2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "pdftoolabstractapplication.h"
# include "pdfdocumentreader.h"
# include "pdfutils.h"
# include <QCommandLineParser>
namespace pdftool
class PDFToolHelpApplication : public PDFToolAbstractApplication
public :
PDFToolHelpApplication ( ) : PDFToolAbstractApplication ( true ) { }
virtual QString getStandardString ( StandardString standardString ) const override ;
virtual int execute ( const PDFToolOptions & options ) override ;
virtual Options getOptionsFlags ( ) const override ;
} ;
static PDFToolHelpApplication s_helpApplication ;
QString PDFToolHelpApplication : : getStandardString ( StandardString standardString ) const
switch ( standardString )
case Command :
return " help " ;
case Name :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Help " ) ;
case Description :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Show list of all available commands. " ) ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return QString ( ) ;
int PDFToolHelpApplication : : execute ( const PDFToolOptions & options )
PDFOutputFormatter formatter ( options . outputStyle , options . outputCodec ) ;
formatter . beginDocument ( " help " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " PDFTool help " ) ) ;
formatter . endl ( ) ;
formatter . beginTable ( " commands " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " List of available commands " ) ) ;
// Table header
formatter . beginTableHeaderRow ( " header " ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " command " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Command " ) ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " tool " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Tool " ) ) ;
formatter . writeTableHeaderColumn ( " description " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Description " ) ) ;
formatter . endTableHeaderRow ( ) ;
struct Info
bool operator < ( const Info & other ) const
return command < other . command ;
QString command ;
QString name ;
QString description ;
} ;
std : : vector < Info > infos ;
for ( PDFToolAbstractApplication * application : PDFToolApplicationStorage : : getApplications ( ) )
Info info ;
info . command = application - > getStandardString ( Command ) ;
info . name = application - > getStandardString ( Name ) ;
info . description = application - > getStandardString ( Description ) ;
infos . emplace_back ( qMove ( info ) ) ;
qSort ( infos ) ;
for ( const Info & info : infos )
formatter . beginTableRow ( " command " ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " command " , info . command ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " name " , info . name ) ;
formatter . writeTableColumn ( " description " , info . description ) ;
formatter . endTableRow ( ) ;
formatter . endTable ( ) ;
formatter . endl ( ) ;
formatter . beginHeader ( " text-output " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Text Encoding " ) ) ;
formatter . writeText ( " header " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " When you redirect console to a file, then specific codec is used to transform output text to target encoding. UTF-8 encoding is used by default. For XML output, you should use only UTF-8 codec. Available codecs: " ) ) ;
formatter . endl ( ) ;
QList < QByteArray > codecs = QTextCodec : : availableCodecs ( ) ;
QStringList codecNames ;
for ( const QByteArray & codecName : codecs )
codecNames < < QString : : fromLatin1 ( codecName ) ;
formatter . writeText ( " codecs " , codecNames . join ( " , " ) ) ;
formatter . endl ( ) ;
formatter . writeText ( " default-codec " , PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Suggested codec: UTF-8 or %1 " ) . arg ( QString : : fromLatin1 ( QTextCodec : : codecForLocale ( ) - > name ( ) ) ) ) ;
formatter . endHeader ( ) ;
formatter . endDocument ( ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeText ( formatter . getString ( ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ExitSuccess ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication : : Options PDFToolHelpApplication : : getOptionsFlags ( ) const
return ConsoleFormat ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication : : PDFToolAbstractApplication ( bool isDefault )
PDFToolApplicationStorage : : registerApplication ( this , isDefault ) ;
void PDFToolAbstractApplication : : initializeCommandLineParser ( QCommandLineParser * parser ) const
Options optionFlags = getOptionsFlags ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ConsoleFormat ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " console-format " , " Console output text format (valid values: text|xml|html). " , " format " , " text " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-codec " , QString ( " Text codec used when writing text output to redirected standard output. UTF-8 is default. " ) , " text codec " , " UTF-8 " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( DateFormat ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " date-format " , " Console output date/time format (valid values: short|long|iso|rfc2822). " , " date format " , " short " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( OpenDocument ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " pswd " , " Password for encrypted document. " , " password " ) ) ;
parser - > addPositionalArgument ( " document " , " Processed document. " ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " no-permissive-reading " , " Do not attempt to fix damaged documents. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Separate ) )
parser - > addPositionalArgument ( " pattern " , " Page pattern, must contain '%' character if multiple pages are selected. " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Unite ) )
parser - > addPositionalArgument ( " source " , " Documents to be merged into single document. " , " file1.pdf [file2.pdf, ...] " ) ;
