import { ConnectionParams } from 'common/interfaces/antares'; import { uidGen } from 'common/libs/uidGen'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import { ipcRenderer } from 'electron'; import * as Store from 'electron-store'; import { defineStore } from 'pinia'; import { useWorkspacesStore } from '@/stores/workspaces'; let key = localStorage.getItem('key'); export interface SidebarElement { isFolder: boolean; uid: string; client?: string; connections?: string[]; color?: string; name?: string; icon?: null | string; } if (!key) { // If no key in local storace const storedKey = ipcRenderer.sendSync('get-key');// Ask for key stored on disk if (!storedKey) { // Of nop stored key on disk const newKey = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); localStorage.setItem('key', newKey); key = newKey; } else { localStorage.setItem('key', storedKey); key = storedKey; } } else ipcRenderer.send('set-key', key); const persistentStore = new Store({ name: 'connections', encryptionKey: key, clearInvalidConfig: true }); export const useConnectionsStore = defineStore('connections', { state: () => ({ connections: persistentStore.get('connections', []) as ConnectionParams[], lastConnections: persistentStore.get('lastConnections', []) as {uid: string; time: number}[], connectionsOrder: persistentStore.get('connectionsOrder', []) as SidebarElement[] }), getters: { getConnectionByUid: state => (uid:string) => state.connections.find(connection => connection.uid === uid), getConnectionName: state => (uid: string) => { const connection = state.connections.find(connection => connection.uid === uid); let connectionName = ''; if (connection) { if ( connectionName =; else if (connection.ask) connectionName = `${}:${connection.port}`; else if (connection.databasePath) { let string = connection.databasePath.split(/[/\\]+/).pop(); if (string.length >= 30) string = `...${string.slice(-30)}`; connectionName = string; } else connectionName = `${connection.user + '@'}${}:${connection.port}`; } return connectionName; }, getConnectionOrderByUid: state => (uid:string) => state.connectionsOrder .find(connection => connection.uid === uid), getFolders: state => state.connectionsOrder.filter(conn => conn.isFolder), getConnectionFolder: state => (uid:string) => state.connectionsOrder .find(folder => folder.isFolder && folder.connections.includes(uid)) }, actions: { addConnection (connection: ConnectionParams) { this.connections.push(connection); persistentStore.set('connections', this.connections); this.connectionsOrder.push({ isFolder: false, uid: connection.uid, client: connection.client, icon: null, name: null }); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, addFolder (params: {after: string; connections: [string, string]}) { const index = this.connectionsOrder.findIndex((conn: SidebarElement) => conn.uid === params.after); this.connectionsOrder.splice(index, 0, { isFolder: true, uid: uidGen('F'), name: '', color: '#E36929', connections: params.connections }); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, addToFolder (params: {folder: string; connection: string}) { this.connectionsOrder = SidebarElement) => { if (conn.uid === params.folder) conn.connections.push(params.connection); return conn; }); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); this.clearEmptyFolders(); }, deleteConnection (connection: SidebarElement | ConnectionParams) { this.connectionsOrder = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).map(el => { // Removes connection from folders if (el.isFolder && el.connections.includes(connection.uid)) el.connections = el.connections.filter(uid => uid !== connection.uid); return el; }); this.connectionsOrder = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).filter(el => el.uid !== connection.uid); this.lastConnections = (this.lastConnections as SidebarElement[]).filter(el => el.uid !== connection.uid); this.connections = (this.connections as SidebarElement[]).filter(el => el.uid !== connection.uid); persistentStore.set('connections', this.connections); this.clearEmptyFolders(); useWorkspacesStore().removeWorkspace(connection.uid); }, editConnection (connection: ConnectionParams) { const editedConnections = (this.connections as ConnectionParams[]).map(conn => { if (conn.uid === connection.uid) return connection; return conn; }); this.connections = editedConnections; persistentStore.set('connections', this.connections); const editedConnectionsOrder = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).map(conn => { if (conn.uid === connection.uid) { return { isFolder: false, uid: connection.uid, client: connection.client, icon: conn.icon, name: }; } return conn; }); this.connectionsOrder = editedConnectionsOrder; persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, updateConnections (connections: ConnectionParams[]) { this.connections = connections; persistentStore.set('connections', this.connections); }, initConnectionsOrder () { this.connectionsOrder = (this.connections as ConnectionParams[]).map(conn => { return { isFolder: false, uid: conn.uid, client: conn.client, icon: null, name: null }; }); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, updateConnectionsOrder (connections: SidebarElement[]) { const invalidElements = connections.reduce<{index: number; uid: string}[]>((acc, curr, i) => { if (typeof curr === 'string') acc.push({ index: i, uid: curr }); return acc; }, []); if (invalidElements.length) { invalidElements.forEach(el => { let connIndex = connections.findIndex(conn => conn.uid === el.uid); const conn = connections[connIndex]; if (connIndex === -1) return; connections.splice(el.index, 1, { // Move to new position isFolder: false, client: conn.client, uid: conn.uid, icon: conn.icon, name: }); connIndex = connections.findIndex((conn, i) => conn.uid === el.uid && i !== el.index); connections.splice(connIndex, 1);// Delete old object }); } // Clear empty folders const emptyFolders = connections.reduce((acc, curr) => { if (curr.connections && curr.connections.length === 0) acc.push(curr.uid); return acc; }, []); connections = connections.filter(el => !emptyFolders.includes(el.uid)); this.connectionsOrder = connections; persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, updateConnectionOrder (element: SidebarElement) { this.connectionsOrder = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).map(el => { if (el.uid === element.uid) el = element; return el; }); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, updateLastConnection (uid: string) { const cIndex = (this.lastConnections as {uid: string; time: number}[]).findIndex((c) => c.uid === uid); if (cIndex >= 0) this.lastConnections[cIndex].time = new Date().getTime(); else this.lastConnections.push({ uid, time: new Date().getTime() }); persistentStore.set('lastConnections', this.lastConnections); }, clearEmptyFolders () { // Clear empty folders const emptyFolders = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).reduce((acc, curr) => { if (curr.connections && curr.connections.length === 0) acc.push(curr.uid); return acc; }, []); this.connectionsOrder = (this.connectionsOrder as SidebarElement[]).filter(el => !emptyFolders.includes(el.uid)); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); }, importConnections (importObj: { connections: ConnectionParams[]; connectionsOrder: SidebarElement[]; }) { this.connections = [...this.connections, ...importObj.connections]; this.connectionsOrder = [...this.connectionsOrder, ...importObj.connectionsOrder]; persistentStore.set('connections', this.connections); persistentStore.set('connectionsOrder', this.connectionsOrder); } } });