3D annotation - finishing

This commit is contained in:
Jakub Melka 2020-04-10 20:52:05 +02:00
parent a87670df1d
commit 0efc4bb40b
6 changed files with 323 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -539,6 +539,44 @@ PDFAnnotationPtr PDFAnnotation::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject
annotation->m_relativeVerticalOffset = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(fixedPrintDictionary, "V", 0.0);
else if (subtype == "3D")
PDF3DAnnotation* annotation = new PDF3DAnnotation();
annotation->m_stream = PDF3DStream::parse(storage, dictionary->get("3DD"));
const std::vector<PDF3DView>& views = annotation->getStream().getViews();
PDFObject defaultViewObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("DV"));
if (defaultViewObject.isDictionary())
annotation->m_defaultView = PDF3DView::parse(storage, defaultViewObject);
else if (defaultViewObject.isInt())
PDFInteger index = defaultViewObject.getInteger();
if (index >= 0 && index < PDFInteger(views.size()))
annotation->m_defaultView = views[index];
else if (defaultViewObject.isName() && !views.empty())
QByteArray name = defaultViewObject.getString();
if (name == "F")
annotation->m_defaultView = views.front();
else if (name == "L")
annotation->m_defaultView = views.back();
annotation->m_activation = PDF3DActivation::parse(storage, dictionary->get("3DA"));
annotation->m_interactive = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "3DI", true);
annotation->m_viewBox = loader.readRectangle(dictionary->get("3DB"), QRectF());
else if (subtype == "RichMedia")
PDFRichMediaAnnotation* annotation = new PDFRichMediaAnnotation();

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@ -1183,6 +1183,30 @@ private:
PDFReal m_relativeVerticalOffset = 0.0;
/// 3D annotations represents 3D scene, which can be viewed in the application.
class PDF3DAnnotation : public PDFAnnotation
inline explicit PDF3DAnnotation() = default;
virtual AnnotationType getType() const override { return AnnotationType::_3D; }
const PDF3DStream& getStream() const { return m_stream; }
const std::optional<PDF3DView>& getDefaultView() const { return m_defaultView; }
const PDF3DActivation& getActivation() const { return m_activation; }
bool isInteractive() const { return m_interactive; }
QRectF getViewBox() const { return m_viewBox; }
friend static PDFAnnotationPtr PDFAnnotation::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
PDF3DStream m_stream;
std::optional<PDF3DView> m_defaultView;
PDF3DActivation m_activation;
bool m_interactive = true;
QRectF m_viewBox;
/// Rich media annotations can be video, audio, or other multimedia presentations.
/// The application should provide additional functionality to control rich media,
/// such as buttons to play/pause/stop video etc. This annotation consists

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@ -635,6 +635,26 @@ std::vector<QByteArray> PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator::readStringArrayFromDicti
return std::vector<QByteArray>();
QStringList PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator::readTextStringList(const PDFObject& object)
QStringList result;
const PDFObject& dereferencedObject = m_storage->getObject(object);
if (dereferencedObject.isArray())
const PDFArray* array = dereferencedObject.getArray();
const size_t count = array->getCount();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
result << readTextString(array->getItem(i), QString());
return result;
std::vector<QByteArray> PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator::readStringArray(const PDFObject& object) const
const PDFObject& dereferencedObject = m_storage->getObject(object);

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@ -337,6 +337,30 @@ public:
/// \param key Entry key
std::vector<QByteArray> readStringArrayFromDictionary(const PDFDictionary* dictionary, const char* key) const;
/// Reads string list. If error occurs, empty list is returned.
QStringList readTextStringList(const PDFObject& object);
/// Reads list of object, using parse function defined in object
template<typename Object>
std::vector<Object> readObjectList(PDFObject object)
std::vector<Object> result;
object = m_storage->getObject(object);
if (object.isArray())
const PDFArray* array = object.getArray();
const size_t count = array->getCount();
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
result.emplace_back(Object::parse(m_storage, array->getItem(i)));
return result;
const PDFObjectStorage* m_storage;