parser - > addPositionalArgument ( " target " , " Merged document filename. " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( SignatureVerification ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " ver-no-user-cert " , " Disable user certificate store. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " ver-no-sys-cert " , " Disable system certificate store. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " ver-no-cert-check " , " Disable certificate validation. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " ver-details " , " Print details (including certificate chain, if found). " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " ver-ignore-exp-date " , " Ignore certificate expiration date. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( XmlExport ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " xml-export-streams " , " Export streams as hexadecimally encoded data. By default, stream data are not exported. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " xml-export-streams-as-text " , " Export streams as text, if possible. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " xml-use-indent " , " Use automatic indent when writing output xml file. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " xml-always-binary " , " Do not try to attempt transform strings to text. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Attachments ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " att-save-n " , " Save the specified file attached in document. File name is, by default, same as attachment, it can be changed by a switch. " , " number " , QString ( ) ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " att-save-file " , " Save the specified file attached in document. File name is, by default, same as attachment, it can be changed by a switch. " , " file " , QString ( ) ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " att-save-all " , " Save all attachments to target directory. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " att-target-dir " , " Target directory to which is attachment saved. " , " directory " , QString ( ) ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " att-target-file " , " File, to which is attachment saved. " , " target " , QString ( ) ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ComputeHashes ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " compute-hashes " , " Compute hashes (MD5, SHA1, SHA256...) of document. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( PageSelector ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " page-first " , " First page of page range. " , " number " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " page-last " , " Last page of page range. " , " number " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " page-select " , " Choose arbitrary pages, in form '1,5,3,7-11,-29,43-.'. " , " number " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextAnalysis ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-analysis-alg " , " Text analysis algorithm (auto - select automatically, layout - perform automatic layout algorithm, content - simple content stream reading order, structure - use tagged document structure). " , " algorithm " , " auto " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextShow ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-page-numbers " , " Show page numbers in extracted text. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-struct-title " , " Show title extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-struct-lang " , " Show language extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-struct-alt-desc " , " Show alternative description extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-struct-expanded-form " , " Show expanded form extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-struct-act-text " , " Show actual text extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " text-show-phoneme " , " Show phoneme extracted from structure tree. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( VoiceSelector ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " voice-name " , " Choose voice name for text-to-speech engine. " , " name " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " voice-gender " , " Choose voice gender for text-to-speech engine. " , " gender " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " voice-age " , " Choose voice age for text-to-speech engine. " , " age " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " voice-lang-code " , " Choose voice language code for text-to-speech engine. " , " code " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextSpeech ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " audio-format " , " Audio fromat, valid values are wav/mp3. " , " audio format " , " mp3 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " mark-page-numbers " , " Mark page numbers in audio stream. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " say-page-numbers " , " Say page numbers. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " say-struct-titles " , " Say titles extracted from structure tree (only for tagged pdf). " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " say-struct-alt-desc " , " Say alternative descriptions extracted from structure tree (only for tagged pdf). " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " say-struct-exp-form " , " Say expanded form extracted from structure tree (only for tagged pdf). " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " say-struct-act-text " , " Say actual text extracted from structure tree (only for tagged pdf). " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CharacterMaps ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " character-maps " , " Show character maps for embedded fonts. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageWriterSettings ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-format " , " Image format. Common formats as png, jpeg, are supported. " , " format " , " png " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-subtype " , " Image format subtype. Some image formats can have this setting. " , " subtype " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-compress-lvl " , " Image compression level. Different formats can have different meaning. " , " level " , " 9 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-quality " , " Image quality. Different formats can have different meaning. " , " quality " , " 100 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-optimized-write " , " Use optimized write mode. