import * as moment from 'moment'; import { MySQLClient } from '../../clients/MySQLClient'; import { PostgreSQLClient } from '../../clients/PostgreSQLClient'; import { BaseExporter } from '../BaseExporter'; export class SqlExporter extends BaseExporter { protected _client: MySQLClient | PostgreSQLClient; protected _commentChar = '--' protected _postTablesSql = '' get schemaName () { return this._options.schema; } get host () { return; } async getServerVersion () { const version = await this._client.getVersion(); return `${} ${version.number}`; } async dump () { const { includes } = this._options; const extraItems = Object.keys(includes).filter((key: 'functions' | 'views' | 'triggers' | 'routines' | 'schedulers') => includes[key]); const totalTableToProcess = this._tables.filter( t => t.includeStructure || t.includeContent || t.includeDropStatement ).length; const processingItemCount = totalTableToProcess + extraItems.length; const exportState = { totalItems: processingItemCount, currentItemIndex: 0, currentItem: '', op: '' }; const header = await this.getSqlHeader(); this.writeString(header); this.writeString('\n\n\n'); for (const item of this._tables) { // user abort operation if (this.isCancelled) return; // skip item if not set to output any detail for them if ( !item.includeStructure && !item.includeContent && !item.includeDropStatement ) continue; exportState.currentItemIndex++; exportState.currentItem = item.table; exportState.op = 'FETCH'; this.emitUpdate(exportState); const tableHeader = this.buildComment( `Dump of table ${item.table}\n------------------------------------------------------------` ); this.writeString(tableHeader); this.writeString('\n\n'); if (item.includeDropStatement) { const dropTableSyntax = this.getDropTable(item.table); this.writeString(dropTableSyntax); this.writeString('\n\n'); } if (item.includeStructure) { const createTableSyntax = await this.getCreateTable(item.table); this.writeString(createTableSyntax); this.writeString('\n\n'); } if (item.includeContent) { exportState.op = 'WRITE'; this.emitUpdate(exportState); for await (const sqlStr of this.getTableInsert(item.table)) { if (this.isCancelled) return; this.writeString(sqlStr); } this.writeString('\n\n'); } this.writeString('\n\n'); } // SQL to execute after tables creation if (this._postTablesSql) { this.writeString(this._postTablesSql); this.writeString('\n\n'); } for (const item of extraItems) { type exporterMethods = 'getViews' | 'getTriggers' | 'getSchedulers' | 'getFunctions' | 'getRoutines' const processingMethod = `get${item.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + item.slice(1)}` as exporterMethods; exportState.currentItemIndex++; exportState.currentItem = item; exportState.op = 'PROCESSING'; this.emitUpdate(exportState); if (this[processingMethod]) { const data = await this[processingMethod]() as unknown as string; if (data !== '') { const header = this.buildComment( `Dump of ${item}\n------------------------------------------------------------` ) + '\n\n'; this.writeString(header); this.writeString(data); this.writeString('\n\n'); } } } const footer = await this.getFooter(); this.writeString(footer); } buildComment (text: string) { return text .split('\n') .map(txt => `${this._commentChar} ${txt}`) .join('\n'); } async getSqlHeader () { const serverVersion = await this.getServerVersion(); const header = `************************************************************ Antares - SQL Client Version ${process.env.PACKAGE_VERSION} Host: ${} (${serverVersion}) Database: ${this.schemaName} Generation time: ${moment().format()} ************************************************************`; return this.buildComment(header); } async getFooter () { return this.buildComment(`Dump completed on ${moment().format()}`); } /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ getCreateTable (_tableName: string): Promise { throw new Error('Sql Exporter must implement the "getCreateTable" method'); } getDropTable (_tableName: string): string { throw new Error('Sql Exporter must implement the "getDropTable" method'); } getTableInsert (_tableName: string): AsyncGenerator { throw new Error('Sql Exporter must implement the "getTableInsert" method'); } getViews () { throw new Error('Method "getViews" not implemented'); } getTriggers () { throw new Error('Method "getTriggers" not implemented'); } getSchedulers () { throw new Error('Method "getSchedulers" not implemented'); } getFunctions () { throw new Error('Method "getFunctions" not implemented'); } getRoutines () { throw new Error('Method "getRoutines" not implemented'); } /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */ }