Jeremy Benoist 7332d1f4e5
Remove support for PHP < 7.2
Updating deps

  - Removing electrolinux/php-html5lib (0.1.0)
  - Updating doctrine/inflector (1.3.1 => 1.4.3)
  - Updating doctrine/lexer (1.0.2 => 1.2.1)
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-php80 (v1.17.0)
  - Updating symfony/service-contracts (v1.1.8 => v2.1.2)
  - Installing symfony/deprecation-contracts (v2.1.2)
  - Updating symfony/mime (v4.4.8 => v5.1.1)
  - Updating friendsofsymfony/rest-bundle (2.7.4 => 2.8.0)
  - Updating doctrine/instantiator (1.3.0 => 1.3.1)
  - Updating ocramius/proxy-manager (2.1.1 => 2.2.3)
  - Updating php-http/discovery (1.7.4 => 1.8.0)
  - Updating symfony/http-client-contracts (v1.1.8 => v2.1.2)
  - Updating symfony/http-client (v4.4.8 => v5.1.1)
  - Updating php-http/httplug-bundle (1.16.0 => 1.18.0)
  - Updating symfony/phpunit-bridge (v4.3.11 => v5.1.1)
  - Updating doctrine/data-fixtures (1.3.3 => 1.4.3)
  - Updating composer/xdebug-handler (1.4.1 => 1.4.2)
  - Updating masterminds/html5 (2.7.0 => 2.7.1)
  - Updating j0k3r/php-readability (1.2.4 => 1.2.5)
  - Updating phpoption/phpoption (1.7.3 => 1.7.4)
  - Updating nikic/php-parser (v4.4.0 => v4.5.0)
  - Installing thecodingmachine/safe (v1.1.1)
  - Updating spomky-labs/otphp (v9.1.4 => v10.0.1)
  - Updating pagerfanta/pagerfanta (v2.1.3 => v2.3.0)

Package white-october/pagerfanta-bundle is abandoned, you should avoid using it. Use babdev/pagerfanta-bundle instead.

  - Removing white-october/pagerfanta-bundle (v1.3.2)
  - Installing babdev/pagerfanta-bundle (v2.4.2)

Upgrading PHPStan to 0.12 and use extension installer

  - Removing phpstan/phpdoc-parser (0.3.5)
  - Removing nette/utils (v3.1.2)
  - Removing nette/schema (v1.0.2)
  - Removing nette/robot-loader (v3.2.3)
  - Removing nette/php-generator (v3.4.0)
  - Removing nette/neon (v3.1.2)
  - Removing nette/finder (v2.5.2)
  - Removing nette/di (v3.0.4)
  - Removing nette/bootstrap (v3.0.2)
  - Updating phpstan/phpstan (0.11.19 => 0.12.29)
  - Updating phpstan/phpstan-doctrine (0.11.6 => 0.12.16)
  - Updating phpstan/phpstan-phpunit (0.11.2 => 0.12.11)
  - Updating phpstan/phpstan-symfony (0.11.6 => 0.12.6)
  - Installing phpstan/extension-installer (1.0.4)

Upgrading jms/serializer-bundle to version 3 (and willdurand/hateoas-bundle to version 2)

  - Removing phpoption/phpoption (1.7.4)
  - Removing phpcollection/phpcollection (0.5.0)
  - Removing jms/parser-lib (1.0.0)
  - Updating jms/metadata (1.7.0 => 2.3.0)
  - Updating jms/serializer (1.14.1 => 3.7.0)
  - Updating jms/serializer-bundle (2.4.4 => 3.6.0)
  - Updating willdurand/hateoas (2.12.0 => 3.6.0)
  - Updating willdurand/hateoas-bundle (1.4.0 => 2.1.0)

Upgrading dama/doctrine-test-bundle to version 6

  - Updating dama/doctrine-test-bundle (v5.0.3 => v6.2.0)
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2019-06-19 14:54:38 +02:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2018-11-28 22:04:54 +01:00
2017-11-21 21:35:17 +01:00
2019-12-31 09:19:02 +01:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2018-08-19 16:38:48 +02:00
2020-05-06 22:27:11 +02:00
2016-11-15 21:54:41 +01:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2017-07-01 09:52:38 +02:00
2016-09-28 10:30:18 +02:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2019-05-14 10:16:46 +02:00
2019-10-08 09:50:06 +02:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2018-11-28 22:04:54 +01:00
2016-01-15 16:07:57 +01:00
2020-01-25 16:16:43 +01:00
2020-02-07 13:21:48 +01:00
2018-08-18 18:50:18 +10:00
2019-09-27 16:01:55 +02:00
2020-06-15 08:25:59 +02:00
2018-11-28 22:04:54 +01:00
2018-11-28 22:04:54 +01:00
2019-05-29 12:02:24 +02:00

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality Gitter

What is wallabag?

wallabag is a self-hostable PHP application allowing you to not miss any content anymore. Click, save and read it when you can. It extracts content so that you can read it when you have time.

More information on our website:

If you do not have your own server, consider the hosting solution.

wallabag logo

Install wallabag

Please read the documentation to see the wallabag requirements.

Then you can install wallabag by executing the following commands:

git clone
cd wallabag && make install

Now, configure a virtual host to use your wallabag.

Run on YunoHost

Install Wallabag with YunoHost

Wallabag app for YunoHost. See here


Copyright © 2013-current Nicolas Lœuillet This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See the COPYING file for more details.

wallabag è un'applicazione web che consente di salvare le pagine web per leggerle in seguito. Fate clic, salvate e leggete quando volete. Estrae il contenuto in modo da non essere distratti da pop-up e altro. Readme 162 MiB
PHP 83.7%
Twig 12.5%
SCSS 1.9%
JavaScript 1.4%
Shell 0.2%
Other 0.2%