diff --git a/src/main/main.ts b/src/main/main.ts
index 1dda7c4f..91cdfd00 100644
--- a/src/main/main.ts
+++ b/src/main/main.ts
@@ -78,87 +78,80 @@ async function createMainWindow () {
    return window;
-if (!gotTheLock && !safeStorage.isEncryptionAvailable()) // Disable multiple instances if is not possible to share session keys
-   app.quit();
-else {
-   require('@electron/remote/main').initialize();
-   // Initialize ipcHandlers
-   ipcHandlers();
+// Initialize ipcHandlers
-   ipcMain.on('refresh-theme-settings', () => {
-      const appTheme = settingsStore.get('application_theme');
-      if (isWindows && mainWindow) {
-         mainWindow.setTitleBarOverlay({
-            color: appTheme === 'dark' ? '#3f3f3f' : '#fff',
-            symbolColor: appTheme === 'dark' ? '#fff' : '#000'
-         });
-      }
-   });
-   ipcMain.on('change-window-title', (_, title: string) => {
-      if (mainWindow) mainWindow.setTitle(title);
-   });
-   // quit application when all windows are closed
-   app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
-      // on macOS it is common for applications to stay open until the user explicitly quits
-      if (!isMacOS) app.quit();
-   });
-   app.on('activate', async () => {
-      // on macOS it is common to re-create a window even after all windows have been closed
-      if (mainWindow === null)
-         mainWindow = await createMainWindow();
-   });
-   // create main BrowserWindow when electron is ready
-   app.on('ready', async () => {
-      mainWindowState = windowStateKeeper({
-         defaultWidth: 1024,
-         defaultHeight: 800
+ipcMain.on('refresh-theme-settings', () => {
+   const appTheme = settingsStore.get('application_theme');
+   if (isWindows && mainWindow) {
+      mainWindow.setTitleBarOverlay({
+         color: appTheme === 'dark' ? '#3f3f3f' : '#fff',
+         symbolColor: appTheme === 'dark' ? '#fff' : '#000'
+   }
+ipcMain.on('change-window-title', (_, title: string) => {
+   if (mainWindow) mainWindow.setTitle(title);
+// quit application when all windows are closed
+app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
+   // on macOS it is common for applications to stay open until the user explicitly quits
+   if (!isMacOS) app.quit();
+app.on('activate', async () => {
+   // on macOS it is common to re-create a window even after all windows have been closed
+   if (mainWindow === null)
       mainWindow = await createMainWindow();
-      createAppMenu();
-      if (isWindows)
-         mainWindow.show();
+// create main BrowserWindow when electron is ready
+app.on('ready', async () => {
+   if (!gotTheLock && !safeStorage.isEncryptionAvailable()) // Disable multiple instances if is not possible to share session keys
+      app.quit();
-      // if (isDevelopment)
-      //    mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools();
-      // const key = safeStorage.encryptString('godisnothere');
-      // console.log('KEY:', key.toString('hex'));
-      // const decrypted = safeStorage.decryptString(key);
-      // console.log(decrypted.toString());
-      process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
-         mainWindow.webContents.send('unhandled-exception', error);
-      });
-      process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
-         mainWindow.webContents.send('unhandled-exception', error);
-      });
+   mainWindowState = windowStateKeeper({
+      defaultWidth: 1024,
+      defaultHeight: 800
-   app.on('browser-window-created', (event, window) => {
-      if (isDevelopment) {
-         const { antares } = require('../../package.json');
-         const extensionPath = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../misc/${antares.devtoolsId}`);
-         window.webContents.session.loadExtension(extensionPath, { allowFileAccess: true }).catch(console.error);
-      }
+   mainWindow = await createMainWindow();
+   createAppMenu();
-      window.webContents.on('will-navigate', (e) => { // Prevent browser navigation
-         e.preventDefault();
-      });
+   if (isWindows)
+      mainWindow.show();
-      window.webContents.on('did-create-window', (w) => { // Close new windows
-         w.close();
-      });
+   // if (isDevelopment)
+   //    mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools();
+   process.on('uncaughtException', error => {
+      mainWindow.webContents.send('unhandled-exception', error);
+   process.on('unhandledRejection', error => {
+      mainWindow.webContents.send('unhandled-exception', error);
+   });
+app.on('browser-window-created', (event, window) => {
+   if (isDevelopment) {
+      const { antares } = require('../../package.json');
+      const extensionPath = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../misc/${antares.devtoolsId}`);
+      window.webContents.session.loadExtension(extensionPath, { allowFileAccess: true }).catch(console.error);
+   }
+   window.webContents.on('will-navigate', (e) => { // Prevent browser navigation
+      e.preventDefault();
+   });
+   window.webContents.on('did-create-window', (w) => { // Close new windows
+      w.close();
+   });
 function createAppMenu () {
    const menuTemplate: OsMenu = {
diff --git a/src/renderer/stores/connections.ts b/src/renderer/stores/connections.ts
index 7f796736..647264be 100644
--- a/src/renderer/stores/connections.ts
+++ b/src/renderer/stores/connections.ts
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import * as Store from 'electron-store';
 import { defineStore } from 'pinia';
 import { useWorkspacesStore } from '@/stores/workspaces';
-const key = localStorage.getItem('key');
+let key = localStorage.getItem('key');
 export interface SidebarElement {
    isFolder: boolean;
@@ -18,18 +18,21 @@ export interface SidebarElement {
    icon?: null | string;
-if (!key) {
-   const storedKey = ipcRenderer.sendSync('get-key');
+if (!key) { // If no key in local storace
+   const storedKey = ipcRenderer.sendSync('get-key');// Ask for key stored on disk
-   if (!storedKey) {
+   if (!storedKey) { // Of nop stored key on disk
       const newKey = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex');
       localStorage.setItem('key', newKey);
+      key = newKey;
-   else
+   else {
       localStorage.setItem('key', storedKey);
+      key = storedKey;
+   }
-ipcRenderer.send('set-key', key);
+   ipcRenderer.send('set-key', key);
 const persistentStore = new Store({
    name: 'connections',