.. _`ePub conversion`: ePub conversion =============== To enable you to read your articles on a e-reader, wallabag can convert them to the ePub format, and hence create an eBook for your long winter evenings. A word of caution ----------------- Be careful, the creation of ePub files can be very resource demanding for the server on which wallabag is installed. It depends on the number of articles and on their length. Do not create a really big eBook if this is not necessary. Where to convert the articles ----------------------------- You can convert your articles at various places in wallabag: - on the reading page of an article: the ePub link will convert this article only - from the list of articles (unread, favorite or archived articles, articles with a tag): a link at the bottom of the page allows you to convert all the article of this category - from a search: the link is at the bottom of the page - from the configuration page: you can convert all your articles, whatever the category to which they belong TODO talk about calibre