2022-01-30 18:23:25 +01:00
// Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Jakub Melka
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
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# include "pdfjbig2decoder.h"
# include "pdfexception.h"
# include "pdfccittfaxdecoder.h"
2022-01-30 18:23:25 +01:00
# include "pdfdbgheap.h"
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
namespace pdf
class PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : public PDFJBIG2Segment
public :
explicit PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable ( std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & & entries ) ;
virtual ~ PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable ( ) ;
virtual const PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable * asHuffmanCodeTable ( ) const override { return this ; }
virtual PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable * asHuffmanCodeTable ( ) override { return this ; }
const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & getEntries ( ) const { return m_entries ; }
/// Builds prefixes using algorithm in annex B.3 of specification. Unused rows are removed.
/// Rows are sorted according the criteria. Prefixes are then filled.
/// \param entries Entries for building the table
static std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > buildPrefixes ( const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & entries ) ;
private :
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > m_entries ;
} ;
class PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary : public PDFJBIG2Segment
public :
explicit inline PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary ( ) = default ;
explicit inline PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary ( std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & & bitmaps ,
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState & & genericState ,
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState & & genericRefinementState ) :
m_bitmaps ( qMove ( bitmaps ) ) ,
m_genericState ( qMove ( genericState ) ) ,
m_genericRefinementState ( qMove ( genericRefinementState ) )
virtual const PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary * asSymbolDictionary ( ) const override { return this ; }
virtual PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary * asSymbolDictionary ( ) override { return this ; }
const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & getBitmaps ( ) const { return m_bitmaps ; }
const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState & getGenericState ( ) const { return m_genericState ; }
const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState & getGenericRefinementState ( ) const { return m_genericRefinementState ; }
private :
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > m_bitmaps ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState m_genericState ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState m_genericRefinementState ;
} ;
class PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary : public PDFJBIG2Segment
public :
explicit inline PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary ( ) = default ;
explicit inline PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary ( std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & & bitmaps ) :
m_bitmaps ( qMove ( bitmaps ) )
virtual const PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary * asPatternDictionary ( ) const override { return this ; }
virtual PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary * asPatternDictionary ( ) override { return this ; }
const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & getBitmaps ( ) const { return m_bitmaps ; }
private :
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > m_bitmaps ;
} ;
/// Structure containing arithmetic decoder states
struct PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates
Generic ,
Refinement ,
} ;
/// Resets integer arithmetic decoder statistics. For normal register, it uses context
/// of length 9 bits (512 states), for IAID, it uses \p IAIDbits bits for the context.
/// \param IAIDbits Bit length of context for IAID
void resetArithmeticStatesInteger ( const uint8_t IAIDbits ) ;
/// Reset arithmetic decoder stats for generic
/// \param templateMode Template mode
/// \param state State to copy from (can be nullptr)
void resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state ) ;
/// Reset arithmetic decoder stats for generic refinement
/// \param templateMode Template mode
/// \param state State to copy from (can be nullptr)
void resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state ) ;
/// Reset arithmetic decoder stats for generic
/// \param newState State to be reset
/// \param templateMode Template mode
/// \param state State to copy from (can be nullptr)
static void resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * newState , const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state ) ;
/// Reset arithmetic decoder stats for generic refinement
/// \param newState State to be reset
/// \param templateMode Template mode
/// \param state State to copy from (can be nullptr)
static void resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * newState , const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state ) ;
std : : array < PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState , End > states ;
} ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesInteger ( const uint8_t IAIDbits )
for ( auto context : { IADH , IADW , IAEX , IADT , IAFS , IADS , IAIT , IARI , IARDW , IARDH , IARDX , IARDY , IAAI } )
states [ context ] . reset ( 9 ) ;
states [ IAID ] . reset ( IAIDbits ) ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( & states [ Generic ] , templateMode , state ) ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( & states [ Refinement ] , templateMode , state ) ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * newState , const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
uint8_t bits = 0 ;
switch ( templateMode )
case 0 :
bits = 16 ;
break ;
case 1 :
bits = 13 ;
break ;
case 2 :
case 3 :
bits = 10 ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
if ( ! state )
newState - > reset ( bits ) ;
newState - > reset ( bits , * state ) ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * newState , const uint8_t templateMode , const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
uint8_t bits = 0 ;
switch ( templateMode )
case 0 :
bits = 13 ;
break ;
case 1 :
bits = 10 ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
if ( ! state )
newState - > reset ( bits ) ;
newState - > reset ( bits , * state ) ;
/// Structure containing state pointers for arithmetic decoder
struct PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStatePointers
void initializeFrom ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates * states ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IADT = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IAFS = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IADS = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IAIT = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IAID = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IARI = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IARDW = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IARDH = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IARDX = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * IARDY = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * genericDecoderState = nullptr ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * refinementDecoderState = nullptr ;
} ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStatePointers : : initializeFrom ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates * states )
IADT = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IADT ] ;
IAFS = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAFS ] ;
IADS = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IADS ] ;
IAIT = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAIT ] ;
IAID = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAID ] ;
IARI = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARI ] ;
IARDW = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDW ] ;
IARDH = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDH ] ;
IARDX = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDX ] ;
IARDY = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDY ] ;
genericDecoderState = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Generic ] ;
refinementDecoderState = & states - > states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Refinement ] ;
/// Info structure for text region decoding structure
struct PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : public PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStatePointers
enum : uint8_t
} ;
bool SBHUFF = false ;
bool SBREFINE = false ;
uint8_t SBDEFPIXEL = 0 ;
PDFJBIG2BitOperation SBCOMBOP = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Invalid ;
bool TRANSPOSED = false ;
uint8_t REFCORNER = 0 ;
int32_t SBDSOFFSET = 0 ;
uint32_t SBW = 0 ;
uint32_t SBH = 0 ;
uint32_t SBNUMINSTANCES = 0 ;
uint8_t LOG2SBSTRIPS = 0 ;
uint8_t SBSTRIPS = 0 ;
uint32_t SBNUMSYMS = 0 ;
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > SBSYMS ;
uint8_t SBSYMCODELEN = 0 ;
uint8_t SBRTEMPLATE = 0 ;
PDFJBIG2ATPositions SBRAT = { } ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder * arithmeticDecoder = nullptr ;
PDFBitReader * reader = nullptr ;
} ;
/// Info structure for bitmap decoding parameters
struct PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters
/// Is Modified-Modified-Read encoding used? This encoding is simalr to CCITT pure 2D encoding.
bool MMR = false ;
/// Is typical prediction for generic direct coding used?
bool TPGDON = false ;
/// Width of the image
int GBW = 0 ;
/// Height of the image
int GBH = 0 ;
/// Template mode (not used for MMR).
uint8_t GBTEMPLATE = 0 ;
/// Positions of adaptative pixels
PDFJBIG2ATPositions GBAT = { } ;
/// Data with encoded image
QByteArray data ;
/// End position in the data after reading MMR
int dataEndPosition = 0 ;
/// State of arithmetic decoder
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * arithmeticDecoderState = nullptr ;
/// Skip bitmap (pixel is skipped if corresponding pixel in the
/// skip bitmap is 1). Set to nullptr, if not used.
const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * SKIP = nullptr ;
/// Arithmetic decoder (used, if MMR == false)
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder * arithmeticDecoder = nullptr ;
} ;
/// Info structure for refinement bitmap decoding parameters
struct PDFJBIG2BitmapRefinementDecodingParameters
/// Template mode used (0/1)
uint8_t GRTEMPLATE = 0 ;
/// Prediction (same as previous row)
bool TPGRON = false ;
/// Bitmap width
uint32_t GRW = 0 ;
/// Bitmap height
uint32_t GRH = 0 ;
/// Reference bitmap
const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * GRREFERENCE = nullptr ;
/// Offset x
int32_t GRREFERENCEX = 0 ;
/// Offset y
int32_t GRREFERENCEY = 0 ;
/// State of arithmetic decoder
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * arithmeticDecoderState = nullptr ;
/// Positions of adaptative pixels
PDFJBIG2ATPositions GRAT = { } ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder * decoder = nullptr ;
} ;
/// Info structure for symbol dictionary decoding procedure
struct PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionaryDecodingParameters
/// If true, huffman encoding is used to decode dictionary,
/// otherwise arithmetic decoding is used to decode dictionary.
bool SDHUFF = false ;
/// If true, each symbol is refinement/aggregate. If false,
/// then symbols are ordinary bitmaps.
bool SDREFAGG = false ;
/// Table selector for huffman table encoding (height)
uint8_t SDHUFFDH = 0 ;
/// Table selector for huffman table encoding (width)
uint8_t SDHUFFDW = 0 ;
/// Table selector for huffman table encoding
uint8_t SDHUFFBMSIZE = 0 ;
/// Table selector for huffman table encoding
uint8_t SDHUFFAGGINST = 0 ;
/// Is statistics for arithmetic coding used from previous symbol dictionary?
bool isArithmeticCodingStateUsed = false ;
/// Is statistics for arithmetic coding symbols retained for future use?
bool isArithmeticCodingStateRetained = false ;
/// Template for decoding
uint8_t SDTEMPLATE = 0 ;
/// Template for decoding refinements
uint8_t SDRTEMPLATE = 0 ;
/// Adaptative pixel positions
PDFJBIG2ATPositions SDAT = { } ;
/// Adaptative pixel positions
PDFJBIG2ATPositions SDRAT = { } ;
/// Number of exported symbols
uint32_t SDNUMEXSYMS = 0 ;
/// Number of new symbols
uint32_t SDNUMNEWSYMS = 0 ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder SDHUFFDH_Decoder ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder SDHUFFDW_Decoder ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder SDHUFFBMSIZE_Decoder ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder SDHUFFAGGINST_Decoder ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder EXRUNLENGTH_Decoder ;
/// Input bitmaps
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > SDINSYMS ;
/// Number of input bitmaps
uint32_t SDNUMINSYMS = 0 ;
/// Output bitmaps
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > SDNEWSYMS ;
/// Widths
std : : vector < int32_t > SDNEWSYMWIDTHS ;
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 4 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 16 , 2 , 8 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 272 , 3 , 16 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 65808 , 3 , 32 , 0b111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_B [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 3 , 0 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 4 , 3 , 0b1110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 11 , 5 , 6 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 0 , 6 , 0 , 0b111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand } ,
{ 75 , 6 , 32 , 0b111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_C [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 3 , 0 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 4 , 3 , 0b1110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 11 , 5 , 6 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 0 , 6 , 0 , 0b111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand } ,
{ 75 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 257 , 8 , 32 , 0b11111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 256 , 8 , 8 , 0b11111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_D [ ] =
{ 1 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 3 , 0 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4 , 4 , 3 , 0b1110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 12 , 5 , 6 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 76 , 5 , 32 , 0b11111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_E [ ] =
{ 1 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 3 , 0 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4 , 4 , 3 , 0b1110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 12 , 5 , 6 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 76 , 6 , 32 , 0b111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 256 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 255 , 7 , 8 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_F [ ] =
{ 0 , 2 , 7 , 0b00 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 128 , 3 , 7 , 0b010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 256 , 3 , 8 , 0b011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1024 , 4 , 9 , 0b1000 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 512 , 4 , 8 , 0b1001 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 256 , 4 , 7 , 0b1010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 32 , 4 , 5 , 0b1011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 512 , 4 , 9 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1024 , 4 , 10 , 0b1101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 2048 , 5 , 10 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 128 , 5 , 6 , 0b11101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 64 , 5 , 5 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 2049 , 6 , 32 , 0b111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ 2048 , 6 , 32 , 0b111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_G [ ] =
