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Download and install wallabag
I dont want to install wallabag
If you cant or dont want to install Wallabag on your server, we
suggest you create a free account on `Framabag`_ which uses our
software (see :ref:`Framabag account creation`).
I want to install wallabag
I want to download wallabag manually
`Download the latest wallabag version`_ and unpack it:
wget http://wllbg.org/latest
unzip latest
mv wallabag-version-number wallabag
Copy the files on your web server. For Ubuntu/Debian, it is the
directory /var/www/html/ :
sudo mv wallabag /var/www/html/
Then, jump off to next section.
I want to download wallabag via composer
You need to install composer:
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
Next, on your web server, run this command:
composer create-project wallabag/wallabag . dev-master
All is downloaded into the current folder.
Prerequisites for your web server
Wallabag requires that several components to be installed on your web
server. To make sure your server has all the prerequisites, open in your
browser the page ``http://monserveur.com/wallabag/install/index.php``.
The components are:
- `PHP 5.3.3 or above`_ **with `PDO`_ support**
- `XML for PHP`_
- `PCRE`_
- `ZLib`_ (otherwise, the processing of compressed pages will be
- `mbstring`_ anb/or `iconv`_ (otherwise some pages will not be read -
even in English)
- The `DOM/XML`_ extension
- `Data filtering`_
- `GD`_ (otherwise, pictures will not be saved)
- `Tidy for PHP`_ (otherwise, you may encounter problems with some
- `cURL`_ with ``Parallel URL fetching`` (optionnal)
- `Parse ini file`_
- `allow\_url\_fopen`_ (optionnal if cURL is installed)
- `gettext`_ (required for multi-language support)
Install the missing components before to proceed. For example, to
install Tidy on Ubuntu/Debian:
sudo apt-get install php5-tidy
sudo service apache2 reload
Note : if youre using IIS as a webserver, you have to disable
*Anonymous Authentication* and `enable *Basic Authentication*`_ in order
to be able to login.
Twig installation
wallabag is build with Twig, a template library. You have to download it
for wallabag to work. If you cannot install ``composer`` (for example in
the case of shared hosting), we offer you to download a file which
includes ``Twig``. This file can be downloaed from the page
``http://myservur.com/wallabag/install/index.php`` (section TWIG
INSTALLATION) or directly at http://wllbg.org/vendor. Uncompress it in
your wallabag directory.
Otherwise, you can use Composer to install ``Twig`` by launching
``composer`` from your wallabag directory (in the case of Ubuntu/Debian
too: /var/www/html/wallabag/) by following the commands written on
curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
Creation of the database.
Wallabag can be installed on different types of databases:
- `SQLite`_. The easiest system of all. No extra configuration needed.
- `MySQL`_. A well known database system, which is in most cases more
efficient than SQLite.
- `PostgreSQL`_. Some people found it better than MySQL.
We advice you to use MySQL because it is more efficient. In this case,
you should create a new database (for example ``wallabag``), a new user
(for example ``wallabag``) and a password (here ``YourPassWord``). To do
this, you can use ``phpMyAdmin``, or launch the following commands:
mysql -p -u root
mysql> CREATE DATABASE wallabag;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `wallabag`.* TO 'wallabag'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'VotreMotdePasse';
mysql> exit
*Note:* If youre using MySQL or Postgresql, you have to **fill all the
fields**, otherwise the installation will not work and an error message
will tell you whats wrong. You must create the database that you will
use for wallabag manually with a tool like PHPMyAdmin or the console.
Your web server needs a writing access to the ``assets``, ``cache`` and
``db`` directories. Otherwise, a message will report that the
installation is impossible:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/wallabag
Installation of wallabag. At last.
Access to wallabag from your web browser:
``http://votreserveur.com/wallabag``. If your server is correctly
configured, you directly reach the setup screen.
Select the type of database (``sqlite``, ``mysql`` or ``postgresql``)
and fill the information about your database. In the case of the databse
MySQL created before, the standard configuration will be:
Database engine: MySQL
Server: localhost
Database: wallabag
Username: wallabag
Password: YourPassWord
Finally, Create your first user and his/her password (different from the
database user).
Wallabag is now installed.
From your web browser, you reach the login screen: fill your username
and your password to connect to your account.
.. _SQLite: http://php.net/manual/fr/book.sqlite.php
.. _MySQL: http://php.net/manual/fr/book.mysql.php
.. _PostgreSQL: http://php.net/manual/fr/book.pgsql.php
.. _Framabag: https://framabag.org/
.. _Download the latest wallabag version: http://wllbg.org/latest
.. _PHP 5.3.3 or above: http://php.net/manual/fr/install.php
.. _PDO: http://php.net/manual/en/book.pdo.php
.. _XML for PHP: http://php.net/fr/xml
.. _PCRE: http://php.net/fr/pcre
.. _ZLib: http://php.net/en/zlib
.. _mbstring: http://php.net/en/mbstring
.. _iconv: http://php.net/en/iconv
.. _DOM/XML: http://php.net/manual/en/book.dom.php
.. _Data filtering: http://php.net/manual/fr/book.filter.php
.. _GD: http://php.net/manual/en/book.image.php
.. _Tidy for PHP: http://php.net/fr/tidy
.. _cURL: http://php.net/fr/curl
.. _Parse ini file: http://uk.php.net/manual/en/function.parse-ini-file.php
.. _allow\_url\_fopen: http://www.php.net/manual/fr/filesystem.configuration.php#ini.allow-url-fopen
.. _gettext: http://php.net/manual/fr/book.gettext.php
.. _enable *Basic Authentication*: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc772009%28v=ws.10%29.aspx