 * wallabag, self hostable application allowing you to not miss any content anymore
 * @category   wallabag
 * @author     Nicolas Lœuillet <nicolas@loeuillet.org>
 * @copyright  2013
 * @license    http://www.wtfpl.net/ see COPYING file

class Poche
    public static $canRenderTemplates = true;
    public static $configFileAvailable = true;

    public $user;
    public $store;
    public $tpl;
    public $messages;
    public $pagination;

    private $currentTheme = '';
    private $currentLanguage = '';
    private $notInstalledMessage = array();

    private $language_names = array(
      'cs_CZ.utf8' => 'čeština',
      'de_DE.utf8' => 'German',
      'en_EN.utf8' => 'English',
      'es_ES.utf8' => 'Español',
      'fa_IR.utf8' => 'فارسی',
      'fr_FR.utf8' => 'Français',
      'it_IT.utf8' => 'Italiano',
      'pl_PL.utf8' => 'Polski',
      'pt_BR.utf8' => 'Português (Brasil)',
      'ru_RU.utf8' => 'Pусский',
      'sl_SI.utf8' => 'Slovenščina',
      'uk_UA.utf8' => 'Українська',
    public function __construct()
        if ($this->configFileIsAvailable()) {

        if ($this->themeIsInstalled()) {

        if ($this->systemIsInstalled()) {
            $this->store = new Database();
            $this->messages = new Messages();
            # installation
            if (! $this->store->isInstalled()) {

    private function init()

        if (isset($_SESSION['poche_user']) && $_SESSION['poche_user'] != array()) {
            $this->user = $_SESSION['poche_user'];
        } else {
            # fake user, just for install & login screens
            $this->user = new User();

        # l10n
        $language = $this->user->getConfigValue('language');
        putenv('LC_ALL=' . $language);
        setlocale(LC_ALL, $language);
        bindtextdomain($language, LOCALE);

        # Pagination
        $this->pagination = new Paginator($this->user->getConfigValue('pager'), 'p');

        # Set up theme
        $themeDirectory = $this->user->getConfigValue('theme');

        if ($themeDirectory === false) {
            $themeDirectory = DEFAULT_THEME;

        $this->currentTheme = $themeDirectory;

        # Set up language
        $languageDirectory = $this->user->getConfigValue('language');

        if ($languageDirectory === false) {
            $languageDirectory = DEFAULT_THEME;

        $this->currentLanguage = $languageDirectory;

    public function configFileIsAvailable() {
        if (! self::$configFileAvailable) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'You have to copy (don\'t just rename!) inc/poche/config.inc.default.php to inc/poche/config.inc.php.';

            return false;

        return true;

    public function themeIsInstalled() {
        $passTheme = TRUE;
        # Twig is an absolute requirement for Poche to function. Abort immediately if the Composer installer hasn't been run yet
        if (! self::$canRenderTemplates) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'Twig does not seem to be installed. Please initialize the Composer installation to automatically fetch dependencies. You can also download <a href="http://wllbg.org/vendor">vendor.zip</a> and extract it in your wallabag folder.';
            $passTheme = FALSE;

        if (! is_writable(CACHE)) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'You don\'t have write access on cache directory.';

            self::$canRenderTemplates = false;

            $passTheme = FALSE;

        # Check if the selected theme and its requirements are present
        $theme = $this->getTheme();

        if ($theme != '' && ! is_dir(THEME . '/' . $theme)) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'The currently selected theme (' . $theme . ') does not seem to be properly installed (Missing directory: ' . THEME . '/' . $theme . ')';

            self::$canRenderTemplates = false;

            $passTheme = FALSE;

        $themeInfo = $this->getThemeInfo($theme);
        if (isset($themeInfo['requirements']) && is_array($themeInfo['requirements'])) {
            foreach ($themeInfo['requirements'] as $requiredTheme) {
                if (! is_dir(THEME . '/' . $requiredTheme)) {
                    $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'The required "' . $requiredTheme . '" theme is missing for the current theme (' . $theme . ')';

                    self::$canRenderTemplates = false;

                    $passTheme = FALSE;

        if (!$passTheme) {
            return FALSE;

        return true;

     * all checks before installation.
     * @todo move HTML to template
     * @return boolean
    public function systemIsInstalled()
        $msg = TRUE;

