'use strict'; import mysql from 'mysql'; import { AntaresCore } from '../AntaresCore'; export class MySQLClient extends AntaresCore { /** * @memberof MySQLClient */ async connect () { if (!this._poolSize) this._connection = mysql.createConnection(this._params); else this._connection = mysql.createPool({ ...this._params, connectionLimit: this._poolSize }); } /** * @memberof MySQLClient */ destroy () { this._connection.end(); } /** * Executes an USE query * * @param {String} schema * @memberof MySQLClient */ use (schema) { return this.raw(`USE \`${schema}\``); } /** * @returns {Array.} databases scructure * @memberof MySQLClient */ async getStructure () { const { rows: databases } = await this.raw('SHOW DATABASES'); // TODO: SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `{DATABASE_NAME}`; const { rows: tables } = await this .select('*') .schema('information_schema') .from('TABLES') .orderBy({ TABLE_SCHEMA: 'ASC', TABLE_NAME: 'ASC' }) .run(); const { rows: functions } = await this.raw('SHOW FUNCTION STATUS'); const { rows: procedures } = await this.raw('SHOW PROCEDURE STATUS'); const { rows: schedulers } = await this.raw('SELECT *, EVENT_SCHEMA AS `Db`, EVENT_NAME AS `Name` FROM information_schema.`EVENTS`'); const triggersArr = []; for (const db of databases) { let { rows: triggers } = await this.raw(`SHOW TRIGGERS FROM \`${db.Database}\``); if (triggers.length) { triggers = triggers.map(trigger => { trigger.Db = db.Database; return trigger; }); triggersArr.push(...triggers); } } return databases.map(db => { // TABLES const remappedTables = tables.filter(table => table.TABLE_SCHEMA === db.Database).map(table => { let tableType; switch (table.TABLE_TYPE) { case 'VIEW': tableType = 'view'; break; default: tableType = 'table'; break; } return { name: table.TABLE_NAME, type: tableType, rows: table.TABLE_ROWS, created: table.CREATE_TIME, updated: table.UPDATE_TIME, engine: table.ENGINE, comment: table.TABLE_COMMENT, size: table.DATA_LENGTH + table.INDEX_LENGTH, autoIncrement: table.AUTO_INCREMENT, collation: table.TABLE_COLLATION }; }); // PROCEDURES const remappedProcedures = procedures.filter(procedure => procedure.Db === db.Database).map(procedure => { return { name: procedure.Name, type: procedure.Type, definer: procedure.Definer, created: procedure.Created, updated: procedure.Modified, comment: procedure.Comment, charset: procedure.character_set_client, security: procedure.Security_type }; }); // SCHEDULERS const remappedSchedulers = schedulers.filter(scheduler => scheduler.Db === db.Database).map(scheduler => { return { name: scheduler.EVENT_NAME, definition: scheduler.EVENT_DEFINITION, type: scheduler.EVENT_TYPE, definer: scheduler.DEFINER, body: scheduler.EVENT_BODY, starts: scheduler.STARTS, ends: scheduler.ENDS, status: scheduler.STATUS, executeAt: scheduler.EXECUTE_AT, intervalField: scheduler.INTERVAL_FIELD, intervalValue: scheduler.INTERVAL_VALUE, onCompletion: scheduler.ON_COMPLETION, originator: scheduler.ORIGINATOR, sqlMode: scheduler.SQL_MODE, created: scheduler.CREATED, updated: scheduler.LAST_ALTERED, lastExecuted: scheduler.LAST_EXECUTED, comment: scheduler.EVENT_COMMENT, charset: scheduler.CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT, timezone: scheduler.TIME_ZONE }; }); // TRIGGERS const remappedTriggers = triggersArr.filter(trigger => trigger.Db === db.Database).map(trigger => { return { name: trigger.Trigger, statement: trigger.Statement, timing: trigger.Timing, definer: trigger.Definer, event: trigger.Event, table: trigger.Table, sqlMode: trigger.sql_mode, created: trigger.Created, charset: trigger.character_set_client }; }); return { name: db.Database, tables: remappedTables, functions: functions.filter(func => func.Db === db.Database), // TODO: remap functions procedures: remappedProcedures, triggers: remappedTriggers, schedulers: remappedSchedulers }; }); } /** * @param {Object} params * @param {String} params.schema * @param {String} params.table * @returns {Object} table scructure * @memberof MySQLClient */ async getTableColumns ({ schema, table }) { const { rows } = await this .select('*') .schema('information_schema') .from('COLUMNS') .where({ TABLE_SCHEMA: `= '${schema}'`, TABLE_NAME: `= '${table}'` }) .orderBy({ ORDINAL_POSITION: 'ASC' }) .run(); return rows.map(field => { let numLength = field.COLUMN_TYPE.match(/int\(([^)]+)\)/); numLength = numLength ? +numLength.pop() : null; return { name: field.COLUMN_NAME, key: field.COLUMN_KEY.toLowerCase(), type: field.DATA_TYPE, schema: field.TABLE_SCHEMA, table: field.TABLE_NAME, numPrecision: field.NUMERIC_PRECISION, numLength, datePrecision: field.DATETIME_PRECISION, charLength: field.