# Antares SQL Client ![GitHub package.json version](https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/fabio286/antares) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/fabio286/antares) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/endpoint.svg?url=https%3A%2F%2Factions-badge.atrox.dev%2Ffabio286%2Fantares%2Fbadge&style=flat)](https://actions-badge.atrox.dev/fabio286/antares/goto) [![antares](https://snapcraft.io/antares/badge.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) [![antares](https://snapcraft.io/antares/trending.svg?name=0)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) [![Twitter Follow](https://img.shields.io/twitter/follow/AntaresSQL?style=social)](https://twitter.com/AntaresSQL) [![Plant a Tree](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fabio286/treedom-badge/master/svg/plant-a-tree.svg)](https://www.treedom.net/en/user/fabio-di-stasio/event/antares-for-the-planet) Antares is an SQL client based on [Electron.js](https://github.com/electron/electron) and [Vue.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) that aims to become a useful tool, especially for developers. Our target is to support as many databases as possible, and all major operating systems, including the ARM versions. **At the moment this application is in development state, many features will come in future updates**, and supports only MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite and Firebird SQL. However, there are all the features necessary to have a pleasant database management experience, so give it a chance and send us your feedback, we would really appreciate it. We are actively working on it, hoping to provide new cool features, improvements and fixes as soon as possible. πŸ”— If you are curious to try Antares you can download and install the [latest release](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/releases/latest). πŸ‘ To stay tuned for new releases [follow Antares SQL](https://twitter.com/AntaresSQL) on Twitter. 🌟 Don't forget to **leave a star** if you appreciate this project. πŸ—³οΈ Poll: **[Which is the main OS you use Antares on?](https://github.com/antares-sql/antares/discussions/379)** ## Current key features - Multiple database connections at same time. - Database management (add/edit/delete). - Full tables management, including indexes and foreign keys. - Views, triggers, stored routines, functions and schedulers management (add/edit/delete). - A modern and friendly tab system; keep open every kind of tab you need in your workspace. - Fake table data filler to generate tons of data for test purpose. - Query suggestions and auto complete. - Query history: search through the last 1000 queries. - SSH tunnel support. - Manual commit mode. - Import and export database dumps. - Customizable keyboard shortcuts. - Dark and light theme. - Editor themes. ## Philosophy Why are we developing an SQL client when there are a lot of them on the market? The main goal is to develop a **forever 100% free (without paid premium feature)**, full featured, as possible community driven, cross platform and open source alternative, empowered by JavaScript ecosystem. A modern application created with minimalism and simplicity in mind, with features in the right places, not hundreds of tiny buttons, nested tabs or submenues; productivity comes first. ## Installation Based on your operating system you can have one or more distribution formats to choose based on your preferences. Since Antares SQL is a free software we don't have a budget to spend on annual licenses or certificates. This can result that on some platforms you might need to put in some additional work to install this app. ### Linux On Linux you can simply download and run the `.AppImage` distribution, install from Snap Store, from AUR or from our [PPA repository](https://github.com/antares-sql/antares-ppa). ### Windows On Windows you can choose between downloading the app from Microsoft Store or downloading the `.exe` from our [website](https://antares-sql.app/downloads) or [this github repo](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/releases/latest). Distributions that are not from Microsoft Store are not signed with a certificate, so to install you need to click on "More info" and then "Run anyway" on SmartScreen prompt. ### MacOS On macOS you can run `.dmg` distribution following [this guide](https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/mh40616/mac) to install apps from unknown developers. ## Download [![Get it from the Snap Store](https://snapcraft.io/static/images/badges/en/snap-store-black.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) [![Get it from AUR](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fabio286/antares/3e00c4bae6e036300c752c1a40c5a038fea9c169/docs/aur-badge.svg)](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/antares-sql/) [](https://www.microsoft.com/p/antares-sql-client/9nhtb9sq51r1?cid=storebadge&ocid=badge&rtc=1&activetab=pivot:overviewtab) πŸš€ **[Other Downloads](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/releases/latest)** ## Coming soon This is a roadmap with major features will come in near future. - Database tools. - Users management (add/edit/delete). - More context menu shortcuts. - More keyboard shortcuts. - Support for other databases. - Apple Silicon distribution ## Currently supported ### Databases - [x] MySQL/MariaDB - [x] PostgreSQL - [x] SQLite - [x] Firebird SQL - [ ] SQL Server - [ ] More... ### Operating Systems #### β€’ x64 - [x] Windows - [x] Linux - [x] MacOS #### β€’ ARM - [ ] Windows - [x] Linux - [ ] MacOS ## How to contribute - 🌍 [Translate Antares](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/wiki/Translate-Antares) - πŸ“– [Contributors Guide](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/wiki/Contributors-Guide) - 🚧 [Project Board](https://github.com/antares-sql/antares/projects/1) ## Contributors ✨ Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](https://allcontributors.org/docs/en/emoji-key)):
Fabio Di Stasio
Fabio Di Stasio

πŸ’» 🌍 πŸ“–
Giulio Ganci
Giulio Ganci

Christian Ratz
Christian Ratz

πŸ’» 🌍
Giuseppe Gigliotti
Giuseppe Gigliotti




Daniel Eduardo
Daniel Eduardo

NgΓ΄ Quα»‘c Đẑt
NgΓ΄ Quα»‘c Đẑt

Isamu Sugiura
Isamu Sugiura

Riccardo Sacchetto
Riccardo Sacchetto

Kilian Stallinger
Kilian Stallinger







ThΓ©o Billardey
ThΓ©o Billardey

Muhammad Dyas Yaskur
Muhammad Dyas Yaskur

🌍 πŸ’»
tianci li
tianci li


This project follows the [all-contributors](https://github.com/all-contributors/all-contributors) specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!