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-progressive-scan-write " , " Use image progressive scan mode. " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageExportSettingsFiles ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-output-dir " , " Output directory, where images are saved. " , " dir " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-template-fn " , " Template file name, must contain '%' character, must not contain suffix. " , " template file name " , " Image_% " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageExportSettingsResolution ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-res-mode " , " Image resolution mode (valid values are dpi|pixel). Dpi is default. " , " mode " , " dpi " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-res-dpi " , " DPI resolution of target image. " , " dpi " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " image-res-pixel " , " Pixel resolution of target image. " , " pixel " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ColorManagementSystem ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms " , " Color management system. Valid values are generic|lcms. " , " cms " , " lcms " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-accuracy " , " Accuracy of cms system. Valid values are low|medium|high. Higher accuracy means higher memory consumption. " , " accuracy " , " medium " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-color-adaptation " , " Color adaptation method for XYZ whitepoint scaling. Valid values are none|xyzscaling|cat97|cat02|bradford. Higher accuracy means higher memory consumption. " , " color-adaptation-method " , " bradford " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-intent " , " Rendering intent. Valid values are auto|perceptual|abs|rel|saturation. " , " intent " , " auto " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-black-compensated " , " Black point compensation. " , " bool " , " 1 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-white-paper-trans " , " Transform also color of paper using cms. " , " bool " , " 0 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-consider-output-intents " , " Consider output rendering intents in the document. " , " bool " , " 1 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-profile-output " , " Output color profile. " , " profile " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-profile-gray " , " Gray color profile for gray device. " , " profile " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-profile-rgb " , " RGB color profile for RGB device. " , " profile " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-profile-cmyk " , " CMYK color profile for CMYK device. " , " profile " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " cms-profile-dir " , " External directory containing color profiles. " , " directory " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( RenderFlags ) )
const pdf : : PDFRenderer : : Features defaultFeatures = pdf : : PDFRenderer : : getDefaultFeatures ( ) ;
for ( const PDFToolOptions : : RenderFeatureInfo & info : PDFToolOptions : : getRenderFeatures ( ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( info . option , info . description , " bool " , defaultFeatures . testFlag ( info . feature ) ? " 1 " : " 0 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " render-hw-accel " , " Use hardware acceleration (using GPU). " , " bool " , " 1 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " render-show-page-stat " , " Show page rendering statistics. " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " render-msaa-samples " , " MSAA sample count for GPU rendering. " , " samples " , " 4 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " render-rasterizers " , " Number of rasterizer contexts. " , " rasterizers " , QString : : number ( pdf : : PDFRasterizerPool : : getDefaultRasterizerCount ( ) ) ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Optimize ) )
for ( const PDFToolOptions : : OptimizeFeatureInfo & info : PDFToolOptions : : getOptimizeFlagInfos ( ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( info . option , info . description ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CertStore ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " list-user-certs " , " Show list of user certificates. " , " bool " , " 1 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " list-system-certs " , " Show list of system certificates. " , " bool " , " 0 " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CertStoreInstall ) )
parser - > addPositionalArgument ( " certificate " , " Certificate file " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Encrypt ) )
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " enc-algorithm " , " Encryption algorithm (valid values: rc4|aes-128|aes-256). " , " encryption algorithm " , " aes-256 " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " enc-contents " , " Encryption scope (valid values: all|all-except-metadata|only-embedded-files). " , " encryption contents " , " all " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " enc-user-password " , " User password (for document reading). " , " user password " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " enc-owner-password " , " Owner password. " , " owner password " ) ) ;
parser - > addOption ( QCommandLineOption ( " enc-permissions " , " Document permissions (flags represented as a number). " , " permissions " ) ) ;
PDFToolOptions PDFToolAbstractApplication : : getOptions ( QCommandLineParser * parser ) const
PDFToolOptions options ;
QStringList positionalArguments = parser - > positionalArguments ( ) ;
Options optionFlags = getOptionsFlags ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ConsoleFormat ) )
QString consoleFormat = parser - > value ( " console-format " ) ;
if ( consoleFormat = = " text " )
options . outputStyle = PDFOutputFormatter : : Style : : Text ;
else if ( consoleFormat = = " xml " )