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH, nullable: field.IS_NULLABLE.includes('YES'), unsigned: field.COLUMN_TYPE.includes('unsigned'), zerofill: field.COLUMN_TYPE.includes('zerofill'), order: field.ORDINAL_POSITION, default: field.COLUMN_DEFAULT, charset: field.CHARACTER_SET_NAME, collation: field.COLLATION_NAME, autoIncrement: field.EXTRA.includes('auto_increment'), comment: field.COLUMN_COMMENT }; }); } /** * @param {Object} params * @param {String} params.schema * @param {String} params.table * @returns {Object} table key usage * @memberof MySQLClient */ async getKeyUsage ({ schema, table }) { const { rows } = await this .select('*') .schema('information_schema') .from('KEY_COLUMN_USAGE') .where({ TABLE_SCHEMA: `= '${schema}'`, TABLE_NAME: `= '${table}'`, REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME: 'IS NOT NULL' }) .run(); return rows.map(field => { return { schema: field.TABLE_SCHEMA, table: field.TABLE_NAME, column: field.COLUMN_NAME, position: field.ORDINAL_POSITION, constraintPosition: field.POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT, constraintName: field.CONSTRAINT_NAME, refSchema: field.REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA, refTable: field.REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME, refColumn: field.REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME }; }); } /** * SHOW COLLATION * * @returns {Array.} collations list * @memberof MySQLClient */ async getCollations () { const results = await this.raw('SHOW COLLATION'); return results.rows.map(row => { return { charset: row.Charset, collation: row.Collation, compiled: row.Compiled.includes('Yes'), default: row.Default.includes('Yes'), id: row.Id, sortLen: row.Sortlen }; }); } /** * SHOW VARIABLES * * @returns {Array.} variables list * @memberof MySQLClient */ async getVariables () { const sql = 'SHOW VARIABLES'; const results = await this.raw(sql); return results.rows.map(row => { return { name: row.Variable_name, value: row.Value }; }); } /** * @returns {String} SQL string * @memberof MySQLClient */ getSQL () { // SELECT const selectArray = this._query.select.reduce(this._reducer, []); let selectRaw = ''; if (selectArray.length) selectRaw = selectArray.length ? `SELECT ${selectArray.join(', ')} ` : 'SELECT * '; // FROM let fromRaw = ''; if (!this._query.update.length && !Object.keys(this._query.insert).length && !!this._query.from) fromRaw = 'FROM'; else if (Object.keys(this._query.insert).length) fromRaw = 'INTO'; fromRaw += this._query.from ? ` ${this._query.schema ? `\`${this._query.schema}\`.` : ''}\`${this._query.from}\` ` : ''; // WHERE const whereArray = this._query.where.reduce(this._reducer, []); const whereRaw = whereArray.length ? `WHERE ${whereArray.join(' AND ')} ` : ''; // UPDATE const updateArray = this._query.update.reduce(this._reducer, []); const updateRaw = updateArray.length ? `SET ${updateArray.join(', ')} ` : ''; // INSERT let insertRaw = ''; if (Object.keys(this._query.insert).length) { const fieldsList = []; const valueList = []; const fields = this._query.insert; for (const key in fields) { if (fields[key] === null) continue; fieldsList.push(key); valueList.push(fields[key]); } insertRaw = `(${fieldsList.join(', ')}) VALUES (${valueList.join(', ')}) `; } // GROUP BY const groupByArray = this._query.groupBy.reduce(this._reducer, []); const groupByRaw = groupByArray.length ? `GROUP BY ${groupByArray.join(', ')} ` : ''; // ORDER BY const orderByArray = this._query.orderBy.reduce(this._reducer, []); const orderByRaw = orderByArray.length ? `ORDER BY ${orderByArray.join(', ')} ` : ''; // LIMIT const limitRaw = this._query.limit.length ? `LIMIT ${this._query.limit.join(', ')} ` : ''; return `${selectRaw}${updateRaw ? 'UPDATE' : ''}${insertRaw ? 'INSERT ' : ''}${this._query.delete ? 'DELETE ' : ''}${fromRaw}${updateRaw}${whereRaw}${groupByRaw}${orderByRaw}${limitRaw}${insertRaw}`; } /** * @param {string} sql raw SQL query * @param {boolean} [nest] * @returns {Promise} * @memberof MySQLClient */ async raw (sql, nest) { const nestTables = nest ? '.' : false; const resultsArr = []; const queries = sql.split(';'); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') this._logger(sql);// TODO: replace BLOB content with a placeholder for (const query of queries) { if (!query) continue; const { rows, report, fields } = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._connection.query({ sql: query, nestTables }, (err, response, fields) => { if (err) reject(err); else { const remappedFields = fields ? fields.map(field => { return { name: field.name, schema: field.db, table: field.orgTable, type: 'varchar' }; }) : []; resolve({ rows: Array.isArray(response) ? response : false, report: !Array.isArray(response) ? response : false, fields: remappedFields }); } }); }); resultsArr.push({ rows, report, fields }); } return resultsArr.length === 1 ? resultsArr[0] : resultsArr; } }