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<h1 id="hidden-options">Hidden options</h1>
<h2 id="caution">Caution</h2>
<p><strong>Be careful</strong>, this section is destined to advanced users. We are going to modify an important wallabag configuration file, <code>inc/poche/config.inc.php</code>. It is therefore advised to do a backup of this file before you proceed.
<strong>Any error occuring during the modification of a wallabag file could lead to malfunctions</strong>.</p>
<p>This file is created when you install wallabag.
Install wallabag, do a backup copy of the file, then open it in your favorite text editor.</p>
<p>In this file, there are some options that are not, as of now, available in the <strong>config</strong> page of wallabag.</p>
<h2 id="modification-of-advanced-options">Modification of advanced options</h2>
<p>Each option is defined this way:</p>
<pre><code>@define ('OPTION_NAME', 'Value');</code></pre>
<p>For each line, you can only modify the <code>Value</code> field.</p>
<p>Here is the list of each option you can change:</p>
<li><code>HTTP_PORT</code> (default: <code>80</code>) : the HTTP port of your web server. You may need to change it if your server is behind a proxy. Accepted values: number</li>
<li><code>SSL_PORT</code> (default: <code>443</code>) : the HTTP port of your web server. You may need to change it if your server use SSLH. Accepted values: number</li>
<li><code>MODE_DEMO</code> (default : <code>FALSE)</code>: If you ever wanted to set up a demonstration server... Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>DEBUG_POCHE</code> (default: <code>FALSE</code>) : if you encounter some problems with wallabag, we may ask you to active Debug mode. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>. Check the logs in cache/log.txt after activating that.</li>
<li><code>ERROR_REPORTING</code> (default : <code>E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE</code>) : Set to <code>E_ALL</code> if needed to look for eventual PHP errors.</li>
<li><code>DOWNLOAD_PICTURES</code> (default: <code>FALSE</code>) : Allows wallabag to fetch images from the articles you save on your server, instead of fetching only the text. We prefer to let you activate this option yourself. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>REGENERATE_PICTURES_QUALITY</code> (default : <code>75</code>) : In order to avoid security problems, pictures are regenerated if you activate the download of pictures. This is the percentage of quality at which they are saved. Increase that numbler if you want better quality, lower if you need better performances.</li>
<li><code>SHARE_TWITTER</code> (default: <code>TRUE</code>) : enables Twitter sharing. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>SHARE_MAIL</code> (default: <code>TRUE</code>) : enables mail sharing. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>SHARE_EVERNOTE</code>(default : <code>FALSE</code>) : enables sharing with your Evernote account. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>SHARE_DIASPORA</code> (default : <code>FALSE</code>) : enables to share an article on your Diaspora account.</li>
<li><code>DIASPORA_URL</code> (default : <code>http://diasporapod.com</code>) : The URL of your Diaspora* pod</li>
<li><code>CARROT</code> (default : <code>FALSE</code>) : Like Flattr, it's a service to give small amounts of money to a web page. See <a href="http://carrot.org/">http://carrot.org/</a></li>
<li><code>SHARE_SHAARLI</code> (default: <code>FALSE</code>) : enables sharing via your Shaarli installation (Shaarli is an open-source bookmark manager). Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>SHAARLI_URL</code> (default: <code>'http://myshaarliurl.com'</code>) : defines your Shaarli installation URL. Accepted values: an URL.</li>
<li><code>FLATTR</code> (default: <code>TRUE</code>) : enables the possibility to Flattr an article (<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flattr">Flattr is a microdonation platform</a>). If an article is Flattr-able, an icon will be displayed, allowing you to send a microdonation to the author. Accepted values: <code>TRUE</code> or <code>FALSE</code>.</li>
<li><code>SHOW_PRINTLINK</code> (default: <code>'1'</code>) : enables the Print button for articles. Accepted values: <code>'1'</code> to enable or <code>'0'</code> to disable.</li>
<li><code>SHOW_READPERCENT</code> (default: <code>'1'</code>) : enables the reading progress on articles (working on the <code>default</code>, <code>dark</code>, <code>dmagenta</code>, <code>solarized</code>, <code>solarized-dark</code> themes). Accepted values: <code>'1'</code> to enable or <code>'0'</code> to disable.</li>
<li><code>PAGINATION</code> (default: <code>'12'</code>) : defines the number of articles that are displayed on a list. Accepted values: number.</li>
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