options . outputStyle = PDFOutputFormatter : : Style : : Xml ;
else if ( consoleFormat = = " html " )
options . outputStyle = PDFOutputFormatter : : Style : : Html ;
if ( ! consoleFormat . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown console format '%1'. Defaulting to text console format. " ) . arg ( consoleFormat ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . outputStyle = PDFOutputFormatter : : Style : : Text ;
options . outputCodec = parser - > value ( " text-codec " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( DateFormat ) )
QString dateFormat = parser - > value ( " date-format " ) ;
if ( dateFormat = = " short " )
options . outputDateFormat = Qt : : DefaultLocaleShortDate ;
else if ( dateFormat = = " long " )
options . outputDateFormat = Qt : : DefaultLocaleLongDate ;
else if ( dateFormat = = " iso " )
options . outputDateFormat = Qt : : ISODate ;
else if ( dateFormat = = " rfc2822 " )
options . outputDateFormat = Qt : : RFC2822Date ;
else if ( ! dateFormat . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown console date/time format '%1'. Defaulting to short date/time format. " ) . arg ( dateFormat ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( OpenDocument ) )
options . document = positionalArguments . isEmpty ( ) ? QString ( ) : positionalArguments . front ( ) ;
options . password = parser - > isSet ( " pswd " ) ? parser - > value ( " pswd " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . permissiveReading = ! parser - > isSet ( " no-permissive-reading " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Separate ) )
options . separatePagePattern = positionalArguments . size ( ) > = 2 ? positionalArguments [ 1 ] : QString ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( SignatureVerification ) )
options . verificationUseUserCertificates = ! parser - > isSet ( " ver-no-user-cert " ) ;
options . verificationUseSystemCertificates = ! parser - > isSet ( " ver-no-sys-cert " ) ;
options . verificationOmitCertificateCheck = parser - > isSet ( " ver-no-cert-check " ) ;
options . verificationPrintCertificateDetails = parser - > isSet ( " ver-details " ) ;
options . verificationIgnoreExpirationDate = parser - > isSet ( " ver-ignore-exp-date " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( XmlExport ) )
options . xmlExportStreams = parser - > isSet ( " xml-export-streams " ) ;
options . xmlExportStreamsAsText = parser - > isSet ( " xml-export-streams-as-text " ) ;
options . xmlUseIndent = parser - > isSet ( " xml-use-indent " ) ;
options . xmlAlwaysBinaryStrings = parser - > isSet ( " xml-always-binary " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Attachments ) )
options . attachmentsSaveNumber = parser - > isSet ( " att-save-n " ) ? parser - > value ( " att-save-n " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . attachmentsSaveFileName = parser - > isSet ( " att-save-file " ) ? parser - > value ( " att-save-file " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . attachmentsSaveAll = parser - > isSet ( " att-save-all " ) ;
options . attachmentsOutputDirectory = parser - > isSet ( " att-target-dir " ) ? parser - > value ( " att-target-dir " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . attachmentsTargetFile = parser - > isSet ( " att-target-file " ) ? parser - > value ( " att-target-file " ) : QString ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ComputeHashes ) )
options . computeHashes = parser - > isSet ( " compute-hashes " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( PageSelector ) )
options . pageSelectorFirstPage = parser - > isSet ( " page-first " ) ? parser - > value ( " page-first " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . pageSelectorLastPage = parser - > isSet ( " page-last " ) ? parser - > value ( " page-last " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . pageSelectorSelection = parser - > isSet ( " page-select " ) ? parser - > value ( " page-select " ) : QString ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextAnalysis ) )
QString algoritm = parser - > value ( " text-analysis-alg " ) ;
if ( algoritm = = " auto " )
options . textAnalysisAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFDocumentTextFlowFactory : : Algorithm : : Auto ;
else if ( algoritm = = " layout " )
options . textAnalysisAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFDocumentTextFlowFactory : : Algorithm : : Layout ;
else if ( algoritm = = " content " )
options . textAnalysisAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFDocumentTextFlowFactory : : Algorithm : : Content ;
else if ( algoritm = = " structure " )
options . textAnalysisAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFDocumentTextFlowFactory : : Algorithm : : Structure ;
else if ( ! algoritm . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown text layout analysis algorithm '%1'. Defaulting to automatic algorithm selection. " ) . arg ( algoritm ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextShow ) )
options . textShowPageNumbers = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-page-numbers " ) ;
options . textShowStructTitles = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-struct-title " ) ;
options . textShowStructLanguage = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-struct-lang " ) ;
options . textShowStructAlternativeDescription = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-struct-alt-desc " ) ;
options . textShowStructExpandedForm = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-struct-expanded-form " ) ;
options . textShowStructActualText = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-struct-act-text " ) ;
options . textShowStructPhoneme = parser - > isSet ( " text-show-phoneme " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( VoiceSelector ) )
options . textVoiceName = parser - > isSet ( " voice-name " ) ? parser - > value ( " voice-name " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . textVoiceGender = parser - > isSet ( " voice-gender " ) ? parser - > value ( " voice-gender " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . textVoiceAge = parser - > isSet ( " voice-age " ) ? parser - > value ( " voice-age " ) : QString ( ) ;
