PDFImage::createImage(m_document, stream, qMove(colorSpace), this);
PDFImage pdfImage = PDFImage::createImage(m_document, stream, qMove(colorSpace), false, this);
QImage image = pdfImage.getImage();
if (image.format() == QImage::Format_Alpha8)