        $configSalt = defined('SALT') ? constant('SALT') : '';

        if (empty($configSalt)) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'You have not yet filled in the SALT value in the config.inc.php file.';
            $msg = FALSE;
        if (STORAGE == 'sqlite' && ! file_exists(STORAGE_SQLITE)) {
            Tools::logm('sqlite file doesn\'t exist');
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'sqlite file doesn\'t exist, you can find it in install folder. Copy it in /db folder.';
            $msg = FALSE;
        if (is_dir(ROOT . '/install') && ! DEBUG_POCHE) {
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'you have to delete the /install folder before using poche.';
            $msg = FALSE;
        if (STORAGE == 'sqlite' && ! is_writable(STORAGE_SQLITE)) {
            Tools::logm('you don\'t have write access on sqlite file');
            $this->notInstalledMessage[] = 'You don\'t have write access on sqlite file.';
            $msg = FALSE;

        if (! $msg) {
            return false;

        return true;

    public function getNotInstalledMessage() {
        return $this->notInstalledMessage;

    private function initTpl()
        $loaderChain = new Twig_Loader_Chain();
        $theme = $this->getTheme();

        # add the current theme as first to the loader chain so Twig will look there first for overridden template files
        try {
            $loaderChain->addLoader(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(THEME . '/' . $theme));
        } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
            # @todo isInstalled() should catch this, inject Twig later
            die('The currently selected theme (' . $theme . ') does not seem to be properly installed (' . THEME . '/' . $theme .' is missing)');

        # add all required themes to the loader chain
        $themeInfo = $this->getThemeInfo($theme);
        if (isset($themeInfo['requirements']) && is_array($themeInfo['requirements'])) {
            foreach ($themeInfo['requirements'] as $requiredTheme) {
                try {
                    $loaderChain->addLoader(new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(THEME . '/' . $requiredTheme));
                } catch (Twig_Error_Loader $e) {
                    # @todo isInstalled() should catch this, inject Twig later
                    die('The required "' . $requiredTheme . '" theme is missing for the current theme (' . $theme . ')');

        if (DEBUG_POCHE) {
            $twigParams = array();
        } else {
            $twigParams = array('cache' => CACHE);

        $this->tpl = new Twig_Environment($loaderChain, $twigParams);
        $this->tpl->addExtension(new Twig_Extensions_Extension_I18n());

        # filter to display domain name of an url
        $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('getDomain', 'Tools::getDomain');

        # filter for reading time
        $filter = new Twig_SimpleFilter('getReadingTime', 'Tools::getReadingTime');
    public function createNewUser() {
        if (isset($_GET['newuser'])){
            if ($_POST['newusername'] != "" && $_POST['password4newuser'] != ""){
                $newusername = filter_var($_POST['newusername'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                if (!$this->store->userExists($newusername)){	
                    if ($this->store->install($newusername, Tools::encodeString($_POST['password4newuser'] . $newusername))) {
                        Tools::logm('The new user '.$newusername.' has been installed');
                        $this->messages->add('s', sprintf(_('The new user %s has been installed. Do you want to <a href="?logout">logout ?</a>'),$newusername));
                    else {
                        Tools::logm('error during adding new user');
                else {
                    $this->messages->add('e', sprintf(_('Error : An user with the name %s already exists !'),$newusername));
                    Tools::logm('An user with the name '.$newusername.' already exists !');
    public function deleteUser(){
        if (isset($_GET['deluser'])){
            if ($this->store->listUsers() > 1) {
                if (Tools::encodeString($_POST['password4deletinguser'].$this->user->getUsername()) == $this->store->getUserPassword($this->user->getId())) {
                    $username = $this->user->getUsername();
                    Tools::logm('The configuration for user '. $username .' has been deleted !');
                    Tools::logm('The entries for user '. $username .' has been deleted !');
                    Tools::logm('User '. $username .' has been completely deleted !');
                    $this->messages->add('s', sprintf(_('User %s has been successfully deleted !'),$newusername));
                else {
                    Tools::logm('Bad password !');
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('Error : The password is wrong !'));
            else {
                Tools::logm('Only user !');
                $this->messages->add('e', _('Error : You are the only user, you cannot delete your account !'));

    private function install()
        Tools::logm('poche still not installed');
        echo $this->tpl->render('install.twig', array(
            'token' => Session::getToken(),
            'theme' => $this->getTheme(),
            'poche_url' => Tools::getPocheUrl()
        if (isset($_GET['install'])) {
            if (($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_repeat'])
                && $_POST['password'] != "" && $_POST['login'] != "") {
                # let's rock, install poche baby !
                if ($this->store->install($_POST['login'], Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $_POST['login'])))
                    Tools::logm('poche is now installed');
            else {
                Tools::logm('error during installation');

    public function getTheme() {
        return $this->currentTheme;