{ - 512 , 3 , 8 , 0b000 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 256 , 3 , 8 , 0b001 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 512 , 3 , 9 , 0b010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1024 , 3 , 10 , 0b011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1024 , 4 , 9 , 0b1000 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 256 , 4 , 7 , 0b1001 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 32 , 4 , 5 , 0b1010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 0 , 4 , 5 , 0b1011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 128 , 4 , 7 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1025 , 5 , 32 , 0b11110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 128 , 5 , 6 , 0b11010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 64 , 5 , 5 , 0b11011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 32 , 5 , 5 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 64 , 5 , 6 , 0b11101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2048 , 5 , 32 , 0b11111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_H [ ] =
{ 0 , 2 , 1 , 0b00 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 0 , 2 , 0 , 0b01 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand } ,
{ 4 , 3 , 4 , 0b100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1 , 4 , 0 , 0b1010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 22 , 4 , 4 , 0b1011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 38 , 4 , 5 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 5 , 0 , 0b11010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 70 , 5 , 6 , 0b11011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 134 , 5 , 7 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 6 , 0 , 0b111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 20 , 6 , 1 , 0b111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 262 , 6 , 7 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 646 , 6 , 10 , 0b111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 2 , 7 , 0 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 390 , 7 , 8 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 15 , 8 , 3 , 0b11111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 5 , 8 , 1 , 0b11111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 16 , 9 , 32 , 0b111111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 7 , 9 , 1 , 0b111111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 3 , 9 , 0 , 0b111111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1670 , 9 , 32 , 0b111111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_I [ ] =
{ 0 , 2 , 0 , 0b00 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand } ,
{ - 1 , 3 , 1 , 0b010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1 , 3 , 1 , 0b011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 7 , 3 , 5 , 0b100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 3 , 4 , 1 , 0b1010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 43 , 4 , 5 , 0b1011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 75 , 4 , 6 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 5 , 1 , 0b11010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 139 , 5 , 7 , 0b11011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 267 , 5 , 8 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 6 , 1 , 0b111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 39 , 6 , 2 , 0b111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 523 , 6 , 8 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1291 , 6 , 11 , 0b111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 5 , 7 , 1 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 779 , 7 , 9 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 31 , 8 , 4 , 0b11111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 11 , 8 , 2 , 0b11111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 32 , 9 , 32 , 0b111111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 15 , 9 , 2 , 0b111111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 7 , 9 , 1 , 0b111111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3339 , 9 , 32 , 0b111111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_J [ ] =
{ - 2 , 2 , 2 , 0b00 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 0 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand } ,
{ 6 , 2 , 6 , 0b01 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 3 , 5 , 0 , 0b11000 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 5 , 0 , 0b11001 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 70 , 5 , 5 , 0b11010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 6 , 0 , 0b110110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 102 , 6 , 5 , 0b110111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 134 , 6 , 6 , 0b111000 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 198 , 6 , 7 , 0b111001 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 326 , 6 , 8 , 0b111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 582 , 6 , 9 , 0b111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1094 , 6 , 10 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 21 , 7 , 4 , 0b1111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 4 , 7 , 0 , 0b1111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4 , 7 , 0 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2118 , 7 , 11 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 22 , 8 , 32 , 0b11111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 5 , 8 , 0 , 0b11111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 8 , 0 , 0b11111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4166 , 8 , 32 , 0b11111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_K [ ] =
{ 1 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 2 , 1 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4 , 4 , 0 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 4 , 1 , 0b1101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 7 , 5 , 1 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 9 , 5 , 2 , 0b11101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 13 , 6 , 2 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 17 , 7 , 2 , 0b1111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 21 , 7 , 3 , 0b1111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 29 , 7 , 4 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 45 , 7 , 5 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 77 , 7 , 6 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 141 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_L [ ] =
{ 1 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 2 , 0 , 0b10 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 3 , 1 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 5 , 0 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 6 , 5 , 1 , 0b11101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 8 , 6 , 1 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 10 , 7 , 0 , 0b1111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 11 , 7 , 1 , 0b1111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 13 , 7 , 2 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 17 , 7 , 3 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 25 , 7 , 4 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 41 , 8 , 5 , 0b11111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 73 , 8 , 32 , 0b11111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_M [ ] =
{ 1 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 3 , 0 , 0b100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 7 , 3 , 3 , 0b101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 4 , 0 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 4 , 1 , 0b1101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 4 , 5 , 0 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 15 , 6 , 1 , 0b111010 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 17 , 6 , 2 , 0b111011 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 21 , 6 , 3 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 29 , 6 , 4 , 0b111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 45 , 6 , 5 , 0b111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 77 , 7 , 6 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 141 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 2 , 3 , 0 , 0b100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1 , 3 , 0 , 0b101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1 , 3 , 0 , 0b110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 3 , 0 , 0b111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O [ ] =
{ 0 , 1 , 0 , 0b0 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 1 , 3 , 0 , 0b100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 1 , 3 , 0 , 0b101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 2 , 4 , 0 , 0b1100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 2 , 4 , 0 , 0b1101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 4 , 5 , 1 , 0b11100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 3 , 5 , 1 , 0b11101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 8 , 6 , 2 , 0b111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 5 , 6 , 2 , 0b111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ - 25 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111110 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative } ,
{ - 24 , 7 , 4 , 0b1111100 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 9 , 7 , 4 , 0b1111101 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard } ,
{ 25 , 7 , 32 , 0b1111111 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Standard }
} ;
struct PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderQeValue
uint32_t Qe ; ///< Value of Qe
uint8_t newMPS ; ///< New row if MPS (more probable symbol)
uint8_t newLPS ; ///< New row if LPS (less probable symbol)
uint8_t switchFlag ; ///< Meaning of MPS/LPS is switched
} ;
static constexpr PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderQeValue JBIG2_ARITHMETIC_DECODER_QE_VALUES [ ] =
{ 0x56010000 , 1 , 1 , 1 } ,
{ 0x34010000 , 2 , 6 , 0 } ,
{ 0x18010000 , 3 , 9 , 0 } ,
{ 0x0AC10000 , 4 , 12 , 0 } ,
{ 0x05210000 , 5 , 29 , 0 } ,
{ 0x02210000 , 38 , 33 , 0 } ,
{ 0x56010000 , 7 , 6 , 1 } ,
{ 0x54010000 , 8 , 14 , 0 } ,
{ 0x48010000 , 9 , 14 , 0 } ,
{ 0x38010000 , 10 , 14 , 0 } ,
{ 0x30010000 , 11 , 17 , 0 } ,
{ 0x24010000 , 12 , 18 , 0 } ,
{ 0x1C010000 , 13 , 20 , 0 } ,
{ 0x16010000 , 29 , 21 , 0 } ,
{ 0x56010000 , 15 , 14 , 1 } ,
{ 0x54010000 , 16 , 14 , 0 } ,
{ 0x51010000 , 17 , 15 , 0 } ,
{ 0x48010000 , 18 , 16 , 0 } ,
{ 0x38010000 , 19 , 17 , 0 } ,
{ 0x34010000 , 20 , 18 , 0 } ,
{ 0x30010000 , 21 , 19 , 0 } ,
{ 0x28010000 , 22 , 19 , 0 } ,
{ 0x24010000 , 23 , 20 , 0 } ,
{ 0x22010000 , 24 , 21 , 0 } ,
{ 0x1C010000 , 25 , 22 , 0 } ,
{ 0x18010000 , 26 , 23 , 0 } ,
{ 0x16010000 , 27 , 24 , 0 } ,
{ 0x14010000 , 28 , 25 , 0 } ,
{ 0x12010000 , 29 , 26 , 0 } ,
{ 0x11010000 , 30 , 27 , 0 } ,
{ 0x0AC10000 , 31 , 28 , 0 } ,
{ 0x09C10000 , 32 , 29 , 0 } ,
{ 0x08A10000 , 33 , 30 , 0 } ,
{ 0x05210000 , 34 , 31 , 0 } ,
{ 0x04410000 , 35 , 32 , 0 } ,
{ 0x02A10000 , 36 , 33 , 0 } ,
{ 0x02210000 , 37 , 34 , 0 } ,
{ 0x01410000 , 38 , 35 , 0 } ,
{ 0x01110000 , 39 , 36 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00850000 , 40 , 37 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00490000 , 41 , 38 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00250000 , 42 , 39 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00150000 , 43 , 40 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00090000 , 44 , 41 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00050000 , 45 , 42 , 0 } ,
{ 0x00010000 , 45 , 43 , 0 } ,
{ 0x56010000 , 46 , 46 , 0 }
} ;
uint32_t PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : readByte ( size_t context , PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
uint32_t byte = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 8 ; + + i )
byte = ( byte < < 1 ) | readBit ( context , state ) ;
return byte ;
int32_t PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : getIAID ( uint32_t size , PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
// Algorithm A.3 in annex A in the specification
uint32_t PREV = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < size ; + + i )
uint32_t bit = readBit ( PREV , state ) ;
PREV = ( PREV < < 1 ) | bit ;
// Jakub Melka: we must subtract 1 << size, because at the start of the algorithm,
// PREV is initialized to 1, which we don't want in the result, so we subtract the value.
return int32_t ( PREV ) - int32_t ( 1 < < size ) ;
std : : optional < int32_t > PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : getSignedInteger ( PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
// Algorithm A.2 in annex A in the specification
uint32_t PREV = 1 ;
auto readIntBit = [ this , & PREV , state ] ( )
uint32_t bit = readBit ( PREV , state ) ;
if ( PREV < 256 )
PREV = ( PREV < < 1 ) | bit ;
PREV = ( ( ( PREV < < 1 ) | bit ) & 0x01FF ) | 0x0100 ;
Q_ASSERT ( PREV < 512 ) ;
return bit ;
} ;
auto readIntBits = [ & readIntBit ] ( uint32_t bits )
uint32_t result = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < bits ; + + i )
result = ( result < < 1 ) | readIntBit ( ) ;
return result ;
} ;
uint32_t S = readIntBit ( ) ; // S = sign of number
uint32_t V = 0 ; // V = value of number
if ( ! readIntBit ( ) )
V = readIntBits ( 2 ) ;
else if ( ! readIntBit ( ) )
V = readIntBits ( 4 ) + 4 ;
else if ( ! readIntBit ( ) )
V = readIntBits ( 6 ) + 20 ;
else if ( ! readIntBit ( ) )
V = readIntBits ( 8 ) + 84 ;
else if ( ! readIntBit ( ) )
V = readIntBits ( 12 ) + 340 ;
V = readIntBits ( 32 ) + 4436 ;
if ( S )
if ( V = = 0 )
return std : : nullopt ;
return - static_cast < int32_t > ( V ) ;
return V ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : finalize ( )
if ( m_lastByte = = 0xFF )
if ( m_reader - > look ( 8 ) = = 0xAC )
m_reader - > read ( 8 ) ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : perform_INITDEC ( )
// Used figure G.1, in annex G, of specification
uint32_t B = m_reader - > readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
m_lastByte = B ;
m_c = B < < 16 ;
perform_BYTEIN ( ) ;
m_c = m_c < < 7 ;
m_ct - = 7 ;
m_a = 0x80000000 ;
void PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : perform_BYTEIN ( )
// Used figure G.3, in annex G, of specification
if ( m_lastByte = = 0xFF )
const uint32_t B1 = m_reader - > look ( 8 ) ;
if ( B1 > 0x8F )
m_c + = 0xFF00 ;
m_ct = 8 ;
m_c = m_c + ( B1 < < 9 ) ;
m_ct = 7 ;
m_lastByte = m_reader - > readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint32_t B = m_reader - > readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
m_lastByte = B ;
m_c = m_c + ( B < < 8 ) ;
m_ct = 8 ;
uint32_t PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder : : perform_DECODE ( size_t context , PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState * state )
// Used figure G.2, in annex G, of specification
const uint8_t QeRowIndex = state - > getQeRowIndex ( context ) ;
uint8_t MPS = state - > getMPS ( context ) ;
uint8_t D = MPS ;
// Sanity checks
Q_ASSERT ( QeRowIndex < std : : size ( JBIG2_ARITHMETIC_DECODER_QE_VALUES ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( MPS < 2 ) ;
const PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderQeValue & QeInfo = JBIG2_ARITHMETIC_DECODER_QE_VALUES [ QeRowIndex ] ;
const uint32_t Qe = QeInfo . Qe ;
m_a - = Qe ;
if ( m_c > = Qe )
// We are substracting this value according figure E.15 in the specification
m_c - = Qe ;
if ( ( m_a & 0x80000000 ) = = 0 )
// We must perform MPS_EXCHANGE algorithm, according to figure E.16, in annex E, of specification
if ( m_a < Qe )
D = 1 - MPS ;
if ( QeInfo . switchFlag )
MPS = 1 - MPS ;
state - > setQeRowIndexAndMPS ( context , QeInfo . newLPS , MPS ) ;
state - > setQeRowIndexAndMPS ( context , QeInfo . newMPS , MPS ) ;
// Do nothing, we are finished
return D ;
// We must perform LPS_EXCHANGE algorithm, according to figure E.17, in annex E, of specification
if ( m_a < Qe )
state - > setQeRowIndexAndMPS ( context , QeInfo . newMPS , MPS ) ;
D = 1 - MPS ;
if ( QeInfo . switchFlag )
MPS = 1 - MPS ;
state - > setQeRowIndexAndMPS ( context , QeInfo . newLPS , MPS ) ;
m_a = Qe ;
// Perform RENORMD algorithm, according to figure E.18, in annex E, of specification
if ( m_ct = = 0 )
perform_BYTEIN ( ) ;
m_a = m_a < < 1 ;
m_c = m_c < < 1 ;
- - m_ct ;
while ( ( m_a & 0x80000000 ) = = 0 ) ;
return D ;
PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader : : read ( PDFBitReader * reader )
PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader header ;
// Parse segment headers and segment flags
header . m_segmentNumber = reader - > readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
const uint8_t flags = reader - > readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint8_t type = flags & 0x3F ;
const bool isPageAssociationSize4ByteLong = flags & 0x40 ;
// Jakub Melka: Now parse referred to segments. We do not use retain flags, so we skip
// these bits. Data format is described in chapter 7.2.4 of the specification. According
// the specification, values 5 or 6 can't be in bits 6,7,8, of the first byte. If these
// occurs, exception is thrown.