options . textVoiceLangCode = parser - > isSet ( " voice-lang-code " ) ? parser - > value ( " voice-lang-code " ) : QString ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( TextSpeech ) )
options . textSpeechAudioFormat = parser - > value ( " audio-format " ) ;
if ( options . textSpeechAudioFormat ! = " wav " & & options . textSpeechAudioFormat ! = " mp3 " )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown audio format '%1'. Defaulting to mp3 audio format. " ) . arg ( options . textSpeechAudioFormat ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . textSpeechAudioFormat = " mp3 " ;
options . textSpeechMarkPageNumbers = parser - > isSet ( " mark-page-numbers " ) ;
options . textSpeechSayPageNumbers = parser - > isSet ( " say-page-numbers " ) ;
options . textSpeechSayStructTitles = parser - > isSet ( " say-struct-titles " ) ;
options . textSpeechSayStructAlternativeDescription = parser - > isSet ( " say-struct-alt-desc " ) ;
options . textSpeechSayStructExpandedForm = parser - > isSet ( " say-struct-exp-form " ) ;
options . textSpeechSayStructActualText = parser - > isSet ( " say-struct-act-text " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CharacterMaps ) )
options . showCharacterMapsForEmbeddedFonts = parser - > isSet ( " character-maps " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageWriterSettings ) )
// Image format
QByteArray imageWriterFormat = parser - > value ( " image-format " ) . toLatin1 ( ) ;
if ( ! options . imageWriterSettings . getFormats ( ) . contains ( imageWriterFormat ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image format '%1' is not supported. Defaulting to png. " ) . arg ( QString : : fromLatin1 ( imageWriterFormat ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
imageWriterFormat = " png " ;
Q_ASSERT ( options . imageWriterSettings . getFormats ( ) . contains ( imageWriterFormat ) ) ;
options . imageWriterSettings . selectFormat ( imageWriterFormat ) ;
// Image subtype
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-subtype " ) )
QByteArray imageWriterSubtype = parser - > value ( " image-subtype " ) . toLatin1 ( ) ;
if ( options . imageWriterSettings . getSubtypes ( ) . contains ( imageWriterSubtype ) )
options . imageWriterSettings . setCurrentSubtype ( imageWriterSubtype ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image format subtype '%1' is not supported. " ) . arg ( QString : : fromLatin1 ( imageWriterSubtype ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
// Compression level
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-compress-lvl " ) )
QString valueText = parser - > value ( " image-compress-lvl " ) ;
bool ok = false ;
int value = valueText . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
if ( options . imageWriterSettings . isOptionSupported ( QImageIOHandler : : CompressionRatio ) )
options . imageWriterSettings . setCompression ( value ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image compression for current format is not supported. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid compression level '%1'. " ) . arg ( valueText ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
// Quality
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-quality " ) )
QString valueText = parser - > value ( " image-quality " ) ;
bool ok = false ;
int value = valueText . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
if ( options . imageWriterSettings . isOptionSupported ( QImageIOHandler : : Quality ) )
options . imageWriterSettings . setQuality ( value ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Image quality settings for current format is not supported. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid image quality '%1'. " ) . arg ( valueText ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . imageWriterSettings . setOptimizedWrite ( false ) ;
options . imageWriterSettings . setProgressiveScanWrite ( false ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-optimized-write " ) )
if ( options . imageWriterSettings . isOptionSupported ( QImageIOHandler : : OptimizedWrite ) )
options . imageWriterSettings . setOptimizedWrite ( true ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Optimized write is not supported. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-progressive-scan-write " ) )
if ( options . imageWriterSettings . isOptionSupported ( QImageIOHandler : : ProgressiveScanWrite ) )
options . imageWriterSettings . setProgressiveScanWrite ( true ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Progressive scan write is not supported. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageExportSettingsFiles ) )
QFileInfo documentFileInfo ( options . document ) ;
QString outputDir = documentFileInfo . path ( ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-output-dir " ) )
outputDir = parser - > value ( " image-output-dir " ) ;
options . imageExportSettings . setDirectory ( outputDir ) ;
options . imageExportSettings . setFileTemplate ( parser - > value ( " image-template-fn " ) ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ImageExportSettingsResolution ) )
QString resMode = parser - > value ( " image-res-mode " ) . toLower ( ) ;
if ( resMode = = " dpi " )
options . imageExportSettings . setResolutionMode ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : ResolutionMode : : DPI ) ;
else if ( resMode = = " pixel " )
options . imageExportSettings . setResolutionMode ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : ResolutionMode : : Pixels ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid image resolution mode '%1'. Defaulting to dpi. " ) . arg ( resMode ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . imageExportSettings . setResolutionMode ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : ResolutionMode : : DPI ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-res-dpi " ) )
if ( options . imageExportSettings . getResolutionMode ( ) ! = pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : ResolutionMode : : DPI )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Cannot set dpi value, resolution mode must be dpi. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
