# Antares SQL Client ![GitHub package.json version](https://img.shields.io/github/package-json/v/fabio286/antares) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/Fabio286/antares.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/Fabio286/antares) ![GitHub All Releases](https://img.shields.io/github/downloads/fabio286/antares/total) ![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/fabio286/antares) [![antares](https://snapcraft.io/antares/badge.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) [![antares](https://snapcraft.io/antares/trending.svg?name=0)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) Antares is an SQL client based on [Electron.js](https://github.com/electron/electron) and [Vue.js](https://github.com/vuejs/vue) that aims to become a useful tool, especially for developers. My target is to support as many databases as possible, and all major operating systems, including the ARM versions. **At the moment this application is in development state, many features will come in future updates**, and supports only MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL (partially). Many of its current features are enough to have a pleasant user experience with MySQL/MariaDB, and basic functionalites with PostgreSQL, so give it a chance and send me your feedback, I would really appreciate it. I'm actively working on it, hoping to provide cool features and fixes as soon as possible. 🔗 If you are curious to try Antares you can download and install the [latest release](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/releases/latest). 👁 To stay tuned for new releases watch this repo on **Release only** channel. 🌟 Don't forget to **leave a star** if you appreciate this project. ## Philosophy Why am I developing an SQL client when there are a lot of them on the market? The main goal is to develop a totally free, full featured, cross platform and open source alternative, empowered by JavaScript's ecosystem. A modern application created with minimalism and semplicity in mind, with features in the right places, not hundreds of tiny buttons, tabs or submenu. ## Download [![Get it from the Snap Store](https://snapcraft.io/static/images/badges/en/snap-store-black.svg)](https://snapcraft.io/antares) [![Get it from Microsoft Store](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Fabio286/antares/gh-pages/src/assets/ms-store.png)](https://www.microsoft.com/p/antares-sql-client/9nhtb9sq51r1?cid=storebadge&ocid=badge&rtc=1&activetab=pivot:overviewtab) 🚀 **[Other Downloads](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/releases/latest)** ## How to contribute - [Translate Antares](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/wiki/Translate-Antares) ## Current main features - Multiple database connections at same time. - Database management (add/edit/delete). - Full tables management, including indexes and foreign keys. - Views, triggers, stored routines, functions and schedulers management (add/edit/delete). - Fake table data filler. - Run queries on multiple tabs. - Query suggestions and auto complete. - Dark and light theme. - Scratchpad. - Multi language. - Secure password storage. - Auto updates. ## Coming soon This is a roadmap with major features will come in near future. - Support for other databases. - Database tools. - SSH tunnel support. - Users management (add/edit/delete). - UI/UX improvements. - Query history. - More context menu shortcuts. - More keyboard shortcuts. - Query logs console. - Import/export and migration. ## Troubleshooting ### **Linux** With KDE may need necessary installation of the additional `gnome-keyring` package. Depending on your distribution, you will need to run the following command: - Debian/Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install gnome-keyring` - Red Hat-based: `sudo yum install gnome-keyring` - Arch Linux: `sudo pacman -S gnome-keyring` ## Currently supported ### Databases - [x] MySQL/MariaDB - [x] PostgreSQL (partially, work in progress) - [ ] SQLite - [ ] MSSQL - [ ] OracleDB - [ ] More... ### Operating Systems #### • x64 - [x] Windows - [x] Linux - [x] MacOS (not tested due lack of hardware) #### • ARM - [ ] Windows - [ ] Linux - [ ] MacOS ## Translations **Italian Translation** (46%) / [Giuseppe Gigliotti](https://github.com/ReverbOD) [[#20](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/pull/20)] **Arabic Translation** (45%) / [Mohd-PH](https://github.com/Mohd-PH) [[#29](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/pull/29)] **Spanish Translation** (46%) / [hongkfui](https://github.com/hongkfui) [[#32](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/pull/32)] **French Translation** (100%) / [MrAnyx](https://github.com/MrAnyx) [[#44](https://github.com/Fabio286/antares/pull/44)] ## Reviews