2021-09-27 11:14:20 +02:00
// Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Jakub Melka
// This file is part of PDF4QT.
// PDF4QT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// with the written consent of the copyright owner, any later version.
// PDF4QT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with PDF4QT. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# include "pdftoolseparate.h"
# include "pdfdocumentbuilder.h"
# include "pdfexception.h"
# include "pdfoptimizer.h"
# include "pdfdocumentwriter.h"
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# include <QFileInfo>
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namespace pdftool
static PDFToolSeparate s_toolSeparateApplication ;
QString PDFToolSeparate : : getStandardString ( StandardString standardString ) const
switch ( standardString )
case Command :
return " separate " ;
case Name :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Extract pages " ) ;
case Description :
return PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Separate document into single page documents. " ) ;
default :
Q_ASSERT ( false ) ;
break ;
return QString ( ) ;
int PDFToolSeparate : : execute ( const PDFToolOptions & options )
pdf : : PDFDocument document ;
QByteArray sourceData ;
if ( ! readDocument ( options , document , & sourceData , false ) )
return ErrorDocumentReading ;
if ( ! document . getStorage ( ) . getSecurityHandler ( ) - > isAllowed ( pdf : : PDFSecurityHandler : : Permission : : CopyContent ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " Document doesn't allow to copy content. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorPermissions ;
QString parseError ;
std : : vector < pdf : : PDFInteger > pageIndices = options . getPageRange ( document . getCatalog ( ) - > getPageCount ( ) , parseError , true ) ;
if ( ! parseError . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( parseError , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorInvalidArguments ;
if ( options . separatePagePattern . isEmpty ( ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " File template is empty. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorInvalidArguments ;
if ( ! options . separatePagePattern . contains ( " % " ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " File template must contain character '%' for page number. " ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ErrorInvalidArguments ;
for ( pdf : : PDFInteger pageIndex : pageIndices )
pdf : : PDFDocumentBuilder documentBuilder ( & document ) ;
documentBuilder . flattenPageTree ( ) ;
std : : vector < pdf : : PDFObjectReference > pageReferences = documentBuilder . getPages ( ) ;
std : : vector < pdf : : PDFObjectReference > singlePageRef = { pageReferences [ pageIndex ] } ;
documentBuilder . setPages ( singlePageRef ) ;
documentBuilder . removeOutline ( ) ;
documentBuilder . removeThreads ( ) ;
documentBuilder . removeDocumentActions ( ) ;
documentBuilder . removeStructureTree ( ) ;
pdf : : PDFDocument singlePageDocument = documentBuilder . build ( ) ;
// Optimize document - remove unused objects and shrink object storage
pdf : : PDFOptimizer optimizer ( pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : RemoveUnusedObjects | pdf : : PDFOptimizer : : ShrinkObjectStorage , nullptr ) ;
optimizer . setDocument ( & singlePageDocument ) ;
optimizer . optimize ( ) ;
singlePageDocument = optimizer . takeOptimizedDocument ( ) ;
QString fileName = options . separatePagePattern ;
fileName . replace ( ' % ' , QString : : number ( pageIndex + 1 ) ) ;
if ( QFileInfo : : exists ( fileName ) )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( PDFToolTranslationContext : : tr ( " File '%1' already exists. Page %2 was not extracted. " ) . arg ( fileName ) . arg ( pageIndex + 1 ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
pdf : : PDFDocumentWriter writer ( nullptr ) ;
pdf : : PDFOperationResult result = writer . write ( fileName , & singlePageDocument , false ) ;
if ( ! result )
PDFConsole : : writeError ( result . getErrorMessage ( ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
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catch ( const pdf : : PDFException & exception )
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PDFConsole : : writeError ( exception . getMessage ( ) , options . outputCodec ) ;
return ExitSuccess ;
PDFToolAbstractApplication : : Options PDFToolSeparate : : getOptionsFlags ( ) const
return ConsoleFormat | OpenDocument | PageSelector | Separate ;
} // namespace pdftool