     * Provides theme information by parsing theme.ini file if present in the theme's root directory.
     * In all cases, the following data will be returned:
     * - name: theme's name, or key if the theme is unnamed,
     * - current: boolean informing if the theme is the current user theme.
     * @param string $theme Theme key (directory name)
     * @return array|boolean Theme information, or false if the theme doesn't exist.
    public function getThemeInfo($theme) {
        if (!is_dir(THEME . '/' . $theme)) {
            return false;

        $themeIniFile = THEME . '/' . $theme . '/theme.ini';
        $themeInfo = array();

        if (is_file($themeIniFile) && is_readable($themeIniFile)) {
            $themeInfo = parse_ini_file($themeIniFile);

        if ($themeInfo === false) {
            $themeInfo = array();
        if (!isset($themeInfo['name'])) {
            $themeInfo['name'] = $theme;
        $themeInfo['current'] = ($theme === $this->getTheme());

        return $themeInfo;

    public function getInstalledThemes() {
        $handle = opendir(THEME);
        $themes = array();

        while (($theme = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
            # Themes are stored in a directory, so all directory names are themes
            # @todo move theme installation data to database
            if (!is_dir(THEME . '/' . $theme) || in_array($theme, array('.', '..'))) {

            $themes[$theme] = $this->getThemeInfo($theme);


        return $themes;

    public function getLanguage() {
        return $this->currentLanguage;

    public function getInstalledLanguages() {
        $handle = opendir(LOCALE);
        $languages = array();

        while (($language = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
            # Languages are stored in a directory, so all directory names are languages
            # @todo move language installation data to database
            if (! is_dir(LOCALE . '/' . $language) || in_array($language, array('..', '.', 'tools'))) {

            $current = false;

            if ($language === $this->getLanguage()) {
                $current = true;

            $languages[] = array('name' => (isset($this->language_names[$language]) ? $this->language_names[$language] : $language), 'value' => $language, 'current' => $current);

        return $languages;

    public function getDefaultConfig()
        return array(
            'pager' => PAGINATION,
            'language' => LANG,
            'theme' => DEFAULT_THEME

     * Call action (mark as fav, archive, delete, etc.)
    public function action($action, Url $url, $id = 0, $import = FALSE, $autoclose = FALSE, $tags = null)
        switch ($action)
            case 'add':
                $content = Tools::getPageContent($url);
                $title = ($content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] != '') ? $content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] : _('Untitled');
                $body = $content['rss']['channel']['item']['description'];

                // clean content from prevent xss attack
                $purifier = $this->getPurifier();
                $title = $purifier->purify($title);
                $body = $purifier->purify($body);

                //search for possible duplicate
                $duplicate = NULL;
                $duplicate = $this->store->retrieveOneByURL($url->getUrl(), $this->user->getId());

                $last_id = $this->store->add($url->getUrl(), $title, $body, $this->user->getId());
                if ( $last_id ) {
                    Tools::logm('add link ' . $url->getUrl());
                    if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) {
                        $content = filtre_picture($body, $url->getUrl(), $last_id);
                        Tools::logm('updating content article');
                        $this->store->updateContent($last_id, $content, $this->user->getId());

                    if ($duplicate != NULL) {
                        // duplicate exists, so, older entry needs to be deleted (as new entry should go to the top of list), BUT favorite mark and tags should be preserved
                        Tools::logm('link ' . $url->getUrl() . ' is a duplicate');
                        // 1) - preserve tags and favorite, then drop old entry
                        $this->store->reassignTags($duplicate['id'], $last_id);
                        if ($duplicate['is_fav']) {
                          $this->store->favoriteById($last_id, $this->user->getId());
                        if ($this->store->deleteById($duplicate['id'], $this->user->getId())) {
                          Tools::logm('previous link ' . $url->getUrl() .' entry deleted');

                    $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been added successfully'));
                else {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added'));
                    Tools::logm('error during insertion : the link wasn\'t added ' . $url->getUrl());

