2022-01-30 18:23:25 +01:00
// Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Jakub Melka
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "pdftransparencyrenderer.h"
# include "pdfdocument.h"
# include "pdfcms.h"
# include "pdfexecutionpolicy.h"
# include "pdfimage.h"
# include "pdfpattern.h"
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# include "pdfdbgheap.h"
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# include <iterator>
namespace pdf
PDFFloatBitmap : : PDFFloatBitmap ( ) :
m_width ( 0 ) ,
m_height ( 0 ) ,
m_pixelSize ( 0 )
PDFFloatBitmap : : PDFFloatBitmap ( size_t width , size_t height , PDFPixelFormat format ) :
m_format ( format ) ,
m_width ( width ) ,
m_height ( height ) ,
m_pixelSize ( format . getChannelCount ( ) )
Q_ASSERT ( format . isValid ( ) ) ;
m_data . resize ( format . calculateBitmapDataLength ( width , height ) , static_cast < PDFColorComponent > ( 0.0f ) ) ;
if ( m_format . hasActiveColorMask ( ) )
m_activeColorMask . resize ( width * height , 0 ) ;
PDFColorBuffer PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixel ( size_t x , size_t y )
Q_ASSERT ( x < m_width ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( y < m_height ) ;
const size_t index = getPixelIndex ( x , y ) ;
return PDFColorBuffer ( m_data . data ( ) + index , m_pixelSize ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixel ( size_t x , size_t y ) const
Q_ASSERT ( x < m_width ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( y < m_height ) ;
const size_t index = getPixelIndex ( x , y ) ;
return PDFConstColorBuffer ( m_data . data ( ) + index , m_pixelSize ) ;
PDFColorBuffer PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixels ( )
return PDFColorBuffer ( m_data . data ( ) , m_data . size ( ) ) ;
PDFColorComponent PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixelInkCoverage ( size_t x , size_t y ) const
PDFConstColorBuffer buffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelIndexStart = m_format . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelIndexEnd = m_format . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
PDFColorComponent inkCoverage = 0.0 ;
for ( uint8_t i = colorChannelIndexStart ; i < colorChannelIndexEnd ; + + i )
inkCoverage + = buffer [ i ] ;
return inkCoverage ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : getInkCoverageBitmap ( ) const
PDFFloatBitmap result ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( 1 , 0 , false , true , false ) ) ;
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
PDFColorComponent coverage = getPixelInkCoverage ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = coverage ;
return result ;
const PDFColorComponent * PDFFloatBitmap : : begin ( ) const
return m_data . data ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent * PDFFloatBitmap : : end ( ) const
return m_data . data ( ) + m_data . size ( ) ;
PDFColorComponent * PDFFloatBitmap : : begin ( )
return m_data . data ( ) ;
PDFColorComponent * PDFFloatBitmap : : end ( )
return m_data . data ( ) + m_data . size ( ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : makeTransparent ( )
if ( m_format . hasShapeChannel ( ) )
fillChannel ( m_format . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
if ( m_format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) )
fillChannel ( m_format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : makeOpaque ( )
if ( m_format . hasShapeChannel ( ) )
fillChannel ( m_format . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) , 1.0f ) ;
if ( m_format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) )
fillChannel ( m_format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) , 1.0f ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : makeColorBlack ( )
fillProcessColorChannels ( m_format . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) ? 1.0 : 0.0 ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : makeColorWhite ( )
fillProcessColorChannels ( m_format . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) ? 0.0 : 1.0 ) ;
size_t PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixelIndex ( size_t x , size_t y ) const
return ( y * m_width + x ) * m_pixelSize ;
uint32_t PDFFloatBitmap : : getPixelActiveColorMask ( size_t x , size_t y ) const
Q_ASSERT ( hasActiveColorMask ( ) ) ;
return m_activeColorMask [ y * m_width + x ] ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : markPixelActiveColorMask ( size_t x , size_t y , uint32_t activeColorMask )
Q_ASSERT ( hasActiveColorMask ( ) ) ;
m_activeColorMask [ y * m_width + x ] | = activeColorMask ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : setPixelActiveColorMask ( size_t x , size_t y , uint32_t activeColorMask )
Q_ASSERT ( hasActiveColorMask ( ) ) ;
m_activeColorMask [ y * m_width + x ] = activeColorMask ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : setAllColorActive ( )
std : : fill ( m_activeColorMask . begin ( ) , m_activeColorMask . end ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : setAllColorInactive ( )
std : : fill ( m_activeColorMask . begin ( ) , m_activeColorMask . end ( ) , 0 ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : setColorActivity ( uint32_t mask )
std : : fill ( m_activeColorMask . begin ( ) , m_activeColorMask . end ( ) , mask ) ;
QImage PDFFloatBitmap : : getChannelImage ( uint8_t channelIndex ) const
if ( channelIndex > = getPixelSize ( ) )
return QImage ( ) ;
QImage image ( int ( getWidth ( ) ) , int ( getHeight ( ) ) , QImage : : Format_Grayscale8 ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < image . height ( ) ; + + y )
uchar * line = image . scanLine ( y ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < image . width ( ) ; + + x )
PDFConstColorBuffer buffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
line [ x ] = qRound ( buffer [ channelIndex ] * 255 ) ;
return image ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : extractProcessColors ( ) const
PDFPixelFormat format = PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( m_format . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) , 0 , false , m_format . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) , false ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap result ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , format ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( sourceProcessColorBuffer . size ( ) > = targetProcessColorBuffer . size ( ) ) ;
std : : copy ( sourceProcessColorBuffer . cbegin ( ) , std : : next ( sourceProcessColorBuffer . cbegin ( ) , targetProcessColorBuffer . size ( ) ) , targetProcessColorBuffer . begin ( ) ) ;
return result ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : extractSpotChannel ( uint8_t channel ) const
PDFPixelFormat format = PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( 0 , 1 , false , m_format . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) , false ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap result ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , format ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_format . hasSpotColors ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_format . getSpotColorChannelIndexStart ( ) < = channel ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_format . getSpotColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) > channel ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ channel ] ;
return result ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : extractOpacityChannel ( ) const
PDFFloatBitmap result ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createOpacityMask ( ) ) ;
if ( m_format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) )
const uint8_t opacityChannel = m_format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ opacityChannel ] ;
result . makeOpaque ( ) ;
return result ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : extractLuminosityChannel ( ) const
PDFFloatBitmap result ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createOpacityMask ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t sourceChannelIndex = m_format . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
switch ( m_format . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) )
case 1 :
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = PDFBlendFunction : : getLuminosity ( PDFGray ( sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex ] ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorComponent r = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 0 ] ;
PDFColorComponent g = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 1 ] ;
PDFColorComponent b = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 2 ] ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = PDFBlendFunction : : getLuminosity ( PDFRGB { r , g , b } ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorComponent _c = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 0 ] ;
PDFColorComponent _m = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 1 ] ;
PDFColorComponent _y = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 2 ] ;
PDFColorComponent _k = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ sourceChannelIndex + 3 ] ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = PDFBlendFunction : : getLuminosity ( PDFCMYK { _c , _m , _y , _k } ) ;
break ;
default :
result . makeOpaque ( ) ;
break ;
if ( m_format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) )
const uint8_t opacityChannel = m_format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = result . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ 0 ] = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ opacityChannel ] ;
result . makeOpaque ( ) ;
return result ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : copyChannel ( const PDFFloatBitmap & sourceBitmap , uint8_t channelFrom , uint8_t channelTo )
Q_ASSERT ( getWidth ( ) = = sourceBitmap . getWidth ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( getHeight ( ) = = sourceBitmap . getHeight ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = sourceBitmap . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetProcessColorBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
targetProcessColorBuffer [ channelTo ] = sourceProcessColorBuffer [ channelFrom ] ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : resize ( size_t width , size_t height , Qt : : TransformationMode mode ) const
if ( width = = 0 | | height = = 0 )
return PDFFloatBitmap ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap bitmap ( width , height , getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
const qreal pixelRatioH = qreal ( getWidth ( ) ) / qreal ( width ) ;
const qreal pixelRatioV = qreal ( getHeight ( ) ) / qreal ( height ) ;
switch ( mode )
case Qt : : FastTransformation :
for ( size_t yDest = 0 ; yDest < height ; + + yDest )
for ( size_t xDest = 0 ; xDest < width ; + + xDest )
size_t xSrc = qFloor ( pixelRatioH * xDest ) ;
size_t ySrc = qFloor ( pixelRatioV * yDest ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer srcBuffer = getPixel ( xSrc , ySrc ) ;
PDFColorBuffer destBuffer = bitmap . getPixel ( xDest , yDest ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( srcBuffer . size ( ) = = destBuffer . size ( ) ) ;
// Just copy the color
std : : copy ( srcBuffer . cbegin ( ) , srcBuffer . cend ( ) , destBuffer . begin ( ) ) ;
break ;
case Qt : : SmoothTransformation :
const size_t pixelCount = getPixelSize ( ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > buffer ( pixelCount , 0.0f ) ;
for ( size_t yDest = 0 ; yDest < height ; + + yDest )
for ( size_t xDest = 0 ; xDest < width ; + + xDest )
const qreal xOrdinateStart = pixelRatioH * xDest ;
const qreal xOrdinateEnd = xOrdinateStart + pixelRatioH ;
const qreal yOrdinateStart = pixelRatioV * yDest ;
const qreal yOrdinateEnd = yOrdinateStart + pixelRatioV ;
size_t xSrcStart = qFloor ( xOrdinateStart ) ;
size_t xSrcEnd = qMin < qreal > ( qCeil ( xOrdinateEnd ) , getWidth ( ) ) ;
size_t ySrcStart = qFloor ( yOrdinateStart ) ;
size_t ySrcEnd = qMin < qreal > ( qCeil ( yOrdinateEnd ) , getHeight ( ) ) ;
std : : fill ( buffer . begin ( ) , buffer . end ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
qreal sumPortion = 0.0 ;
for ( size_t i = xSrcStart ; i < xSrcEnd ; + + i )
const qreal xSubpixelStart = qMax ( qreal ( i ) , xOrdinateStart ) ;
const qreal xSubpixelEnd = qMin ( qreal ( i + 1 ) , xOrdinateEnd ) ;
const qreal xPortion = xSubpixelEnd - xSubpixelStart ;
for ( size_t j = ySrcStart ; j < ySrcEnd ; + + j )
const qreal ySubpixelStart = qMax ( qreal ( j ) , yOrdinateStart ) ;
const qreal ySubpixelEnd = qMin ( qreal ( j + 1 ) , yOrdinateEnd ) ;
const qreal yPortion = ySubpixelEnd - ySubpixelStart ;
const qreal pixelPortion = xPortion * yPortion ;
PDFConstColorBuffer srcBuffer = getPixel ( i , j ) ;
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < pixelCount ; + + k )
buffer [ k ] + = srcBuffer [ k ] * pixelPortion ;
sumPortion + = pixelPortion ;
// Compute weighed sum of pixels
const qreal coefficient = qFuzzyIsNull ( sumPortion ) ? 0.0 : 1.0 / sumPortion ;
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < pixelCount ; + + k )
buffer [ k ] * = coefficient ;
PDFColorBuffer destBuffer = bitmap . getPixel ( xDest , yDest ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( buffer . size ( ) = = destBuffer . size ( ) ) ;
std : : copy ( buffer . cbegin ( ) , buffer . cend ( ) , destBuffer . begin ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return bitmap ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : blend ( const PDFFloatBitmap & source ,
PDFFloatBitmap & target ,
const PDFFloatBitmap & backdrop ,
const PDFFloatBitmap & initialBackdrop ,
const PDFFloatBitmap & blendSoftMask ,
bool alphaIsShape ,
PDFColorComponent constantAlpha ,
BlendMode mode ,
bool knockoutGroup ,
OverprintMode overprintMode ,
QRect blendRegion )
Q_ASSERT ( source . getWidth ( ) = = target . getWidth ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( source . getHeight ( ) = = target . getHeight ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( source . getPixelFormat ( ) = = target . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( source . getWidth ( ) = = blendSoftMask . getWidth ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( source . getHeight ( ) = = blendSoftMask . getHeight ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( blendSoftMask . getPixelFormat ( ) = = PDFPixelFormat : : createOpacityMask ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( blendRegion . left ( ) > = 0 ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( blendRegion . top ( ) > = 0 ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( blendRegion . right ( ) < source . getWidth ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( blendRegion . bottom ( ) < source . getHeight ( ) ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = source . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const uint8_t shapeChannel = pixelFormat . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannel = pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelStart = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelStart = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const uint8_t spotColorChannelStart = pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t spotColorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > B_i ( source . getPixelSize ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
std : : vector < BlendMode > channelBlendModes ( source . getPixelSize ( ) , mode ) ;
// For blending spot colors, only white preserving blend modes are possible.
// If this is not the case, revert spot color blend mode to normal blending.
// See of PDF 2.0 specification.
if ( pixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) & & ! PDFBlendModeInfo : : isWhitePreserving ( mode ) )
auto itBegin = std : : next ( channelBlendModes . begin ( ) , spotColorChannelStart ) ;
auto itEnd = std : : next ( channelBlendModes . begin ( ) , spotColorChannelEnd ) ;
std : : fill ( itBegin , itEnd , BlendMode : : Normal ) ;
// Handle overprint mode for normal blend mode. We do not support
// oveprinting for other blend modes, than normal.
auto getBlendModeForPixel = [ & source , & channelBlendModes , pixelFormat , overprintMode , mode ] ( size_t x , size_t y , uint8_t channel )
switch ( overprintMode )
case OverprintMode : : NoOveprint :
break ;
case OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_0 :
// Select source color, if channel is active,
// otherwise select backdrop color.
const uint32_t activeColorChannels = source . hasActiveColorMask ( ) ? source . getPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y ) : PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ;
uint32_t flag = ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( 1 ) ) < < channel ;
if ( channelBlendModes [ channel ] = = BlendMode : : Normal & & ! ( activeColorChannels & flag ) )
// Color channel is inactive
return BlendMode : : Overprint_SelectBackdrop ;
break ;
case OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_1 :
// For process colors, select source color, if it is nonzero,
// otherwise select backdrop. If process color channel is inactive,
// select backdrop.
const uint32_t activeColorChannels = source . hasActiveColorMask ( ) ? source . getPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y ) : PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ;
if ( pixelFormat . hasProcessColors ( ) & & mode = = BlendMode : : Normal & &
channel > = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) & & channel < pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) )
uint32_t flag = ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( 1 ) ) < < channel ;
if ( ! ( activeColorChannels & flag ) )
// Color channel is inactive
return BlendMode : : Overprint_SelectBackdrop ;
// Color channel is active, but select source color only, if it is nonzero
return pixelFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) ? BlendMode : : Overprint_SelectNonOneSourceOrBackdrop
: BlendMode : : Overprint_SelectNonZeroSourceOrBackdrop ;
if ( pixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) & & channel > = pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexStart ( ) & & channel < pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) )
// For spot colors, select backdrop, if channel is inactive,
// otherwise select source color.