uint32_t retentionField = reader - > readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
uint32_t referredSegmentsCount = retentionField > > 5 ; // Bits 6,7,8
if ( referredSegmentsCount = = 5 | | referredSegmentsCount = = 6 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid header - bad referred segments. " ) ) ;
if ( referredSegmentsCount = = 7 )
// This signalizes, that we have more than 4 referred segments. We will read 32-bit value,
// where bits 0-28 will be number of referred segments, and bits 29-31 should be all set to 1.
retentionField = ( retentionField < < 24 ) | reader - > read ( 24 ) ;
referredSegmentsCount = retentionField & 0x1FFFFFFF ;
if ( ( retentionField & 0xE0000000 ) ! = 0xE0000000 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid header - bad referred segments. " ) ) ;
// According the specification, retention header is 4 + ceil( (R + 1) / 8) bytes long. We have already 4 bytes read,
// so only ceil( (R + 1) / 8 ) bytes we must skip. So, we will add 7 "bits", so we have (R + 1 + 7) / 8 bytes
// to be skipped. We have R + 1 bits, not R bits, because 1 bit is used for this segment retain flag.
const uint32_t bytesToSkip = ( referredSegmentsCount + 8 ) / 8 ;
reader - > skipBytes ( bytesToSkip ) ;
// Read referred segment numbers. According to specification, chapter 7.2.5, referred segments should have
// segment number lesser than actual segment number. So, if segment number is less, or equal to 256, then
// 8-bit value is used to store referred segment number, if segment number is less, or equal to 65536, then
// 16-bit value is used, otherwise 32 bit value is used.
header . m_referredSegments . reserve ( referredSegmentsCount ) ;
const PDFBitReader : : Value referredSegmentNumberBits = ( header . m_segmentNumber < = 256 ) ? 8 : ( ( header . m_segmentNumber < = 65536 ) ? 16 : 32 ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < referredSegmentsCount ; + + i )
header . m_referredSegments . push_back ( reader - > read ( referredSegmentNumberBits ) ) ;
header . m_pageAssociation = reader - > read ( isPageAssociationSize4ByteLong ? 32 : 8 ) ;
header . m_segmentDataLength = reader - > readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
header . m_lossless = type & 0x01 ;
header . m_immediate = type & 0x02 ;
switch ( type )
case 0 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : SymbolDictionary ;
break ;
case 4 :
case 6 :
case 7 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : TextRegion ;
break ;
case 16 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : PatternDictionary ;
break ;
case 20 :
case 22 :
case 23 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : HalftoneRegion ;
break ;
case 36 :
case 38 :
case 39 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : GenericRegion ;
break ;
case 40 :
case 42 :
case 43 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : GenericRefinementRegion ;
break ;
case 48 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : PageInformation ;
break ;
case 49 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfPage ;
break ;
case 50 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfStripe ;
break ;
case 51 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfFile ;
break ;
case 52 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : Profiles ;
break ;
case 53 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : Tables ;
break ;
case 62 :
header . m_segmentType = JBIG2SegmentType : : Extension ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid segment type %1. " ) . arg ( type ) ) ;
return header ;
PDFJBIG2Decoder : : ~ PDFJBIG2Decoder ( )
PDFImageData PDFJBIG2Decoder : : decode ( PDFImageData : : MaskingType maskingType )
for ( const QByteArray * data : { & m_globalData , & m_data } )
if ( ! data - > isEmpty ( ) )
m_reader = PDFBitReader ( data , 8 ) ;
processStream ( ) ;
if ( m_pageBitmap . isValid ( ) )
PDFBitWriter writer ( 1 ) ;
const int columns = m_pageBitmap . getWidth ( ) ;
const int rows = m_pageBitmap . getHeight ( ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rows ; + + row )
for ( int column = 0 ; column < columns ; + + column )
writer . write ( ! m_pageBitmap . getPixel ( column , row ) ) ;
writer . finishLine ( ) ;
return PDFImageData ( 1 , 1 , static_cast < uint32_t > ( columns ) , static_cast < uint32_t > ( rows ) , static_cast < uint32_t > ( ( columns + 7 ) / 8 ) , maskingType , writer . takeByteArray ( ) , { } , { } , { } ) ;
return PDFImageData ( ) ;
PDFImageData PDFJBIG2Decoder : : decodeFileStream ( )
m_reader = PDFBitReader ( & m_data , 8 ) ;
constexpr const char * JBIG2_FILE_HEADER = " \x97 \x4A \x42 \x32 \x0D \x0A \x1A \x0A " ;
if ( ! m_data . startsWith ( JBIG2_FILE_HEADER ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid JBIG2 file header. " ) ) ;
m_reader . skipBytes ( std : : strlen ( JBIG2_FILE_HEADER ) ) ;
// File flags
const uint8_t fileFlags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
if ( fileFlags & 0xFC )
// Jakub Melka: According the specification, bits 2-7 should be reserved and zero.
// If they are nonzero, probably a new version of JBIG2 format exists, but
// is not decodable by this decoder. So, in this case, we don't do decoding
// and report error immediately.
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid JBIG2 file header flags. " ) ) ;
const bool isFileOrganizationSequential = fileFlags & 0x01 ;
const bool isUknownNumberOfPages = fileFlags & 0x02 ;
if ( isUknownNumberOfPages )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid JBIG2 file - unknown number of pages. " ) ) ;
const uint32_t numberOfPages = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
if ( numberOfPages ! = 1 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid JBIG2 file - invalid number of pages (%1) . " ).arg(numberOfPages)) ;
if ( isFileOrganizationSequential )
// We are lucky, file organization is sequential. Just copy the data.
m_data = m_reader . readSubstream ( - 1 ) ;
// We must transform random organization to the sequential one
QByteArray sequentialData ;
struct SegmentInfo
PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader header ;
QByteArray headerData ;
QByteArray segmentData ;
} ;
std : : vector < SegmentInfo > segmentInfos ;
while ( true )
SegmentInfo segmentInfo ;
const int headerStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
segmentInfo . header = PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader : : read ( & m_reader ) ;
const int headerEndPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
segmentInfo . headerData = m_data . mid ( headerStartPosition , headerEndPosition - headerStartPosition ) ;
segmentInfos . push_back ( qMove ( segmentInfo ) ) ;
if ( segmentInfo . header . getSegmentType ( ) = = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfFile )
break ;
for ( SegmentInfo & info : segmentInfos )
if ( ! info . header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid JBIG2 file - segment length is not defined. " ) ) ;
info . segmentData = m_reader . readSubstream ( info . header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) ;
for ( const SegmentInfo & info : segmentInfos )
if ( info . header . getSegmentType ( ) = = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfPage | |
info . header . getSegmentType ( ) = = JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfFile )
continue ;
sequentialData . append ( info . headerData ) ;
sequentialData . append ( info . segmentData ) ;
m_data = qMove ( sequentialData ) ;
return decode ( PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : None ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processStream ( )
while ( ! m_reader . isAtEnd ( ) )
// Read the segment header, then process the segment data
PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader segmentHeader = PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader : : read ( & m_reader ) ;
const int64_t segmentDataStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
switch ( segmentHeader . getSegmentType ( ) )
case JBIG2SegmentType : : SymbolDictionary :
processSymbolDictionary ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : TextRegion :
processTextRegion ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : PatternDictionary :
processPatternDictionary ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : HalftoneRegion :
processHalftoneRegion ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : GenericRegion :
processGenericRegion ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : GenericRefinementRegion :
processGenericRefinementRegion ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : PageInformation :
processPageInformation ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfPage :
processEndOfPage ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfStripe :
processEndOfStripe ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : EndOfFile :
processEndOfFile ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : Profiles :
processProfiles ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : Tables :
processCodeTables ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
case JBIG2SegmentType : : Extension :
processExtension ( segmentHeader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid segment type %1. " ) . arg ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( segmentHeader . getSegmentType ( ) ) ) ) ;
// Make sure, that all data are processed by segment header. Positive offset means,
// that we did not read all the data bytes. Negative offset means, that we read more
// bytes in segment handler, that the segment has specified.
if ( segmentHeader . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
const int64_t offset = static_cast < int64_t > ( segmentDataStartPosition ) + static_cast < int64_t > ( segmentHeader . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) - static_cast < int64_t > ( m_reader . getPosition ( ) ) ;
if ( offset > 0 )
m_errorReporter - > reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Warning , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 bad segment data - handler doesn't process all segment data - %1 bytes left. " ) . arg ( offset ) ) ;
else if ( offset < 0 )
// This is fatal error, we have read data, which doesn't belong to this segment
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 bad segment data - handler reads %1 bytes past segment end. " ) . arg ( - offset ) ) ;
// Always seek to the right position
m_reader . seek ( segmentDataStartPosition + segmentHeader . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processSymbolDictionary ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
/* step 1) */
PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionaryDecodingParameters parameters ;
const uint16_t symbolDictionaryFlags = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
parameters . SDHUFF = symbolDictionaryFlags & 0x0001 ;
parameters . SDREFAGG = symbolDictionaryFlags & 0x0002 ;
parameters . SDHUFFDH = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 2 ) & 0x0003 ;
parameters . SDHUFFDH = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 4 ) & 0x0003 ;
parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 6 ) & 0x0001 ;
parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 7 ) & 0x0001 ;
parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateUsed = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 8 ) & 0x0001 ;
parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateRetained = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 9 ) & 0x0001 ;
parameters . SDTEMPLATE = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 10 ) & 0x0003 ;
parameters . SDRTEMPLATE = ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 12 ) & 0x0001 ;
parameters . SDAT = readATTemplatePixelPositions ( ( ! parameters . SDHUFF ) ? ( ( parameters . SDTEMPLATE = = 0 ) ? 4 : 1 ) : 0 ) ;
parameters . SDRAT = readATTemplatePixelPositions ( ( parameters . SDREFAGG & & parameters . SDRTEMPLATE = = 0 ) ? 2 : 0 ) ;
parameters . SDNUMEXSYMS = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
/* sanity checks */
if ( ( symbolDictionaryFlags > > 13 ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid flags for symbol dictionary segment. " ) ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SDHUFF | | ! parameters . SDREFAGG )
if ( parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid flags for symbol dictionary segment. " ) ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SDHUFF )
if ( parameters . SDHUFFDH ! = 0 | | parameters . SDHUFFDH ! = 0 | | parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE ! = 0 | | parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid flags for symbol dictionary segment. " ) ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SDREFAGG & & ( parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateUsed | | parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateRetained | | parameters . SDRTEMPLATE ! = 0 ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid flags for symbol dictionary segment. " ) ) ;
if ( parameters . SDTEMPLATE ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid flags for symbol dictionary segment. " ) ) ;
/* step 2) */
PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments references = getReferencedSegments ( header ) ;
parameters . SDINSYMS = references . getSymbolBitmaps ( ) ;
parameters . SDNUMINSYMS = static_cast < uint32_t > ( parameters . SDINSYMS . size ( ) ) ;
/* Arithmetic decoder stats */
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates arithmeticDecoderStates ;
/* - huffman table selection */
if ( parameters . SDHUFF )
switch ( parameters . SDHUFFDH )
case 0 :
parameters . SDHUFFDH_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_D ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_D ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SDHUFFDH_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_E ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_E ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SDHUFFDH_Decoder = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( parameters . SDHUFFDW )
case 0 :
parameters . SDHUFFDW_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_B ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_B ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SDHUFFDW_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_C ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_C ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SDHUFFDW_Decoder = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE )
case 0 :
parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE_Decoder = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST )
case 0 :
parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST_Decoder = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
parameters . EXRUNLENGTH_Decoder = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
if ( references . currentUserCodeTableIndex ! = references . codeTables . size ( ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid number of huffam code table - %1 unused. " ) . arg ( references . codeTables . size ( ) - references . currentUserCodeTableIndex ) ) ;
/* step 3) and 4) - initialize arithmetic encoder */
if ( parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateUsed )
if ( references . symbolDictionaries . empty ( ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 trying to use aritmetic decoder context from previous symbol dictionary, but it doesn't exist. " ) ) ;
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( parameters . SDTEMPLATE , & references . symbolDictionaries . back ( ) - > getGenericState ( ) ) ;
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( parameters . SDTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
if ( parameters . SDREFAGG )
if ( parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateUsed )
if ( references . symbolDictionaries . empty ( ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 trying to use aritmetic decoder context from previous symbol dictionary, but it doesn't exist. " ) ) ;
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( parameters . SDRTEMPLATE , & references . symbolDictionaries . back ( ) - > getGenericRefinementState ( ) ) ;
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( parameters . SDRTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
uint8_t SBSYMCODELENGTH = log2ceil ( parameters . SDNUMINSYMS + parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS ) ;
if ( parameters . SDHUFF )
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesInteger ( SBSYMCODELENGTH ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder arithmeticDecoder ( & m_reader ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SDHUFF )
arithmeticDecoder . initialize ( ) ;
/* 6.5.5 - algorithm for decoding symbol dictionary */
/* 6.5.5 step 1) - create output bitmaps */
parameters . SDNEWSYMS . resize ( parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS ) ;
/* 6.5.5 step 2) - initalize width array */
if ( parameters . SDHUFF = = 1 & & parameters . SDREFAGG = = 0 )
parameters . SDNEWSYMWIDTHS . resize ( parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS , 0 ) ;
/* 6.5.5 step 3) - initalize variables to zero */
uint32_t HCHEIGHT = 0 ;
uint32_t NSYMSDECODED = 0 ;
/* 6.5.5 step 4) - read all bitmaps */
while ( NSYMSDECODED < parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS )
/* 6.5.5 step 4) b) - decode height class delta height according to 6.5.6 */
int32_t HCDH = checkInteger ( parameters . SDHUFF ? parameters . SDHUFFDH_Decoder . readSignedInteger ( ) : arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IADH ] ) ) ;
uint32_t SYMWIDTH = 0 ;
uint32_t TOTWIDTH = 0 ;
/* 6.5.5 step 4) c) - read height class */
while ( NSYMSDECODED < = parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS )
/* 6.5.5 step 4) c) i) - Delta width acc. to 6.5.7 */
std : : optional < int32_t > DW = parameters . SDHUFF ? parameters . SDHUFFDW_Decoder . readSignedInteger ( ) : arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IADW ] ) ;
if ( ! DW . has_value ( ) )
// All symbols of this height class have been decoded
break ;
if ( NSYMSDECODED > = parameters . SDNUMNEWSYMS )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 symbol height class has more symbols, than defined in the symbol dictionary header. " ) ) ;
if ( parameters . SDHUFF = = 0 | | parameters . SDREFAGG = = 1 )
/* 6.5.5 step 4) c) ii) - read bitmap acc. to 6.5.8 */
if ( parameters . SDREFAGG = = 0 )
/* Direct-coded symbol bitmap, using Table 16 */
PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters bitmapParameters ;
bitmapParameters . MMR = false ;
bitmapParameters . GBW = SYMWIDTH ;
bitmapParameters . GBH = HCHEIGHT ;
bitmapParameters . GBTEMPLATE = parameters . SDTEMPLATE ;
bitmapParameters . TPGDON = false ;
bitmapParameters . GBAT = parameters . SDAT ;
bitmapParameters . arithmeticDecoder = & arithmeticDecoder ;
bitmapParameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Generic ] ;
parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ NSYMSDECODED ] = readBitmap ( bitmapParameters ) ;
/* Refinement/aggregate-coded symbol bitmap */
int32_t REFAGGNINST = checkInteger ( parameters . SDHUFF ? parameters . SDHUFFAGGINST_Decoder . readSignedInteger ( ) : arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAAI ] ) ) ;
if ( REFAGGNINST = = 1 )
uint32_t ID = 0 ;
int32_t RDXI = 0 ;
int32_t RDYI = 0 ;
uint32_t BMSIZE = 0 ;
int oldPosition = 0 ;
if ( parameters . SDHUFF )
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder huffmanDecoderO ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder huffmanDecoderA ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
ID = m_reader . read ( SBSYMCODELENGTH ) ;
RDXI = checkInteger ( huffmanDecoderO . readSignedInteger ( ) ) ;
RDYI = checkInteger ( huffmanDecoderO . readSignedInteger ( ) ) ;
BMSIZE = checkInteger ( huffmanDecoderA . readSignedInteger ( ) ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
oldPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
arithmeticDecoder . initialize ( ) ;
ID = arithmeticDecoder . getIAID ( SBSYMCODELENGTH , & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAID ] ) ;
RDXI = checkInteger ( arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDX ] ) ) ;
RDYI = checkInteger ( arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IARDY ] ) ) ;
if ( ID > = parameters . SDNUMINSYMS + NSYMSDECODED )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Trying to use reference bitmap %1, but number of decoded bitmaps is %2. " ) . arg ( ID ) . arg ( parameters . SDNUMINSYMS + NSYMSDECODED ) ) ;
// Decode the bitmap
PDFJBIG2BitmapRefinementDecodingParameters refinementParameters ;
refinementParameters . GRW = SYMWIDTH ;
refinementParameters . GRH = HCHEIGHT ;
refinementParameters . GRTEMPLATE = parameters . SDRTEMPLATE ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCE = ( ID < parameters . SDNUMINSYMS ) ? parameters . SDINSYMS [ ID ] : & parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ ID - parameters . SDNUMINSYMS ] ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCEX = RDXI ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCEY = RDYI ;
refinementParameters . TPGRON = false ;
refinementParameters . GRAT = parameters . SDRAT ;
refinementParameters . decoder = & arithmeticDecoder ;
refinementParameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Refinement ] ;
parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ NSYMSDECODED ] = readRefinementBitmap ( refinementParameters ) ;
if ( parameters . SDHUFF )
arithmeticDecoder . finalize ( ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
m_reader . seek ( oldPosition + BMSIZE ) ;
// Use table 17 to decode text region bitmap
PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters textParameters ;
textParameters . SBHUFF = parameters . SDHUFF ;
textParameters . SBREFINE = true ;
textParameters . SBDEFPIXEL = 0 ;
textParameters . SBCOMBOP = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or ;
textParameters . TRANSPOSED = false ;
textParameters . REFCORNER = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPLEFT ;
textParameters . SBDSOFFSET = 0 ;
textParameters . SBW = SYMWIDTH ;
textParameters . SBH = HCHEIGHT ;
textParameters . SBNUMINSTANCES = 1 ;
textParameters . LOG2SBSTRIPS = 0 ;
textParameters . SBSTRIPS = 1 ;
textParameters . SBSYMS = parameters . SDINSYMS ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < NSYMSDECODED ; + + i )
textParameters . SBSYMS . push_back ( & parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ i ] ) ;
textParameters . SBNUMSYMS = static_cast < uint32_t > ( textParameters . SBSYMS . size ( ) ) ;
textParameters . SBRTEMPLATE = parameters . SDRTEMPLATE ;
textParameters . SBRAT = parameters . SDRAT ;
textParameters . arithmeticDecoder = & arithmeticDecoder ;
textParameters . reader = & m_reader ;
textParameters . SBHUFFFS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_F ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_F ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFDS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_H ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_H ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFDT = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_K ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_K ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFRDW = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFRDH = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFRDX = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFRDY = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
textParameters . SBHUFFRSIZE = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
textParameters . initializeFrom ( & arithmeticDecoderStates ) ;
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > symbols ( textParameters . SBNUMSYMS , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry ( ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < textParameters . SBNUMSYMS ; + + i )
symbols [ i ] . value = i ;
symbols [ i ] . prefixBitLength = SBSYMCODELENGTH ;
textParameters . SBSYMCODES = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : buildPrefixes ( symbols ) ) ;
// Now, we can read the bitmap using text decode procedure
parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ NSYMSDECODED ] = readTextBitmap ( textParameters ) ;
/* 6.5.5 step 4) c) iii) - update value of widths */
/* 6.5.5 step 4) c) iv) - update decoded symbols counter */
/* 6.5.5 step 4) d) - create collective bitmap */
if ( parameters . SDHUFF & & parameters . SDREFAGG = = 0 )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap collectiveBitmap ;
int32_t BMSIZE = checkInteger ( parameters . SDHUFFBMSIZE_Decoder . readSignedInteger ( ) ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
if ( BMSIZE = = 0 )
// Uncompressed data
collectiveBitmap = PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( TOTWIDTH , HCHEIGHT , 0x00 ) ;
// BMSIZE is computed BMSIZE = HCHEIGHT * (TOTWIDTH + 7) / 8;
for ( uint32_t y = 0 ; y < HCHEIGHT ; + + y )
for ( uint32_t x = 0 ; x < TOTWIDTH ; + + x )
collectiveBitmap . setPixel ( x , y , m_reader . read ( 1 ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters bitmapParameters ;
bitmapParameters . MMR = true ;
bitmapParameters . GBW = TOTWIDTH ;
bitmapParameters . GBH = HCHEIGHT ;
bitmapParameters . data = m_reader . readSubstream ( BMSIZE ) ;
collectiveBitmap = readBitmap ( bitmapParameters ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
for ( int32_t x = 0 ; HCFIRSTSYM < NSYMSDECODED ; + + HCFIRSTSYM )
parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ HCFIRSTSYM ] = collectiveBitmap . getSubbitmap ( x , 0 , parameters . SDNEWSYMWIDTHS [ HCFIRSTSYM ] , HCHEIGHT ) ;
x + = parameters . SDNEWSYMWIDTHS [ HCFIRSTSYM ] ;
/* 6.5.5 step 5) - determine exports according to 6.5.10 */
std : : vector < bool > EXFLAGS ;
const size_t symbolsSize = parameters . SDNUMINSYMS + parameters . SDNEWSYMS . size ( ) ;
EXFLAGS . reserve ( symbolsSize ) ;
bool CUREXFLAG = false ;
while ( EXFLAGS . size ( ) < symbolsSize )
const uint32_t EXRUNLENGTH = static_cast < uint32_t > ( checkInteger ( parameters . SDHUFF ? parameters . EXRUNLENGTH_Decoder . readSignedInteger ( ) : arithmeticDecoder . getSignedInteger ( & arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : IAEX ] ) ) ) ;
if ( EXRUNLENGTH + EXFLAGS . size ( ) > symbolsSize )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid export flags in symbol dictionary. " ) ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SDHUFF )
// Skipneme 1 byte na konci
arithmeticDecoder . finalize ( ) ;
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > bitmaps ;
bitmaps . reserve ( parameters . SDNUMEXSYMS ) ;
// Insert input bitmaps
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < parameters . SDNUMINSYMS ; + + i )
if ( EXFLAGS [ i ] )
bitmaps . push_back ( * parameters . SDINSYMS [ i ] ) ;
// Insert output bitmaps
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < NSYMSDECODED ; + + i )
if ( EXFLAGS [ i + parameters . SDNUMINSYMS ] )
bitmaps . push_back ( parameters . SDNEWSYMS [ i ] ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState savedGeneric ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState savedRefine ;
if ( parameters . isArithmeticCodingStateRetained )
savedGeneric = qMove ( arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Generic ] ) ;
savedRefine = qMove ( arithmeticDecoderStates . states [ PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : Refinement ] ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary > ( qMove ( bitmaps ) , qMove ( savedGeneric ) , qMove ( savedRefine ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processTextRegion ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
auto getSBCOMBOOP = [ ] ( const uint8_t value )
switch ( value )
case 0 :
return PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or ;
case 1 :
return PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : And ;
case 2 :
return PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Xor ;
case 3 :
return PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : NotXor ;
default :
break ;
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
return PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Invalid ;
} ;
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField regionSegmentInfo = readRegionSegmentInformationField ( ) ;
const uint16_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
const bool SBHUFF = flags & 0x0001 ;
const bool SBREFINE = flags & 0x0002 ;
const uint8_t LOG2SBSTRIPS = ( ( flags > > 2 ) & 0x03 ) ;
const uint8_t SBSTRIPS = 1 < < LOG2SBSTRIPS ;
const uint8_t REFCORNER = ( flags > > 4 ) & 0x03 ;
const bool TRANSPOSED = ( flags > > 6 ) & 0x01 ;
const uint8_t SBCOMBOOP_value = ( flags > > 7 ) & 0x03 ;
const PDFJBIG2BitOperation SBCOMBOOP = getSBCOMBOOP ( SBCOMBOOP_value ) ;
const uint8_t SBDEFPIXEL = ( ( flags > > 9 ) & 0x01 ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ;
const int32_t SBDSOFFSET = ( flags > > 10 ) & 0x1F ;
const uint8_t SBRTEMPLATE = ( flags > > 15 ) & 0x01 ;
const int32_t SBDSOFFSET_SIGNED = ( SBDSOFFSET & 0b10000 ) ? ( SBDSOFFSET - 0b100000 ) : SBDSOFFSET ;
// Decoding parameters
PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters parameters ;
parameters . SBHUFF = SBHUFF ;
parameters . SBREFINE = SBREFINE ;
parameters . SBCOMBOP = SBCOMBOOP ;
parameters . REFCORNER = REFCORNER ;
parameters . SBW = regionSegmentInfo . width ;
parameters . SBH = regionSegmentInfo . height ;
parameters . SBSTRIPS = SBSTRIPS ;
// Referenced segments data
PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments references = getReferencedSegments ( header ) ;
if ( SBHUFF )
uint16_t huffmanFlags = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
2022-07-17 16:10:42 +02:00
auto readHuffmanTableSelection = [ & huffmanFlags ] ( ) - > uint8_t
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
const uint8_t result = huffmanFlags & 0x03 ;
huffmanFlags = huffmanFlags > > 2 ;
return result ;
} ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFFS = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFDS = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFDT = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFRDW = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFRDH = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFRDX = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFRDY = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
const uint8_t SBHUFFRSIZE = readHuffmanTableSelection ( ) ;
if ( huffmanFlags )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid huffman table flags in text region segment. " ) ) ;
// Create huffman tables