                if ($autoclose == TRUE) {
                } else {
            case 'delete':
                $msg = 'delete link #' . $id;
                if ($this->store->deleteById($id, $this->user->getId())) {
                    if (DOWNLOAD_PICTURES) {
                        remove_directory(ABS_PATH . $id);
                    $this->messages->add('s', _('the link has been deleted successfully'));
                else {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('the link wasn\'t deleted'));
                    $msg = 'error : can\'t delete link #' . $id;
            case 'toggle_fav' :
                $this->store->favoriteById($id, $this->user->getId());
                Tools::logm('mark as favorite link #' . $id);
                if ( Tools::isAjaxRequest() ) {
                  echo 1;
                else {
            case 'toggle_archive' :
                $this->store->archiveById($id, $this->user->getId());
                Tools::logm('archive link #' . $id);
                if ( Tools::isAjaxRequest() ) {
                  echo 1;
                else {
            case 'archive_all' :
                Tools::logm('archive all links');
            case 'add_tag' :
                $tags = explode(',', $_POST['value']);
                $entry_id = $_POST['entry_id'];
                $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($entry_id, $this->user->getId());
                if (!$entry) {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
                    Tools::logm('error : article not found');
                //get all already set tags to preven duplicates
                $already_set_tags = array();
                $entry_tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($entry_id);
                foreach ($entry_tags as $tag) {
                  $already_set_tags[] = $tag['value'];
                foreach($tags as $key => $tag_value) {
                    $value = trim($tag_value);
                    if ($value && !in_array($value, $already_set_tags)) {
                      $tag = $this->store->retrieveTagByValue($value);

                      if (is_null($tag)) {
                          # we create the tag
                          $tag = $this->store->createTag($value);
                          $sequence = '';
                          if (STORAGE == 'postgres') {
                              $sequence = 'tags_id_seq';
                          $tag_id = $this->store->getLastId($sequence);
                      else {
                          $tag_id = $tag['id'];

                      # we assign the tag to the article
                      $this->store->setTagToEntry($tag_id, $entry_id);
            case 'remove_tag' :
                $tag_id = $_GET['tag_id'];
                $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId());
                if (!$entry) {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
                    Tools::logm('error : article not found');
                $this->store->removeTagForEntry($id, $tag_id);

    function displayView($view, $id = 0)
        $tpl_vars = array();

        switch ($view)
            case 'config':
                $dev_infos = $this->getPocheVersion('dev');
                $dev = trim($dev_infos[0]);
                $check_time_dev = date('d-M-Y H:i', $dev_infos[1]);
                $prod_infos = $this->getPocheVersion('prod');
                $prod = trim($prod_infos[0]);
                $check_time_prod = date('d-M-Y H:i', $prod_infos[1]);
                $compare_dev = version_compare(POCHE, $dev);
                $compare_prod = version_compare(POCHE, $prod);
                $themes = $this->getInstalledThemes();
                $languages = $this->getInstalledLanguages();
                $token = $this->user->getConfigValue('token');
                $http_auth = (isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']) || isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) ? true : false;
                $only_user = ($this->store->listUsers() > 1) ? false : true;
                $tpl_vars = array(
                    'themes' => $themes,
                    'languages' => $languages,
                    'dev' => $dev,
                    'prod' => $prod,
                    'check_time_dev' => $check_time_dev,
                    'check_time_prod' => $check_time_prod,
                    'compare_dev' => $compare_dev,
                    'compare_prod' => $compare_prod,
                    'token' => $token,
                    'user_id' => $this->user->getId(),
                    'http_auth' => $http_auth,
                    'only_user' => $only_user
                Tools::logm('config view');
            case 'edit-tags':
                # tags
                $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId());
                if (!$entry) {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('Article not found!'));
                    Tools::logm('error : article not found');
                $tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($id);
                $tpl_vars = array(
                    'entry_id' => $id,
                    'tags' => $tags,
                    'entry' => $entry,
            case 'tags':
                $token = $this->user->getConfigValue('token');
                //if term is set - search tags for this term
                $term = Tools::checkVar('term');
                $tags = $this->store->retrieveAllTags($this->user->getId(), $term);
                if (Tools::isAjaxRequest()) {
                  $result = array();
                  foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                    $result[] = $tag['value'];
                  echo json_encode($result);
                $tpl_vars = array(
                    'token' => $token,
                    'user_id' => $this->user->getId(),
                    'tags' => $tags,
            case 'search':
                if (isset($_GET['search'])) {
                   $search = filter_var($_GET['search'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                   $tpl_vars['entries'] = $this->store->search($search, $this->user->getId());
                   $count = count($tpl_vars['entries']);
                   $page_links = str_replace(array('previous', 'next'), array(_('previous'), _('next')),
                            $this->pagination->page_links('?view=' . $view . '?search=' . $search . '&sort=' . $_SESSION['sort'] . '&' ));
                   $tpl_vars['page_links'] = $page_links;
                   $tpl_vars['nb_results'] = $count;
                   $tpl_vars['search_term'] = $search;
            case 'view':
                $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($id, $this->user->getId());
                if ($entry != NULL) {
                    Tools::logm('view link #' . $id);
                    $content = $entry['content'];
                    if (function_exists('tidy_parse_string')) {
                        $tidy = tidy_parse_string($content, array('indent'=>true, 'show-body-only' => true), 'UTF8');
                        $content = $tidy->value;