uint32_t flag = ( static_cast < uint32_t > ( 1 ) ) < < channel ;
if ( channelBlendModes [ channel ] = = BlendMode : : Normal & & ! ( activeColorChannels & flag ) )
// Color channel is inactive
return BlendMode : : Overprint_SelectBackdrop ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return channelBlendModes [ channel ] ;
} ;
2022-07-17 16:10:42 +02:00
for ( int x = blendRegion . left ( ) ; x < = blendRegion . right ( ) ; + + x )
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
2022-07-17 16:10:42 +02:00
for ( int y = blendRegion . top ( ) ; y < = blendRegion . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceColor = source . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetColor = target . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer backdropColor = backdrop . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer initialBackdropColor = initialBackdrop . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer alphaColorBuffer = blendSoftMask . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
const PDFColorComponent softMaskValue = alphaColorBuffer [ 0 ] ;
const PDFColorComponent f_j_i = sourceColor [ shapeChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent f_m_i = alphaIsShape ? softMaskValue : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent f_k_i = alphaIsShape ? constantAlpha : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent q_m_i = ! alphaIsShape ? softMaskValue : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent q_k_i = ! alphaIsShape ? constantAlpha : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent f_s_i = f_j_i * f_m_i * f_k_i ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_j_i = sourceColor [ opacityChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_s_i = alpha_j_i * ( f_m_i * q_m_i ) * ( f_k_i * q_k_i ) ;
// Old alpha (alpha_g_i_1) is stored in target (immediate) buffer
const PDFColorComponent alpha_g_i_1 = targetColor [ opacityChannel ] ;
// alpha_g_0 == 0.0f according to the specification, otherwise select alpha_g_i_1 from target color
const PDFColorComponent alpha_g_b = knockoutGroup ? 0.0f : alpha_g_i_1 ;
// alpha_0 is taken from initial backdrop color buffer
const PDFColorComponent alpha_0 = initialBackdropColor [ opacityChannel ] ;
// f_g_i_1 is stored in target (immediate) buffer
const PDFColorComponent f_g_i_1 = targetColor [ shapeChannel ] ;
// Formulas taken from
const PDFColorComponent f_g_i = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( f_g_i_1 , f_s_i ) ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_g_i = ( 1.0f - f_s_i ) * alpha_g_i_1 + ( f_s_i - alpha_s_i ) * alpha_g_b + alpha_s_i ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_i_1 = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( alpha_0 , alpha_g_i_1 ) ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_i = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( alpha_0 , alpha_g_i ) ;
// alpha_b is either alpha_0 (for knockout group) or alpha_i_1
const PDFColorComponent alpha_b = knockoutGroup ? alpha_0 : alpha_i_1 ;
if ( qFuzzyIsNull ( alpha_g_i ) )
// If alpha_i is zero, then color is undefined, just fill shape/opacity
targetColor [ shapeChannel ] = f_g_i ;
targetColor [ opacityChannel ] = alpha_g_i ;
continue ;
if ( target . hasActiveColorMask ( ) )
const uint32_t activeColorChannels = source . hasActiveColorMask ( ) ? source . getPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y ) : PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ;
target . markPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y , activeColorChannels ) ;
std : : fill ( B_i . begin ( ) , B_i . end ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
// Calculate blended pixel
if ( PDFBlendModeInfo : : isSeparable ( mode ) )
// Separable blend mode - process each color separately
const bool isProcessColorSubtractive = pixelFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) ;
const bool isSpotColorSubtractive = pixelFormat . hasSpotColorsSubtractive ( ) ;
if ( pixelFormat . hasProcessColors ( ) )
if ( ! isProcessColorSubtractive )
for ( uint8_t i = processColorChannelStart ; i < processColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , backdropColor [ i ] , sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = processColorChannelStart ; i < processColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = 1.0f - PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , 1.0f - backdropColor [ i ] , 1.0f - sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
if ( pixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) )
if ( ! isSpotColorSubtractive )
for ( uint8_t i = spotColorChannelStart ; i < spotColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , backdropColor [ i ] , sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = spotColorChannelStart ; i < spotColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = 1.0f - PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , 1.0f - backdropColor [ i ] , 1.0f - sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
// Nonseparable blend mode - process colors together
if ( pixelFormat . hasProcessColors ( ) )
switch ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) )
case 1 :
// Gray
const PDFGray Cb = backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart ] ;
const PDFGray Cs = sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart ] ;
const PDFGray blended = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Nonseparable ( mode , Cb , Cs ) ;
B_i [ pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ] = blended ;
break ;
case 3 :
// RGB
const PDFRGB Cb = { backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] ,
backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] ,
backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] } ;
const PDFRGB Cs = { sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] ,
sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] ,
sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] } ;
const PDFRGB blended = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Nonseparable ( mode , Cb , Cs ) ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] = blended [ 0 ] ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] = blended [ 1 ] ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] = blended [ 2 ] ;
break ;
case 4 :
const PDFCMYK Cb = { backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] ,
backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] ,
backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] ,
backdropColor [ processColorChannelStart + 3 ] } ;
const PDFCMYK Cs = { sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] ,
sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] ,
sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] ,
sourceColor [ processColorChannelStart + 3 ] } ;
const PDFCMYK blended = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Nonseparable ( mode , Cb , Cs ) ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 0 ] = blended [ 0 ] ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 1 ] = blended [ 1 ] ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 2 ] = blended [ 2 ] ;
B_i [ processColorChannelStart + 3 ] = blended [ 3 ] ;
break ;
default :
// This is a serious error. Blended buffer remains unchanged (zero)
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
if ( pixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) )
const bool isSpotColorSubtractive = pixelFormat . hasSpotColorsSubtractive ( ) ;
if ( ! isSpotColorSubtractive )
for ( uint8_t i = spotColorChannelStart ; i < spotColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , backdropColor [ i ] , sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = spotColorChannelStart ; i < spotColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const BlendMode pixelBlendMode = getBlendModeForPixel ( x , y , i ) ;
B_i [ i ] = 1.0f - PDFBlendFunction : : blend ( pixelBlendMode , 1.0f - backdropColor [ i ] , 1.0f - sourceColor [ i ] ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = colorChannelStart ; i < colorChannelEnd ; + + i )
const PDFColorComponent C_s_i = sourceColor [ i ] ;
const PDFColorComponent C_b = backdropColor [ i ] ;
const PDFColorComponent C_i_1 = targetColor [ i ] ;
PDFColorComponent C_t = ( f_s_i - alpha_s_i ) * alpha_b * C_b + alpha_s_i * ( ( 1.0f - alpha_b ) * C_s_i + alpha_b * B_i [ i ] ) ;
PDFColorComponent C_i = ( ( 1.0f - f_s_i ) * alpha_i_1 * C_i_1 + C_t ) / alpha_i ;
targetColor [ i ] = C_i ;
targetColor [ shapeChannel ] = f_g_i ;
targetColor [ opacityChannel ] = alpha_g_i ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : blendConvertedSpots ( const PDFFloatBitmap & convertedSpotColors )
Q_ASSERT ( convertedSpotColors . getPixelFormat ( ) . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) = = m_format . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelStart = m_format . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelEnd = m_format . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent * sourcePixel = convertedSpotColors . begin ( ) ;
for ( PDFColorComponent * targetPixel = begin ( ) ; targetPixel ! = end ( ) ; targetPixel + = m_pixelSize , sourcePixel + = convertedSpotColors . getPixelSize ( ) )
for ( uint8_t i = processColorChannelStart ; i < processColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
if ( m_format . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) )
targetPixel [ i ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( targetPixel [ i ] , sourcePixel [ i ] ) ;
targetPixel [ i ] = targetPixel [ i ] * sourcePixel [ i ] ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : fillProcessColorChannels ( PDFColorComponent value )
if ( ! m_format . hasProcessColors ( ) )
// No process colors
return ;
const uint8_t channelStart = m_format . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t channelEnd = m_format . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
for ( PDFColorComponent * pixel = begin ( ) ; pixel ! = end ( ) ; pixel + = m_pixelSize )
std : : fill ( pixel + channelStart , pixel + channelEnd , value ) ;
void PDFFloatBitmap : : fillChannel ( size_t channel , PDFColorComponent value )
// Do we have just one channel?
if ( m_format . getChannelCount ( ) = = 1 )
Q_ASSERT ( channel = = 0 ) ;
std : : fill ( m_data . begin ( ) , m_data . end ( ) , value ) ;
return ;
for ( PDFColorComponent * pixel = begin ( ) ; pixel ! = end ( ) ; pixel + = m_pixelSize )
pixel [ channel ] = value ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFFloatBitmap : : createOpaqueSoftMask ( size_t width , size_t height )
PDFFloatBitmap result ( width , height , PDFPixelFormat : : createOpacityMask ( ) ) ;
result . makeOpaque ( ) ;
return result ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( size_t width , size_t height , PDFPixelFormat format ) :
PDFFloatBitmap ( width , height , format )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( size_t width , size_t height , PDFPixelFormat format , PDFColorSpacePointer blendColorSpace ) :
PDFFloatBitmap ( width , height , format ) ,
m_colorSpace ( blendColorSpace )
PDFColorSpacePointer PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : getColorSpace ( ) const
return m_colorSpace ;
void PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : setColorSpace ( const PDFColorSpacePointer & colorSpace )
m_colorSpace = colorSpace ;
void PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : convertToColorSpace ( const PDFCMS * cms ,
RenderingIntent intent ,
const PDFColorSpacePointer & targetColorSpace ,
PDFRenderErrorReporter * reporter )
Q_ASSERT ( m_colorSpace ) ;
if ( m_colorSpace - > equals ( targetColorSpace . get ( ) ) )
return ;
const uint8_t targetDeviceColors = static_cast < uint8_t > ( targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ;
PDFPixelFormat newFormat = getPixelFormat ( ) ;
newFormat . setProcessColors ( targetDeviceColors ) ;
newFormat . setProcessColorsSubtractive ( targetDeviceColors = = 4 ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap sourceProcessColors = extractProcessColors ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap targetProcessColors ( sourceProcessColors . getWidth ( ) , sourceProcessColors . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( targetDeviceColors , 0 , false , newFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) , newFormat . hasActiveColorMask ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! PDFAbstractColorSpace : : transform ( m_colorSpace . data ( ) , targetColorSpace . data ( ) , cms , intent , sourceProcessColors . getPixels ( ) , targetProcessColors . getPixels ( ) , reporter ) )
reporter - > reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Transformation between blending color space failed. " ) ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace temporary ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) , newFormat , targetColorSpace ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFColorBuffer sourceProcessColorBuffer = targetProcessColors . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer sourceSpotColorAndOpacityBuffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = temporary . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( sourceProcessColorBuffer . size ( ) < = targetBuffer . size ( ) ) ;
// Copy process colors
PDFColorComponent * targetIt = targetBuffer . begin ( ) ;
targetIt = std : : copy ( sourceProcessColorBuffer . cbegin ( ) , sourceProcessColorBuffer . cend ( ) , targetIt ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( std : : distance ( targetIt , targetBuffer . end ( ) ) = = temporary . getPixelFormat ( ) . getSpotColorChannelCount ( ) + temporary . getPixelFormat ( ) . getAuxiliaryChannelCount ( ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent * sourceIt = std : : next ( sourceSpotColorAndOpacityBuffer . cbegin ( ) , getPixelFormat ( ) . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
targetIt = std : : copy ( sourceIt , sourceSpotColorAndOpacityBuffer . cend ( ) , targetIt ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( targetIt = = targetBuffer . cend ( ) ) ;
// Simplification - set all color channels active
temporary . setAllColorActive ( ) ;
* this = qMove ( temporary ) ;
PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFTransparencyRenderer ( const PDFPage * page ,
const PDFDocument * document ,
const PDFFontCache * fontCache ,
const PDFCMS * cms ,
const PDFOptionalContentActivity * optionalContentActivity ,
const PDFInkMapper * inkMapper ,
PDFTransparencyRendererSettings settings ,
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform pagePointToDevicePointMatrix ) :
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
BaseClass ( page , document , fontCache , cms , optionalContentActivity , pagePointToDevicePointMatrix , PDFMeshQualitySettings ( ) ) ,
m_inkMapper ( inkMapper ) ,
m_active ( false ) ,
m_settings ( settings )
m_deviceColorSpace . reset ( new PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace ( ) ) ;
m_processColorSpace . reset ( new PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace ( ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : setDeviceColorSpace ( PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace )
if ( ! colorSpace | | colorSpace - > isBlendColorSpace ( ) )
// Set device color space only, when it is a blend color space
m_deviceColorSpace = colorSpace ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : setProcessColorSpace ( PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpace )
if ( ! colorSpace | | colorSpace - > isBlendColorSpace ( ) )
// Set process color space only, when it is a blend color space
m_processColorSpace = colorSpace ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : beginPaint ( QSize pixelSize )
Q_ASSERT ( ! m_active ) ;
m_active = true ;
Q_ASSERT ( pixelSize . isValid ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_deviceColorSpace ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_processColorSpace ) ;
m_originalProcessBitmap = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . clear ( ) ;
m_painterStateStack . push ( PDFTransparencyPainterState ( ) ) ;
// Initialize initial opaque soft mask
PDFFloatBitmap initialSoftMaskBitmap ;
createOpaqueSoftMask ( initialSoftMaskBitmap , pixelSize . width ( ) , pixelSize . height ( ) ) ;
m_painterStateStack . top ( ) . softMask = PDFTransparencySoftMask ( true , qMove ( initialSoftMaskBitmap ) ) ;
PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( m_deviceColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ,
uint8_t ( m_inkMapper - > getActiveSpotColorCount ( ) ) ,
true , m_deviceColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) = = 4 ,
true ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace paper = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( pixelSize . width ( ) , pixelSize . height ( ) , pixelFormat , m_deviceColorSpace ) ;
paper . makeColorWhite ( ) ;
PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData deviceGroup ;
deviceGroup . alphaIsShape = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ;
deviceGroup . alphaStroke = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaStroking ( ) ;
deviceGroup . alphaFill = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaFilling ( ) ;
deviceGroup . blendMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getBlendMode ( ) ;
deviceGroup . blackPointCompensationMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getBlackPointCompensationMode ( ) ;
deviceGroup . renderingIntent = RenderingIntent : : RelativeColorimetric ;
deviceGroup . initialBackdrop = qMove ( paper ) ;
deviceGroup . immediateBackdrop = deviceGroup . initialBackdrop ;
deviceGroup . blendColorSpace = m_deviceColorSpace ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . emplace_back ( qMove ( deviceGroup ) ) ;
// Create page transparency group
PDFObject pageTransparencyGroupObject = getPage ( ) - > getTransparencyGroup ( & getDocument ( ) - > getStorage ( ) ) ;
PDFTransparencyGroup transparencyGroup = parseTransparencyGroup ( pageTransparencyGroupObject ) ;
transparencyGroup . isolated = true ;
if ( ! transparencyGroup . colorSpacePointer )
transparencyGroup . colorSpacePointer = m_processColorSpace ;
m_pageTransparencyGroupGuard . reset ( new PDFTransparencyGroupGuard ( this , qMove ( transparencyGroup ) ) ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . filterColorsUsingMask = ( m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : ActiveColorMask ) & &
m_settings . activeColorMask ! = PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . activeColorMask = m_settings . activeColorMask ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . transformSpotsToDevice = m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SeparationSimulation ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . saveOriginalImage = m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SaveOriginalProcessImage ) ;
const PDFFloatBitmap & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : endPaint ( )
Q_ASSERT ( m_active ) ;
m_textTransparencyGroupGuard . reset ( ) ; // Just safeguard - ET operator may not be present
m_pageTransparencyGroupGuard . reset ( ) ;
m_active = false ;
m_painterStateStack . pop ( ) ;
return * getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
QImage PDFTransparencyRenderer : : toImageImpl ( const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace & floatImage , bool use16Bit ) const
QImage image ;
Q_ASSERT ( floatImage . getPixelFormat ( ) . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) = = 3 ) ;
if ( use16Bit )
image = QImage ( int ( floatImage . getWidth ( ) ) , int ( floatImage . getHeight ( ) ) , QImage : : Format_RGBA64 ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = floatImage . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const int height = image . height ( ) ;
const int width = image . width ( ) ;
const float scale = std : : numeric_limits < quint16 > : : max ( ) ;
const uint8_t channelStart = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t channelEnd = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannel = pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < height ; + + y )
quint16 * pixels = reinterpret_cast < quint16 * > ( image . bits ( ) + y * image . bytesPerLine ( ) ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < width ; + + x )
PDFConstColorBuffer colorBuffer = floatImage . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
for ( uint8_t channel = channelStart ; channel < channelEnd ; + + channel )
* pixels + + = quint16 ( colorBuffer [ channel ] * scale ) ;
* pixels + + = quint16 ( colorBuffer [ opacityChannel ] * scale ) ;
image = QImage ( int ( floatImage . getWidth ( ) ) , int ( floatImage . getHeight ( ) ) , QImage : : Format_RGBA8888 ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = floatImage . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const int height = image . height ( ) ;
const int width = image . width ( ) ;
const float scale = std : : numeric_limits < quint8 > : : max ( ) ;
const uint8_t channelStart = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t channelEnd = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannel = pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( int y = 0 ; y < height ; + + y )
quint8 * pixels = reinterpret_cast < quint8 * > ( image . bits ( ) + y * image . bytesPerLine ( ) ) ;
for ( int x = 0 ; x < width ; + + x )
PDFConstColorBuffer colorBuffer = floatImage . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
for ( uint8_t channel = channelStart ; channel < channelEnd ; + + channel )
* pixels + + = quint8 ( colorBuffer [ channel ] * scale ) ;
* pixels + + = quint8 ( colorBuffer [ opacityChannel ] * scale ) ;
return image ;
QImage PDFTransparencyRenderer : : toImage ( bool use16Bit , bool usePaper , const PDFRGB & paperColor ) const
QImage image ;
if ( m_transparencyGroupDataStack . size ( ) = = 1 & & // We have finished the painting
getImmediateBackdrop ( ) - > getPixelFormat ( ) . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) = = 3 ) // We have exactly three process colors (RGB)
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace & floatImage = * getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( floatImage . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
if ( ! usePaper )
return toImageImpl ( floatImage , use16Bit ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace paperImage ( floatImage . getWidth ( ) , floatImage . getHeight ( ) , floatImage . getPixelFormat ( ) , floatImage . getColorSpace ( ) ) ;
createPaperBitmap ( paperImage , paperColor ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap imageSoftMask ;
createOpaqueSoftMask ( imageSoftMask , paperImage . getWidth ( ) , paperImage . getHeight ( ) ) ;
QRect blendRegion ( 0 , 0 , int ( floatImage . getWidth ( ) ) , int ( floatImage . getHeight ( ) ) ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace : : blend ( floatImage , paperImage , paperImage , paperImage , imageSoftMask , false , 1.0f , BlendMode : : Normal , false , PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : NoOveprint , blendRegion ) ;
return toImageImpl ( paperImage , use16Bit ) ;
return image ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : clearColor ( const PDFColor & color )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * backdrop = getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = backdrop - > getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelStart = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t processColorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = processColorChannelStart ; i < processColorChannelEnd ; + + i )
if ( i > = color . size ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid clear color - process color %1 was not found in clear color. " ) . arg ( i ) ) ;
return ;
backdrop - > fillChannel ( i , color [ i ] ) ;
if ( color . size ( ) > pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " More colors in clear color (%1) than process color channel count (%2). " ) . arg ( color . size ( ) ) . arg ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) ) ) ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : isContentKindSuppressed ( ContentKind kind ) const
switch ( kind )
case ContentKind : : Shapes :
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : DisplayVectorGraphics ) )
return true ;
break ;
case ContentKind : : Text :
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : DisplayText ) )
return true ;
break ;
case ContentKind : : Images :
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : DisplayImages ) )
return true ;
break ;
case ContentKind : : Shading :
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : DisplayShadings ) )
return true ;
break ;
case ContentKind : : Tiling :
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : DisplayTilingPatterns ) )
return true ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return BaseClass : : isContentKindSuppressed ( kind ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performPixelSampling ( const PDFReal shape ,
const PDFReal opacity ,
const uint8_t shapeChannel ,
const uint8_t opacityChannel ,
const uint8_t colorChannelStart ,
const uint8_t colorChannelEnd ,
int x ,
int y ,
const PDFMappedColor & fillColor ,
const PDFPainterPathSampler & clipSampler ,
const PDFPainterPathSampler & pathSampler )
const PDFColorComponent clipValue = clipSampler . sample ( QPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent objectShapeValue = pathSampler . sample ( QPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent shapeValue = objectShapeValue * clipValue * shape ;
if ( shapeValue > 0.0f )
// We consider old object shape - we use Union function to
// set shape channel value.