switch ( SBHUFFFS )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFFS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_F ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_F ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFFS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_G ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_G ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFFS = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFDS )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFDS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_H ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_H ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFDS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_I ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_I ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
parameters . SBHUFFDS = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_J ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_J ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFDS = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFDT )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFDT = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_K ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_K ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFDT = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_L ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_L ) ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
parameters . SBHUFFDT = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_M ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_M ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFDT = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFRDW )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDW = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDW = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDW = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFRDH )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDH = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDH = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDH = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFRDX )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDX = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDX = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDX = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFRDY )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDY = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_N ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDY = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_O ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
parameters . SBHUFFRDY = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
switch ( SBHUFFRSIZE )
case 0 :
parameters . SBHUFFRSIZE = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , std : : begin ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) , std : : end ( PDFJBIG2StandardHuffmanTable_A ) ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
parameters . SBHUFFRSIZE = references . getUserTable ( & m_reader ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
parameters . SBRAT = readATTemplatePixelPositions ( 2 ) ;
parameters . SBSYMS = references . getSymbolBitmaps ( ) ;
parameters . SBNUMSYMS = static_cast < uint32_t > ( parameters . SBSYMS . size ( ) ) ;
parameters . SBNUMINSTANCES = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
parameters . SBSYMCODELEN = log2ceil ( parameters . SBNUMSYMS ) ;
if ( parameters . SBNUMSYMS = = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 no referred symbols in text region segment. " ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder decoder ( & m_reader ) ;
if ( SBHUFF )
// Read run code lengths
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > rangeLengthTable ( 35 , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry ( ) ) ;
2022-07-17 16:10:42 +02:00
for ( int32_t i = 0 ; i < static_cast < int32_t > ( rangeLengthTable . size ( ) ) ; + + i )
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
rangeLengthTable [ i ] . value = i ;
rangeLengthTable [ i ] . prefixBitLength = m_reader . read ( 4 ) ;
rangeLengthTable = PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : buildPrefixes ( rangeLengthTable ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder runLengthDecoder ( & m_reader , qMove ( rangeLengthTable ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > symCodeTable ( parameters . SBNUMSYMS , PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry ( ) ) ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < parameters . SBNUMSYMS ; )
symCodeTable [ i ] . value = i ;
uint32_t code = checkInteger ( runLengthDecoder . readSignedInteger ( ) ) ;
switch ( code )
default :
symCodeTable [ i + + ] . prefixBitLength = code ;
break ;
case 32 :
case 33 :
case 34 :
uint32_t length = 0 ;
uint32_t range = 0 ;
if ( code = = 32 )
if ( i = = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid symbol length code table for text region segment. " ) ) ;
length = symCodeTable [ i - 1 ] . prefixBitLength ;
switch ( code )
case 32 :
range = m_reader . read ( 2 ) + 3 ;
break ;
case 33 :
range = m_reader . read ( 3 ) + 3 ;
break ;
case 34 :
range = m_reader . read ( 7 ) + 11 ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
for ( uint32_t j = 0 ; j < range ; + + j )
symCodeTable [ i ] . value = i ;
symCodeTable [ i ] . prefixBitLength = length ;
+ + i ;
break ;
symCodeTable = PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : buildPrefixes ( symCodeTable ) ;
parameters . SBSYMCODES = PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( & m_reader , qMove ( symCodeTable ) ) ;
m_reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
// Arithmetic decoder
decoder . initialize ( ) ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoder = & decoder ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates arithmeticDecoderStates ;
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesInteger ( parameters . SBSYMCODELEN ) ;
parameters . initializeFrom ( & arithmeticDecoderStates ) ;
if ( parameters . SBREFINE )
arithmeticDecoderStates . resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( parameters . SBRTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
parameters . reader = & m_reader ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap bitmap = readTextBitmap ( parameters ) ;
if ( bitmap . isValid ( ) )
if ( header . isImmediate ( ) )
m_pageBitmap . paint ( bitmap , regionSegmentInfo . offsetX , regionSegmentInfo . offsetY , regionSegmentInfo . operation , m_pageSizeUndefined , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > ( qMove ( bitmap ) ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap for generic region. " ) ) ;
if ( ! parameters . SBHUFF )
decoder . finalize ( ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processPatternDictionary ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
const int segmentStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint8_t HDPW = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint8_t HDPH = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint32_t GRAYMAX = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
const bool HDMMR = flags & 0x01 ;
const uint8_t HDTEMPLATE = ( flags > > 1 ) & 0x03 ;
if ( ( flags & 0b11111000 ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid pattern dictionary flags. " ) ) ;
QByteArray mmrData ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder arithmeticDecoder ( & m_reader ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState genericState ;
if ( ! HDMMR )
arithmeticDecoder . initialize ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( & genericState , HDTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
// Determine segment data length
const int segmentDataStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
const int segmentHeaderBytes = segmentDataStartPosition - segmentStartPosition ;
if ( header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
int segmentDataBytes = header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) - segmentHeaderBytes ;
mmrData = m_reader . readSubstream ( segmentDataBytes ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 unknown data length for pattern dictionary. " ) ) ;
int8_t gbat0_x = - static_cast < int8_t > ( HDPW ) ;
PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters parameters ;
parameters . MMR = HDMMR ;
parameters . GBW = ( GRAYMAX + 1 ) * HDPW ;
parameters . GBH = HDPH ;
parameters . TPGDON = false ;
parameters . SKIP = nullptr ;
parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] = { gbat0_x , 0 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 1 ] = { - 3 , - 1 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 2 ] = { 2 , - 2 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 3 ] = { - 2 , - 2 } ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoder = & arithmeticDecoder ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & genericState ;
parameters . data = qMove ( mmrData ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap collectiveBitmap = readBitmap ( parameters ) ;
if ( ! HDMMR )
arithmeticDecoder . finalize ( ) ;
if ( collectiveBitmap . getWidth ( ) ! = parameters . GBW | | collectiveBitmap . getHeight ( ) ! = parameters . GBH )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid pattern dictionary collective bitmap. " ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > bitmaps ;
bitmaps . reserve ( GRAYMAX + 1 ) ;
int offsetX = 0 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < = GRAYMAX ; + + i )
bitmaps . push_back ( collectiveBitmap . getSubbitmap ( offsetX , 0 , HDPW , HDPH ) ) ;
offsetX + = HDPW ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary > ( qMove ( bitmaps ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processHalftoneRegion ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
const int segmentStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField field = readRegionSegmentInformationField ( ) ;
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const bool HMMR = flags & 0x01 ;
const uint8_t HTEMPLATE = ( flags > > 1 ) & 0x03 ;
const bool HENABLESKIP = flags & 0x08 ;
const uint8_t HCOMBOOP = ( flags > > 4 ) & 0x07 ;
const uint8_t HDEFPIXEL = ( flags > > 7 ) & 0x01 ;
const uint32_t HGW = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
const uint32_t HGH = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
const uint32_t HGX = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
const uint32_t HGY = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
const uint16_t HRX = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
const uint16_t HRY = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
const int HBW = field . width ;
const int HBH = field . height ;
PDFJBIG2BitOperation HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Invalid ;
switch ( HCOMBOOP )
case 0 :
HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or ;
break ;
case 1 :
HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : And ;
break ;
case 2 :
HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Xor ;
break ;
case 3 :
HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : NotXor ;
break ;
case 4 :
HCOMBOOPValue = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Replace ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 region segment information - invalid bit operation mode. " ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments references = getReferencedSegments ( header ) ;
if ( references . patternDictionaries . size ( ) ! = 1 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid referenced pattern dictionaries for halftone segment. " ) ) ;
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > HPATS = references . getPatternBitmaps ( ) ;
const uint32_t HNUMPATS = static_cast < uint32_t > ( HPATS . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ! HNUMPATS )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid patterns for halftone segment. " ) ) ;
const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * firstBitmap = HPATS . front ( ) ;
const int HPW = firstBitmap - > getWidth ( ) ;
const int HPH = firstBitmap - > getHeight ( ) ;
/* 6.6 step 1) */
PDFJBIG2Bitmap HTREG ( HBW , HBH , HDEFPIXEL ? 0xFF : 0x00 ) ;
/* 6.6 step 2) compute HSKIP bitmap */
/* */
HSKIP = PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( HGW , HGH , 0x00 ) ;
for ( int MG = 0 ; MG < static_cast < int > ( HGH ) ; + + MG )
for ( int NG = 0 ; NG < static_cast < int > ( HGW ) ; + + NG )
/* 1) a) i) */
const int x = ( static_cast < int > ( HGX ) + MG * static_cast < int > ( HRY ) + NG * static_cast < int > ( HRX ) ) / 256 ;
const int y = ( static_cast < int > ( HGY ) + MG * static_cast < int > ( HRX ) - NG * static_cast < int > ( HRY ) ) / 256 ;
/* 1) a) ii) */
if ( ( x + static_cast < int > ( HPW ) < = 0 ) | | ( x > = HBW ) | | ( y + static_cast < int > ( HPH ) < = 0 ) | | ( y > = HBH ) )
HSKIP . setPixel ( NG , MG , 0xFF ) ;
/* 6.6 step 3) */
const uint8_t HBPP = log2ceil ( HNUMPATS ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( HBPP > 0 ) ;
if ( HBPP > 8 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 halftoning with more than 8 grayscale bit planes not supported (current bitplanes: %1) . " ).arg(HBPP)) ;
/* 6.6 step 4) */
QByteArray mmrData ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder arithmeticDecoder ( & m_reader ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState genericState ;
if ( ! HMMR )
arithmeticDecoder . initialize ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( & genericState , HTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
// Determine segment data length
const int segmentDataStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
const int segmentHeaderBytes = segmentDataStartPosition - segmentStartPosition ;
if ( header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
int segmentDataBytes = header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) - segmentHeaderBytes ;
mmrData = m_reader . readSubstream ( segmentDataBytes ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 unknown data length for halftone dictionary. " ) ) ;
/* Annex C5 decoding procedure */
const int8_t gbat0_x = ( ( HTEMPLATE < = 1 ) ? 3 : 2 ) ;
PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters parameters ;
parameters . MMR = HMMR ;
parameters . GBW = HGW ;
parameters . GBH = HGH ;
parameters . SKIP = HENABLESKIP ? & HSKIP : nullptr ;
parameters . TPGDON = false ;
parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] = { gbat0_x , - 1 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 1 ] = { - 3 , - 1 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 2 ] = { 2 , - 2 } ;
parameters . GBAT [ 3 ] = { - 2 , - 2 } ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoder = & arithmeticDecoder ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & genericState ;
parameters . data = qMove ( mmrData ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap GI ( HGW , HGH , 0x00 ) ;
for ( int J = HBPP - 1 ; J > = 0 ; - - J )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PLANE = readBitmap ( parameters ) ;
if ( HMMR )
// We must find EOFB symbol in the data. We hope, that EOFB symbol
// lies in the compressed data, otherwise we can't do anything...