bool ok = false ;
int dpi = parser - > value ( " image-res-dpi " ) . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
int boundedDpi = qBound ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMinDPIResolution ( ) , dpi , pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMaxDPIResolution ( ) ) ;
if ( boundedDpi ! = dpi )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Dpi must be in range from %1 to %2. Defaulting to %3. " ) . arg ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMinDPIResolution ( ) ) . arg ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMaxDPIResolution ( ) ) . arg ( boundedDpi ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . imageExportSettings . setDpiResolution ( boundedDpi ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid image dpi value '%1'. " ) . arg ( parser - > value ( " image-res-dpi " ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " image-res-pixel " ) )
if ( options . imageExportSettings . getResolutionMode ( ) ! = pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : ResolutionMode : : Pixels )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Cannot set pixel value, resolution mode must be pixel. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
bool ok = false ;
int pixel = parser - > value ( " image-res-pixel " ) . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
int boundedPixel = qBound ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMinPixelResolution ( ) , pixel , pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMaxPixelResolution ( ) ) ;
if ( boundedPixel ! = pixel )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Pixel value must be in range from %1 to %2. Defaulting to %3. " ) . arg ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMinPixelResolution ( ) ) . arg ( pdf : : PDFPageImageExportSettings : : getMaxPixelResolution ( ) ) . arg ( boundedPixel ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . imageExportSettings . setPixelResolution ( boundedPixel ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid image pixel value '%1'. " ) . arg ( parser - > value ( " image-res-pixel " ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( ColorManagementSystem ) )
pdf : : PDFCMSManager cmsManager ( nullptr ) ;
options . cmsSettings = cmsManager . getDefaultSettings ( ) ;
QString cms = parser - > value ( " cms " ) ;
if ( cms = = " generic " )
options . cmsSettings . system = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : System : : Generic ;
else if ( cms = = " lcms " )
options . cmsSettings . system = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : System : : LittleCMS2 ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown color management system '%1'. Defaulting to lcms. " ) . arg ( cms ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . cmsSettings . system = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : System : : LittleCMS2 ;
QString accuracy = parser - > value ( " cms-accuracy " ) ;
if ( accuracy = = " medium " )
options . cmsSettings . accuracy = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : Accuracy : : Medium ;
else if ( accuracy = = " low " )
options . cmsSettings . accuracy = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : Accuracy : : Low ;
else if ( accuracy = = " high " )
options . cmsSettings . accuracy = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : Accuracy : : High ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown color management system accuracy '%1'. Defaulting to medium. " ) . arg ( accuracy ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . cmsSettings . accuracy = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : Accuracy : : Medium ;
QString colorAdaptationMethod = parser - > value ( " cms-color-adaptation " ) ;
if ( colorAdaptationMethod = = " none " )
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : None ;
else if ( colorAdaptationMethod = = " xyzscaling " )
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : XYZScaling ;
else if ( colorAdaptationMethod = = " cat97 " )
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : CAT97 ;
else if ( colorAdaptationMethod = = " cat02 " )
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : CAT02 ;
else if ( colorAdaptationMethod = = " bradford " )
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : Bradford ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown color adaptation method '%1'. Defaulting to bradford. " ) . arg ( colorAdaptationMethod ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . cmsSettings . colorAdaptationXYZ = pdf : : PDFCMSSettings : : ColorAdaptationXYZ : : Bradford ;
QString intent = parser - > value ( " cms-intent " ) ;
if ( intent = = " auto " )
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Auto ;
else if ( intent = = " perceptual " )
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Perceptual ;
else if ( intent = = " abs " )
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : AbsoluteColorimetric ;
else if ( intent = = " rel " )
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : RelativeColorimetric ;
else if ( intent = = " saturation " )
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Saturation ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown color management system rendering intent '%1'. Defaulting to auto. " ) . arg ( intent ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . cmsSettings . intent = pdf : : RenderingIntent : : Auto ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " cms-black-compensated " ) )
options . cmsSettings . isBlackPointCompensationActive = parser - > value ( " cms-black-compensated " ) . toInt ( ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " cms-white-paper-trans " ) )
options . cmsSettings . isWhitePaperColorTransformed = parser - > value ( " cms-white-paper-trans " ) . toInt ( ) ;
if ( parser - > isSet ( " cms-consider-output-intents " ) )
options . cmsSettings . isConsiderOutputIntent = parser - > value ( " cms-consider-output-intents " ) . toInt ( ) ;