                    # flattr checking
                    $flattr = new FlattrItem();
                    $flattr->checkItem($entry['url'], $entry['id']);

                    # tags
                    $tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($entry['id']);

                    $tpl_vars = array(
                        'entry' => $entry,
                        'content' => $content,
                        'flattr' => $flattr,
                        'tags' => $tags
                else {
                    Tools::logm('error in view call : entry is null');
            default: # home, favorites, archive and tag views
                $tpl_vars = array(
                    'entries' => '',
                    'page_links' => '',
                    'nb_results' => '',
                    'listmode' => (isset($_COOKIE['listmode']) ? true : false),

                //if id is given - we retrive entries by tag: id is tag id
                if ($id) {
                  $tpl_vars['tag'] = $this->store->retrieveTag($id, $this->user->getId());
                  $tpl_vars['id'] = intval($id);

                $count = $this->store->getEntriesByViewCount($view, $this->user->getId(), $id);

                if ($count > 0) {
                    $page_links = str_replace(array('previous', 'next'), array(_('previous'), _('next')),
                        $this->pagination->page_links('?view=' . $view . '&sort=' . $_SESSION['sort'] . (($id)?'&id='.$id:'') . '&' ));
                    $tpl_vars['entries'] = $this->store->getEntriesByView($view, $this->user->getId(), $this->pagination->get_limit(), $id);
                    $tpl_vars['page_links'] = $page_links;
                    $tpl_vars['nb_results'] = $count;
                Tools::logm('display ' . $view . ' view');

        return $tpl_vars;

     * update the password of the current user.
     * if MODE_DEMO is TRUE, the password can't be updated.
     * @todo add the return value
     * @todo set the new password in function header like this updatePassword($newPassword)
     * @return boolean
    public function updatePassword()
        if (MODE_DEMO) {
            $this->messages->add('i', _('in demo mode, you can\'t update your password'));
            Tools::logm('in demo mode, you can\'t do this');
        else {
            if (isset($_POST['password']) && isset($_POST['password_repeat'])) {
                if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password_repeat'] && $_POST['password'] != "") {
                    $this->messages->add('s', _('your password has been updated'));
                    $this->store->updatePassword($this->user->getId(), Tools::encodeString($_POST['password'] . $this->user->getUsername()));
                    Tools::logm('password updated');
                else {
                    $this->messages->add('e', _('the two fields have to be filled & the password must be the same in the two fields'));

    public function updateTheme()
        # no data
        if (empty($_POST['theme'])) {

        # we are not going to change it to the current theme...
        if ($_POST['theme'] == $this->getTheme()) {
            $this->messages->add('w', _('still using the "' . $this->getTheme() . '" theme!'));

        $themes = $this->getInstalledThemes();
        $actualTheme = false;

        foreach (array_keys($themes) as $theme) {
            if ($theme == $_POST['theme']) {
                $actualTheme = true;

        if (! $actualTheme) {
            $this->messages->add('e', _('that theme does not seem to be installed'));

        $this->store->updateUserConfig($this->user->getId(), 'theme', $_POST['theme']);
        $this->messages->add('s', _('you have changed your theme preferences'));

        $currentConfig = $_SESSION['poche_user']->config;
        $currentConfig['theme'] = $_POST['theme'];




    public function updateLanguage()
        # no data
        if (empty($_POST['language'])) {

        # we are not going to change it to the current language...
        if ($_POST['language'] == $this->getLanguage()) {
            $this->messages->add('w', _('still using the "' . $this->getLanguage() . '" language!'));

        $languages = $this->getInstalledLanguages();
        $actualLanguage = false;

        foreach ($languages as $language) {
            if ($language['value'] == $_POST['language']) {
                $actualLanguage = true;

        if (! $actualLanguage) {
            $this->messages->add('e', _('that language does not seem to be installed'));

        $this->store->updateUserConfig($this->user->getId(), 'language', $_POST['language']);
        $this->messages->add('s', _('you have changed your language preferences'));

        $currentConfig = $_SESSION['poche_user']->config;
        $currentConfig['language'] = $_POST['language'];



     * get credentials from differents sources
     * it redirects the user to the $referer link
     * @return array
    private function credentials() {
        if(isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) {
            return array($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'],'php_auth',true);
        if(!empty($_POST['login']) && !empty($_POST['password'])) {
            return array($_POST['login'],$_POST['password'],false);
        if(isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
            return array($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'],'http_auth',true);

        return array(false,false,false);

