Install RabbitMQ for asynchronous tasks ======================================= In order to launch asynchronous tasks (useful for huge imports for example), we use RabbitMQ. Requirements ------------ You need to have RabbitMQ installed on your server. Installation ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash wget apt-key add rabbitmq-signing-key-public.asc apt-get update apt-get install rabbitmq-server Configuration and launch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash rabbitmq-plugins enable rabbitmq_management # (useful to have a web interface, available at http://localhost:15672/ (guest/guest) rabbitmq-server -detached Stop RabbitMQ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash rabbitmqctl stop Configure RabbitMQ in wallabag ------------------------------ Edit your ``parameters.yml`` file to edit RabbitMQ configuration. Launch RabbitMQ consumer ------------------------ Put this command in a cron job: .. code:: bash bin/console rabbitmq:consumer entries -w