PDFBitReader reader ( & parameters . data , 1 ) ;
while ( ! reader . isAtEnd ( ) )
if ( reader . look ( 24 ) = = 0x1001 )
reader . read ( 24 ) ;
reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
parameters . data = parameters . data . mid ( reader . getPosition ( ) ) ;
break ;
reader . read ( 1 ) ;
if ( PLANE . getWidth ( ) ! = HGW | | PLANE . getHeight ( ) ! = HGH )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid halftone grayscale bit plane image. " ) ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < static_cast < int > ( HGW ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = 0 ; y < static_cast < int > ( HGH ) ; + + y )
// Old bit is in the first position of grayscale image
const uint8_t oldPixel = GI . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
const uint8_t bit = ( oldPixel ^ PLANE . getPixel ( x , y ) ) & 0x01 ;
GI . setPixel ( x , y , ( oldPixel < < 1 ) | bit ) ;
/* 6.6 step 5) - render the grid */
for ( int MG = 0 ; MG < static_cast < int > ( HGH ) ; + + MG )
for ( int NG = 0 ; NG < static_cast < int > ( HGW ) ; + + NG )
/* 1) a) i) */
const int x = ( static_cast < int > ( HGX ) + MG * static_cast < int > ( HRY ) + NG * static_cast < int > ( HRX ) ) / 256 ;
const int y = ( static_cast < int > ( HGY ) + MG * static_cast < int > ( HRX ) - NG * static_cast < int > ( HRY ) ) / 256 ;
/* 1) a) ii) */
const uint8_t index = GI . getPixel ( NG , MG ) ;
if ( Q_UNLIKELY ( index > = HNUMPATS ) )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 halftoning pattern index %1 out of bounds [0, %2] " ) . arg ( index ) . arg ( HNUMPATS ) ) ;
HTREG . paint ( * HPATS [ index ] , x , y , HCOMBOOPValue , false , 0x00 ) ;
if ( HTREG . isValid ( ) )
if ( header . isImmediate ( ) )
m_pageBitmap . paint ( HTREG , field . offsetX , field . offsetY , field . operation , m_pageSizeUndefined , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > ( qMove ( HTREG ) ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap for halftone region. " ) ) ;
if ( ! HMMR )
arithmeticDecoder . finalize ( ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processGenericRegion ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
const int segmentStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField field = readRegionSegmentInformationField ( ) ;
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters parameters ;
parameters . MMR = flags & 0b0001 ;
parameters . TPGDON = flags & 0b1000 ;
parameters . GBTEMPLATE = ( flags > > 1 ) & 0b0011 ;
if ( ( flags & 0b11110000 ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - malformed generic region flags. " ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState genericState ;
if ( ! parameters . MMR )
// We will use arithmetic coding, read template pixels and reset arithmetic coder state
parameters . GBAT = readATTemplatePixelPositions ( ( parameters . GBTEMPLATE = = 0 ) ? 4 : 1 ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGeneric ( & genericState , parameters . GBTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
// Determine segment data length
const int segmentDataStartPosition = m_reader . getPosition ( ) ;
const int segmentHeaderBytes = segmentDataStartPosition - segmentStartPosition ;
int segmentDataBytes = 0 ;
if ( header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
segmentDataBytes = header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) - segmentHeaderBytes ;
// We must find byte sequence { 0x00, 0x00 } for MMR and { 0xFF, 0xAC } for arithmetic decoder
const QByteArray * stream = m_reader . getStream ( ) ;
QByteArray endSequence ( 2 , 0 ) ;
if ( ! parameters . MMR )
endSequence [ 0 ] = char ( 0xFF ) ;
endSequence [ 1 ] = char ( 0xAC ) ;
int endPosition = stream - > indexOf ( endSequence ) ;
if ( endPosition = = - 1 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - end of data byte sequence not found for generic region. " ) ) ;
// Add end bytes (they are also a part of stream)
endPosition + = endSequence . size ( ) ;
segmentDataBytes = endPosition - segmentDataStartPosition ;
parameters . data = m_reader . getStream ( ) - > mid ( segmentDataStartPosition , segmentDataBytes ) ;
parameters . GBW = field . width ;
parameters . GBH = field . height ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & genericState ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & parameters . data , 1 ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder decoder ( & reader ) ;
if ( ! parameters . MMR )
decoder . initialize ( ) ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoder = & decoder ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap bitmap = readBitmap ( parameters ) ;
if ( bitmap . isValid ( ) )
if ( header . isImmediate ( ) )
m_pageBitmap . paint ( bitmap , field . offsetX , field . offsetY , field . operation , m_pageSizeUndefined , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > ( qMove ( bitmap ) ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap for generic region. " ) ) ;
// Now skip the data
m_reader . skipBytes ( segmentDataBytes ) ;
if ( header . isImmediate ( ) & & ! header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
m_reader . skipBytes ( 4 ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processGenericRefinementRegion ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField field = readRegionSegmentInformationField ( ) ;
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
if ( ( flags & 0b11111100 ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid flags for generic refinement region. " ) ) ;
const uint8_t GRTEMPLATE = flags & 0x01 ;
const bool TPGRON = flags & 0x02 ;
PDFJBIG2ATPositions GRAT = { } ;
if ( GRTEMPLATE = = 0 )
GRAT = readATTemplatePixelPositions ( 2 ) ;
const std : : vector < uint32_t > & referredSegments = header . getReferredSegments ( ) ;
switch ( referredSegments . size ( ) )
case 0 :
// According the specification, operator must be REPLACE
if ( field . operation ! = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Replace )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - operation must be REPLACE for generic refinement region. " ) ) ;
GRREFERENCE = m_pageBitmap . getSubbitmap ( field . offsetX , field . offsetY , field . width , field . height ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
GRREFERENCE = getBitmap ( referredSegments . front ( ) , true ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid referred segments (%1) for generic refinement region . " ).arg(referredSegments.size())) ;
if ( GRREFERENCE . getWidth ( ) ! = field . width | | GRREFERENCE . getHeight ( ) ! = field . height )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid referred bitmap size [%1 x %2] instead of [%3 x %4] for generic refinement region. " ) . arg ( GRREFERENCE . getWidth ( ) ) . arg ( GRREFERENCE . getHeight ( ) ) . arg ( field . width ) . arg ( field . height ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState refinementState ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderStates : : resetArithmeticStatesGenericRefinement ( & refinementState , GRTEMPLATE , nullptr ) ;
PDFJBIG2BitmapRefinementDecodingParameters parameters ;
parameters . TPGRON = TPGRON ;
parameters . GRW = field . width ;
parameters . GRH = field . height ;
parameters . GRAT = GRAT ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoderState = & refinementState ;
parameters . GRREFERENCEX = 0 ;
parameters . GRREFERENCEY = 0 ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder decoder ( & m_reader ) ;
decoder . initialize ( ) ;
parameters . decoder = & decoder ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap refinementBitmap = readRefinementBitmap ( parameters ) ;
if ( refinementBitmap . isValid ( ) )
if ( header . isImmediate ( ) )
m_pageBitmap . paint ( refinementBitmap , field . offsetX , field . offsetY , field . operation , m_pageSizeUndefined , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > ( qMove ( refinementBitmap ) ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap for generic refinement region. " ) ) ;
decoder . finalize ( ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processPageInformation ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & )
const uint32_t width = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
const uint32_t height = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
// Skip 8 bites - resolution. We do not need the resolution values.
m_reader . skipBytes ( sizeof ( uint32_t ) * 2 ) ;
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const uint16_t striping = m_reader . readUnsignedWord ( ) ;
Q_UNUSED ( striping ) ;
m_pageDefaultPixelValue = ( flags & 0x04 ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ;
m_pageDefaultCompositionOperatorOverriden = ( flags & 0x40 ) ;
const uint8_t defaultOperator = ( flags > > 3 ) & 0b11 ;
switch ( defaultOperator )
case 0 :
m_pageDefaultCompositionOperator = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or ;
break ;
case 1 :
m_pageDefaultCompositionOperator = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : And ;
break ;
case 2 :
m_pageDefaultCompositionOperator = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Xor ;
break ;
case 3 :
m_pageDefaultCompositionOperator = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : NotXor ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
const uint32_t correctedWidth = width ;
const uint32_t correctedHeight = ( height ! = 0xFFFFFFFF ) ? height : 0 ;
m_pageSizeUndefined = height = = 0xFFFFFFFF ;
checkBitmapSize ( correctedWidth ) ;
checkBitmapSize ( correctedHeight ) ;
m_pageBitmap = PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( correctedWidth , correctedHeight , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processEndOfPage ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
if ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 end-of-page segment shouldn't contain any data, but has extra data of %1 bytes. " ) . arg ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) ) ;
// We will write a warning, because end-of-page segments should not be in PDF according to specification
m_errorReporter - > reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Warning , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 end-of-page segment detected and ignored. " ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processEndOfStripe ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
// Just skip the segment, do nothing
skipSegment ( header ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processEndOfFile ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
if ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ! = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 end-of-file segment shouldn't contain any data, but has extra data of %1 bytes. " ) . arg ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) ) ;
// We will write a warning, because end-of-file segments should not be in PDF according to specification
m_errorReporter - > reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Warning , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 end-of-file segment detected and ignored. " ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processProfiles ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
skipSegment ( header ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processCodeTables ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
const int32_t htLow = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
const int32_t htHigh = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
if ( htLow = = std : : numeric_limits < int32_t > : : min ( ) )
// Check for underflow, we subtract 1 from htLow value
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 underflow of the low value in huffman table. " ) ) ;
const bool hasOOB = flags & 0x01 ;
const PDFBitReader : : Value htps = ( ( flags > > 1 ) & 0b111 ) + 1 ;
const PDFBitReader : : Value htrs = ( ( flags > > 4 ) & 0b111 ) + 1 ;
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > table ;
table . reserve ( 32 ) ;
// Read standard values
int32_t currentRangeLow = htLow ;
while ( currentRangeLow < htHigh )
PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry entry ;
entry . prefixBitLength = m_reader . read ( htps ) ;
entry . rangeBitLength = m_reader . read ( htrs ) ;
entry . value = currentRangeLow ;
currentRangeLow + = 1 < < entry . rangeBitLength ;
table . push_back ( entry ) ;
// Read "low" value
PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry lowEntry ;
lowEntry . prefixBitLength = m_reader . read ( htps ) ;
lowEntry . rangeBitLength = 32 ;
lowEntry . value = htLow - 1 ;
lowEntry . type = PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : Negative ;
table . push_back ( lowEntry ) ;
// Read "high" value
PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry highEntry ;
highEntry . prefixBitLength = m_reader . read ( htps ) ;
highEntry . rangeBitLength = 32 ;
highEntry . value = htHigh ;
table . push_back ( highEntry ) ;
// Read out-of-band value, if we have it
if ( hasOOB )
PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry oobEntry ;
oobEntry . prefixBitLength = m_reader . read ( htps ) ;
oobEntry . type = PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry : : Type : : OutOfBand ;
table . push_back ( oobEntry ) ;
table = PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : buildPrefixes ( table ) ;
m_segments [ header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ] = std : : make_unique < PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable > ( qMove ( table ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : processExtension ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
// We will read the extension header, and check "Necessary bit"
const uint32_t extensionHeader = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
if ( extensionHeader & 0x8000000 )
const uint32_t extensionCode = extensionHeader & 0x3FFFFFFF ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 unknown extension %1 necessary for decoding the image. " ) . arg ( extensionCode ) ) ;
if ( header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
m_reader . skipBytes ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) - 4 ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 segment with unknown extension has not defined length. " ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PDFJBIG2Decoder : : getBitmap ( const uint32_t segmentIndex , bool remove )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap result ;
auto it = m_segments . find ( segmentIndex ) ;
if ( it ! = m_segments . cend ( ) )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap * bitmap = it - > second - > asBitmap ( ) ;
if ( ! bitmap )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 segment %1 is not a bitmap. " ) . arg ( segmentIndex ) ) ;
if ( remove )
result = qMove ( * bitmap ) ;
m_segments . erase ( it ) ;
result = * bitmap ;
return result ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 bitmap segment %1 not found. " ) . arg ( segmentIndex ) ) ;
return result ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PDFJBIG2Decoder : : readBitmap ( PDFJBIG2BitmapDecodingParameters & parameters )
if ( parameters . MMR )
// Use modified-modified-read (it corresponds to CCITT 2D encoding)
PDFCCITTFaxDecoderParameters ccittParameters ;
ccittParameters . K = - 1 ;
ccittParameters . columns = parameters . GBW ;
ccittParameters . rows = parameters . GBH ;
ccittParameters . hasEndOfBlock = false ;
ccittParameters . decode = { 1.0 , 0.0 } ;
ccittParameters . hasBlackIsOne = true ;
PDFCCITTFaxDecoder decoder ( & parameters . data , ccittParameters ) ;
PDFImageData data = decoder . decode ( ) ;
parameters . dataEndPosition = decoder . getReader ( ) - > getPosition ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap bitmap ( data . getWidth ( ) , data . getHeight ( ) , m_pageDefaultPixelValue ) ;
// Copy the data
PDFBitReader reader ( & data . getData ( ) , data . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int row = 0 ; row < data . getHeight ( ) ; + + row )
for ( unsigned int column = 0 ; column < data . getWidth ( ) ; + + column )
bitmap . setPixel ( column , row , ( reader . read ( ) ) ? 0x00 : 0xFF ) ;
reader . alignToBytes ( ) ;
return bitmap ;
// Use arithmetic encoding. For templates, we fill bytes from right to left, from bottom to top bits,
// filling from lowest bit to highest bit. We will have a maximum of 16 bits.
uint8_t LTP = 0 ;
uint16_t LTPContext = 0 ;
if ( parameters . TPGDON )
switch ( parameters . GBTEMPLATE )
case 0 :
// Figure 8. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 1 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │ 0 │ 1 │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 0 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┴───┘
// │ 0 │ 1 │ 0 │ 1 │ X │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
// Bottom row from right to left: 1010
// Middle row from right to left: 0100110
// Top row from right to left: 11001
// => 0b1010 0100110 11001
// WRONG! because first bits are lowest, we must flip the context (reverse it by bits)
//LTPContext = 0b1010010011011001; // 16-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0xA4D9
LTPContext = 0b1001101100100101 ; // 16-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x9B25
break ;
case 1 :
// Figure 9. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 1 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │ 1 │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 0 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┴───┘
// │ 1 │ 0 │ 1 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┘
// Bottom row from right to left: 101
// Middle row from right to left: 010011
// Top row from right to left: 1100
// => 0b101 010011 1100
// WRONG! because first bits are lowest, we must flip the context (reverse it by bits)
//LTPContext = 0b1010100111100; // 13-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x153C
LTPContext = 0b0011110010101 ; // 13-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x0795
break ;
case 2 :
// Figure 10. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┐
// │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │ 1 │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │
// ├───┼───┼───┼───┴───┘
// │ 0 │ 1 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┘
// Bottom row from right to left: 10
// Middle row from right to left: 10011
// Top row from right to left: 100
// => 0b10 10011 100
// WRONG! because first bits are lowest, we must flip the context (reverse it by bits)
//LTPContext = 0b1010011100; // 10-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x029C
LTPContext = 0b0011100101 ; // 10-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x00E5
break ;
case 3 :
// Figure 11. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │ 0 │ 1 │ 1 │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┘
// │ 0 │ 1 │ 0 │ 1 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
// Bottom row from right to left: 1010
// Top row from right to left: 100110
// => 0b1010100110
// WRONG! because first bits are lowest, we must flip the context (reverse it by bits)
//LTPContext = 0b1010100110; // 10-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x02A6
LTPContext = 0b0110010101 ; // 10-bit context, hexadecimal value is 0x0195
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
Q_ASSERT ( parameters . arithmeticDecoder ) ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder & decoder = * parameters . arithmeticDecoder ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap bitmap ( parameters . GBW , parameters . GBH , 0x00 ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < parameters . GBH ; + + y )
// Check TPGDON prediction - if we use same pixels as in previous line
if ( parameters . TPGDON )
LTP = LTP ^ decoder . readBit ( LTPContext , parameters . arithmeticDecoderState ) ;
if ( LTP )
if ( y > 0 )
bitmap . copyRow ( y , y - 1 ) ;
continue ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < parameters . GBW ; + + x )
// Check, if we have to skip pixel. Pixel should be set to 0, but it is done
// in the initialization of the bitmap.