     * checks if login & password are correct and save the user in session.
     * it redirects the user to the $referer link
     * @param  string $referer the url to redirect after login
     * @todo add the return value
     * @return boolean
    public function login($referer)
        if($login === false || $password === false) {
            $this->messages->add('e', _('login failed: you have to fill all fields'));
            Tools::logm('login failed');
        if (!empty($login) && !empty($password)) {
            $user = $this->store->login($login, Tools::encodeString($password . $login), $isauthenticated);
            if ($user != array()) {
                # Save login into Session
                $longlastingsession = isset($_POST['longlastingsession']);
                $passwordTest = ($isauthenticated) ? $user['password'] : Tools::encodeString($password . $login);
                Session::login($user['username'], $user['password'], $login, $passwordTest, $longlastingsession, array('poche_user' => new User($user)));
                $this->messages->add('s', _('welcome to your wallabag'));
                Tools::logm('login successful');
            $this->messages->add('e', _('login failed: bad login or password'));
            Tools::logm('login failed');

     * log out the poche user. It cleans the session.
     * @todo add the return value
     * @return boolean
    public function logout()
        $this->user = array();

     * import datas into your poche
     * @return boolean
    public function import() {

      if ( isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
        Tools::logm('Import stated: parsing file');

        // assume, that file is in json format
        $str_data = file_get_contents($_FILES['file']['tmp_name']);
        $data = json_decode($str_data, true);

        if ( $data === null ) {
          //not json - assume html
          $html = new simple_html_dom();
          $data = array();
          $read = 0;
          foreach (array('ol','ul') as $list) {
            foreach ($html->find($list) as $ul) {
              foreach ($ul->find('li') as $li) {
                $tmpEntry = array();
                  $a = $li->find('a');
                  $tmpEntry['url'] = $a[0]->href;
                  $tmpEntry['tags'] = $a[0]->tags;
                  $tmpEntry['is_read'] = $read;
                  if ($tmpEntry['url']) {
                    $data[] = $tmpEntry;
              # the second <ol/ul> is for read links
              $read = ((sizeof($data) && $read)?0:1);

        //for readability structure
        foreach ($data as $record) {
          if (is_array($record)) {
            $data[] = $record;
            foreach ($record as $record2) {
              if (is_array($record2)) {
                $data[] = $record2;

        $urlsInserted = array(); //urls of articles inserted
        foreach ($data as $record) {
          $url = trim( isset($record['article__url']) ? $record['article__url'] : (isset($record['url']) ? $record['url'] : '') );
          if ( $url and !in_array($url, $urlsInserted) ) {
            $title = (isset($record['title']) ? $record['title'] :  _('Untitled - Import - ').'</a> <a href="./?import">'._('click to finish import').'</a><a>');
            $body = (isset($record['content']) ? $record['content'] : '');
            $isRead = (isset($record['is_read']) ? intval($record['is_read']) : (isset($record['archive'])?intval($record['archive']):0));
            $isFavorite = (isset($record['is_fav']) ? intval($record['is_fav']) : (isset($record['favorite'])?intval($record['favorite']):0) );
            //insert new record
            $id = $this->store->add($url, $title, $body, $this->user->getId(), $isFavorite, $isRead);
            if ( $id ) {
              $urlsInserted[] = $url; //add

              if ( isset($record['tags']) && trim($record['tags']) ) {
                //@TODO: set tags


        $i = sizeof($urlsInserted);
        if ( $i > 0 ) {
          $this->messages->add('s', _('Articles inserted: ').$i._('. Please note, that some may be marked as "read".'));
        Tools::logm('Import of articles finished: '.$i.' articles added (w/o content if not provided).');
      //file parsing finished here

      //now download article contents if any

      //check if we need to download any content
      $recordsDownloadRequired = $this->store->retrieveUnfetchedEntriesCount($this->user->getId());
      if ( $recordsDownloadRequired == 0 ) {
        //nothing to download
        $this->messages->add('s', _('Import finished.'));
        Tools::logm('Import finished completely');
      else {
        //if just inserted - don't download anything, download will start in next reload
        if ( !isset($_FILES['file']) ) {
          //download next batch
          Tools::logm('Fetching next batch of articles...');
          $items = $this->store->retrieveUnfetchedEntries($this->user->getId(), IMPORT_LIMIT);

          $purifier = $this->getPurifier();

          foreach ($items as $item) {
            $url = new Url(base64_encode($item['url']));
            Tools::logm('Fetching article '.$item['id']);
            $content = Tools::getPageContent($url);