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@ -1174,7 +1174,7 @@ PDF3DProjection PDF3DProjection::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjec
PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage);
result.m_projection = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Subtype"), projections.cbegin(), projections.cend(), Projection::Orthographic);
result.m_projection = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Subtype"), projections.cbegin(), projections.cend(), Projection::Perspective);
result.m_clippingStyle = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("CS"), clippingStyles.cbegin(), clippingStyles.cend(), ClippingStyle::Automatic);
result.m_near = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "N", 0.0);
result.m_far = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "F", qInf());
@ -1191,4 +1191,107 @@ PDF3DProjection PDF3DProjection::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObjec
return result;
PDF3DView PDF3DView::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object)
PDF3DView result;
if (const PDFDictionary* dictionary = storage->getDictionaryFromObject(object))
constexpr const std::array<std::pair<const char*, MatrixSelection>, 2> matrixSelection = {
std::pair<const char*, MatrixSelection>{ "M", MatrixSelection::M },
std::pair<const char*, MatrixSelection>{ "U3D", MatrixSelection::U3D }
PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage);
result.m_externalName = loader.readTextStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "XN", QString());
result.m_internalName = loader.readTextStringFromDictionary(dictionary, "IN", QString());
result.m_matrixSelection = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("MS"), matrixSelection.cbegin(), matrixSelection.cend(), MatrixSelection::M);
result.m_cameraToWorld = PDF3DAuxiliaryParser::parseMatrix4x4(storage, dictionary->get("C2W"));
result.m_U3Dpath = loader.readTextStringList(dictionary->get("U3DPath"));
result.m_cameraDistance = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "CO", 0.0);
result.m_projection = PDF3DProjection::parse(storage, dictionary->get("P"));
result.m_overlay = dictionary->get("O");
result.m_background = PDF3DBackground::parse(storage, dictionary->get("BG"));
result.m_renderMode = PDF3DRenderMode::parse(storage, dictionary->get("RM"));
result.m_lightingScheme = PDF3DLightingScheme::parse(storage, dictionary->get("LS"));
result.m_crossSections = loader.readObjectList<PDF3DCrossSection>(dictionary->get("SA"));
result.m_nodes = loader.readObjectList<PDF3DNode>(dictionary->get("NA"));
result.m_nodesRestore = loader.readBooleanFromDictionary(dictionary, "NR", false);
return result;
PDF3DAnimation PDF3DAnimation::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object)
PDF3DAnimation result;
if (const PDFDictionary* dictionary = storage->getDictionaryFromObject(object))
constexpr const std::array<std::pair<const char*, Animation>, 3> animations = {
std::pair<const char*, Animation>{ "None", Animation::None },
std::pair<const char*, Animation>{ "Linear", Animation::Linear },
std::pair<const char*, Animation>{ "Oscillating", Animation::Oscillating }
PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage);
result.m_animation = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Subtype"), animations.cbegin(), animations.cend(), Animation::None);
result.m_playCount = loader.readIntegerFromDictionary(dictionary, "PC", -1);
result.m_speed = loader.readNumberFromDictionary(dictionary, "TM", 1.0);
return result;
PDF3DStream PDF3DStream::parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object)
PDF3DStream result;
if (const PDFDictionary* dictionary = storage->getDictionaryFromObject(object))
constexpr const std::array<std::pair<const char*, Type>, 2> types = {
std::pair<const char*, Type>{ "U3D", Type::U3D },
std::pair<const char*, Type>{ "PRC", Type::PRC }
PDFDocumentDataLoaderDecorator loader(storage);
result.m_stream = object;
result.m_type = loader.readEnumByName(dictionary->get("Subtype"), types.cbegin(), types.cend(), Type::Invalid);
result.m_views = loader.readObjectList<PDF3DView>(dictionary->get("VA"));
PDFObject defaultViewObject = storage->getObject(dictionary->get("DV"));
if (defaultViewObject.isDictionary())
result.m_defaultView = PDF3DView::parse(storage, defaultViewObject);
else if (defaultViewObject.isInt())
PDFInteger index = defaultViewObject.getInteger();
if (index >= 0 && index < PDFInteger(result.m_views.size()))
result.m_defaultView = result.m_views[index];
else if (defaultViewObject.isName() && !result.m_views.empty())
QByteArray name = defaultViewObject.getString();
if (name == "F")
result.m_defaultView = result.m_views.front();
else if (name == "L")
result.m_defaultView = result.m_views.back();
result.m_resources = dictionary->get("Resources");
result.m_onInstantiateJavascript = dictionary->get("OnInstantiate");
result.m_animation = PDF3DAnimation::parse(storage, dictionary->get("AN"));
result.m_colorSpace = dictionary->get("ColorSpace");
return result;
} // namespace pdf

