import { ShortcutRecord, shortcuts } from 'common/shortcuts'; import { BrowserWindow, globalShortcut, Menu, MenuItem, MenuItemConstructorOptions } from 'electron'; import * as Store from 'electron-store'; const shortcutsStore = new Store({ name: 'shortcuts' }); const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'; const defaultShortcuts = shortcuts.filter(s => s.os.includes(process.platform)); export type ShortcutMode = 'local' | 'global' export type OsMenu = { [key in NodeJS.Platform]?: MenuItemConstructorOptions[]; }; export class ShortcutRegister { private _shortcuts: ShortcutRecord[]; private _mainWindow: BrowserWindow; private _menu: Menu; private _menuTemplate: OsMenu; private _mode: ShortcutMode; private static _instance: ShortcutRegister; private constructor (args: { mainWindow: BrowserWindow; menuTemplate?: OsMenu; mode: ShortcutMode }) { this._mainWindow = args.mainWindow; this._menuTemplate = args.menuTemplate || {}; this._mode = args.mode; this.shortcuts = shortcutsStore.get('shortcuts', defaultShortcuts) as ShortcutRecord[]; } public static getInstance (args?: { mainWindow?: BrowserWindow; menuTemplate?: OsMenu; mode?: ShortcutMode }) { if (!ShortcutRegister._instance && args.menuTemplate !== undefined && args.mode !== undefined) { ShortcutRegister._instance = new ShortcutRegister({ mainWindow: args.mainWindow, menuTemplate: args.menuTemplate, mode: args.mode }); } return ShortcutRegister._instance; } get shortcuts () { return this._shortcuts; } private set shortcuts (value: ShortcutRecord[]) { this._shortcuts = value; shortcutsStore.set('shortcuts', value); } init () { this._mainWindow.webContents.send('update-shortcuts', this.shortcuts); this.buildBaseMenu(); if (this._mode === 'global') this.setGlobalShortcuts(); else if (this._mode === 'local') this.setLocalShortcuts(); else throw new Error(`Unknown mode "${this._mode}"`); Menu.setApplicationMenu(this._menu); } private buildBaseMenu () { if (Object.keys(this._menuTemplate).includes(process.platform)) this._menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(this._menuTemplate[process.platform]); else this._menu = new Menu(); } private setLocalShortcuts () { const isMenuVisible = process.platform === 'darwin'; const submenu = []; for (const shortcut of this.shortcuts) { if (shortcut.os.includes(process.platform)) { for (const key of shortcut.keys) { try { submenu.push({ label: String(shortcut.event), accelerator: key, visible: isMenuVisible, click: () => { this._mainWindow.webContents.send(shortcut.event); if (isDevelopment) console.log('LOCAL EVENT:', shortcut); } }); } catch (error) { if (isDevelopment) console.log(error); this.restoreDefaults(); throw error; } } } } this._menu.append(new MenuItem({ label: 'Shortcut', visible: isMenuVisible, submenu })); } private setGlobalShortcuts () { for (const shortcut of this.shortcuts) { if (shortcut.os.includes(process.platform)) { for (const key of shortcut.keys) { try { globalShortcut.register(key, () => { this._mainWindow.webContents.send(shortcut.event); if (isDevelopment) console.log('GLOBAL EVENT:', shortcut); }); } catch (error) { if (isDevelopment) console.log(error); this.restoreDefaults(); throw error; } } } } } reload () { this.unregister(); this.init(); } updateShortcuts (shortcuts: ShortcutRecord[]) { this.shortcuts = shortcuts; this.reload(); } restoreDefaults () { this.shortcuts = defaultShortcuts; this.reload(); } unregister () { if (this._mode === 'global') globalShortcut.unregisterAll(); } }