            $title = (($content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] != '') ? $content['rss']['channel']['item']['title'] : _('Untitled'));
            $body = (($content['rss']['channel']['item']['description'] != '') ? $content['rss']['channel']['item']['description'] : _('Undefined'));

            //clean content to prevent xss attack
            $title = $purifier->purify($title);
            $body = $purifier->purify($body);

            $this->store->updateContentAndTitle($item['id'], $title, $body, $this->user->getId());
            Tools::logm('Article '.$item['id'].' updated.');


      return array('includeImport'=>true, 'import'=>array('recordsDownloadRequired'=>$recordsDownloadRequired, 'recordsUnderDownload'=> IMPORT_LIMIT, 'delay'=> IMPORT_DELAY * 1000) );

     * export poche entries in json
     * @return json all poche entries
    public function export() {
      $filename = "wallabag-export-".$this->user->getId()."-".date("Y-m-d").".json";
      header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$filename);

      $entries = $this->store->retrieveAll($this->user->getId());
      echo $this->tpl->render('export.twig', array(
          'export' => Tools::renderJson($entries),
      Tools::logm('export view');

     * Checks online the latest version of poche and cache it
     * @param  string $which 'prod' or 'dev'
     * @return string        latest $which version
    private function getPocheVersion($which = 'prod') {
      $cache_file = CACHE . '/' . $which;
      $check_time = time();

      # checks if the cached version file exists
      if (file_exists($cache_file) && (filemtime($cache_file) > (time() - 86400 ))) {
         $version = file_get_contents($cache_file);
         $check_time = filemtime($cache_file);
      } else {
         $version = file_get_contents('http://static.wallabag.org/versions/' . $which);
         file_put_contents($cache_file, $version, LOCK_EX);
      return array($version, $check_time);

    public function generateToken()
      if (ini_get('open_basedir') === '') {
        if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
          echo 'This is a server using Windows!';
          // alternative to /dev/urandom for Windows
          $token = substr(base64_encode(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 20);
        } else {
          $token = substr(base64_encode(file_get_contents('/dev/urandom', false, null, 0, 20)), 0, 15);
      else {
        $token = substr(base64_encode(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)), 0, 20);

      $token = str_replace('+', '', $token);
      $this->store->updateUserConfig($this->user->getId(), 'token', $token);
      $currentConfig = $_SESSION['poche_user']->config;
      $currentConfig['token'] = $token;

    public function generateFeeds($token, $user_id, $tag_id, $type = 'home')
        $allowed_types = array('home', 'fav', 'archive', 'tag');
        $config = $this->store->getConfigUser($user_id);

        if ($config == null) {
            die(_('User with this id (' . $user_id . ') does not exist.'));

        if (!in_array($type, $allowed_types) ||
            $token != $config['token']) {
            die(_('Uh, there is a problem while generating feeds.'));
        // Check the token

        $feed = new FeedWriter(RSS2);
        $feed->setTitle('wallabag — ' . $type . ' feed');
        $feed->setChannelElement('pubDate', date(DATE_RSS , time()));
        $feed->setChannelElement('generator', 'wallabag');
        $feed->setDescription('wallabag ' . $type . ' elements');

        if ($type == 'tag') {
            $entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id, $user_id);
        else {
            $entries = $this->store->getEntriesByView($type, $user_id);

        if (count($entries) > 0) {
            foreach ($entries as $entry) {
                $newItem = $feed->createNewItem();
                $newItem->setSource(Tools::getPocheUrl() . '?view=view&amp;id=' . $entry['id']);


    public function emptyCache() {
        $files = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
            new RecursiveDirectoryIterator(CACHE, RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS),

        foreach ($files as $fileinfo) {
            $todo = ($fileinfo->isDir() ? 'rmdir' : 'unlink');

        Tools::logm('empty cache');
        $this->messages->add('s', _('Cache deleted.'));

     * return new purifier object with actual config
    protected function getPurifier() {
      $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault();
      $config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', CACHE);
      $config->set('HTML.SafeIframe', true);
      $config->set('URI.SafeIframeRegexp', '%^(https?:)?//(www\.youtube(?:-nocookie)?\.com/embed/|player\.vimeo\.com/video/)%'); //allow YouTube and Vimeo$purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config);

      return new HTMLPurifier($config);
     * handle epub
    public function createEpub() {
        switch ($_GET['method']) {
            case 'id':
                $entryID = filter_var($_GET['id'],FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
                $entry = $this->store->retrieveOneById($entryID, $this->user->getId());
                $entries = array($entry);
            case 'all':
                $entries = $this->store->retrieveAll($this->user->getId());
            case 'tag':
                $tag = filter_var($_GET['tag'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $tags_id = $this->store->retrieveAllTags($this->user->getId(),$tag);
                $tag_id = $tags_id[0]["id"]; // we take the first result, which is supposed to match perfectly. There must be a workaround.
                $entries = $this->store->retrieveEntriesByTag($tag_id,$this->user->getId());
            case 'category':
                $category = filter_var($_GET['category'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $entries = $this->store->getEntriesByView($category,$this->user->getId());
            case 'search':
                $search = filter_var($_GET['search'],FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
                $entries = $this->store->search($search,$this->user->getId());
            case 'default':
                die(_('Uh, there is a problem while generating epub.'));

        $content_start =
        "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n"
        . "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"
        . "<html>\n"
        . "<head>\n"
        . "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"styles.css\" />\n"
        . "<title>wallabag article</title>\n"
        . "</head>\n"
        . "<body>\n";

        $bookEnd = "</body>\n</html>\n";
        $log = new Logger("wallabag", TRUE);
        $fileDir = CACHE;

        $book = new EPub(EPub::BOOK_VERSION_EPUB3);
        $log->logLine("new EPub()");
        $log->logLine("EPub class version: " . EPub::VERSION);
        $log->logLine("EPub Req. Zip version: " . EPub::REQ_ZIP_VERSION);
        $log->logLine("Zip version: " . Zip::VERSION);
        $log->logLine("getCurrentServerURL: " . $book->getCurrentServerURL());
        $log->logLine("getCurrentPageURL..: " . $book->getCurrentPageURL());
        $book->setTitle("wallabag's articles");
        $book->setIdentifier("http://$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]", EPub::IDENTIFIER_URI); // Could also be the ISBN number, prefered for published books, or a UUID.
        //$book->setLanguage("en"); // Not needed, but included for the example, Language is mandatory, but EPub defaults to "en". Use RFC3066 Language codes, such as "en", "da", "fr" etc.
        $book->setDescription("Some articles saved on my wallabag");
        $book->setPublisher("wallabag","wallabag"); // I hope this is a non existant address :)
        $book->setDate(time()); // Strictly not needed as the book date defaults to time().
        //$book->setRights("Copyright and licence information specific for the book."); // As this is generated, this _could_ contain the name or licence information of the user who purchased the book, if needed. If this is used that way, the identifier must also be made unique for the book.
        $book->addDublinCoreMetadata(DublinCore::CONTRIBUTOR, "PHP");
        $book->addDublinCoreMetadata(DublinCore::CONTRIBUTOR, "wallabag");
        $cssData = "body {\n margin-left: .5em;\n margin-right: .5em;\n text-align: justify;\n}\n\np {\n font-family: serif;\n font-size: 10pt;\n text-align: justify;\n text-indent: 1em;\n margin-top: 0px;\n margin-bottom: 1ex;\n}\n\nh1, h2 {\n font-family: sans-serif;\n font-style: italic;\n text-align: center;\n background-color: #6b879c;\n color: white;\n width: 100%;\n}\n\nh1 {\n margin-bottom: 2px;\n}\n\nh2 {\n margin-top: -2px;\n margin-bottom: 2px;\n}\n";
        $log->logLine("Add Cover");
        if (count($entries)>1){
            $cover = "<h1>" . $entries[0]['title'] . " and " . count($entries) . " other articles</h1>";
        } else {
            $cover = "<h1>" . $entries[0]['title'] . "</h1>";
        $book->setCover("Cover.png", file_get_contents("themes/baggy/img/apple-touch-icon-152.png"), "image/png", $cover);
        //$book->addChapter("Notices", "Cover.html", $cover);
        $book->buildTOC(NULL, "toc", "Table of Contents", TRUE, TRUE);
        $subject = "";
        foreach ($entries as $entry) {
            $tags = $this->store->retrieveTagsByEntry($entry['id']);
            foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                $subject =. $tag['value'] . ',';
            $log->logLine("Set up parameters");
            $chapter = $content_start . $entry['content'] . $bookEnd;
            $book->addChapter($entry['title'], htmlspecialchars($entry['title']) . ".html", $chapter, true, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD);
            $log->logLine("Added chapter " . $entry['title']);

        if (DEBUG_POCHE) { 
        $epuplog = $book->getLog();
        $book->addChapter("Log", "Log.html", $content_start . $log->getLog() . "\n</pre>" . $bookEnd); // generation log
        // Only used in case we need to debug EPub.php.
        //$book->addChapter("ePubLog", "ePubLog.html", $content_start . $epuplog . "\n</pre>" . $bookEnd); 
        $zipData = $book->sendBook("wallabag's articles");