PDFColorBuffer pixel = m_drawBuffer . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
pixel [ shapeChannel ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( shapeValue , pixel [ shapeChannel ] ) ;
pixel [ opacityChannel ] = pixel [ shapeChannel ] * opacity ;
// Copy color
for ( uint8_t colorChannelIndex = colorChannelStart ; colorChannelIndex < colorChannelEnd ; + + colorChannelIndex )
pixel [ colorChannelIndex ] = fillColor . mappedColor [ colorChannelIndex ] ;
m_drawBuffer . markPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y , fillColor . activeChannels ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performFillFragmentFromTexture ( const PDFReal shape ,
const PDFReal opacity ,
const uint8_t shapeChannel ,
const uint8_t opacityChannel ,
const uint8_t colorChannelStart ,
const uint8_t colorChannelEnd ,
int x ,
int y ,
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
const QTransform & worldToTextureMatrix ,
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
const PDFFloatBitmap & texture ,
const PDFPainterPathSampler & clipSampler )
// Get pixel buffer from texture
QPointF sourcePoint ( x , y ) ;
QPointF texturePoint = sourcePoint * worldToTextureMatrix ;
if ( texturePoint . x ( ) < 0.0 | |
texturePoint . x ( ) > = texture . getWidth ( ) | |
texturePoint . y ( ) < 0.0 | |
texturePoint . y ( ) > = texture . getHeight ( ) )
// Fragment is outside of the texture
return ;
const size_t texelCoordinateX = qFloor ( texturePoint . x ( ) ) ;
const size_t texelCoordinateY = qFloor ( texturePoint . y ( ) ) ;
PDFConstColorBuffer texel = texture . getPixel ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ;
const PDFColorComponent clipValue = clipSampler . sample ( QPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent objectShapeValue = texel [ shapeChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent objectOpacityValue = texel [ opacityChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent shapeValue = objectShapeValue * clipValue * shape ;
const PDFColorComponent opacityValue = objectOpacityValue * clipValue * shape * opacity ;
if ( shapeValue > 0.0f )
// We consider old object shape - we use Union function to
// set shape channel value.
PDFColorBuffer pixel = m_drawBuffer . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
pixel [ shapeChannel ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( shapeValue , pixel [ shapeChannel ] ) ;
pixel [ opacityChannel ] = opacityValue ;
// Copy color
for ( uint8_t colorChannelIndex = colorChannelStart ; colorChannelIndex < colorChannelEnd ; + + colorChannelIndex )
pixel [ colorChannelIndex ] = texel [ colorChannelIndex ] ;
m_drawBuffer . markPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y , texture . getPixelActiveColorMask ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : collapseSpotColorsToDeviceColors ( PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace & bitmap )
PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = bitmap . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
if ( ! pixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) )
return ;
const uint8_t spotColorIndexStart = pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t spotColorIndexEnd = pixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = spotColorIndexStart ; i < spotColorIndexEnd ; + + i )
// Collapse spot color
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo * spotColor = m_inkMapper - > getActiveSpotColor ( i - spotColorIndexStart ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( spotColor ) ;
switch ( spotColor - > colorSpace - > getColorSpace ( ) )
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : Separation :
PDFFloatBitmap spotColorBitmap = bitmap . extractSpotChannel ( i ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap processColorBitmap ( spotColorBitmap . getWidth ( ) , spotColorBitmap . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) , 0 , false , pixelFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) , false ) ) ;
if ( ! PDFAbstractColorSpace : : transform ( spotColor - > colorSpace . data ( ) , bitmap . getColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) , getCMS ( ) , getGraphicState ( ) - > getRenderingIntent ( ) , spotColorBitmap . getPixels ( ) , processColorBitmap . getPixels ( ) , this ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Transformation of spot color to blend color space failed. " ) ) ;
bitmap . blendConvertedSpots ( processColorBitmap ) ;
break ;
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceN :
PDFFloatBitmap deviceNBitmap ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) , bitmap . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( spotColor - > colorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) , 0 , false , true , false ) ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap processColorBitmap ( bitmap . getWidth ( ) , bitmap . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) , 0 , false , pixelFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) , false ) ) ;
deviceNBitmap . copyChannel ( bitmap , i , spotColor - > colorSpaceIndex ) ;
if ( ! PDFAbstractColorSpace : : transform ( spotColor - > colorSpace . data ( ) , bitmap . getColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) , getCMS ( ) , getGraphicState ( ) - > getRenderingIntent ( ) , deviceNBitmap . getPixels ( ) , processColorBitmap . getPixels ( ) , this ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Transformation of spot color to blend color space failed. " ) ) ;
bitmap . blendConvertedSpots ( processColorBitmap ) ;
break ;
default :
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Transformation of spot color to blend color space failed. " ) ) ;
break ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getImage ( const PDFImage & sourceImage )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace bitmap ;
const PDFImageData & imageData = sourceImage . getImageData ( ) ;
if ( imageData . isValid ( ) )
const bool isImageMask = imageData . getMaskingType ( ) = = PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : ImageMask ;
if ( sourceImage . getColorSpace ( ) & & ! isImageMask )
bitmap = getColoredImage ( sourceImage ) ;
else if ( isImageMask )
if ( imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ! = 1 )
throw PDFRendererException ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid number bits of image mask (should be 1 bit instead of %1 bits) . " ).arg(imageData.getBitsPerComponent())) ;
if ( imageData . getWidth ( ) = = 0 | | imageData . getHeight ( ) = = 0 )
throw PDFRendererException ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of image (%1x%2) " ).arg(imageData.getWidth()).arg(imageData.getHeight())) ;
bitmap = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( imageData . getWidth ( ) , imageData . getHeight ( ) , m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) , getBlendColorSpace ( ) ) ;
const bool flip01 = ! imageData . getDecode ( ) . empty ( ) & & qFuzzyCompare ( imageData . getDecode ( ) . front ( ) , 1.0 ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageData . getData ( ) , imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = bitmap . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const PDFMappedColor & fillColor = getMappedFillColor ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fillColor . mappedColor . size ( ) = = pixelFormat . getColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ; i < pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ; + + i )
bitmap . fillChannel ( i , fillColor . mappedColor [ i ] ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( pixelFormat . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( pixelFormat . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t shapeChannelIndex = pixelFormat . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannelIndex = pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const bool alphaIsShape = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 , rowCount = imageData . getHeight ( ) ; i < rowCount ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageData . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 , colCount = imageData . getWidth ( ) ; j < colCount ; + + j )
PDFColorBuffer buffer = bitmap . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
const bool transparent = flip01 ! = static_cast < bool > ( reader . read ( ) ) ;
if ( alphaIsShape )
const PDFColorComponent shapeValue = transparent ? 0.0f : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent opacityValue = shapeValue ;
buffer [ shapeChannelIndex ] = shapeValue ;
buffer [ opacityChannelIndex ] = opacityValue ;
const PDFColorComponent shapeValue = 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent opacityValue = transparent ? 0.0f : 1.0f ;
buffer [ shapeChannelIndex ] = shapeValue ;
buffer [ opacityChannelIndex ] = opacityValue ;
bitmap . setColorActivity ( fillColor . activeChannels ) ;
return bitmap ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace PDFTransparencyRenderer : : convertImageToBlendSpace ( const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace & image )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace convertedImage ( image . getWidth ( ) , image . getHeight ( ) , m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) , getBlendColorSpace ( ) ) ;
auto imageColorSpace = image . getColorSpace ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( imageColorSpace ) ;
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * sourceImage = & image ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace temporaryImage ;
PDFInkMapping inkMapping = m_inkMapper - > createMapping ( imageColorSpace . data ( ) , getBlendColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) , m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
if ( ! inkMapping . isValid ( ) )
temporaryImage = image ;
temporaryImage . convertToColorSpace ( getCMS ( ) , getGraphicState ( ) - > getRenderingIntent ( ) , getBlendColorSpace ( ) , this ) ;
inkMapping = m_inkMapper - > createMapping ( getBlendColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) , getBlendColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) , m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
sourceImage = & temporaryImage ;
Q_ASSERT ( inkMapping . isValid ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t sourceBufferShapeChannelIndex = sourceImage - > getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t sourceBufferOpacityChannelIndex = sourceImage - > getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetBufferShapeChannelIndex = convertedImage . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetBufferOpacityChannelIndex = convertedImage . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < sourceImage - > getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < sourceImage - > getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
PDFConstColorBuffer sourceBuffer = sourceImage - > getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = convertedImage . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
for ( const PDFInkMapping : : Mapping & ink : inkMapping . mapping )
switch ( ink . type )
case pdf : : PDFInkMapping : : Pass :
targetBuffer [ ink . target ] = sourceBuffer [ ink . source ] ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
targetBuffer [ targetBufferShapeChannelIndex ] = sourceBuffer [ sourceBufferShapeChannelIndex ] ;
targetBuffer [ targetBufferOpacityChannelIndex ] = sourceBuffer [ sourceBufferOpacityChannelIndex ] ;
convertedImage . setColorActivity ( inkMapping . activeChannels ) ;
return convertedImage ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getColoredImage ( const PDFImage & sourceImage )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace result ;
const PDFImageData & imageData = sourceImage . getImageData ( ) ;
const PDFImageData & imageSoftMask = sourceImage . getSoftMaskData ( ) ;
PDFColorSpacePointer imageColorSpace = sourceImage . getColorSpace ( ) ;
size_t colorComponentCount = imageColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ;
bool isCMYK = colorComponentCount = = 4 ;
const bool useSmoothImageTransformation = m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SmoothImageTransformation ) & & sourceImage . isInterpolated ( ) ;
if ( ! imageColorSpace )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid image color space. " ) ) ;
auto setColorSpaceAndMakeOpaque = [ & ] ( auto imageColorSpace )
result . setColorSpace ( imageColorSpace ) ;
result . makeOpaque ( ) ;
} ;
Q_ASSERT ( imageData . isValid ( ) ) ;
if ( imageColorSpace - > getColorSpace ( ) = = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : Indexed )
const PDFIndexedColorSpace * indexedColorSpace = dynamic_cast < const PDFIndexedColorSpace * > ( imageColorSpace . data ( ) ) ;
imageColorSpace = indexedColorSpace - > getBaseColorSpace ( ) ;
if ( ! imageColorSpace )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid base color space of indexed color space. " ) ) ;
unsigned int componentCount = imageData . getComponents ( ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageData . getData ( ) , imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
if ( componentCount ! = colorComponentCount )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid colors for indexed color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4. " ) . arg ( colorComponentCount ) . arg ( componentCount ) ) ;
const unsigned int imageWidth = imageData . getWidth ( ) ;
const unsigned int imageHeight = imageData . getHeight ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( componentCount = = 1 ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > colorIndices ;
colorIndices . reserve ( imageData . getWidth ( ) * imageData . getHeight ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < imageHeight ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageData . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < imageWidth ; + + j )
PDFBitReader : : Value index = reader . read ( ) ;
colorIndices . push_back ( index ) ;
PDFColorBuffer indicesBuffer ( colorIndices . data ( ) , colorIndices . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > transformedColors = indexedColorSpace - > transformColorsToBaseColorSpace ( indicesBuffer ) ;
colorComponentCount = imageColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ;
isCMYK = colorComponentCount = = 4 ;
if ( transformedColors . size ( ) ! = colorComponentCount * imageWidth * imageHeight )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Conversion of indexed image to base color space failed. " ) ) ;
result = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( imageWidth , imageHeight , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( colorComponentCount ) , 0 , true , isCMYK , false ) ) ;
setColorSpaceAndMakeOpaque ( imageColorSpace ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 ; i < imageHeight ; + + i )
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < imageWidth ; + + j )
PDFColorBuffer buffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
size_t pixelIndex = ( i * imageWidth + j ) * colorComponentCount ;
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < colorComponentCount ; + + k )
Q_ASSERT ( pixelIndex + k < transformedColors . size ( ) ) ;
buffer [ k ] = transformedColors [ pixelIndex + k ] ;
switch ( imageData . getMaskingType ( ) )
case PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : None :
break ;
case PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : SoftMask :
PDFFloatBitmap alphaMask = getAlphaMaskFromSoftMask ( imageSoftMask ) ;
if ( alphaMask . getWidth ( ) ! = result . getWidth ( ) | | alphaMask . getHeight ( ) ! = result . getHeight ( ) )
// Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked
alphaMask = alphaMask . resize ( result . getWidth ( ) , result . getHeight ( ) , useSmoothImageTransformation ? Qt : : SmoothTransformation : Qt : : FastTransformation ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getChannelCount ( ) = = 2 ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( result . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( result . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t sourceShapeChannelIndex = alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t sourceOpacityChannelIndex = alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetShapeChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetOpacityChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < imageHeight ; + + i )
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < imageWidth ; + + j )
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
PDFColorBuffer alphaBuffer = alphaMask . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
targetBuffer [ targetShapeChannelIndex ] = alphaBuffer [ sourceShapeChannelIndex ] ;
targetBuffer [ targetOpacityChannelIndex ] = alphaBuffer [ sourceOpacityChannelIndex ] ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFRendererException ( RenderErrorType : : NotImplemented , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image masking not implemented! " ) ) ;
switch ( imageData . getMaskingType ( ) )
case PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : None :
result = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( imageData . getWidth ( ) , imageData . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( colorComponentCount ) , 0 , true , isCMYK , false ) ) ;
setColorSpaceAndMakeOpaque ( imageColorSpace ) ;
unsigned int componentCount = imageData . getComponents ( ) ;
if ( componentCount ! = colorComponentCount )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4. " ) . arg ( colorComponentCount ) . arg ( componentCount ) ) ;
const std : : vector < PDFReal > & decode = imageData . getDecode ( ) ;
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) & & decode . size ( ) ! = componentCount * 2 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2. " ) . arg ( componentCount * 2 ) . arg ( decode . size ( ) ) ) ;
const unsigned int imageWidth = imageData . getWidth ( ) ;
