2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "pdftoolattachments.h"
# include "pdfexception.h"
namespace pdftool
static PDFToolAttachmentsApplication s_attachmentsApplication ;
QString PDFToolAttachmentsApplication : : getStandardString ( StandardString standardString ) const
switch ( standardString )
case Command :
return " attachments " ;
case Name :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Attachments " ) ;
case Description :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Show list or save attached files. " ) ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return QString ( ) ;
int PDFToolAttachmentsApplication : : execute ( const PDFToolOptions & options )
pdf : : PDFDocument document ;
if ( ! readDocument ( options , document , nullptr , false ) )
return ErrorDocumentReading ;
struct FileInfo
QString no ;
QString fileName ;
QString mimeType ;
QString mimeTypeDescription ;
QString description ;
bool isSaved = false ;
int packedSize = 0 ;
const pdf : : PDFFileSpecification * specification = nullptr ;
} ;
QMimeDatabase mimeDatabase ;
size_t savedFileCount = 0 ;
size_t no = 1 ;
std : : vector < FileInfo > embeddedFiles ;
for ( const auto & item : document . getCatalog ( ) - > getEmbeddedFiles ( ) )
const pdf : : PDFFileSpecification * file = & item . second ;
const pdf : : PDFEmbeddedFile * platformFile = file - > getPlatformFile ( ) ;
if ( ! file - > getPlatformFile ( ) | | ! platformFile - > isValid ( ) )
// Ignore invalid files
continue ;
FileInfo fileInfo ;
fileInfo . no = QString : : number ( no + + ) ;
fileInfo . fileName = file - > getPlatformFileName ( ) ;
fileInfo . description = file - > getDescription ( ) ;
fileInfo . isSaved = false ;
fileInfo . specification = file ;
QMimeType type = mimeDatabase . mimeTypeForName ( platformFile - > getSubtype ( ) ) ;
if ( ! type . isValid ( ) )
type = mimeDatabase . mimeTypeForFile ( fileInfo . fileName , QMimeDatabase : : MatchExtension ) ;
fileInfo . mimeType = type . name ( ) ;
fileInfo . mimeTypeDescription = type . comment ( ) ;
fileInfo . packedSize = platformFile - > getStream ( ) - > getContent ( ) - > length ( ) ;
if ( options . attachmentsSaveAll | |
( ! options . attachmentsSaveNumber . isEmpty ( ) & & fileInfo . no = = options . attachmentsSaveNumber ) | |
( ! options . attachmentsSaveFileName . isEmpty ( ) & & fileInfo . fileName = = options . attachmentsSaveFileName ) )
fileInfo . isSaved = true ;
savedFileCount + + ;
embeddedFiles . push_back ( qMove ( fileInfo ) ) ;
if ( savedFileCount = = 0 )
// Just print a list of embedded files
PDFOutputFormatter formatter ( options . outputStyle , options . outputCodec ) ;
formatter . beginDocument ( " attachments " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Attached files of document %1 " ) . arg ( options . document ) ) ;
formatter . endl ( ) ;
formatter . beginTable ( " overview " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Attached files overview " ) ) ;
formatter . beginTableHeaderRow ( " header " ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " no " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " No. " ) , Qt : : AlignLeft ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " file-name " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " File name " ) , Qt : : AlignLeft ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " mime-type " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Mime type " ) , Qt : : AlignLeft ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " mime-type-description " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Mime type description " ) , Qt : : AlignLeft ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " description " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " File description " ) , Qt : : AlignLeft ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " packed-size " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Packed size [bytes] " ) , Qt : : AlignRight ) ;
formatter . endTableHeaderRow ( ) ;
int ref = 1 ;
for ( const FileInfo & info : embeddedFiles )
formatter . beginTableRow ( " file " , ref ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " no " , QString : : number ( ref ) ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " file-name " , info . fileName ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " mime-type " , info . mimeType ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " mime-type-description " , info . mimeTypeDescription ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " description " , info . description ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " packed-size " , QString : : number ( info . packedSize ) ) ;
formatter . endTableRow ( ) ;
+ + ref ;
formatter . endTable ( ) ;
formatter . endDocument ( ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeText ( formatter . getString ( ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( savedFileCount > 1 & & ! options . attachmentsTargetFile . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Target file name must not be specified, if multiple files are being saved. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorInvalidArguments ;
for ( const FileInfo & info : embeddedFiles )
if ( ! info . isSaved )
// This file is not marked to be saved
continue ;
QString outputFile = info . fileName ;
if ( ! options . attachmentsTargetFile . isEmpty ( ) )
outputFile = options . attachmentsTargetFile ;
if ( ! options . attachmentsOutputDirectory . isEmpty ( ) )
outputFile = QString ( " %1/%2 " ) . arg ( options . attachmentsOutputDirectory , outputFile ) ;
QByteArray data = document . getDecodedStream ( info . specification - > getPlatformFile ( ) - > getStream ( ) ) ;
QFile file ( outputFile ) ;
if ( file . open ( QFile : : WriteOnly | QFile : : Truncate ) )
file . write ( data ) ;
file . close ( ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Failed to save attachment to file. %1 " ) . arg ( file . errorString ( ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorFailedWriteToFile ;
catch ( pdf : : PDFException e )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Failed to save attachment to file. %1 " ) . arg ( e . getMessage ( ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorFailedWriteToFile ;
return ExitSuccess ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication : : Options PDFToolAttachmentsApplication : : getOptionsFlags ( ) const
return ConsoleFormat | OpenDocument | Attachments ;
} // namespace pdftool