auto setProfile = [ & parser , & options ] ( QString settings , QString & profile )
if ( parser - > isSet ( settings ) )
profile = parser - > value ( settings ) ;
} ;
setProfile ( " cms-profile-output " , options . cmsSettings . outputCS ) ;
setProfile ( " cms-profile-gray " , options . cmsSettings . deviceGray ) ;
setProfile ( " cms-profile-rgb " , options . cmsSettings . deviceRGB ) ;
setProfile ( " cms-profile-cmyk " , options . cmsSettings . deviceCMYK ) ;
setProfile ( " cms-profile-dir " , options . cmsSettings . profileDirectory ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( RenderFlags ) )
for ( const PDFToolOptions : : RenderFeatureInfo & info : PDFToolOptions : : getRenderFeatures ( ) )
QString textValue = parser - > value ( info . option ) ;
bool ok = false ;
bool value = textValue . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
options . renderFeatures . setFlag ( info . feature , value ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown bool value '%1'. Default value is used. " ) . arg ( textValue ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
QString textValue = parser - > value ( " render-hw-accel " ) ;
bool ok = false ;
bool value = textValue . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ok )
options . renderUseHardwareRendering = value ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown bool value '%1'. GPU rendering is used as default. " ) . arg ( textValue ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
textValue = parser - > value ( " render-msaa-samples " ) ;
options . renderMSAAsamples = textValue . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown MSAA sample count '%1'. 4 samples are used as default. " ) . arg ( textValue ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . renderMSAAsamples = 4 ;
textValue = parser - > value ( " render-rasterizers " ) ;
options . renderRasterizerCount = textValue . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok )
options . renderRasterizerCount = pdf : : PDFRasterizerPool : : getDefaultRasterizerCount ( ) ;
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Uknown rasterizer count '%1'. %2 rasterizers are used as default. " ) . arg ( textValue ) . arg ( options . renderRasterizerCount ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
int correctedRasterizerCount = pdf : : PDFRasterizerPool : : getCorrectedRasterizerCount ( options . renderRasterizerCount ) ;
if ( correctedRasterizerCount ! = options . renderRasterizerCount )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid raterizer count: %1. Correcting to use %2 rasterizers. " ) . arg ( options . renderRasterizerCount ) . arg ( correctedRasterizerCount ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . renderRasterizerCount = correctedRasterizerCount ;
options . renderShowPageStatistics = parser - > isSet ( " render-show-page-stat " ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Unite ) )
options . uniteFiles = positionalArguments ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Optimize ) )
options . optimizeFlags = pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : None ;
for ( const PDFToolOptions : : OptimizeFeatureInfo & info : PDFToolOptions : : getOptimizeFlagInfos ( ) )
if ( parser - > isSet ( info . option ) )
options . optimizeFlags | = info . flag ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CertStore ) )
options . certStoreEnumerateSystemCertificates = parser - > value ( " list-system-certs " ) . toInt ( ) ;
options . certStoreEnumerateUserCertificates = parser - > value ( " list-user-certs " ) . toInt ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( CertStoreInstall ) )
options . certificateStoreInstallCertificateFile = positionalArguments . isEmpty ( ) ? QString ( ) : positionalArguments . front ( ) ;
if ( optionFlags . testFlag ( Encrypt ) )
QString encryptionAlgorithm = parser - > value ( " enc-algorithm " ) ;
if ( encryptionAlgorithm = = " rc4 " )
options . encryptionAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : Algorithm : : RC4 ;
else if ( encryptionAlgorithm = = " aes-128 " )
options . encryptionAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : Algorithm : : AES_128 ;
else if ( encryptionAlgorithm = = " aes-256 " )
options . encryptionAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : Algorithm : : AES_256 ;
if ( ! encryptionAlgorithm . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown encryption algorithm '%1'. Defaulting to AES-256 encryption. " ) . arg ( encryptionAlgorithm ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . encryptionAlgorithm = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : Algorithm : : AES_256 ;
QString encryptionContents = parser - > value ( " enc-contents " ) ;
if ( encryptionContents = = " all " )
options . encryptionContents = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : EncryptContents : : All ;
else if ( encryptionContents = = " all-except-metadata " )
options . encryptionContents = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : EncryptContents : : AllExceptMetadata ;
else if ( encryptionContents = = " only-embedded-files " )
options . encryptionContents = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : EncryptContents : : EmbeddedFiles ;
if ( ! encryptionContents . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Unknown encryption contents mode '%1'. Defaulting to encrypt all contents. " ) . arg ( encryptionContents ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
options . encryptionContents = pdf : : PDFSecurityHandlerFactory : : EncryptContents : : All ;
options . encryptionUserPassword = parser - > value ( " enc-user-password " ) ;
options . encryptionOwnerPassword = parser - > value ( " enc-owner-password " ) ;
options . encryptionPermissions = parser - > value ( " enc-permissions " ) . toUInt ( ) ;
return options ;
bool PDFToolAbstractApplication : : readDocument ( const PDFToolOptions & options , pdf : : PDFDocument & document , QByteArray * sourceData , bool authorizeOwnerOnly )
bool isFirstPasswordAttempt = true ;
auto passwordCallback = [ & options , & isFirstPasswordAttempt ] ( bool * ok ) - > QString
* ok = isFirstPasswordAttempt ;