const unsigned int imageHeight = imageData . getHeight ( ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageData . getData ( ) , imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent max = reader . max ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent coefficient = 1.0 / max ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < imageHeight ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageData . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t j = 0 ; j < imageWidth ; + + j )
PDFColorBuffer buffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
for ( size_t k = 0 ; k < componentCount ; + + k )
PDFReal value = reader . read ( ) ;
// Interpolate value, if it is not empty
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) )
buffer [ k ] = interpolateColors ( value , 0.0 , max , decode [ 2 * k ] , decode [ 2 * k + 1 ] ) ;
buffer [ k ] = value * coefficient ;
break ;
case PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : SoftMask :
result = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( imageData . getWidth ( ) , imageData . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( colorComponentCount ) , 0 , true , isCMYK , false ) ) ;
result . setColorSpace ( imageColorSpace ) ;
const bool hasMatte = ! imageSoftMask . getMatte ( ) . empty ( ) ;
std : : vector < PDFReal > matte = imageSoftMask . getMatte ( ) ;
if ( hasMatte & & matte . size ( ) ! = colorComponentCount )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Warning , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid matte color. " ) ) ;
matte . resize ( colorComponentCount , 0.0f ) ;
unsigned int componentCount = imageData . getComponents ( ) ;
if ( componentCount ! = colorComponentCount )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4. " ) . arg ( colorComponentCount ) . arg ( componentCount ) ) ;
const std : : vector < PDFReal > & decode = imageData . getDecode ( ) ;
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) & & decode . size ( ) ! = componentCount * 2 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2. " ) . arg ( componentCount * 2 ) . arg ( decode . size ( ) ) ) ;
const unsigned int imageWidth = imageData . getWidth ( ) ;
const unsigned int imageHeight = imageData . getHeight ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap alphaMask = getAlphaMaskFromSoftMask ( imageSoftMask ) ;
if ( alphaMask . getWidth ( ) ! = result . getWidth ( ) | | alphaMask . getHeight ( ) ! = result . getHeight ( ) )
// Scale the alpha mask, if it is masked
alphaMask = alphaMask . resize ( result . getWidth ( ) , result . getHeight ( ) , useSmoothImageTransformation ? Qt : : SmoothTransformation : Qt : : FastTransformation ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getChannelCount ( ) = = 2 ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageData . getData ( ) , imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent max = reader . max ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent coefficient = 1.0 / max ;
Q_ASSERT ( result . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( result . getPixelFormat ( ) . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t sourceShapeChannelIndex = alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t sourceOpacityChannelIndex = alphaMask . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetShapeChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetOpacityChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < imageHeight ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageData . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < imageWidth ; + + j )
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
PDFColorBuffer alphaBuffer = alphaMask . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < componentCount ; + + k )
PDFReal value = reader . read ( ) ;
// Interpolate value, if it is not empty
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) )
targetBuffer [ k ] = interpolateColors ( value , 0.0 , max , decode [ 2 * k ] , decode [ 2 * k + 1 ] ) ;
targetBuffer [ k ] = value * coefficient ;
targetBuffer [ targetShapeChannelIndex ] = alphaBuffer [ sourceShapeChannelIndex ] ;
targetBuffer [ targetOpacityChannelIndex ] = alphaBuffer [ sourceOpacityChannelIndex ] ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha = targetBuffer [ targetOpacityChannelIndex ] ;
// Un-premultiply with matte color, according to chapter in PDF
// 2.0 specification, we use inversion of following formula:
// c' = m + alpha * (c - m)
// So, inversion is:
// c = m + (c' - m) / alpha
if ( hasMatte & & ! qFuzzyIsNull ( alpha ) )
for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < componentCount ; + + k )
const PDFColorComponent m = matte [ k ] ;
targetBuffer [ k ] = qBound ( 0.0f , m + ( targetBuffer [ k ] - m ) / alpha , 1.0f ) ;
break ;
case PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : ColorKeyMasking :
result = PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace ( imageData . getWidth ( ) , imageData . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( colorComponentCount ) , 0 , true , isCMYK , false ) ) ;
setColorSpaceAndMakeOpaque ( imageColorSpace ) ;
unsigned int componentCount = imageData . getComponents ( ) ;
if ( componentCount ! = colorComponentCount )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid colors for color space. Color space has %1 colors. Provided color count is %4. " ) . arg ( colorComponentCount ) . arg ( componentCount ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( componentCount > 0 ) ;
const std : : vector < PDFInteger > & colorKeyMask = imageData . getColorKeyMask ( ) ;
if ( colorKeyMask . size ( ) / 2 ! = componentCount )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid number of color components in color key mask. Expected %1, provided %2. " ) . arg ( 2 * componentCount ) . arg ( colorKeyMask . size ( ) ) ) ;
const std : : vector < PDFReal > & decode = imageData . getDecode ( ) ;
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) & & decode . size ( ) ! = componentCount * 2 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of the decoded array. Expected %1, actual %2. " ) . arg ( componentCount * 2 ) . arg ( decode . size ( ) ) ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageData . getData ( ) , imageData . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
PDFColor color ;
color . resize ( componentCount ) ;
const PDFColorComponent max = reader . max ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent coefficient = 1.0 / max ;
const bool alphaIsShape = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetShapeChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetOpacityChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 , rowCount = imageData . getHeight ( ) ; i < rowCount ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageData . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 ; j < imageData . getWidth ( ) ; + + j )
// Number of masked-out colors
unsigned int maskedColors = 0 ;
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
for ( unsigned int k = 0 ; k < componentCount ; + + k )
PDFBitReader : : Value value = reader . read ( ) ;
// Interpolate value, if decode is not empty
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) )
targetBuffer [ k ] = interpolateColors ( value , 0.0 , max , decode [ 2 * k ] , decode [ 2 * k + 1 ] ) ;
targetBuffer [ k ] = value * coefficient ;
Q_ASSERT ( 2 * k + 1 < colorKeyMask . size ( ) ) ;
if ( static_cast < std : : decay < decltype ( colorKeyMask ) > : : type : : value_type > ( value ) > = colorKeyMask [ 2 * k ] & &
static_cast < std : : decay < decltype ( colorKeyMask ) > : : type : : value_type > ( value ) < = colorKeyMask [ 2 * k + 1 ] )
+ + maskedColors ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha = ( maskedColors = = componentCount ) ? 0.0f : 1.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent shape = alphaIsShape ? alpha : 1.0f ;
targetBuffer [ targetShapeChannelIndex ] = shape ;
targetBuffer [ targetOpacityChannelIndex ] = alpha ;
break ;
default :
throw PDFRendererException ( RenderErrorType : : NotImplemented , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image masking not implemented! " ) ) ;
// Jakub Melka: We are mapping into draw buffer, so we must use draw buffer pixel format
return convertImageToBlendSpace ( result ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getAlphaMaskFromSoftMask ( const PDFImageData & imageSoftMask )
if ( imageSoftMask . getMaskingType ( ) ! = PDFImageData : : MaskingType : : None )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Soft mask can't have masking. " ) ) ;
if ( imageSoftMask . getWidth ( ) < 1 | | imageSoftMask . getHeight ( ) < 1 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of soft mask. " ) ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap result ( imageSoftMask . getWidth ( ) , imageSoftMask . getHeight ( ) , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( 0 , 0 , true , false , false ) ) ;
unsigned int componentCount = imageSoftMask . getComponents ( ) ;
if ( componentCount ! = 1 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Soft mask should have only 1 color component (alpha) instead of % 1. " ).arg(componentCount)) ;
const std : : vector < PDFReal > & decode = imageSoftMask . getDecode ( ) ;
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) & & decode . size ( ) ! = componentCount * 2 )
throw PDFException ( PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid size of the decode array. Expected %1, actual %2. " ) . arg ( componentCount * 2 ) . arg ( decode . size ( ) ) ) ;
PDFBitReader reader ( & imageSoftMask . getData ( ) , imageSoftMask . getBitsPerComponent ( ) ) ;
PDFColor color ;
color . resize ( componentCount ) ;
const PDFColorComponent max = reader . max ( ) ;
const PDFColorComponent coefficient = 1.0 / max ;
const uint8_t targetShapeChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t targetOpacityChannelIndex = result . getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const bool alphaIsShape = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ;
for ( unsigned int i = 0 , rowCount = imageSoftMask . getHeight ( ) ; i < rowCount ; + + i )
reader . seek ( i * imageSoftMask . getStride ( ) ) ;
for ( unsigned int j = 0 , colCount = imageSoftMask . getWidth ( ) ; j < colCount ; + + j )
PDFColorComponent alpha = 0.0 ;
PDFReal value = reader . read ( ) ;
// Interpolate value, if it is not empty
if ( ! decode . empty ( ) )
alpha = interpolate ( value , 0.0 , max , decode [ 0 ] , decode [ 1 ] ) ;
alpha = value * coefficient ;
alpha = qBound ( 0.0f , alpha , 1.0f ) ;
const PDFColorComponent shape = alphaIsShape ? alpha : 1.0f ;
PDFColorBuffer targetBuffer = result . getPixel ( j , i ) ;
targetBuffer [ targetShapeChannelIndex ] = shape ;
targetBuffer [ targetOpacityChannelIndex ] = alpha ;
return result ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : processSoftMask ( const PDFDictionary * softMask )
if ( m_painterStateStack . empty ( ) )
// Jakub Melka: This occurs only in initialization phase.
// Just quit, opaque soft mask is initialized when beginPaint is called.
return ;
if ( ! softMask )
// Make soft mask opaque
getPainterState ( ) - > softMask . makeOpaque ( ) ;
PDFSoftMaskDefinition softMaskDefinition = PDFSoftMaskDefinition : : parse ( softMask , this ) ;
if ( ! softMaskDefinition . getFormStream ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalind soft mask. " ) ) ;
getPainterState ( ) - > softMask . makeOpaque ( ) ;
return ;
// Jakub Melka: Define blend color space
PDFColorSpacePointer blendColorSpace = softMaskDefinition . getTransparencyGroup ( ) . colorSpacePointer ;
if ( ! blendColorSpace )
blendColorSpace . reset ( new PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace ( ) ) ;
if ( ! blendColorSpace - > isBlendColorSpace ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid blend color space of soft mask definition. " ) ) ;
getPainterState ( ) - > softMask . makeOpaque ( ) ;
return ;
PDFInkMapper inkMapper ( nullptr , getDocument ( ) ) ;
PDFTransparencyRenderer softMaskRenderer ( getPage ( ) , getDocument ( ) , getFontCache ( ) , getCMS ( ) , getOptionalContentActivity ( ) , & inkMapper , m_settings , getPagePointToDevicePointMatrix ( ) ) ;
softMaskRenderer . initializeProcessor ( ) ;
PDFPageContentProcessorState graphicState = * getGraphicState ( ) ;
graphicState . setSoftMask ( nullptr ) ;
softMaskRenderer . setDeviceColorSpace ( blendColorSpace ) ;
softMaskRenderer . setProcessColorSpace ( blendColorSpace ) ;
softMaskRenderer . beginPaint ( QSize ( int ( m_drawBuffer . getWidth ( ) ) , int ( m_drawBuffer . getHeight ( ) ) ) ) ;
softMaskRenderer . clearColor ( softMaskDefinition . getBackdropColor ( ) ) ;
softMaskRenderer . setGraphicsState ( graphicState ) ;
softMaskRenderer . processForm ( softMaskDefinition . getFormStream ( ) ) ;
const PDFFloatBitmap & renderedSoftMask = softMaskRenderer . endPaint ( ) ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
PDFFloatBitmap createdSoftMask ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
switch ( softMaskDefinition . getType ( ) )
case pdf : : PDFPageContentProcessor : : PDFSoftMaskDefinition : : Type : : Alpha :
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
createdSoftMask = renderedSoftMask . extractOpacityChannel ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
break ;
case pdf : : PDFPageContentProcessor : : PDFSoftMaskDefinition : : Type : : Luminosity :
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
createdSoftMask = renderedSoftMask . extractLuminosityChannel ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
break ;
default :
case pdf : : PDFPageContentProcessor : : PDFSoftMaskDefinition : : Type : : Invalid :
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid soft mask type. " ) ) ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
createdSoftMask = renderedSoftMask . extractOpacityChannel ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
break ;
if ( const PDFFunction * function = softMaskDefinition . getTransferFunction ( ) )
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
const size_t width = createdSoftMask . getWidth ( ) ;
const size_t height = createdSoftMask . getHeight ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < height ; + + y )
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < width ; + + x )
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
PDFColorBuffer pixel = createdSoftMask . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
PDFReal sourceValue = pixel [ 0 ] ;
PDFReal targetValue = sourceValue ;
PDFFunction : : FunctionResult result = function - > apply ( & sourceValue , & sourceValue + 1 , & targetValue , & targetValue + 1 ) ;
if ( ! result )
reportRenderErrorOnce ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Evaulation of soft mask transfer function failed. " ) ) ;
pixel [ 0 ] = targetValue ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
getPainterState ( ) - > softMask = PDFTransparencySoftMask ( false , qMove ( createdSoftMask ) ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : createOpaqueBitmap ( PDFFloatBitmap & bitmap )
bitmap . makeOpaque ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : createPaperBitmap ( PDFFloatBitmap & bitmap , const PDFRGB & paperColor )
bitmap . makeOpaque ( ) ;
bitmap . fillChannel ( 0 , paperColor [ 0 ] ) ;
bitmap . fillChannel ( 1 , paperColor [ 1 ] ) ;
bitmap . fillChannel ( 2 , paperColor [ 2 ] ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performPathPainting ( const QPainterPath & path , bool stroke , bool fill , bool text , Qt : : FillRule fillRule )
Q_UNUSED ( text ) ;
Q_UNUSED ( fillRule ) ;
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform worldMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
const PDFReal shapeStroking = getShapeStroking ( ) ;
const PDFReal opacityStroking = getOpacityStroking ( ) ;
const PDFReal shapeFilling = getShapeFilling ( ) ;
const PDFReal opacityFilling = getOpacityFilling ( ) ;
PDFPixelFormat format = m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( format . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t shapeChannel = format . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannel = format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelStart = format . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelEnd = format . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
if ( fill )
QPainterPath worldPath = worldMatrix . map ( path ) ;
QRect fillRect = getActualFillRect ( worldPath . controlPointRect ( ) ) ;
// Fill rect may be, or may not be valid. It depends on the painter path
// and world matrix. Path can be translated outside of the paint area.
if ( fillRect . isValid ( ) )
PDFPainterPathSampler clipSampler ( m_painterStateStack . top ( ) . clipPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 1.0f , fillRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
PDFPainterPathSampler pathSampler ( worldPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 0.0f , fillRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
const PDFMappedColor & fillColor = getMappedFillColor ( ) ;
if ( isMultithreadedPathSamplingUsed ( fillRect ) )
if ( fillRect . width ( ) > fillRect . height ( ) )
// Columns
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . left ( ) , fillRect . right ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performPixelSampling ( shapeFilling , opacityFilling , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , fillColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
// Rows
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . top ( ) , fillRect . bottom ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int y )
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
performPixelSampling ( shapeFilling , opacityFilling , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , fillColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performPixelSampling ( shapeFilling , opacityFilling , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , fillColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
m_drawBuffer . modify ( fillRect , true , false ) ;
if ( stroke )
// We must stroke the path.