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@ -1139,7 +1139,7 @@ public:
static PDF3DProjection parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
Projection m_projection = Projection::Orthographic;
Projection m_projection = Projection::Perspective;
ClippingStyle m_clippingStyle = ClippingStyle::Automatic;
PDFReal m_near = 0.0;
PDFReal m_far = qInf();
@ -1150,6 +1150,118 @@ private:
ScaleMode m_scaleMode = ScaleMode::Absolute;
/// 3D PDF view
class PDF3DView
explicit inline PDF3DView() = default;
enum class MatrixSelection
const QString& getExternalName() const { return m_externalName; }
const QString& getInternalName() const { return m_internalName; }
MatrixSelection getMatrixSelection() const{ return m_matrixSelection; }
const QMatrix4x4& getCameraToWorld() const { return m_cameraToWorld; }
const QStringList& getU3DPath() const { return m_U3Dpath; }
PDFReal getCameraDistance() const { return m_cameraDistance; }
const PDF3DProjection& getProjection() const { return m_projection; }
const PDFObject& getOverlay() const { return m_overlay; }
const PDF3DBackground& getBackground() const { return m_background; }
const PDF3DRenderMode& getRenderMode() const { return m_renderMode; }
const PDF3DLightingScheme& getLightingScheme() const { return m_lightingScheme; }
const std::vector<PDF3DCrossSection>& getCrossSections() const { return m_crossSections; }
const std::vector<PDF3DNode>& getNodes() const { return m_nodes; }
bool getNodesRestore() const { return m_nodesRestore; }
/// Creates a new 3D view from the object. If data are invalid, then invalid object
/// is returned, no exception is thrown.
static PDF3DView parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
QString m_externalName;
QString m_internalName;
MatrixSelection m_matrixSelection = MatrixSelection::M;
QMatrix4x4 m_cameraToWorld;
QStringList m_U3Dpath;
PDFReal m_cameraDistance = 0.0;
PDF3DProjection m_projection;
PDFObject m_overlay;
PDF3DBackground m_background;
PDF3DRenderMode m_renderMode;
PDF3DLightingScheme m_lightingScheme;
std::vector<PDF3DCrossSection> m_crossSections;
std::vector<PDF3DNode> m_nodes;
bool m_nodesRestore = false;
/// 3D PDF animation
class PDF3DAnimation
explicit inline PDF3DAnimation() = default;
enum class Animation
Animation getAnimation() const { return m_animation; }
PDFInteger getPlayCount() const { return m_playCount; }
PDFReal getSpeed() const { return m_speed; }
/// Creates a new 3D animation from the object. If data are invalid, then invalid object
/// is returned, no exception is thrown.
static PDF3DAnimation parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
Animation m_animation = Animation::None;
PDFInteger m_playCount = -1;
PDFReal m_speed = 1;
/// 3D PDF stream
class PDF3DStream
explicit inline PDF3DStream() = default;
enum class Type
PDFObject getStream() const { return m_stream; }
Type getType() const { return m_type; }
const std::vector<PDF3DView>& getViews() const { return m_views; }
const std::optional<PDF3DView>& getDefaultView() const { return m_defaultView; }
PDFObject getResources() const { return m_resources; }
PDFObject getOnInstantiateJavascript() const { return m_onInstantiateJavascript; }
PDF3DAnimation getAnimation() const { return m_animation; }
PDFObject getColorSpace() const { return m_colorSpace; }
/// Creates a new 3D stream from the object. If data are invalid, then invalid object
/// is returned, no exception is thrown.
static PDF3DStream parse(const PDFObjectStorage* storage, PDFObject object);
PDFObject m_stream;
Type m_type = Type::Invalid;
std::vector<PDF3DView> m_views;
std::optional<PDF3DView> m_defaultView;
PDFObject m_resources;
PDFObject m_onInstantiateJavascript;
PDF3DAnimation m_animation;
PDFObject m_colorSpace;
} // namespace pdf