isFirstPasswordAttempt = false ;
return options . password ;
} ;
pdf : : PDFDocumentReader reader ( nullptr , passwordCallback , options . permissiveReading , authorizeOwnerOnly ) ;
document = reader . readFromFile ( options . document ) ;
switch ( reader . getReadingResult ( ) )
case pdf : : PDFDocumentReader : : Result : : OK :
if ( sourceData )
* sourceData = reader . getSource ( ) ;
break ;
case pdf : : PDFDocumentReader : : Result : : Cancelled :
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Invalid password provided. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return false ;
case pdf : : PDFDocumentReader : : Result : : Failed :
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Error occured during document reading. %1 " ) . arg ( reader . getErrorMessage ( ) ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return false ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
return false ;
for ( const QString & warning : reader . getWarnings ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Warning: %1 " ) . arg ( warning ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return true ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication * PDFToolApplicationStorage : : getApplicationByCommand ( const QString & command )
for ( PDFToolAbstractApplication * application : getInstance ( ) - > m_applications )
if ( application - > getStandardString ( PDFToolAbstractApplication : : Command ) = = command )
return application ;
return nullptr ;
void PDFToolApplicationStorage : : registerApplication ( PDFToolAbstractApplication * application , bool isDefault )
PDFToolApplicationStorage * storage = getInstance ( ) ;
storage - > m_applications . push_back ( application ) ;
if ( isDefault )
storage - > m_defaultApplication = application ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication * PDFToolApplicationStorage : : getDefaultApplication ( )
return getInstance ( ) - > m_defaultApplication ;
const std : : vector < PDFToolAbstractApplication * > & PDFToolApplicationStorage : : getApplications ( )
return getInstance ( ) - > m_applications ;
PDFToolApplicationStorage * PDFToolApplicationStorage : : getInstance ( )
static PDFToolApplicationStorage storage ;
return & storage ;
std : : vector < pdf : : PDFInteger > PDFToolOptions : : getPageRange ( pdf : : PDFInteger pageCount , QString & errorMessage , bool zeroBased ) const
QStringList parts ;
const bool hasFirst = ! pageSelectorFirstPage . isEmpty ( ) ;
const bool hasLast = ! pageSelectorLastPage . isEmpty ( ) ;
const bool hasSelection = ! pageSelectorSelection . isEmpty ( ) ;
if ( hasFirst & & hasLast )
parts < < QString ( " %1-%2 " ) . arg ( pageSelectorFirstPage , pageSelectorLastPage ) ;
else if ( hasFirst )
parts < < QString ( " %1- " ) . arg ( pageSelectorFirstPage ) ;
else if ( hasLast )
parts < < QString ( " -%1 " ) . arg ( pageSelectorLastPage ) ;
if ( hasSelection )
parts < < pageSelectorSelection ;
if ( parts . empty ( ) )
parts < < " - " ;
QString partsString = parts . join ( " , " ) ;
pdf : : PDFClosedIntervalSet result = pdf : : PDFClosedIntervalSet : : parse ( 1 , pageCount , partsString , & errorMessage ) ;
std : : vector < pdf : : PDFInteger > pageIndices = result . unfold ( ) ;
if ( zeroBased )
std : : for_each ( pageIndices . begin ( ) , pageIndices . end ( ) , [ ] ( auto & index ) { - - index ; } ) ;
return pageIndices ;
std : : vector < PDFToolOptions : : RenderFeatureInfo > PDFToolOptions : : getRenderFeatures ( )
return {
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-antialiasing " , " Antialiasing for lines, shapes, etc. " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : Antialiasing } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-text-antialiasing " , " Antialiasing for text outlines. " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : TextAntialiasing } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-smooth-img " , " Smooth image transformation (slower, but better quality images). " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : SmoothImages } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-ignore-opt-content " , " Ignore optional content settings (draw everything). " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : IgnoreOptionalContent } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-clip-to-crop-box " , " Clip page graphics to crop box. " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : ClipToCropBox } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-invert-colors " , " Invert all colors. " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : InvertColors } ,
RenderFeatureInfo { " render-display-annot " , " Display annotations. " , pdf : : PDFRenderer : : DisplayAnnotations }
} ;
std : : vector < PDFToolOptions : : OptimizeFeatureInfo > PDFToolOptions : : getOptimizeFlagInfos ( )
return {
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-deref-simple " , " Dereference referenced simple objects (integers, bools, ...). " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : DereferenceSimpleObjects } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-remove-null " , " Remove null objects from dictionary entries. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : RemoveNullObjects } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-remove-unused " , " Remove not referenced objects. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : RemoveUnusedObjects } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-merge-identical " , " Merge identical objects. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : MergeIdenticalObjects } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-shrink-storage " , " Shrink object storage by renumbering objects. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : ShrinkObjectStorage } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-recompress-flate " , " Recompress flate streams with maximal compression. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : RecompressFlateStreams } ,
OptimizeFeatureInfo { " opt-all " , " Use all optimization algorithms. " , pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : All }
} ;
} // pdftool