QPainterPathStroker stroker ;
stroker . setCapStyle ( getGraphicState ( ) - > getLineCapStyle ( ) ) ;
stroker . setWidth ( getGraphicState ( ) - > getLineWidth ( ) ) ;
stroker . setMiterLimit ( getGraphicState ( ) - > getMitterLimit ( ) ) ;
stroker . setJoinStyle ( getGraphicState ( ) - > getLineJoinStyle ( ) ) ;
const PDFLineDashPattern & lineDashPattern = getGraphicState ( ) - > getLineDashPattern ( ) ;
if ( ! lineDashPattern . isSolid ( ) )
2022-07-17 16:10:42 +02:00
const auto & dashArray = lineDashPattern . getDashArray ( ) ;
stroker . setDashPattern ( QVector < PDFReal > ( dashArray . begin ( ) , dashArray . end ( ) ) ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
stroker . setDashOffset ( lineDashPattern . getDashOffset ( ) ) ;
QPainterPath strokedPath = stroker . createStroke ( path ) ;
QPainterPath worldPath = worldMatrix . map ( strokedPath ) ;
QRect strokeRect = getActualFillRect ( worldPath . controlPointRect ( ) ) ;
// Fill rect may be, or may not be valid. It depends on the painter path
// and world matrix. Path can be translated outside of the paint area.
if ( strokeRect . isValid ( ) )
PDFPainterPathSampler clipSampler ( m_painterStateStack . top ( ) . clipPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 1.0f , strokeRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
PDFPainterPathSampler pathSampler ( worldPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 0.0f , strokeRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
const PDFMappedColor & strokeColor = getMappedStrokeColor ( ) ;
if ( isMultithreadedPathSamplingUsed ( strokeRect ) )
if ( strokeRect . width ( ) > strokeRect . height ( ) )
// Columns
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( strokeRect . left ( ) , strokeRect . right ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int x )
for ( int y = strokeRect . top ( ) ; y < = strokeRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performPixelSampling ( shapeStroking , opacityStroking , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , strokeColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
// Rows
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( strokeRect . top ( ) , strokeRect . bottom ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int y )
for ( int x = strokeRect . left ( ) ; x < = strokeRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
performPixelSampling ( shapeStroking , opacityStroking , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , strokeColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
for ( int x = strokeRect . left ( ) ; x < = strokeRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = strokeRect . top ( ) ; y < = strokeRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performPixelSampling ( shapeStroking , opacityStroking , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , strokeColor , clipSampler , pathSampler ) ;
m_drawBuffer . modify ( strokeRect , false , true ) ;
flushDrawBuffer ( ) ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performPathPaintingUsingShading ( const QPainterPath & path , bool stroke , bool fill , const PDFShadingPattern * shadingPattern )
if ( path . isEmpty ( ) )
// Path is empty
return true ;
// Exactly one of stroke/fill must be true and other must be false
Q_ASSERT ( stroke ! = fill ) ;
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform worldMatrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
QPainterPath worldPath = worldMatrix . map ( path ) ;
QRect fillRect = getActualFillRect ( worldPath . controlPointRect ( ) ) ;
if ( fillRect . isEmpty ( ) )
// Jakub Melka: nothing to draw, rectangle is empty
return true ;
std : : unique_ptr < PDFShadingSampler > sampler ( shadingPattern - > createSampler ( getPatternBaseMatrix ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! sampler )
// Can't create sampler - this is error
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Cannot create shading sampler. " ) ) ;
return true ;
// Now, we have a sampler, so we create a texture, which we will later use
// as color source.
const PDFAbstractColorSpace * colorSpace = shadingPattern - > getColorSpace ( ) ;
const size_t shadingColorComponentCount = colorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace texture ( fillRect . width ( ) + 1 , fillRect . height ( ) + 1 , PDFPixelFormat : : createFormat ( uint8_t ( shadingColorComponentCount ) , 0 , true , shadingColorComponentCount = = 4 , false ) , shadingPattern - > getColorSpacePtr ( ) ) ;
QPointF offset = fillRect . topLeft ( ) ;
PDFPixelFormat texturePixelFormat = texture . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
uint8_t textureShapeChannel = texturePixelFormat . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
uint8_t textureOpacityChannel = texturePixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
if ( fillRect . width ( ) > fillRect . height ( ) )
// Columns
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . left ( ) , fillRect . right ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
const int texelCoordinateX = x - fillRect . left ( ) ;
const int texelCoordinateY = y - fillRect . top ( ) ;
PDFColorBuffer buffer = texture . getPixel ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ;
bool isSampled = sampler - > sample ( QPointF ( x , y ) + offset , buffer . resized ( shadingColorComponentCount ) , m_settings . shadingAlgorithmLimit ) ;
const PDFColorComponent textureSampleShape = isSampled ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
buffer [ textureShapeChannel ] = textureSampleShape ;
buffer [ textureOpacityChannel ] = textureSampleShape ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
// Rows
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . top ( ) , fillRect . bottom ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int y )
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
const int texelCoordinateX = x - fillRect . left ( ) ;
const int texelCoordinateY = y - fillRect . top ( ) ;
PDFColorBuffer buffer = texture . getPixel ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ;
bool isSampled = sampler - > sample ( QPointF ( x , y ) + offset , buffer . resized ( shadingColorComponentCount ) , m_settings . shadingAlgorithmLimit ) ;
const PDFColorComponent textureSampleShape = isSampled ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
buffer [ textureShapeChannel ] = textureSampleShape ;
buffer [ textureOpacityChannel ] = textureSampleShape ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
// Convert image to a blend color space
texture = convertImageToBlendSpace ( texture ) ;
texturePixelFormat = texture . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
textureShapeChannel = texturePixelFormat . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
textureOpacityChannel = texturePixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
PDFPainterPathSampler clipSampler ( m_painterStateStack . top ( ) . clipPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 1.0f , fillRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
PDFPainterPathSampler pathSampler ( worldPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 0.0f , fillRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
const PDFReal constantShape = stroke ? getShapeStroking ( ) : getShapeFilling ( ) ;
const PDFReal constantOpacity = stroke ? getOpacityStroking ( ) : getOpacityFilling ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) = = texture . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat drawBufferPixelFormat = m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const uint8_t drawBufferShapeChannel = drawBufferPixelFormat . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t drawBufferOpacityChannel = drawBufferPixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint32_t colorChannelStart = drawBufferPixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint32_t colorChannelEnd = drawBufferPixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
const int texelCoordinateX = x - fillRect . left ( ) ;
const int texelCoordinateY = y - fillRect . top ( ) ;
PDFColorBuffer texel = texture . getPixel ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ;
const PDFColorComponent textureShape = texel [ drawBufferShapeChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent textureOpacity = texel [ drawBufferOpacityChannel ] ;
const PDFColorComponent clipValue = clipSampler . sample ( QPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent objectShapeValue = pathSampler . sample ( QPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
const PDFColorComponent shapeValue = objectShapeValue * clipValue * constantShape * textureShape ;
const PDFColorComponent opacityValue = shapeValue * constantOpacity * textureOpacity ;
if ( shapeValue > 0.0f )
// We consider old object shape - we use Union function to
// set shape channel value.
PDFColorBuffer pixel = m_drawBuffer . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
pixel [ drawBufferShapeChannel ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( shapeValue , pixel [ drawBufferShapeChannel ] ) ;
pixel [ drawBufferOpacityChannel ] = opacityValue ;
// Copy color
for ( uint8_t colorChannelIndex = colorChannelStart ; colorChannelIndex < colorChannelEnd ; + + colorChannelIndex )
pixel [ colorChannelIndex ] = texel [ colorChannelIndex ] ;
m_drawBuffer . markPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y , texture . getPixelActiveColorMask ( texelCoordinateX , texelCoordinateY ) ) ;
m_drawBuffer . modify ( fillRect , fill , stroke ) ;
return true ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performFinishPathPainting ( )
flushDrawBuffer ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performClipping ( const QPainterPath & path , Qt : : FillRule fillRule )
Q_UNUSED ( fillRule ) ;
PDFTransparencyPainterState * painterState = getPainterState ( ) ;
if ( ! painterState - > clipPath . isEmpty ( ) )
painterState - > clipPath = painterState - > clipPath . intersected ( getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) . map ( path ) ) ;
painterState - > clipPath = getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) . map ( path ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performUpdateGraphicsState ( const PDFPageContentProcessorState & state )
PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateFlags stateFlags = state . getStateFlags ( ) ;
const bool colorTransformAffected = stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateRenderingIntent ) | |
stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateBlackPointCompensation ) ;
if ( colorTransformAffected | |
stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateStrokeColor ) | |
stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateStrokeColorSpace ) )
m_mappedStrokeColor . dirty ( ) ;
if ( colorTransformAffected | |
stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateFillColor ) | |
stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateFillColorSpace ) )
m_mappedFillColor . dirty ( ) ;
BaseClass : : performUpdateGraphicsState ( state ) ;
if ( stateFlags . testFlag ( PDFPageContentProcessorState : : StateSoftMask ) )
processSoftMask ( state . getSoftMask ( ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performSaveGraphicState ( ProcessOrder order )
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : AfterOperation )
m_painterStateStack . push ( m_painterStateStack . top ( ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performRestoreGraphicState ( ProcessOrder order )
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : BeforeOperation )
m_painterStateStack . pop ( ) ;
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : AfterOperation )
invalidateCachedItems ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performBeginTransparencyGroup ( ProcessOrder order , const PDFTransparencyGroup & transparencyGroup )
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : BeforeOperation )
PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData data ;
data . group = transparencyGroup ;
data . alphaIsShape = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ;
data . alphaFill = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaFilling ( ) ;
data . alphaStroke = getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaStroking ( ) ;
data . blendMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getBlendMode ( ) ;
data . blackPointCompensationMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getBlackPointCompensationMode ( ) ;
data . renderingIntent = getGraphicState ( ) - > getRenderingIntent ( ) ;
data . blendColorSpace = transparencyGroup . colorSpacePointer ;
if ( ! data . blendColorSpace )
data . blendColorSpace = getBlendColorSpace ( ) ;
// Create initial backdrop, according to 11.4.8 of PDF 2.0 specification.
// If group is knockout, use initial backdrop.
data . initialBackdrop = * getBackdrop ( ) ;
if ( isTransparencyGroupIsolated ( ) )
// Make initial backdrop transparent
data . makeInitialBackdropTransparent ( ) ;
else if ( ! isTransparencyGroupKnockout ( ) )
// We have stored alpha_g_i in immediate buffer. We must mix it with alpha_0 to get alpha_i
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * initialBackdrop = getInitialBackdrop ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannelIndex = initialBackdrop - > getPixelFormat ( ) . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const size_t width = data . initialBackdrop . getWidth ( ) ;
const size_t height = data . initialBackdrop . getHeight ( ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < width ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < height ; + + y )
PDFConstColorBuffer oldPixel = initialBackdrop - > getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer newPixel = data . initialBackdrop . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
newPixel [ opacityChannelIndex ] = PDFBlendFunction : : blend_Union ( oldPixel [ opacityChannelIndex ] , newPixel [ opacityChannelIndex ] ) ;
// Prepare soft mask
data . softMask = getPainterState ( ) - > softMask ;
data . initialBackdrop . convertToColorSpace ( getCMS ( ) , data . renderingIntent , data . blendColorSpace , this ) ;
data . immediateBackdrop = data . initialBackdrop ;
// Jakub Melka: According to 11.4.8 of PDF 2.0 specification, we must
// initialize f_g_0 and alpha_g_0 to zero. We store f_g_0 and alpha_g_0
// in the immediate backdrop, so we will make it transparent.
data . makeImmediateBackdropTransparent ( ) ;
// Create draw buffer
m_drawBuffer = PDFDrawBuffer ( data . immediateBackdrop . getWidth ( ) , data . immediateBackdrop . getHeight ( ) , data . immediateBackdrop . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . emplace_back ( qMove ( data ) ) ;
invalidateCachedItems ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performEndTransparencyGroup ( ProcessOrder order , const PDFTransparencyGroup & transparencyGroup )
Q_UNUSED ( transparencyGroup ) ;
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : AfterOperation )
// "Unblend" the initial backdrop from immediate backdrop, according to 11.4.8
removeInitialBackdrop ( ) ;
PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData sourceData = qMove ( m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) ) ;
m_transparencyGroupDataStack . pop_back ( ) ;
// Filter inactive colors - clear all colors in immediate mask,
// which are set to inactive.