if ( parameters . SKIP & & parameters . SKIP - > getPixelSafe ( x , y ) )
continue ;
uint16_t pixelContext = 0 ;
uint16_t pixelContextShift = 0 ;
auto createContextBit = [ & ] ( int offsetX , int offsetY )
uint16_t bit = bitmap . getPixelSafe ( offsetX , offsetY ) ? 1 : 0 ;
bit = bit < < pixelContextShift ;
pixelContext | = bit ;
+ + pixelContextShift ;
} ;
// Create pixel context based on used template
switch ( parameters . GBTEMPLATE )
case 0 :
// Figure 8. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │A15│ 14│ 13│ 12│A11│
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │A10│ 9 │ 8 │ 7 │ 6 │ 5 │A4 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┴───┘
// │ 3 │ 2 │ 1 │ 0 │ X │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
// 16-bit context
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 3 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 4 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 1 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 1 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 2 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 2 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 3 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 3 ] . y ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
// Figure 9. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │ 12│ 11│ 10│ 9 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │ 8 │ 7 │ 6 │ 5 │ 4 │A3 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┴───┘
// │ 2 │ 1 │ 0 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┘
// 13-bit context
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 3 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 2 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 2 ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
// Figure 10. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┐
// │ 9 │ 8 │ 7 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┐
// │ 6 │ 5 │ 4 │ 3 │A2 │
// ├───┼───┼───┼───┴───┘
// │ 1 │ 0 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┘
// 10-bit context
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 2 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 2 ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
// Figure 11. Reused context for coding the SLTP value
// ┌───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐
// │ 9 │ 8 │ 7 │ 6 │ 5 │A4 │
// ┌───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┴───┘
// │ 3 │ 2 │ 1 │ 0 │ x │
// └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘
// 10-bit context
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 3 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 4 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . x , y + parameters . GBAT [ 0 ] . y ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 2 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( x - 3 , y - 1 ) ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
bitmap . setPixel ( x , y , ( decoder . readBit ( pixelContext , parameters . arithmeticDecoderState ) ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ) ;
return bitmap ;
return PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PDFJBIG2Decoder : : readRefinementBitmap ( PDFJBIG2BitmapRefinementDecodingParameters & parameters )
// Use algorithm described in
PDFJBIG2Bitmap GRREG ( parameters . GRW , parameters . GRH , 0x00 ) ;
// Use arithmetic encoding. For templates, we fill bytes from right to left, from bottom to top bits,
// filling from lowest bit to highest bit. We will have a maximum of 13 bits.
uint32_t LTP = 0 ;
const uint32_t LTPContext = ! parameters . GRTEMPLATE ? 0b0000100000000 : 0b0010000000 ;
PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoder & decoder = * parameters . decoder ;
auto createContext = [ & ] ( int x , int y ) - > uint16_t
uint16_t pixelContext = 0 ;
uint16_t pixelContextShift = 0 ;
auto createContextBit = [ & ] ( const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * bitmap , int offsetX , int offsetY )
uint16_t bit = bitmap - > getPixelSafe ( offsetX , offsetY ) ? 1 : 0 ;
bit = bit < < pixelContextShift ;
pixelContext | = bit ;
+ + pixelContextShift ;
} ;
if ( ! parameters . GRTEMPLATE )
// 13-bit context
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x + parameters . GRAT [ 0 ] . x , y + parameters . GRAT [ 0 ] . y ) ;
const int refX = x - parameters . GRREFERENCEX ;
const int refY = y - parameters . GRREFERENCEY ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 1 , refY + 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY + 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX - 1 , refY + 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 1 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX - 1 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 1 , refY - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + parameters . GRAT [ 1 ] . x , refY + parameters . GRAT [ 1 ] . y ) ;
// 10-bit context
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x - 1 , y ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x + 1 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x + 0 , y - 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( & GRREG , x - 1 , y - 1 ) ;
const int refX = x - parameters . GRREFERENCEX ;
const int refY = y - parameters . GRREFERENCEY ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 1 , refY + 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY + 1 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 1 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX - 1 , refY + 0 ) ;
createContextBit ( parameters . GRREFERENCE , refX + 0 , refY - 1 ) ;
return pixelContext ;
} ;
auto evaluateTPGRPIX = [ & ] ( int x , int y , uint8_t & value ) - > bool
const int refX = x - parameters . GRREFERENCEX ;
const int refY = y - parameters . GRREFERENCEY ;
value = parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX , refY ) ;
return parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX - 1 , refY - 1 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX + 0 , refY - 1 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX + 1 , refY - 1 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX - 1 , refY + 0 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX + 1 , refY + 0 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX - 1 , refY + 1 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX + 0 , refY + 1 ) = = value & &
parameters . GRREFERENCE - > getPixelSafe ( refX + 1 , refY + 1 ) = = value ;
} ;
for ( int32_t y = 0 ; y < static_cast < int32_t > ( parameters . GRH ) ; + + y )
if ( parameters . TPGRON )
LTP = LTP ^ decoder . readBit ( LTPContext , parameters . arithmeticDecoderState ) ;
if ( ! LTP )
for ( int32_t x = 0 ; x < static_cast < int32_t > ( parameters . GRW ) ; + + x )
GRREG . setPixel ( x , y , ( decoder . readBit ( createContext ( x , y ) , parameters . arithmeticDecoderState ) ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ) ;
for ( int32_t x = 0 ; x < static_cast < int32_t > ( parameters . GRW ) ; + + x )
uint8_t TPGRVAL = 0 ;
if ( evaluateTPGRPIX ( x , y , TPGRVAL ) )
GRREG . setPixel ( x , y , TPGRVAL ) ;
GRREG . setPixel ( x , y , ( decoder . readBit ( createContext ( x , y ) , parameters . arithmeticDecoderState ) ) ? 0xFF : 0x00 ) ;
return GRREG ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PDFJBIG2Decoder : : readTextBitmap ( PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters & parameters )
/* 6.4.5 step 1) */
PDFJBIG2Bitmap SBREG ( parameters . SBW , parameters . SBH , parameters . SBDEFPIXEL ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( parameters . SBNUMSYMS = = parameters . SBSYMS . size ( ) ) ;
/* 6.4.5 step 2) */
int32_t STRIPT = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFDT . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IADT ) ) ;
STRIPT * = - parameters . SBSTRIPS ;
int32_t FIRSTS = 0 ;
uint32_t NINSTANCES = 0 ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) */
while ( NINSTANCES < parameters . SBNUMINSTANCES )
/* 6.4.5. step 3) b), using decoding procedure 6.4.6 */
int32_t DT = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFDT . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IADT ) ) ;
STRIPT + = DT * parameters . SBSTRIPS ;
int32_t CURS = 0 ;
bool firstSymbolInstance = true ;
while ( NINSTANCES < parameters . SBNUMINSTANCES )
if ( firstSymbolInstance )
/* 6.4.5. step 3) i), using decoding procedure 6.4.7 */
int32_t DFS = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFFS . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IAFS ) ) ;
firstSymbolInstance = false ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) ii), using decoding procedure 6.4.8 */
std : : optional < int32_t > DS = parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFDS . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IADS ) ;
if ( DS . has_value ( ) )
const int32_t IDS = * DS ;
CURS + = IDS + parameters . SBDSOFFSET ;
// End of strip, proceed to the next strip
break ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) iii), using decoding procedure 6.4.9 */
int32_t CURT = 0 ;
if ( parameters . SBSTRIPS > 1 )
CURT = parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . reader - > read ( parameters . LOG2SBSTRIPS ) : checkInteger ( parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IAIT ) ) ;
const int32_t TI = STRIPT + CURT ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) iv), using decoding procedure 6.4.10 */
uint32_t ID = parameters . SBHUFF ? checkInteger ( parameters . SBSYMCODES . readSignedInteger ( ) ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getIAID ( parameters . SBSYMCODELEN , parameters . IAID ) ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) v), determine instance bitmap according to 6.4.11 */
if ( ID > = parameters . SBNUMSYMS )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 symbol index %1 not found in symbol table of length %2. " ) . arg ( ID ) . arg ( parameters . SBNUMSYMS ) ) ;
bool RI = 0 ;
if ( parameters . SBREFINE )
RI = parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . reader - > read ( 1 ) : checkInteger ( parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IARI ) ) ;
if ( RI = = 0 )
IB = * parameters . SBSYMS [ ID ] ;
/* 6.4.11 1), 2), 3), 4) */
int32_t RDW = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFRDW . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IARDW ) ) ;
int32_t RDH = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFRDH . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IARDH ) ) ;
int32_t RDX = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFRDX . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IARDX ) ) ;
int32_t RDY = checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFF ? parameters . SBHUFFRDY . readSignedInteger ( ) : parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > getSignedInteger ( parameters . IARDY ) ) ;
/* 6.4.11 5) */
int32_t position = 0 ;
int32_t bmsize = parameters . SBHUFF ? checkInteger ( parameters . SBHUFFRSIZE . readSignedInteger ( ) ) : 0 ;
if ( parameters . SBHUFF )
parameters . reader - > alignToBytes ( ) ;
position = parameters . reader - > getPosition ( ) ;
parameters . arithmeticDecoder - > initialize ( ) ;
/* 6.4.11 6) */
const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * IBO = parameters . SBSYMS [ ID ] ;
const int WOI = IBO - > getWidth ( ) ;
const int HOI = IBO - > getHeight ( ) ;
// Apply the refinement procedure acc. to Table 12
PDFJBIG2BitmapRefinementDecodingParameters refinementParameters ;
refinementParameters . decoder = parameters . arithmeticDecoder ;
refinementParameters . arithmeticDecoderState = parameters . refinementDecoderState ;
refinementParameters . GRW = WOI + RDW ;
refinementParameters . GRH = HOI + RDH ;
refinementParameters . GRTEMPLATE = parameters . SBRTEMPLATE ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCE = IBO ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCEX = ( RDW / 2 ) + RDX ;
refinementParameters . GRREFERENCEY = ( RDH / 2 ) + RDY ;
refinementParameters . TPGRON = false ;
refinementParameters . GRAT = parameters . SBRAT ;
IB = readRefinementBitmap ( refinementParameters ) ;
/* 6.4.11 7) */
if ( parameters . SBHUFF )
parameters . reader - > alignToBytes ( ) ;
parameters . reader - > seek ( position + bmsize ) ;
const int32_t WI = IB . getWidth ( ) ;
const int32_t HI = IB . getHeight ( ) ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) vi) */
if ( parameters . TRANSPOSED = = 0 & & ( parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPRIGHT | |
parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMRIGHT ) )
CURS + = WI - 1 ;
if ( parameters . TRANSPOSED = = 1 & & ( parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMLEFT | |
parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMRIGHT ) )
CURS + = HI - 1 ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) c) vii) */
const int32_t SI = CURS ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) c) viii) + ix) */
if ( parameters . TRANSPOSED = = 0 )
// Standard
switch ( parameters . REFCORNER )
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPLEFT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , SI , TI , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPRIGHT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , SI - WI + 1 , TI , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMLEFT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , SI , TI - HI + 1 , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMRIGHT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , SI - WI + 1 , TI - HI + 1 , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
// Transposed
switch ( parameters . REFCORNER )
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPLEFT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , TI , SI , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPRIGHT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , TI - WI + 1 , SI , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMLEFT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , TI , SI - HI + 1 , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMRIGHT :
SBREG . paint ( IB , TI - WI + 1 , SI - HI + 1 , parameters . SBCOMBOP , false , 0x00 ) ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) c) x) */
if ( parameters . TRANSPOSED = = 0 & & ( parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPLEFT | |
parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : BOTTOMLEFT ) )
CURS + = WI - 1 ;
if ( parameters . TRANSPOSED = = 1 & & ( parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPLEFT | |
parameters . REFCORNER = = PDFJBIG2TextRegionDecodingParameters : : TOPRIGHT ) )
CURS + = HI - 1 ;
/* 6.4.5. step 3) c) xi) */
/* 6.4.5 4) */
return SBREG ;
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField PDFJBIG2Decoder : : readRegionSegmentInformationField ( )
PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField result ;
result . width = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
result . height = m_reader . readUnsignedInt ( ) ;
result . offsetX = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
result . offsetY = m_reader . readSignedInt ( ) ;
// Parse flags
const uint8_t flags = m_reader . readUnsignedByte ( ) ;
if ( ( flags & 0b11111000 ) ! = 0 )
// This is forbidden by the specification
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 region segment information flags are invalid. " ) ) ;
switch ( flags )
case 0 :
result . operation = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or ;
break ;
case 1 :
result . operation = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : And ;
break ;
case 2 :
result . operation = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Xor ;
break ;
case 3 :
result . operation = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : NotXor ;
break ;
case 4 :
result . operation = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Replace ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 region segment information - invalid bit operation mode. " ) ) ;
checkRegionSegmentInformationField ( result ) ;
return result ;
PDFJBIG2ATPositions PDFJBIG2Decoder : : readATTemplatePixelPositions ( int count )
PDFJBIG2ATPositions result = { } ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; + + i )
result [ i ] . x = m_reader . readSignedByte ( ) ;
result [ i ] . y = m_reader . readSignedByte ( ) ;
return result ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : skipSegment ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header )
if ( header . isSegmentDataLengthDefined ( ) )
m_reader . skipBytes ( header . getSegmentDataLength ( ) ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 segment with unknown data length can't be skipped. " ) ) ;
PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments PDFJBIG2Decoder : : getReferencedSegments ( const PDFJBIG2SegmentHeader & header ) const
PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments segments ;
for ( const uint32_t referredSegmentId : header . getReferredSegments ( ) )
auto it = m_segments . find ( referredSegmentId ) ;
if ( it ! = m_segments . cend ( ) & & it - > second )
const PDFJBIG2Segment * referredSegment = it - > second . get ( ) ;
if ( const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * bitmap = referredSegment - > asBitmap ( ) )
segments . bitmaps . push_back ( bitmap ) ;
else if ( const PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable * huffmanCodeTable = referredSegment - > asHuffmanCodeTable ( ) )
segments . codeTables . push_back ( huffmanCodeTable ) ;
else if ( const PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary * symbolDictionary = referredSegment - > asSymbolDictionary ( ) )
segments . symbolDictionaries . push_back ( symbolDictionary ) ;
else if ( const PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary * patternDictionary = referredSegment - > asPatternDictionary ( ) )
segments . patternDictionaries . push_back ( patternDictionary ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid referred segment %1 referenced by segment %2. " ) . arg ( referredSegmentId ) . arg ( header . getSegmentNumber ( ) ) ) ;
return segments ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : checkBitmapSize ( const uint32_t size )
if ( size > MAX_BITMAP_SIZE )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 maximum bitmap size exceeded (%1 > %2) . " ).arg(size).arg(MAX_BITMAP_SIZE)) ;
void PDFJBIG2Decoder : : checkRegionSegmentInformationField ( const PDFJBIG2RegionSegmentInformationField & field )
checkBitmapSize ( field . width ) ;
checkBitmapSize ( field . height ) ;
checkBitmapSize ( field . offsetX ) ;
checkBitmapSize ( field . offsetY ) ;
if ( field . width = = 0 | | field . height = = 0 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid bitmap size (%1 x %2) . " ).arg(field.width).arg(field.height)) ;
if ( field . operation = = PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Invalid )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid bit operation. " ) ) ;
int32_t PDFJBIG2Decoder : : checkInteger ( std : : optional < int32_t > value )
if ( value . has_value ( ) )
return * value ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 can't read integer. " ) ) ;
return 0 ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( ) :
m_width ( 0 ) ,
m_height ( 0 )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( int width , int height ) :
m_width ( width ) ,
m_height ( height )
m_data . resize ( width * height , 0 ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( int width , int height , uint8_t fill ) :
m_width ( width ) ,
m_height ( height )
m_data . resize ( width * height , fill ) ;
PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : ~ PDFJBIG2Bitmap ( )
PDFJBIG2Bitmap PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : getSubbitmap ( int offsetX , int offsetY , int width , int height ) const
PDFJBIG2Bitmap result ( width , height , 0x00 ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < height ; + + y )
for ( int x = 0 ; x < width ; + + x )
result . setPixel ( x , y , getPixelSafe ( x + offsetX , y + offsetY ) ) ;
return result ;
void PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : paint ( const PDFJBIG2Bitmap & bitmap , int offsetX , int offsetY , PDFJBIG2BitOperation operation , bool expandY , const uint8_t expandPixel )
if ( ! bitmap . isValid ( ) )
return ;
// Expand, if it is allowed and target bitmap has too low height
if ( expandY & & offsetY + bitmap . getHeight ( ) > m_height )
m_height = offsetY + bitmap . getHeight ( ) ;
m_data . resize ( getPixelCount ( ) , expandPixel ) ;
// Check out pathological cases
if ( offsetX > = m_width | | offsetY > = m_height )
return ;
const int targetStartX = offsetX ;
const int targetEndX = qMin ( offsetX + bitmap . getWidth ( ) , m_width ) ;
const int targetStartY = offsetY ;
const int targetEndY = qMin ( offsetY + bitmap . getHeight ( ) , m_height ) ;
for ( int targetY = targetStartY ; targetY < targetEndY ; + + targetY )
for ( int targetX = targetStartX ; targetX < targetEndX ; + + targetX )
const int sourceX = targetX - targetStartX ;
const int sourceY = targetY - targetStartY ;
if ( targetX < 0 | | targetX > = m_width | | targetY < 0 | | targetY > = m_height )
continue ;
switch ( operation )
case PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Or :
setPixel ( targetX , targetY , getPixel ( targetX , targetY ) | bitmap . getPixel ( sourceX , sourceY ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : And :
setPixel ( targetX , targetY , getPixel ( targetX , targetY ) & bitmap . getPixel ( sourceX , sourceY ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Xor :
setPixel ( targetX , targetY , getPixel ( targetX , targetY ) ^ bitmap . getPixel ( sourceX , sourceY ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : NotXor :
setPixel ( targetX , targetY , getPixel ( targetX , targetY ) ^ ( ~ bitmap . getPixel ( sourceX , sourceY ) ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFJBIG2BitOperation : : Replace :
setPixel ( targetX , targetY , bitmap . getPixel ( sourceX , sourceY ) ) ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap paint operation. " ) ) ;
void PDFJBIG2Bitmap : : copyRow ( int target , int source )
if ( target < 0 | | target > = m_height | | source < 0 | | source > = m_height )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 - invalid bitmap copy row operation. " ) ) ;
auto itSource = std : : next ( m_data . cbegin ( ) , source * m_width ) ;
auto itSourceEnd = std : : next ( itSource , m_width ) ;
auto itTarget = std : : next ( m_data . begin ( ) , target * m_width ) ;
std : : copy ( itSource , itSourceEnd , itTarget ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable ( std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & & entries ) :
m_entries ( qMove ( entries ) )
PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : ~ PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable ( )
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable : : buildPrefixes ( const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & entries )
std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > result = entries ;
result . erase ( std : : remove_if ( result . begin ( ) , result . end ( ) , [ ] ( const PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry & entry ) { return entry . prefixBitLength = = 0 ; } ) , result . end ( ) ) ;
std : : stable_sort ( result . begin ( ) , result . end ( ) , [ ] ( const PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry & l , const PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry & r ) { return l . prefixBitLength < r . prefixBitLength ; } ) ;
if ( ! result . empty ( ) )
result [ 0 ] . prefix = 0 ;
// Strategy: we will have variable prefix containing actual prefix value. If we are changing
// the number of bits, then we must update "FIRSTCODE" variable as in the specification, i.e.
// compute FIRSTCODE[current bit length] = (FIRSTCODE[previous bit length] + #number of items) * 2.
// Number of items is automatically computed by incrementing the variable prefix, so at the end
// of each cycle, when we are about to shift number of bits in next cycle, we have computed
// variable (FIRSTCODE[last bit length] + #number of items), so in next cycle, we just do a bit shift.
uint16_t prefix = 1 ;
uint16_t count = 1 ;
for ( uint32_t i = 1 ; i < result . size ( ) ; + + i )
const uint16_t bitShift = result [ i ] . prefixBitLength - result [ i - 1 ] . prefixBitLength ;
if ( bitShift > 0 )
// Bit length of the prefix changed, we must shift the prefix by amount of new bits
prefix = prefix < < bitShift ;
count = 0 ;
result [ i ] . prefix = prefix ;
+ + prefix ;
+ + count ;
if ( count > ( 1 < < result [ i ] . prefixBitLength ) )
// We have "overflow" of values, for binary number with prefixBitLength digits (0/1), we can
// have only 2^prefixBitLength values, which we exceeded. This is unrecoverable error.
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 overflow of prefix bit values in huffman table. " ) ) ;
return result ;
uint32_t PDFJBIG2ArithmeticDecoderState : : getQe ( size_t context ) const
return JBIG2_ARITHMETIC_DECODER_QE_VALUES [ getQeRowIndex ( context ) ] . Qe ;
PDFJBIG2Segment : : ~ PDFJBIG2Segment ( )
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( PDFBitReader * reader , const PDFJBIG2HuffmanCodeTable * table ) :
m_reader ( reader )
m_entries = table - > getEntries ( ) ;
if ( ! m_entries . empty ( ) )
m_begin = m_entries . data ( ) ;
m_end = m_entries . data ( ) + m_entries . size ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( PDFBitReader * reader , std : : vector < PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry > & & table ) :
m_reader ( reader ) ,
m_entries ( qMove ( table ) )
if ( ! m_entries . empty ( ) )
m_begin = m_entries . data ( ) ;
m_end = m_entries . data ( ) + m_entries . size ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder & & other ) :
m_reader ( other . m_reader ) ,
m_begin ( other . m_begin ) ,
m_end ( other . m_end ) ,
m_entries ( qMove ( other . m_entries ) )
if ( ! m_entries . empty ( ) )
m_begin = m_entries . data ( ) ;
m_end = m_entries . data ( ) + m_entries . size ( ) ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder & PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : operator = ( PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder & & other )
m_reader = other . m_reader ;
m_begin = other . m_begin ;
m_end = other . m_end ;
m_entries = qMove ( other . m_entries ) ;
if ( ! m_entries . empty ( ) )
m_begin = m_entries . data ( ) ;
m_end = m_entries . data ( ) + m_entries . size ( ) ;
return * this ;
bool PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : isOutOfBandSupported ( ) const
if ( ! isValid ( ) )
return false ;
for ( auto it = m_begin ; it ! = m_end ; + + it )
if ( it - > isOutOfBand ( ) )
return true ;
return false ;
std : : optional < int32_t > PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder : : readSignedInteger ( )
uint32_t prefixBitCount = 0 ;
uint32_t prefix = 0 ;
for ( const PDFJBIG2HuffmanTableEntry * it = m_begin ; it ! = m_end ; + + it )
// Align prefix with current bit value
Q_ASSERT ( prefixBitCount < = it - > prefixBitLength ) ;
while ( prefixBitCount < it - > prefixBitLength )
prefix = ( prefix < < 1 ) | m_reader - > read ( 1 ) ;
+ + prefixBitCount ;
if ( prefix = = it - > prefix )
// We have found value. Now, there are three cases:
// 1) Out of band value
// 2) Negative value
// 3) Standard value
if ( it - > isOutOfBand ( ) )
return std : : nullopt ;
else if ( it - > isLowValue ( ) )
return it - > value - m_reader - > read ( 32 ) ;
else if ( it - > rangeBitLength = = 0 )
return it - > value ;
return it - > value + m_reader - > read ( it - > rangeBitLength ) ;
return std : : nullopt ;
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments : : getSymbolBitmaps ( ) const
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > result ;
for ( const PDFJBIG2SymbolDictionary * dictionary : symbolDictionaries )
const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & bitmaps = dictionary - > getBitmaps ( ) ;
result . reserve ( result . size ( ) + bitmaps . size ( ) ) ;
for ( const PDFJBIG2Bitmap & bitmap : bitmaps )
result . push_back ( & bitmap ) ;
return result ;
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments : : getPatternBitmaps ( ) const
std : : vector < const PDFJBIG2Bitmap * > result ;
for ( const PDFJBIG2PatternDictionary * dictionary : patternDictionaries )
const std : : vector < PDFJBIG2Bitmap > & bitmaps = dictionary - > getBitmaps ( ) ;
result . reserve ( result . size ( ) + bitmaps . size ( ) ) ;
for ( const PDFJBIG2Bitmap & bitmap : bitmaps )
result . push_back ( & bitmap ) ;
return result ;
PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder PDFJBIG2ReferencedSegments : : getUserTable ( PDFBitReader * reader )
if ( currentUserCodeTableIndex < codeTables . size ( ) )
return PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( reader , codeTables [ currentUserCodeTableIndex + + ] ) ;
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " JBIG2 invalid user huffman code table. " ) ) ;
return PDFJBIG2HuffmanDecoder ( ) ;
} // namespace pdf