153 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File
153 lines
5.2 KiB
Executable File
function url(){
$protocol = "http";
if($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "off")
$protocol = "https";
return $protocol . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
function generate_page($url,$title,$content) {
raintpl::$tpl_dir = './tpl/'; // template directory
raintpl::$cache_dir = "./cache/"; // cache directory
raintpl::$base_url = url(); // base URL of blog
raintpl::configure( 'path_replace', false );
raintpl::configure('debug', false);
$tpl = new raintpl(); //include Rain TPL
$tpl->assign( "url", $url);
$tpl->assign( "title", $title);
$tpl->assign( "content", $content);
$tpl->assign( "version", VERSION);
$tpl->draw( "index"); // draw the template
// function define to retrieve url content
function get_external_file($url, $timeout) {
// spoofing FireFox 18.0
$useragent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0";
if (in_array ('curl', get_loaded_extensions())) {
// Fetch feed from URL
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, false);
// FeedBurner requires a proper USER-AGENT...
curl_setopt($curl, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, true);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip, deflate");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $useragent);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
$httpcode = curl_getinfo($curl, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
$httpcodeOK = isset($httpcode) and ($httpcode == 200 or $httpcode == 301);
} else {
// create http context and add timeout and user-agent
$context = stream_context_create(array('http'=>array('timeout' => $timeout, // Timeout : time until we stop waiting for the response.
'header'=> "User-Agent: ".$useragent, // spoot Mozilla Firefox
'follow_location' => true
// only download page lesser than 4MB
$data = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context, -1, 4000000); // We download at most 4 MB from source.
// echo "<pre>http_response_header : ".print_r($http_response_header);
if(isset($http_response_header) and isset($http_response_header[0])) {
$httpcodeOK = isset($http_response_header) and isset($http_response_header[0]) and ((strpos($http_response_header[0], '200 OK') !== FALSE) or (strpos($http_response_header[0], '301 Moved Permanently') !== FALSE));
// if response is not empty and response is OK
if (isset($data) and isset($httpcodeOK) and $httpcodeOK ) {
// take charset of page and get it
preg_match('#<meta .*charset=.*>#Usi', $data, $meta);
// if meta tag is found
if (!empty($meta[0])) {
// retrieve encoding in $enc
preg_match('#charset="?(.*)"#si', $meta[0], $enc);
// if charset is found set it otherwise, set it to utf-8
$html_charset = (!empty($enc[1])) ? strtolower($enc[1]) : 'utf-8';
} else {
$html_charset = 'utf-8';
$enc[1] = '';
// replace charset of url to charset of page
$data = str_replace('charset='.$enc[1], 'charset='.$html_charset, $data);
return $data;
else {
return FALSE;
function rel2abs($rel, $base)
/* return if already absolute URL */
if (parse_url($rel, PHP_URL_SCHEME) != '') return $rel;
/* queries and anchors */
if ($rel[0]=='#' || $rel[0]=='?') return $base.$rel;
/* parse base URL and convert to local variables:
$scheme, $host, $path */
/* remove non-directory element from path */
$path = preg_replace('#/[^/]*$#', '', $path);
/* destroy path if relative url points to root */
if ($rel[0] == '/') $path = '';
/* dirty absolute URL */
$abs = "$host$path/$rel";
/* replace '//' or '/./' or '/foo/../' with '/' */
$re = array('#(/\.?/)#', '#/(?!\.\.)[^/]+/\.\./#');
for($n=1; $n>0; $abs=preg_replace($re, '/', $abs, -1, $n)) {}
/* absolute URL is ready! */
return $scheme.'://'.$abs;
// $str=preg_replace('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\s|\+)[^"]*"))#','$1="http://wintermute.com.au/$2$3',$str);
function absolutes_links($data, $base) {
// cherche les balises 'a' qui contiennent un href
$matches = array();
preg_match_all('#(href|src)="([^:"]*)("|(?:(?:%20|\s|\+)[^"]*"))#Si', $data, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
// ne conserve que les liens ne commençant pas par un protocole « protocole:// » ni par une ancre « # »
foreach($matches as $i => $link) {
$link[1] = trim($link[1]);
if (!preg_match('#^(([a-z]+://)|(\#))#', $link[1]) ) {
$data = str_replace($matches[$i][2], $absolutePath, $data);
return $data;