if ( sourceData . filterColorsUsingMask )
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = sourceData . immediateBackdrop . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const uint32_t colorChannelStart = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint32_t colorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
const uint32_t processColorChannelEnd = pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
for ( uint32_t colorChannelIndex = colorChannelStart ; colorChannelIndex < colorChannelEnd ; + + colorChannelIndex )
const uint32_t flag = 1 < < colorChannelIndex ;
if ( ! ( sourceData . activeColorMask & flag ) )
const bool isProcessColor = colorChannelIndex < processColorChannelEnd ;
const bool isSubtractive = isProcessColor ? pixelFormat . hasProcessColorsSubtractive ( ) : pixelFormat . hasSpotColorsSubtractive ( ) ;
sourceData . immediateBackdrop . fillChannel ( colorChannelIndex , isSubtractive ? 0.0f : 1.0f ) ;
if ( sourceData . saveOriginalImage )
m_originalProcessBitmap = sourceData . immediateBackdrop ;
// Collapse spot colors
if ( sourceData . transformSpotsToDevice )
collapseSpotColorsToDeviceColors ( sourceData . immediateBackdrop ) ;
PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData & targetData = m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) ;
sourceData . immediateBackdrop . convertToColorSpace ( getCMS ( ) , targetData . renderingIntent , targetData . blendColorSpace , this ) ;
PDFOverprintMode overprintMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getOverprintMode ( ) ;
const bool useOverprint = overprintMode . overprintFilling | | overprintMode . overprintStroking ;
PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode selectedOverprintMode = PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : NoOveprint ;
if ( useOverprint )
selectedOverprintMode = overprintMode . overprintMode = = 0 ? PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_0
: PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_1 ;
PDFFloatBitmap : : blend ( sourceData . immediateBackdrop , targetData . immediateBackdrop , * getBackdrop ( ) , * getInitialBackdrop ( ) , * sourceData . softMask . getSoftMask ( ) ,
sourceData . alphaIsShape , sourceData . alphaFill , sourceData . blendMode , sourceData . group . knockout , selectedOverprintMode , getPaintRect ( ) ) ;
// Create draw buffer
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * backdrop = getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
m_drawBuffer = PDFDrawBuffer ( backdrop - > getWidth ( ) , backdrop - > getHeight ( ) , backdrop - > getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
invalidateCachedItems ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performTextBegin ( ProcessOrder order )
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : AfterOperation & & getGraphicState ( ) - > getTextKnockout ( ) )
// In a case of text knockout, use text transparency group of type knockout
PDFTransparencyGroup transparencyGroup ;
transparencyGroup . knockout = true ;
m_textTransparencyGroupGuard . reset ( new PDFTransparencyGroupGuard ( this , qMove ( transparencyGroup ) ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performTextEnd ( ProcessOrder order )
if ( order = = ProcessOrder : : BeforeOperation )
m_textTransparencyGroupGuard . reset ( ) ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performOriginalImagePainting ( const PDFImage & image )
PDFFloatBitmap texture = getImage ( image ) ;
if ( m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SmoothImageTransformation ) & & image . isInterpolated ( ) )
// Test, if we can use smooth images. We can use them under following conditions:
// 1) Transformed rectangle is not skewed or deformed (so vectors (0, 1) and (1, 0) are orthogonal)
// 2) We are shrinking the image
// 3) Aspect ratio of the image is the same
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform matrix = getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
QLineF mappedWidthVector = matrix . map ( QLineF ( 0 , 0 , texture . getWidth ( ) , 0 ) ) ;
QLineF mappedHeightVector = matrix . map ( QLineF ( 0 , 0 , 0 , texture . getHeight ( ) ) ) ;
qreal angle = mappedWidthVector . angleTo ( mappedHeightVector ) ;
if ( qFuzzyCompare ( angle , 90.0 ) )
// Image is not skewed, so we if we are shrinking the image
const qreal originalWidth = texture . getWidth ( ) ;
const qreal originalHeight = texture . getHeight ( ) ;
const qreal originalRatio = originalWidth / originalHeight ;
const qreal transformedWidth = mappedWidthVector . length ( ) ;
const qreal transformedHeight = mappedHeightVector . length ( ) ;
const qreal transformedRatio = transformedWidth / transformedHeight ;
if ( qFuzzyCompare ( originalRatio , transformedRatio ) & & originalWidth > transformedWidth & & originalHeight > transformedHeight )
uint32_t activeColorMask = texture . getPixelActiveColorMask ( 0 , 0 ) ;
texture = texture . resize ( qCeil ( transformedWidth ) , qCeil ( transformedHeight ) , Qt : : SmoothTransformation ) ;
texture . setColorActivity ( activeColorMask ) ;
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform imageTransform ( 1.0 / qreal ( texture . getWidth ( ) ) , 0 , 0 , 1.0 / qreal ( texture . getHeight ( ) ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
QTransform worldMatrix = imageTransform * getCurrentWorldMatrix ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// Because Qt uses opposite axis direction than PDF, then we must transform the y-axis
// to the opposite (so the image is then unchanged)
worldMatrix . translate ( 0.0 , texture . getHeight ( ) ) ;
worldMatrix . scale ( 1 , - 1 ) ;
QPolygonF imagePolygon ;
imagePolygon < < QPointF ( 0.0 , 0.0 ) ;
imagePolygon < < QPointF ( 0.0 , texture . getHeight ( ) ) ;
imagePolygon < < QPointF ( texture . getWidth ( ) , texture . getHeight ( ) ) ;
imagePolygon < < QPointF ( texture . getWidth ( ) , 0.0 ) ;
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform worldToTextureMatrix = worldMatrix . inverted ( ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
QRectF boundingRectangle = worldMatrix . map ( imagePolygon ) . boundingRect ( ) ;
QRect fillRect = getActualFillRect ( boundingRectangle ) ;
const PDFReal shape = getShapeFilling ( ) ;
const PDFReal opacity = getOpacityFilling ( ) ;
PDFPixelFormat format = m_drawBuffer . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( format . hasShapeChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( format . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( format = = texture . getPixelFormat ( ) ) ;
const uint8_t shapeChannel = format . getShapeChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t opacityChannel = format . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelStart = format . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelEnd = format . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
// Fill rect may be, or may not be valid. It depends on the painter path
// and world matrix. Path can be translated outside of the paint area.
if ( fillRect . isValid ( ) )
PDFPainterPathSampler clipSampler ( m_painterStateStack . top ( ) . clipPath , m_settings . samplesCount , 1.0f , fillRect , m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : PrecisePathSampler ) ) ;
if ( isMultithreadedPathSamplingUsed ( fillRect ) )
if ( fillRect . width ( ) > fillRect . height ( ) )
// Columns
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . left ( ) , fillRect . right ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performFillFragmentFromTexture ( shape , opacity , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , worldToTextureMatrix , texture , clipSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
// Rows
PDFIntegerRange < int > range ( fillRect . top ( ) , fillRect . bottom ( ) + 1 ) ;
auto processEntry = [ & , this ] ( int y )
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
performFillFragmentFromTexture ( shape , opacity , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , worldToTextureMatrix , texture , clipSampler ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Content , range . begin ( ) , range . end ( ) , processEntry ) ;
for ( int x = fillRect . left ( ) ; x < = fillRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = fillRect . top ( ) ; y < = fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
performFillFragmentFromTexture ( shape , opacity , shapeChannel , opacityChannel , colorChannelStart , colorChannelEnd , x , y , worldToTextureMatrix , texture , clipSampler ) ;
m_drawBuffer . modify ( fillRect , true , false ) ;
flushDrawBuffer ( ) ;
return true ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performImagePainting ( const QImage & image )
Q_UNUSED ( image ) ;
reportRenderErrorOnce ( RenderErrorType : : NotImplemented , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image painting not implemented. " ) ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : performMeshPainting ( const PDFMesh & mesh )
Q_UNUSED ( mesh ) ;
reportRenderErrorOnce ( RenderErrorType : : NotImplemented , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Mesh painting not implemented. " ) ) ;
PDFReal PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getShapeStroking ( ) const
return getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ? getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaStroking ( ) : 1.0 ;
PDFReal PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getOpacityStroking ( ) const
return ! getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ? getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaStroking ( ) : 1.0 ;
PDFReal PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getShapeFilling ( ) const
return getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ? getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaFilling ( ) : 1.0 ;
PDFReal PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getOpacityFilling ( ) const
return ! getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) ? getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaFilling ( ) : 1.0 ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : invalidateCachedItems ( )
m_mappedStrokeColor . dirty ( ) ;
m_mappedFillColor . dirty ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : removeInitialBackdrop ( )
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * immediateBackdrop = getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * initialBackdrop = getInitialBackdrop ( ) ;
PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = immediateBackdrop - > getPixelFormat ( ) ;
const uint8_t alphaChannelIndex = pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelIndexStart = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexStart ( ) ;
const uint8_t colorChannelIndexEnd = pixelFormat . getColorChannelIndexEnd ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( alphaChannelIndex ! = PDFPixelFormat : : INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( colorChannelIndexStart ! = PDFPixelFormat : : INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( colorChannelIndexEnd ! = PDFPixelFormat : : INVALID_CHANNEL_INDEX ) ;
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < immediateBackdrop - > getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < immediateBackdrop - > getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
PDFColorBuffer initialBackdropColorBuffer = initialBackdrop - > getPixel ( x , y ) ;
PDFColorBuffer immediateBackdropColorBuffer = immediateBackdrop - > getPixel ( x , y ) ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_0 = initialBackdropColorBuffer [ alphaChannelIndex ] ;
const PDFColorComponent alpha_g_n = immediateBackdropColorBuffer [ alphaChannelIndex ] ;
if ( ! qFuzzyIsNull ( alpha_g_n ) )
for ( uint8_t i = colorChannelIndexStart ; i < colorChannelIndexEnd ; + + i )
const PDFColorComponent C_0 = initialBackdropColorBuffer [ i ] ;
const PDFColorComponent C_n = immediateBackdropColorBuffer [ i ] ;
const PDFColorComponent C = C_n + ( C_n - C_0 ) * alpha_0 * ( 1.0f / alpha_g_n - 1.0f ) ;
const PDFColorComponent C_clipped = qBound ( 0.0f , C , 1.0f ) ;
immediateBackdropColorBuffer [ i ] = C_clipped ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getInitialBackdrop ( )
return & m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . initialBackdrop ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getImmediateBackdrop ( )
return & m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . immediateBackdrop ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getBackdrop ( )
if ( isTransparencyGroupKnockout ( ) )
return getInitialBackdrop ( ) ;
return getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getInitialBackdrop ( ) const
return & m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . initialBackdrop ;
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getImmediateBackdrop ( ) const
return & m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . immediateBackdrop ;
const PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace * PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getBackdrop ( ) const
if ( isTransparencyGroupKnockout ( ) )
return getInitialBackdrop ( ) ;
return getImmediateBackdrop ( ) ;
const PDFColorSpacePointer & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getBlendColorSpace ( ) const
return m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . blendColorSpace ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : isTransparencyGroupIsolated ( ) const
return m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . group . isolated ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : isTransparencyGroupKnockout ( ) const
return m_transparencyGroupDataStack . back ( ) . group . knockout ;
const PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFMappedColor & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedStrokeColor ( )
return m_mappedStrokeColor . get ( this , & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedStrokeColorImpl ) ;
const PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFMappedColor & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedFillColor ( )
return m_mappedFillColor . get ( this , & PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedFillColorImpl ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : fillMappedColorUsingMapping ( const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat ,
PDFMappedColor & result ,
const PDFInkMapping & inkMapping ,
const PDFColor & sourceColor )
result . mappedColor . resize ( pixelFormat . getColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
// Zero the color
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < pixelFormat . getColorChannelCount ( ) ; + + i )
result . mappedColor [ i ] = 0.0f ;
for ( const PDFInkMapping : : Mapping & ink : inkMapping . mapping )
// Sanity check of source color
if ( ink . source > = sourceColor . size ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid source ink index %1. " ) . arg ( ink . source ) ) ;
continue ;
// Sanity check of target color
if ( ink . target > = result . mappedColor . size ( ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid target ink index %1. " ) . arg ( ink . target ) ) ;
continue ;
switch ( ink . type )
case pdf : : PDFInkMapping : : Pass :
result . mappedColor [ ink . target ] = sourceColor [ ink . source ] ;
break ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
result . activeChannels = inkMapping . activeChannels ;
PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFMappedColor PDFTransparencyRenderer : : createMappedColor ( const PDFColor & sourceColor , const PDFAbstractColorSpace * sourceColorSpace )
PDFMappedColor result ;
const PDFAbstractColorSpace * targetColorSpace = getBlendColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) ;
const PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = getImmediateBackdrop ( ) - > getPixelFormat ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( targetColorSpace - > equals ( getImmediateBackdrop ( ) - > getColorSpace ( ) . data ( ) ) ) ;
PDFInkMapping inkMapping = m_inkMapper - > createMapping ( sourceColorSpace , targetColorSpace , pixelFormat ) ;
if ( inkMapping . isValid ( ) )
fillMappedColorUsingMapping ( pixelFormat , result , inkMapping , sourceColor ) ;
// Jakub Melka: We must convert color form source color space to target color space
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > sourceColorVector ( sourceColor . size ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < sourceColorVector . size ( ) ; + + i )
sourceColorVector [ i ] = sourceColor [ i ] ;
PDFColorBuffer sourceColorBuffer ( sourceColorVector . data ( ) , sourceColorVector . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > targetColorVector ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
PDFColorBuffer targetColorBuffer ( targetColorVector . data ( ) , targetColorVector . size ( ) ) ;
if ( ! PDFAbstractColorSpace : : transform ( sourceColorSpace , targetColorSpace , getCMS ( ) , getGraphicState ( ) - > getRenderingIntent ( ) , sourceColorBuffer , targetColorBuffer , this ) )
reportRenderError ( RenderErrorType : : Error , PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Transformation from source color space to target blending color space failed. " ) ) ;
PDFColor adjustedSourceColor ;
adjustedSourceColor . resize ( targetColorBuffer . size ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < targetColorBuffer . size ( ) ; + + i )
adjustedSourceColor [ i ] = targetColorBuffer [ i ] ;
inkMapping = m_inkMapper - > createMapping ( targetColorSpace , targetColorSpace , pixelFormat ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( inkMapping . isValid ( ) ) ;
fillMappedColorUsingMapping ( pixelFormat , result , inkMapping , adjustedSourceColor ) ;
return result ;
PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFMappedColor PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedStrokeColorImpl ( )
const PDFAbstractColorSpace * sourceColorSpace = getGraphicState ( ) - > getStrokeColorSpace ( ) ;
const PDFColor & sourceColor = getGraphicState ( ) - > getStrokeColorOriginal ( ) ;
return createMappedColor ( sourceColor , sourceColorSpace ) ;
PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFMappedColor PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getMappedFillColorImpl ( )
const PDFAbstractColorSpace * sourceColorSpace = getGraphicState ( ) - > getFillColorSpace ( ) ;
const PDFColor & sourceColor = getGraphicState ( ) - > getFillColorOriginal ( ) ;
return createMappedColor ( sourceColor , sourceColorSpace ) ;
QRect PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getPaintRect ( ) const
return QRect ( 0 , 0 , int ( getBackdrop ( ) - > getWidth ( ) ) , int ( getBackdrop ( ) - > getHeight ( ) ) ) ;
QRect PDFTransparencyRenderer : : getActualFillRect ( const QRectF & fillRect ) const
int xLeft = qFloor ( fillRect . left ( ) ) - 1 ;
int xRight = qCeil ( fillRect . right ( ) ) + 1 ;
int yTop = qFloor ( fillRect . top ( ) ) - 1 ;
int yBottom = qCeil ( fillRect . bottom ( ) ) + 1 ;
QRect drawRect ( xLeft , yTop , xRight - xLeft , yBottom - yTop ) ;
return getPaintRect ( ) . intersected ( drawRect ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : flushDrawBuffer ( )
if ( m_drawBuffer . isModified ( ) )
PDFOverprintMode overprintMode = getGraphicState ( ) - > getOverprintMode ( ) ;
const bool useOverprint = ( overprintMode . overprintFilling & & m_drawBuffer . isContainsFilling ( ) ) | |
( overprintMode . overprintStroking & & m_drawBuffer . isContainsStroking ( ) ) ;
PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode selectedOverprintMode = PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : NoOveprint ;
if ( useOverprint )
selectedOverprintMode = overprintMode . overprintMode = = 0 ? PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_0
: PDFFloatBitmap : : OverprintMode : : Overprint_Mode_1 ;
PDFFloatBitmap : : blend ( m_drawBuffer , * getImmediateBackdrop ( ) , * getBackdrop ( ) , * getInitialBackdrop ( ) , * getPainterState ( ) - > softMask . getSoftMask ( ) ,
getGraphicState ( ) - > getAlphaIsShape ( ) , 1.0f , getGraphicState ( ) - > getBlendMode ( ) , isTransparencyGroupKnockout ( ) ,
selectedOverprintMode , m_drawBuffer . getModifiedRect ( ) ) ;
m_drawBuffer . clear ( ) ;
bool PDFTransparencyRenderer : : isMultithreadedPathSamplingUsed ( QRect fillRect ) const
if ( ! m_settings . flags . testFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : MultithreadedPathSampler ) )
return false ;
return fillRect . width ( ) * fillRect . height ( ) > m_settings . multithreadingPathSampleThreshold & & fillRect . width ( ) > 1 ;
PDFInkMapper : : PDFInkMapper ( const PDFCMSManager * manager , const PDFDocument * document ) :
m_cmsManager ( manager ) ,
m_document ( document )
// Initialize device separations
std : : vector < ColorInfo > graySeparations = getSeparations ( 1 , false ) ;
std : : vector < ColorInfo > rgbSeparations = getSeparations ( 3 , false ) ;
std : : vector < ColorInfo > cmykSeparations = getSeparations ( 4 , false ) ;
m_deviceColors . insert ( m_deviceColors . end ( ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( graySeparations . begin ( ) ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( graySeparations . end ( ) ) ) ;
m_deviceColors . insert ( m_deviceColors . end ( ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( rgbSeparations . begin ( ) ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( rgbSeparations . end ( ) ) ) ;
m_deviceColors . insert ( m_deviceColors . end ( ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( cmykSeparations . begin ( ) ) , std : : make_move_iterator ( cmykSeparations . end ( ) ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo > PDFInkMapper : : getSeparations ( uint32_t processColorCount , bool withSpots ) const
std : : vector < ColorInfo > result ;
result . reserve ( getActiveSpotColorCount ( ) + processColorCount ) ;
PDFRenderErrorReporterDummy renderErrorReporter ;
PDFCMSPointer cms = m_cmsManager ? m_cmsManager - > getCurrentCMS ( ) : nullptr ;
switch ( processColorCount )
case 1 :
PDFDeviceGrayColorSpace grayColorSpace ;
ColorInfo gray ;
gray . name = " Gray " ;
gray . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Gray " ) ;
gray . canBeActive = true ;
gray . active = true ;
gray . isSpot = false ;
gray . spotColorIndex = 0 ;
gray . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceGray ;
gray . color = cms ? grayColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 1.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( gray ) ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
PDFDeviceRGBColorSpace rgbColorSpace ;
ColorInfo red ;
red . name = " Red " ;
red . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Red " ) ;
red . canBeActive = true ;
red . active = true ;
red . isSpot = false ;
red . spotColorIndex = 0 ;
red . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceRGB ;
red . color = cms ? rgbColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( red ) ) ;
ColorInfo green ;
green . name = " Green " ;
green . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Green " ) ;
green . canBeActive = true ;
green . active = true ;
green . isSpot = false ;
green . spotColorIndex = 1 ;
green . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceRGB ;
green . color = cms ? rgbColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( green ) ) ;
ColorInfo blue ;
blue . name = " Blue " ;
blue . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Blue " ) ;
blue . canBeActive = true ;
blue . active = true ;
blue . isSpot = false ;
blue . spotColorIndex = 2 ;
blue . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceRGB ;
blue . color = cms ? rgbColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( blue ) ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
PDFDeviceCMYKColorSpace cmykColorSpace ;
ColorInfo cyan ;
cyan . name = " Cyan " ;
cyan . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Cyan " ) ;
cyan . canBeActive = true ;
cyan . active = true ;
cyan . isSpot = false ;
cyan . spotColorIndex = 0 ;
cyan . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceCMYK ;
cyan . color = cms ? cmykColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( cyan ) ) ;
ColorInfo magenta ;
magenta . name = " Magenta " ;
magenta . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Magenta " ) ;
magenta . canBeActive = true ;
magenta . active = true ;
magenta . isSpot = false ;
magenta . spotColorIndex = 1 ;
magenta . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceCMYK ;
magenta . color = cms ? cmykColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( magenta ) ) ;
ColorInfo yellow ;
yellow . name = " Yellow " ;
yellow . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Yellow " ) ;
yellow . canBeActive = true ;
yellow . active = true ;
yellow . isSpot = false ;
yellow . spotColorIndex = 2 ;
yellow . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceCMYK ;
yellow . color = cms ? cmykColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f , 0.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( yellow ) ) ;
ColorInfo black ;
black . name = " Black " ;
black . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Black " ) ;
black . canBeActive = true ;
black . active = true ;
black . isSpot = false ;
black . spotColorIndex = 3 ;
black . colorSpaceType = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceCMYK ;
black . color = cms ? cmykColorSpace . getColor ( PDFColor ( 0.0f , 0.0f , 0.0f , 1.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : QColor ( ) ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( black ) ) ;
break ;
default :
for ( uint32_t i = 0 ; i < processColorCount ; + + i )
ColorInfo generic ;
generic . textName = PDFTranslationContext : : tr ( " Process Generic%1 " ) . arg ( i + 1 ) ;
generic . name = generic . textName . toLatin1 ( ) ;
generic . canBeActive = true ;
generic . active = true ;
generic . isSpot = false ;
generic . spotColorIndex = i ;
result . emplace_back ( qMove ( generic ) ) ;
if ( withSpots )
for ( const auto & spotColor : m_spotColors )
if ( ! spotColor . active )
// Skip inactive spot colors
continue ;
result . emplace_back ( spotColor ) ;
return result ;
void PDFInkMapper : : createSpotColors ( bool activate )
m_spotColors . clear ( ) ;
m_activeSpotColors = 0 ;
PDFRenderErrorReporterDummy renderErrorReporter ;
PDFCMSPointer cms = m_cmsManager ? m_cmsManager - > getCurrentCMS ( ) : nullptr ;
const PDFCatalog * catalog = m_document - > getCatalog ( ) ;
const size_t pageCount = catalog - > getPageCount ( ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < pageCount ; + + i )
const PDFPage * page = catalog - > getPage ( i ) ;
PDFObject resources = m_document - > getObject ( page - > getResources ( ) ) ;
if ( resources . isDictionary ( ) & & resources . getDictionary ( ) - > hasKey ( " ColorSpace " ) )
const PDFDictionary * colorSpaceDictionary = m_document - > getDictionaryFromObject ( resources . getDictionary ( ) - > get ( " ColorSpace " ) ) ;
if ( colorSpaceDictionary )
std : : size_t colorSpaces = colorSpaceDictionary - > getCount ( ) ;
for ( size_t csIndex = 0 ; csIndex < colorSpaces ; + + csIndex )
PDFColorSpacePointer colorSpacePointer ;
colorSpacePointer = PDFAbstractColorSpace : : createColorSpace ( colorSpaceDictionary , m_document , m_document - > getObject ( colorSpaceDictionary - > getValue ( csIndex ) ) ) ;
2021-12-14 19:28:38 +01:00
catch ( const PDFException & )
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// Ignore invalid color spaces
continue ;
if ( ! colorSpacePointer )
continue ;
switch ( colorSpacePointer - > getColorSpace ( ) )
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : Separation :
const PDFSeparationColorSpace * separationColorSpace = dynamic_cast < const PDFSeparationColorSpace * > ( colorSpacePointer . data ( ) ) ;
if ( ! separationColorSpace - > isNone ( ) & & ! separationColorSpace - > isAll ( ) & & ! separationColorSpace - > getColorName ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
// Try to add spot color
const QByteArray & colorName = separationColorSpace - > getColorName ( ) ;
if ( ! containsSpotColor ( colorName ) & & ! containsProcessColor ( colorName ) )
ColorInfo info ;
info . name = colorName ;
info . textName = PDFEncoding : : convertTextString ( info . name ) ;
info . colorSpace = colorSpacePointer ;
info . spotColorIndex = uint32_t ( m_spotColors . size ( ) ) ;
info . color = cms ? separationColorSpace - > getColor ( pdf : : PDFColor ( 1.0f ) , cms . get ( ) , pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : nullptr ;
m_spotColors . emplace_back ( qMove ( info ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceN :
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace * deviceNColorSpace = dynamic_cast < const PDFDeviceNColorSpace * > ( colorSpacePointer . data ( ) ) ;
if ( ! deviceNColorSpace - > isNone ( ) )
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace : : Colorants & colorants = deviceNColorSpace - > getColorants ( ) ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
for ( size_t ii = 0 ; ii < colorants . size ( ) ; + + ii )
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace : : ColorantInfo & colorantInfo = colorants [ ii ] ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
if ( ! containsSpotColor ( colorantInfo . name ) & & ! containsProcessColor ( colorantInfo . name ) )
PDFColor color ;
color . resize ( deviceNColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
color [ ii ] = 1.0f ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
ColorInfo info ;
info . name = colorantInfo . name ;
info . textName = PDFEncoding : : convertTextString ( info . name ) ;
2022-07-31 18:32:57 +02:00
info . colorSpaceIndex = uint32_t ( ii ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
info . colorSpace = colorSpacePointer ;
info . spotColorIndex = uint32_t ( m_spotColors . size ( ) ) ;
info . color = cms ? deviceNColorSpace - > getColor ( color , cms . get ( ) , pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Perceptual , & renderErrorReporter , true ) : nullptr ;
m_spotColors . emplace_back ( qMove ( info ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
size_t minIndex = qMin < uint32_t > ( uint32_t ( m_spotColors . size ( ) ) , MAX_SPOT_COLOR_COMPONENTS ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < minIndex ; + + i )
m_spotColors [ i ] . canBeActive = true ;
setSpotColorsActive ( activate ) ;
bool PDFInkMapper : : containsSpotColor ( const QByteArray & colorName ) const
return getSpotColor ( colorName ) ! = nullptr ;
bool PDFInkMapper : : containsProcessColor ( const QByteArray & colorName ) const
return getProcessColor ( colorName ) ! = nullptr ;
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo * PDFInkMapper : : getSpotColor ( const QByteArray & colorName ) const
auto it = std : : find_if ( m_spotColors . cbegin ( ) , m_spotColors . cend ( ) , [ & colorName ] ( const auto & info ) { return info . name = = colorName ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = m_spotColors . cend ( ) )
return & * it ;
return nullptr ;
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo * PDFInkMapper : : getProcessColor ( const QByteArray & colorName ) const
auto it = std : : find_if ( m_deviceColors . cbegin ( ) , m_deviceColors . cend ( ) , [ & colorName ] ( const auto & info ) { return info . name = = colorName ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = m_deviceColors . cend ( ) )
return & * it ;
return nullptr ;
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo * PDFInkMapper : : getActiveProcessColor ( const QByteArray & colorName , PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace colorSpace ) const
auto it = std : : find_if ( m_deviceColors . cbegin ( ) , m_deviceColors . cend ( ) , [ & colorName , colorSpace ] ( const auto & info ) { return info . name = = colorName & & info . active & & info . colorSpaceType = = colorSpace ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = m_deviceColors . cend ( ) )
return & * it ;
return nullptr ;
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo * PDFInkMapper : : getActiveSpotColor ( size_t index ) const
for ( const ColorInfo & info : m_spotColors )
if ( info . active )
if ( index = = 0 )
return & info ;
- - index ;
return nullptr ;
void PDFInkMapper : : setSpotColorsActive ( bool active )
m_activeSpotColors = 0 ;
if ( active )
for ( auto & spotColor : m_spotColors )
if ( spotColor . canBeActive )
spotColor . active = true ;
+ + m_activeSpotColors ;
for ( auto & spotColor : m_spotColors )
spotColor . active = false ;
PDFInkMapping PDFInkMapper : : createMapping ( const PDFAbstractColorSpace * sourceColorSpace ,
const PDFAbstractColorSpace * targetColorSpace ,
PDFPixelFormat targetPixelFormat ) const
PDFInkMapping mapping ;
const PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace colorSpaceType = targetColorSpace - > getColorSpace ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) = = targetPixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
if ( sourceColorSpace - > equals ( targetColorSpace ) )
Q_ASSERT ( sourceColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) = = targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ;
uint8_t colorCount = uint8_t ( targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ;
mapping . mapping . reserve ( colorCount ) ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < colorCount ; + + i )
mapping . map ( i , i ) ;
switch ( sourceColorSpace - > getColorSpace ( ) )
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : Separation :
const PDFSeparationColorSpace * separationColorSpace = dynamic_cast < const PDFSeparationColorSpace * > ( sourceColorSpace ) ;
if ( separationColorSpace - > isAll ( ) )
// Map this color to all device colors
uint32_t colorCount = static_cast < uint32_t > ( targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) ) ;
mapping . mapping . reserve ( colorCount ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < colorCount ; + + i )
mapping . map ( 0 , uint8_t ( i ) ) ;
else if ( ! separationColorSpace - > isNone ( ) & & ! separationColorSpace - > getColorName ( ) . isEmpty ( ) )
const QByteArray & colorName = separationColorSpace - > getColorName ( ) ;
// First try to map it as process color, if we do not succeed, then map it as spot color
const ColorInfo * processColor = getActiveProcessColor ( colorName , colorSpaceType ) ;
if ( processColor )
if ( targetPixelFormat . hasProcessColors ( ) & & processColor - > spotColorIndex < targetPixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) )
mapping . map ( 0 , uint8_t ( targetPixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) + processColor - > spotColorIndex ) ) ;
const ColorInfo * spotColor = getSpotColor ( colorName ) ;
if ( spotColor & & spotColor - > active & & targetPixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) & & spotColor - > spotColorIndex < targetPixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelCount ( ) )
mapping . map ( 0 , uint8_t ( targetPixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelIndexStart ( ) + spotColor - > spotColorIndex ) ) ;
break ;
case PDFAbstractColorSpace : : ColorSpace : : DeviceN :
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace * deviceNColorSpace = dynamic_cast < const PDFDeviceNColorSpace * > ( sourceColorSpace ) ;
if ( ! deviceNColorSpace - > isNone ( ) )
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace : : Colorants & colorants = deviceNColorSpace - > getColorants ( ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < colorants . size ( ) ; + + i )
const PDFDeviceNColorSpace : : ColorantInfo & colorantInfo = colorants [ i ] ;
// First try to map it as process color, if we do not succeed, then map it as spot color
const ColorInfo * processColor = getActiveProcessColor ( colorantInfo . name , colorSpaceType ) ;
if ( processColor )
if ( targetPixelFormat . hasProcessColors ( ) & & processColor - > spotColorIndex < targetPixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) )
mapping . map ( uint8_t ( i ) , uint8_t ( targetPixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelIndexStart ( ) + processColor - > spotColorIndex ) ) ;
const ColorInfo * info = getSpotColor ( colorantInfo . name ) ;
if ( info & & info - > active & & targetPixelFormat . hasSpotColors ( ) & & info - > spotColorIndex < targetPixelFormat . getSpotColorChannelCount ( ) )
mapping . map ( uint8_t ( i ) , uint8_t ( targetColorSpace - > getColorComponentCount ( ) + info - > spotColorIndex ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return mapping ;
PDFPainterPathSampler : : PDFPainterPathSampler ( QPainterPath path , int samplesCount , PDFColorComponent defaultShape , QRect fillRect , bool precise ) :
m_defaultShape ( defaultShape ) ,
m_samplesCount ( qMax ( samplesCount , 1 ) ) ,
m_path ( qMove ( path ) ) ,
m_fillRect ( fillRect ) ,
m_precise ( precise )
if ( ! precise )
m_fillPolygon = m_path . toFillPolygon ( ) ;
prepareScanLines ( ) ;
PDFColorComponent PDFPainterPathSampler : : sample ( QPoint point ) const
if ( m_path . isEmpty ( ) | | ! m_fillRect . contains ( point ) )
return m_defaultShape ;
if ( ! m_scanLineInfo . empty ( ) )
return sampleByScanLine ( point ) ;
const qreal coordX1 = point . x ( ) ;
const qreal coordX2 = coordX1 + 1.0 ;
const qreal coordY1 = point . y ( ) ;
const qreal coordY2 = coordY1 + 1.0 ;
const qreal centerX = ( coordX1 + coordX2 ) * 0.5 ;
const qreal centerY = ( coordY1 + coordY2 ) * 0.5 ;
const QPointF topLeft ( coordX1 , coordY1 ) ;
const QPointF topRight ( coordX2 , coordY1 ) ;
const QPointF bottomLeft ( coordX1 , coordY2 ) ;
const QPointF bottomRight ( coordX2 , coordY2 ) ;
if ( m_samplesCount < = 1 )
// Jakub Melka: Just one sample
if ( m_precise )
return m_path . contains ( QPointF ( centerX , centerY ) ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
return m_fillPolygon . contains ( QPointF ( centerX , centerY ) ) ? 1.0f : 0.0f ;
int cornerHits = 0 ;
Qt : : FillRule fillRule = m_path . fillRule ( ) ;
if ( m_precise )
cornerHits + = m_path . contains ( topLeft ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_path . contains ( topRight ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_path . contains ( bottomLeft ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_path . contains ( bottomRight ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_fillPolygon . containsPoint ( topLeft , fillRule ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_fillPolygon . containsPoint ( topRight , fillRule ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_fillPolygon . containsPoint ( bottomLeft , fillRule ) ? 1 : 0 ;
cornerHits + = m_fillPolygon . containsPoint ( bottomRight , fillRule ) ? 1 : 0 ;
if ( cornerHits = = 4 )
// Completely inside
return 1.0 ;
if ( cornerHits = = 0 )
// Completely outside
return 0.0 ;
// Otherwise we must use regular sample grid
const qreal offset = 1.0f / PDFColorComponent ( m_samplesCount + 1 ) ;
PDFColorComponent sampleValue = 0.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent sampleGain = 1.0f / PDFColorComponent ( m_samplesCount * m_samplesCount ) ;
for ( int ix = 0 ; ix < m_samplesCount ; + + ix )
const qreal x = offset * ( ix + 1 ) + coordX1 ;
for ( int iy = 0 ; iy < m_samplesCount ; + + iy )
const qreal y = offset * ( iy + 1 ) + coordY1 ;
if ( m_precise )
if ( m_path . contains ( QPointF ( x , y ) ) )
sampleValue + = sampleGain ;
if ( m_fillPolygon . containsPoint ( QPointF ( x , y ) , fillRule ) )
sampleValue + = sampleGain ;
return sampleValue ;
PDFColorComponent PDFPainterPathSampler : : sampleByScanLine ( QPoint point ) const
int scanLinePosition = point . y ( ) - m_fillRect . y ( ) ;
size_t scanLineCountPerPixel = getScanLineCountPerPixel ( ) ;
size_t scanLineTopRow = scanLinePosition * scanLineCountPerPixel ;
size_t scanLineBottomRow = scanLineTopRow + scanLineCountPerPixel - 1 ;
size_t scanLineGridRowTop = scanLineTopRow + 1 ;
Qt : : FillRule fillRule = m_path . fillRule ( ) ;
auto performSampling = [ & ] ( size_t scanLineIndex , PDFReal firstOrdinate , int sampleCount , PDFReal step , PDFReal gain )
ScanLineInfo info = m_scanLineInfo [ scanLineIndex ] ;
auto it = std : : next ( m_scanLineSamples . cbegin ( ) , info . indexStart ) ;
PDFReal ordinate = firstOrdinate ;
PDFColorComponent value = 0.0 ;
auto ordinateIt = it ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sampleCount ; + + i )
while ( std : : next ( ordinateIt ) - > x < ordinate )
+ + ordinateIt ;
int windingNumber = ordinateIt - > windingNumber ;
const bool inside = ( fillRule = = Qt : : WindingFill ) ? windingNumber ! = 0 : windingNumber % 2 ! = 0 ;
if ( inside )
value + = gain ;
ordinate + = step ;
return value ;
} ;
const qreal coordX1 = point . x ( ) ;
const PDFReal cornerValue = performSampling ( scanLineTopRow , coordX1 , 2 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) + performSampling ( scanLineBottomRow , coordX1 , 2 , 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
if ( qFuzzyIsNull ( 4.0 - cornerValue ) )
// Whole inside
return 1.0 ;
if ( qFuzzyIsNull ( cornerValue ) )
// Whole outside
return 0.0 ;
const qreal offset = 1.0f / PDFColorComponent ( m_samplesCount + 1 ) ;
PDFColorComponent sampleValue = 0.0f ;
const PDFColorComponent sampleGain = 1.0f / PDFColorComponent ( m_samplesCount * m_samplesCount ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < m_samplesCount ; + + i )
sampleValue + = performSampling ( scanLineGridRowTop + + , coordX1 + offset , m_samplesCount , offset , sampleGain ) ;
return sampleValue ;
size_t PDFPainterPathSampler : : getScanLineCountPerPixel ( ) const
return m_samplesCount + 2 ;
void PDFPainterPathSampler : : prepareScanLines ( )
if ( m_fillPolygon . isEmpty ( ) )
return ;
for ( int yOffset = m_fillRect . top ( ) ; yOffset < = m_fillRect . bottom ( ) ; + + yOffset )
const qreal coordY1 = yOffset ;
const qreal coordY2 = coordY1 + 1.0 ;
// Top pixel line
if ( m_scanLineInfo . empty ( ) )
m_scanLineInfo . emplace_back ( createScanLine ( coordY1 ) ) ;
m_scanLineInfo . emplace_back ( m_scanLineInfo . back ( ) ) ;
// Sample grid
const qreal offset = 1.0f / PDFColorComponent ( m_samplesCount + 1 ) ;
for ( int iy = 0 ; iy < m_samplesCount ; + + iy )
const qreal y = offset * ( iy + 1 ) + coordY1 ;
m_scanLineInfo . emplace_back ( createScanLine ( y ) ) ;
// Bottom pixel line
m_scanLineInfo . emplace_back ( createScanLine ( coordY2 ) ) ;
PDFPainterPathSampler : : ScanLineInfo PDFPainterPathSampler : : createScanLine ( qreal y )
ScanLineInfo result ;
result . indexStart = m_scanLineSamples . size ( ) ;
// Add start item
m_scanLineSamples . emplace_back ( - std : : numeric_limits < PDFReal > : : infinity ( ) , 0 ) ;
// Traverse polygon, add sample for each polygon line, we must
// also implicitly close last edge (if polygon is not closed)
for ( int i = 1 ; i < m_fillPolygon . size ( ) ; + + i )
createScanLineSample ( m_fillPolygon [ i - 1 ] , m_fillPolygon [ i ] , y ) ;
if ( m_fillPolygon . front ( ) ! = m_fillPolygon . back ( ) )
createScanLineSample ( m_fillPolygon . back ( ) , m_fillPolygon . front ( ) , y ) ;
// Add end item
m_scanLineSamples . emplace_back ( + std : : numeric_limits < PDFReal > : : infinity ( ) , 0 ) ;
result . indexEnd = m_scanLineSamples . size ( ) ;
auto it = std : : next ( m_scanLineSamples . begin ( ) , result . indexStart ) ;
auto itEnd = std : : next ( m_scanLineSamples . begin ( ) , result . indexEnd ) ;
// Jakub Melka: now, sort the line samples and compute properly the winding number
std : : sort ( it , itEnd ) ;
int currentWindingNumber = 0 ;
for ( ; it ! = itEnd ; + + it )
currentWindingNumber + = it - > windingNumber ;
it - > windingNumber = currentWindingNumber ;
return result ;
void PDFPainterPathSampler : : createScanLineSample ( const QPointF & p1 , const QPointF & p2 , qreal y )
PDFReal y1 = p1 . y ( ) ;
PDFReal y2 = p2 . y ( ) ;
if ( qFuzzyIsNull ( y2 - y1 ) )
// Ignore horizontal lines
return ;
PDFReal x1 = p1 . x ( ) ;
PDFReal x2 = p2 . x ( ) ;
int windingNumber = 1 ;
if ( y2 < y1 )
std : : swap ( y1 , y2 ) ;
std : : swap ( x1 , x2 ) ;
windingNumber = - 1 ;
// Do we have intercept?
if ( y1 < = y & & y < y2 )
const PDFReal x = interpolate ( y , y1 , y2 , x1 , x2 ) ;
m_scanLineSamples . emplace_back ( x , windingNumber ) ;
void PDFDrawBuffer : : clear ( )
if ( ! m_modifiedRect . isValid ( ) )
return ;
for ( int x = m_modifiedRect . left ( ) ; x < = m_modifiedRect . right ( ) ; + + x )
for ( int y = m_modifiedRect . top ( ) ; y < = m_modifiedRect . bottom ( ) ; + + y )
PDFColorBuffer buffer = getPixel ( x , y ) ;
std : : fill ( buffer . begin ( ) , buffer . end ( ) , 0.0f ) ;
setPixelActiveColorMask ( x , y , 0 ) ;
m_containsFilling = false ;
m_containsStroking = false ;
m_modifiedRect = QRect ( ) ;
void PDFDrawBuffer : : modify ( QRect rect , bool containsFilling , bool containsStroking )
m_modifiedRect = m_modifiedRect . united ( rect ) ;
m_containsFilling | = containsFilling ;
m_containsStroking | = containsStroking ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData : : makeInitialBackdropTransparent ( )
initialBackdrop . makeTransparent ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFTransparencyGroupPainterData : : makeImmediateBackdropTransparent ( )
immediateBackdrop . makeTransparent ( ) ;
immediateBackdrop . setAllColorInactive ( ) ;
void PDFTransparencyRenderer : : PDFTransparencySoftMask : : makeOpaque ( )
if ( ! isOpaque ( ) )
m_data - > isOpaque = true ;
m_data - > softMask . makeOpaque ( ) ;
PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : PDFInkCoverageCalculator ( const PDFDocument * document ,
const PDFFontCache * fontCache ,
const PDFCMSManager * cmsManager ,
const PDFOptionalContentActivity * optionalContentActivity ,
const PDFInkMapper * inkMapper ,
PDFProgress * progress ,
PDFTransparencyRendererSettings settings ) :
m_document ( document ) ,
m_fontCache ( fontCache ) ,
m_cmsManager ( cmsManager ) ,
m_optionalContentActivity ( optionalContentActivity ) ,
m_inkMapper ( inkMapper ) ,
m_progress ( progress ) ,
m_settings ( settings )
Q_ASSERT ( m_document ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_fontCache ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_cmsManager ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_optionalContentActivity ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_inkMapper ) ;
void PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : perform ( QSize size , const std : : vector < PDFInteger > & pages )
if ( pages . empty ( ) )
// Nothing to do
return ;
if ( m_progress )
m_progress - > start ( pages . size ( ) , ProgressStartupInfo ( ) ) ;
auto calculatePageCoverage = [ this , size ] ( PDFInteger pageIndex )
if ( pageIndex > = PDFInteger ( m_document - > getCatalog ( ) - > getPageCount ( ) ) )
return ;
const PDFPage * page = m_document - > getCatalog ( ) - > getPage ( pageIndex ) ;
if ( ! page )
return ;
QRectF pageRect = page - > getRotatedMediaBox ( ) ;
QSizeF pageSize = pageRect . size ( ) ;
pageSize . scale ( size . width ( ) , size . height ( ) , Qt : : KeepAspectRatio ) ;
QSize imageSize = pageSize . toSize ( ) ;
if ( ! imageSize . isValid ( ) )
return ;
pdf : : PDFTransparencyRendererSettings settings ;
settings . flags . setFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SaveOriginalProcessImage , true ) ;
// Jakub Melka: debug is very slow, use multithreading
# ifdef QT_DEBUG
settings . flags . setFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : MultithreadedPathSampler , true ) ;
# endif
settings . flags . setFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : ActiveColorMask , false ) ;
settings . flags . setFlag ( PDFTransparencyRendererSettings : : SeparationSimulation , true ) ;
settings . activeColorMask = PDFPixelFormat : : getAllColorsMask ( ) ;
2022-08-20 17:43:33 +02:00
QTransform pagePointToDevicePoint = pdf : : PDFRenderer : : createPagePointToDevicePointMatrix ( page , QRect ( QPoint ( 0 , 0 ) , imageSize ) ) ;
2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
pdf : : PDFCMSPointer cms = m_cmsManager - > getCurrentCMS ( ) ;
pdf : : PDFTransparencyRenderer renderer ( page , m_document , m_fontCache , cms . data ( ) , m_optionalContentActivity ,
m_inkMapper , settings , pagePointToDevicePoint ) ;
renderer . beginPaint ( imageSize ) ;
renderer . processContents ( ) ;
renderer . endPaint ( ) ;
PDFFloatBitmapWithColorSpace originalProcessImage = renderer . getOriginalProcessBitmap ( ) ;
QSizeF pageSizeMM = page - > getRotatedMediaBoxMM ( ) . size ( ) ;
pdf : : PDFPixelFormat pixelFormat = originalProcessImage . getPixelFormat ( ) ;
pdf : : PDFColorComponent totalArea = pageSizeMM . width ( ) * pageSizeMM . height ( ) ;
pdf : : PDFColorComponent pixelArea = totalArea / pdf : : PDFColorComponent ( originalProcessImage . getWidth ( ) * originalProcessImage . getHeight ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > pageCoverage ;
const uint8_t colorChannelCount = pixelFormat . getColorChannelCount ( ) ;
pageCoverage . resize ( colorChannelCount , 0.0f ) ;
for ( size_t y = 0 ; y < originalProcessImage . getHeight ( ) ; + + y )
for ( size_t x = 0 ; x < originalProcessImage . getWidth ( ) ; + + x )
const pdf : : PDFColorBuffer buffer = originalProcessImage . getPixel ( x , y ) ;
const pdf : : PDFColorComponent alpha = pixelFormat . hasOpacityChannel ( ) ? buffer [ pixelFormat . getOpacityChannelIndex ( ) ] : 1.0f ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < colorChannelCount ; + + i )
pageCoverage [ i ] + = buffer [ i ] * alpha ;
std : : vector < PDFColorComponent > pageRatioCoverage = pageCoverage ;
for ( uint8_t i = 0 ; i < colorChannelCount ; + + i )
pageCoverage [ i ] * = pixelArea ;
pageRatioCoverage [ i ] * = pixelArea / totalArea ;
std : : vector < PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo > separations = m_inkMapper - > getSeparations ( pixelFormat . getProcessColorChannelCount ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( pixelFormat . getColorChannelCount ( ) = = separations . size ( ) ) ;
std : : vector < InkCoverageChannelInfo > results ;
results . reserve ( separations . size ( ) ) ;
for ( size_t i = 0 ; i < separations . size ( ) ; + + i )
const PDFInkMapper : : ColorInfo & colorInfo = separations [ i ] ;
InkCoverageChannelInfo info ;
info . color = colorInfo . color ;
info . name = colorInfo . name ;
info . textName = colorInfo . textName ;
info . isSpot = colorInfo . isSpot ;
info . coveredArea = pageCoverage [ i ] ;
info . ratio = pageRatioCoverage [ i ] ;
results . emplace_back ( qMove ( info ) ) ;
if ( m_progress )
m_progress - > step ( ) ;
QMutexLocker lock ( & m_mutex ) ;
m_inkCoverageResults [ pageIndex ] = qMove ( results ) ;
} ;
PDFExecutionPolicy : : execute ( PDFExecutionPolicy : : Scope : : Page , pages . begin ( ) , pages . end ( ) , calculatePageCoverage ) ;
if ( m_progress )
m_progress - > finish ( ) ;
void PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : clear ( )
QMutexLocker lock ( & m_mutex ) ;
m_inkCoverageResults . clear ( ) ;
const std : : vector < PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo > * PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : getInkCoverage ( PDFInteger pageIndex ) const
auto it = m_inkCoverageResults . find ( pageIndex ) ;
if ( it ! = m_inkCoverageResults . end ( ) )
return & it - > second ;
static const std : : vector < PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo > dummy ;
return & dummy ;
const PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo * PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : findCoverageInfoByName ( const std : : vector < PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo > & infos ,
const QByteArray & name )
auto it = std : : find_if ( infos . cbegin ( ) , infos . cend ( ) , [ & name ] ( const auto & info ) { return info . name = = name ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = infos . cend ( ) )
return & * it ;
return nullptr ;
PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo * PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : findCoverageInfoByName ( std : : vector < PDFInkCoverageCalculator : : InkCoverageChannelInfo > & infos , const QByteArray & name )
auto it = std : : find_if ( infos . begin ( ) , infos . end ( ) , [ & name ] ( const auto & info ) { return info . name = = name ; } ) ;
if ( it ! = infos . cend ( ) )
return & * it ;
return nullptr ;
} // namespace pdf